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苜蓿(Medicigosativa)是一种优质高产,各种家畜都喜食的多年生豆科牧草,它是世界上广泛种植的优良牧草,也是我国种植面积最大,分布最广的人工牧草,以“牧草之王”而著称。苜蓿不仅产量高,而且草质优良,各种营养成分齐全,营养价值高,尤其是粗蛋白质、维生素和无机盐含量丰富,干物质中粗蛋白质含量15%~25%。优质苜蓿干草的粗蛋白含量通常在18%以上(风干基础),高于几乎所有的禾本科牧草、籽实类能量饲料和秸秆,是奶牛良好的蛋白质来源。青饲或青贮饲喂奶牛可增加产奶量,无论是青饲、青贮或调制干草,均可与精饲料媲美。而且种植苜蓿在改土肥田…  相似文献   
An avian adenovirus (AAV) was isolated from liver samples of two 2-wk-old broiler-breeder flocks obtained from grandparents vaccinated at 10 and 17 wks of age with an autogenous inactivated vaccine containing the European AAV 8 (8565 strain) and 11 (1047 strain) serotypes (AAV8/11 vaccine). Affected broiler-breeders exhibited clinical signs and macroscopic and microscopic lesions associated with inclusion body hepatitis (IBH). The isolated adenovirus, identified as Stanford, was molecularly characterized as European serotype 9. The pathogenicity of the Stanford strain was confirmed after inoculation of specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens at 1-7 days of age, causing 100% and 20% mortality, respectively. The level of protection against IBH was evaluated in two broiler-breeder progenies from AAV 8/11-vaccinated grandparent flocks and a commercial broiler flock by challenge at 1 or 7 days of age with the AAV 8 and 11 serotypes and/or the Stanford strain. The broiler-breeder progenies and the commercial broiler flock exhibited protection against IBH after challenge. No significant differences in mean body weights were observed at 3 wk of age in any of the evaluated groups. We conclude that broiler-breeder progenies from 30- to 50-wk-old grandparents vaccinated with the AAV 8/11 vaccine were adequately protected against challenge with the AAV 8 and 11 serotypes and the Stanford strain.  相似文献   
恢复措施对云南退化山地草甸土壤微生物和酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
姜华  毕玉芬  朱栋斌  周禾 《草地学报》2008,16(3):256-261
采用围栏封育、补播、重建等恢复措施,并以围栏外为对照,研究各措施对不同退化梯度的山地草甸土壤微生物数量、脲酶活性和过氧化氢酶活性的影响.结果表明:土壤细菌的数量补播显著高于其它措施和对照(P<0.05);各植被恢复措施对山地草甸细菌数量的影响基本上表现为补播>自然封育>重建,而对真菌和放线菌数量的影响为重建>补播>自然封育;对土壤脲酶活性和过氧化氢酶活性的影响为自然封育>补播>重建;土壤脲酶活性与细菌数量呈显著正相关,过氧化氢酶活性与细菌数量呈显著正相关.  相似文献   
转基因苜蓿研究的现状和前景   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:11  
简要综述了紫花苜蓿转基因研究的现状,介绍了外源基因转化苜蓿和构建转基因苜蓿植株的手段以及转基因苜蓿研究中的常见问题,展望了转基因苜蓿应用的前景,讨论了苜蓿转基因育种中的生物安全问题。  相似文献   
利用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)标记对德钦苜蓿♀×Acrora♂杂交组合的杂交亲本与杂交F1代、F2代的遗传变异进行分析,结果如下:(1)36对引物中筛选出4对引物,共检测到199个扩增片段,其中,有172个多态性位点,多态性位点比率为90.5%,可以用于杂种后代遗传变异分析;(2)与杂交亲本比较,杂交F1和杂交F2代的Nei基因多样性指数(H)、Shannon多样性信息指数和有效等位基因数(Ne)发生了显著的变化,遗传多样性增大,杂交F2代遗传变异程度最高,说明F2代发生了较大的性状分离;(3)杂交后代的基因分化系数(Gst)为0.218,基因流(Nm)为0.874,表明杂交子代出现了较高的遗传分化;(4)杂交亲本及杂交后代遗传距离分布在0.128~0.284,其中,F1代与亲本的遗传距离最小,为0.128,而F2代与亲本之间的遗传距离最大,为0.284。表明F1群体变异较小,F2群变异较大。依据Nei′s遗传距离系统树图可以看出,在杂交子代中,F1代群体与亲本的系统发育关系更为接近。  相似文献   
