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基于植被覆盖率的农村居民点整理潜力估算及实证   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为合理估算农村居民点整理潜力,该文提出基于植被覆盖率的农村居民点整理潜力测算新思路。借助植被覆盖率对农村居民点斑块进行分类,通过分析抽样农村居民点斑块的植被覆盖与内部用地结构得到整理潜力修正系数,从而建立基于植被覆盖率修正的农村居民点整理潜力估算模型,并以北京市门头沟区为例展开实证研究。研究结果表明,门头沟区无整理潜力的农村居民点占大多数,具有整理潜力的农村居民点主要集中在经济相对落后的乡镇,并且这部分农村居民点多远离主干道;山区具有中、高整理潜力的农村居民点略多于平原、浅山区,而低整理潜力的农村居民点明显多于平原、浅山区;门头沟区规划整理的农村居民点内部包含有大量农用地,其中建设用地比例只占63.19%~71.54%,但是,第二次土地调查将整个农村居民点都作为建设用地调绘;因而,一些不考虑植被覆盖修正的农村居民点整理潜力测算方法夸大了整理潜力,放大了城乡建设用地增减挂钩的效果。该文为进一步合理估算农村居民点整理理论潜力提供参考。  相似文献   
We studied the influence of four soil maintenance practices on Collembola communities in the soil of a Mediterranean vineyard: (a) postemergence herbicide with glyphosate; (b) postemergence and pre-emergence herbicides with glyphosate, terbuthylazine, diuron and oryzalin; (c) natural flora and (d) tillage to a depth of 10–15 cm. Total Collembola abundance, species diversity and species richness significantly varied between the four practices. Notably, the practice using postemergence and pre-emergence herbicides had significantly lower values. Identification of Collembola at species level allowed an interspecies comparison and revealed significant differences for the most common species between the four practices, with each practice being characterized by a different set of species. None of the species were found to be significantly more abundant in the plots treated with postemergence and pre-emergence herbicides.  相似文献   
Agricultural land in lowland Vietnam is scarce due to population growth. Hence, cultivation is increasingly practised on the steep upland slopes. Factors affecting resource use, soil fertility and household economics were studied in six villages of the Black Thai ethnic group in northwest Vietnam. Farmers were interviewed about their individual household situation. Yield development of major crops and cropping patterns in upland cultivation over the last 50 years were recorded in group discussions. In addition, soil fertility was analysed on different land‐use units. Formerly predominant upland rice changed to maize and cassava production at present. Decreasing soil fertility and a shift from subsistence to market‐oriented production, facilitated by new maize varieties and better access to markets are major causes. The Black Thai farmers economy has improved in recent years. The decline in soil fertility is concealed by higher maize yields from new varieties, and soil fertility conservation ranks low among farmers' priorities. The improved economy of the individual households might be of short duration if farmers cannot be sensitized to new resource management options. These have to be developed in line with farmers' priorities and the fragile environment of Vietnam's uplands. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
皖东地区非物质文化遗产较为丰富,按照联合国教科文组织和我国政府对非物质文化遗产的分类标准,已被列入滁州市级以上的非物质遗产名录的项目共计49项。以往保护非物质文化遗产的理论、手段、范围与力度,也已不能适应皖东地区人文旅游发展的客观现实。目前皖东地区在开展非遗保护工作中存在资金不足、人才匮乏、受众性不强、原真性缺失等问题。根据皖东地区有代表性的非遗项目的各自不同特点,提出民间美术观赏类,民间音乐、歌舞、曲艺、戏曲、杂技等表演类,传统手工技艺类,民俗类非遗项目因类而宜的保护传承策略。  相似文献   