为了恢复干热河谷退化山区草地的生态环境,提高草地的水土保持能力,于2004~2007年在金沙江干热河谷区的云南省永胜县设置样点,在退化严重的草地上建植了7个组合模式的灌草复合型草地,以凋落物量、最大持水量、有效截流量、草地盖度、草地土壤崩解时间为指标,对建植3年的灌草草地的水保效果进行研究。结果表明,"灌+草+藤"最适宜金沙江干热河谷区的植被重建,其中"木豆+非洲狗尾草+高羊茅+大翼豆"建植模式显著地提高草地植被盖度和凋落物重量。凋落物的持水能力与凋落物重量呈显著的正相关;土壤根量与土体崩塌时间呈显著的正相关。灌草草地植被盖度、凋落物量和根系重量的显著提高,有效地提高草地的持水量和有效截流量,推迟草地土壤崩解时间,增加了土体的稳定性,对防止水土流失和泥石流的形成具有重要作用。  相似文献   
An analytical method capable of identifying >30 chlorophyll-related compounds in plant extracts has been developed. The method employs liquid chromatography coupled to UV-vis, MS, and MS/MS detection. It can be applied without modification to analyze natural chlorophyll degradation products and other metalloporphyrines. It was successfully applied to identify chlorophyll derivatives found in rehydrated spinach powder and conventionally canned and Veri-Green-processed beans. In the Veri-Green-processed beans several degradation products were identified that are zinc-containing analogues to the chlorophyll derivatives found in vegetables after conventional canning. They have been characterized by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
在对云南马龙县退化山地草甸围栏封育恢复过程中,白茅Imperata cylindrical是草地中优势植物,在整个群落的演替过程中有着重要影响。因此,对封育条件下白茅的无性繁殖器官根茎特征变化进行研究具有非常重要的意义。研究结果表明:封育使3个退化梯度形成了3个不同的生态系统群落。在轻度退化封育区,白茅的根茎随封育时间的延长而变长,分蘖枝数无明显变化,但枝条密度随封育时间的延长而逐年增加,封育促进了该区白茅无性繁殖。在中度和重度退化封育区,白茅的根茎随封育时间的延长而变短、变细,重度退化封育区变化差异极显著(P<0.01),中度退化封育区变化差异显著(P<0.05),分蘖枝数减少,封育使白茅无性繁殖在中度和重度退化区受到抑制。  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii, Hammondia hammondi, Neospora caninum, Neospora hughesi and Hammondia heydorni are members of the Toxoplasmatinae sub-family. They are closely related coccidians with similarly sized oocysts. Molecular diagnostic techniques, especially those based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR), can be successfully applied for the differentiation of Hammondia-like oocysts. In this paper, we describe a rapid and simple method for the identification of H. heydorni oocysts among other members of the Toxoplasmatinae sub-family, using a heminested-PCR (hnPCR-AP10) based on a H. heydorni RAPD fragment available in molecular database. DNA of oocysts of H. heydorni yielded a specific fragment of 289-290 bp in the heminested-PCR assay. No product was yielded when the primers were used for the amplification of DNA extracted from T. gondii, N. caninum, N. hughesi and H. hammondi, thus allowing the differentiation of H. heydorni among other members of the Toxoplasmatinae sub-family. The hnPCR-AP10 was capable of detecting H. heydorni genetic sequences from suspensions with at least 10 oocysts. In conclusion, the hnPCR-AP10 proved to be a reliable method to be used in the identification of H. heydorni oocysts from feces of dogs.  相似文献   
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