The fatty acid and sterol composition of the oyster Pinctada margaritifera during oogenesis and in eggs was analysed. No major differences were observed during oogenesis, but the egg composition was significantly different from that of gonads. The amount of saturated fatty acids was the highest in eggs and the C16:0 predominant (P<5%); by contrast, the amount of 22:6(n‐3) was significantly lower (P<5%) than in gonads. No major differences were observed for the polar lipid (PL) composition during oogenesis. The main free sterols in gonads and eggs were cholesterol and brassicasterol. Among free sterols, the proportion of cholesterol diminished continuously from the beginning to the end of gonad maturation, and this decrease persisted in eggs after spawning. Cholesterol represented 40% to 55% of the sterol ester encountered in gonad and eggs. This study allowed us to investigate the fatty acid and sterol composition during oogenesis of the pearl oyster P. margaritifera, leading to a clearer understanding of the nutritional requirements of pearl oyster during the reproduction process.  相似文献   
基于微根管技术的玉米根系生长监测   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
为了研究玉米根系生长规律,该文利用固城农业气象试验站内设置的大型根剖面系统,采用微根管观测法,对试验地上玉米主要生育期的根系生长动态进行定期直接跟踪监测,并以方形整段标本法作为参照标准,对试验数据采用MATLAB软件辅助图像处理和现代统计方法进行分析。结果表明:微根管法与方形整段标本法对得出的根长密度随深度增加呈递减型有较好的一致性,两者相关系数达到0.83以上,通过0.05的显著性检验;由观测数据建立的回归方程能较好地反映土壤中玉米根系生长规律,进一步表明微根管法是一种破坏性较小、可准确定位跟踪植物根系在土壤中生长动态变化的先进技术,对植物根系生长研究有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
采用平板计数法和聚合酶链式反应( PCR)-变性梯度凝胶电泳( DGGE)技术分析免疫增强剂党参对仿刺参( Apostichopus japonicas)肠道菌群结构的影响。将初始体重为(18.00±2.00) g的仿刺参随机分为2组(对照组、试验组),每组6个重复,每个重复12只。对照组投喂海泥、鼠尾藻粉按照1∶1的质量比配制的饵料,试验组饵料中以鼠尾藻粉质量的2%添加党参,连续投喂28 d。结果表明:应用免疫增强剂党参不仅能够显著提高仿刺参的特定生长率( P<0.05),降低其饵料系数(P<0.05),而且能够显著增加仿刺参肠道内容物中异养菌的数量(P<0.05);序列统计分析显示投喂党参后仿刺参肠道细菌优质序列比例显著增加( P<0.05),试验组达97.57%,对照组仅为80.22%;Beta多样性分析反映投喂党参后仿刺参肠道微生态环境发生了变化,其多样性系数范围在14.91%~15.47%、15.47%~16.21%、14.91%~16.21%;丰度分析显示投喂党参后仿刺参肠道内容物中变形菌门( Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门( Bacteroidetes)丰度提高,疣微菌门( Verrucomicrobia)、放线菌门( Actinobacteria)和厚壁菌门( Firmiaites)丰度降低;聚类分析显示试验组与对照组肠道菌群结构相似性系数为0.97。由此可见,免疫增强剂党参可提高仿刺参的特定生长率,降低饵料系数,增加肠道异养菌数量和优势菌群丰度,优化肠道微生态环境。  相似文献   
为了解苋菜LBD基因家族,本研究利用转录组数据筛选和鉴定苋菜LBD基因家族成员,并命名为AtrLBD。结果表明:1)从‘全红’苋菜转录组中共鉴定得到16个AtrLBD基因,均为不稳定蛋白,氨基酸长度在91~351aa,相对分子质量为9.396~38.250ku;二级结构主要以α-螺旋和无规卷曲为主;亚细胞定位预测,AtrLBD定位在细胞核、叶绿体和线粒体;MEME分析结果表明,16个AtrLBD共有10个保守氨基酸序列;2)系统进化树显示,16个AtrLBD与拟南芥LBD蛋白分为第一类(ClassⅠ)和第二类(ClassⅡ)2大类,细分为Class Ia、Ib、Ic、Id、Ie和Class IIa、IIb等7个亚类;miRNA预测结果显示,有4个AtrLBD是miRNA靶基因;3)qRT-PCR结果显示,除AtrLBD4、AtrLBD5、AtrLBD10和AtrLBD16以外,AtrLBD均受到蓝光的诱导表达。上述结果为深入研究苋菜LBD基因家族的功能及进化分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   
为研究黄颡鱼同工酶系统的组织特异性,分析黄颡鱼的遗传多样性并为品种改良提供有价值的生化遗传指标。采用聚丙烯酰胺垂直凝胶电泳法,对黄颡鱼的血,腮,脑,肝,心,胃,肾,性腺,肌肉,肠,头肾,脾和膀胱共13种新鲜组织中的苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)、苹果酸酶(ME)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、酯酶(EST)、葡萄糖醛酸酐酶(GD)共5种同工酶进行了分析。结果表明,MDH在脑、肾和头肾中分别具有特异性酶带;ME只在肝组织检测到酶带;SOD在肝、肠、脑和肌肉组织分别具有特异性酶带,EST在肌肉组织具有特异性酶带;GD在腮和脑组织中具有特异性酶带。说明黄颡鱼5种同工酶系统具有明显的组织特异性。  相似文献   
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