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The metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke in human beings. The term has recently been applied to dogs that exhibit components of the human metabolic syndrome, specifically visceral obesity, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, hypertension and fasting hyperglycaemia. Obese dogs, like obese humans, are known to develop resistance to the glucose-lowering effects of insulin, and develop increased circulating concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol and blood pressure. Unlike humans, however, obese dogs do not develop fasting hyperglycaemia or atherogenic hyperlipidaemia. Importantly, there is no evidence that dogs develop type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke are rare and not known to be associated with obesity in dogs. On the basis of current knowledge, the use of the term ‘metabolic syndrome’ in dogs does not appear to have merit.  相似文献   
[目的]探讨3种不同药物处理方式对台湾棘带吸虫引起的鲤鱼幼鱼急性鱼鳃传染病(开放性鳃病)的防治效果.[方法]在试验初期,将1620条鲤鱼幼鱼(70日龄)鱼鳃自然感染台湾棘带吸虫,随后分成4组,分别采用CuSO4、福尔马林和吡喹酮不同方式处理6周,与对照(自然喂食、不使用任何化学药剂)比较防治鲤鱼幼鱼急性鳃传染病的效果.[结果]感染台湾棘带吸虫的幼鱼生长缓慢,其身长和体重增长均较慢.施药后,幼鱼台湾棘带吸虫后期囊幼虫感染强度减少.在每千克饲料中分别添加50和75 mg吡喹酮喂食幼鱼5d,可以杀死鱼鳃中所有的台湾棘带吸虫后期囊幼虫,且鱼鳃恢复正常;面使用25 mg吡喹酮,仅有35%的后期囊幼虫死亡.所有不同浓度CuSO4处理(0.3、0.4和0.5mg/kg冲洗浸泡24 h及以3.0、4.0和5.0 mg/kg冲洗浸泡10m)和福尔马林处理(20、25和30 mg/kg冲洗浸泡及200、250和300 mg/kg短时间冲洗浸泡)均不能杀死台湾棘带吸虫后期囊幼虫.[结论]经普通化学药剂CuSO4或福尔马林冲洗浸泡,不能防治由台湾棘带吸虫后期囊幼虫引起的鲤鱼开放性鳃病,但50~75 mg吡喹酮/kg饲料可以在5d内治疗该病.  相似文献   
Arabinoxylans (AX), xylanase, and xylanase inhibitors have an important role in many cereal food processing applications. The effects of genotype, growing location, and their interaction (G × L) on AX, apparent xylanase activity, and apparent xylanase inhibition activity of Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor (TAXI) and xylanase inhibiting protein (XIP) were investigated for six hard red and six hard white spring wheat genotypes grown at three locations. Difference in total AX level among genotypes was not determined to a significant level by genotype. Instead, variability in total AX content was largely dependent on G × L. However, total AX content was significantly different between the two wheat classes. For bran xylanase activity, 25% of the variability could be attributed to G × L interaction. Moreover, there was significant difference between the bran xylanase activities in the two wheat classes. Bran TAXI activity and XIP activity were significantly different among genotypes. Genotype contributed 72% to the variability in TAXI activity and 39% in XIP. However, no significant difference was observed among the two wheat classes for TAXI or XIP activity. These results indicate that TAXI might be a stable parameter in segregating wheat genotypes with varying xylanase activity.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of preemptive administration of meloxicam or butorphanol in cats undergoing onychectomy or onychectomy and neutering. DESIGN: Randomized controlled study. ANIMALS: 64 female and 74 male cats that were 4 to 192 months old and weighed 1.09 to 705 kg (2.4 to 15.5 lb). PROCEDURE: Cats received meloxicam (0.3 mg/kg [0.14 mg/lb], s.c.) or butorphanol (0.4 mg/kg [0.18 mg/lb], s.c.) 15 minutes after premedication and prior to anesthesia. A single blinded observer measured physiologic variables, assigned analgesia and lameness scores, and withdrew blood samples for each cat at baseline and throughout the 24 hours after surgery. Rescue analgesia (butorphanol, 0.4 mg/kg, i.v. or s.c.) or administration of acepromazine (0.025 to 0.05 mg/kg [0.011 to 0.023 mg/lb], i.v.) was allowed. RESULTS: Meloxicam-treated cats were less lame and had lower pain scores. Cortisol concentration was higher at extubation and lower at 1, 5, and 12 hours in the meloxicam-treated cats. Fewer meloxicam-treated cats required rescue analgesia at 3, 5, 12, and 24 hours after extubation. General impression scores were excellent or good in 75% of meloxicam-treated cats and 44% of butorphanol-treated cats. There was no treatment effect on buccal bleeding time; PCV and BUN concentration decreased in both groups, and glucose concentration decreased in meloxicam-treated cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Preoperative administration of meloxicam improved analgesia for 24 hours without clinically relevant adverse effects in cats that underwent onychectomy or onychectomy and neutering and provided safe, extended analgesia, compared with butorphanol.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation is a major cause for species loss, but its effect on invertebrates with low active dispersal power, like terrestrial gastropods, has rarely been studied. Such species can not cross a hostile habitat matrix, for which the predictions of island theory, such as positive relations between species richness and patch size, should apply. In order to test this prediction, we studied gastropod species diversity by assessing gastropod assemblage characteristics from 35 sites in 19 fragments of deciduous old-growth forests in the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany. Assemblages differed between larger (≥700 ha) and smaller forests (<400 ha), those of large forests held a higher percentage of forest species. Although α-diversity was similar between the two forest size classes, small forests often comprised matrix species, resulting in a higher β-diversity. Edge effects on the species richness of matrix species were noticeable up to 250 m into the forest. Hierarchical partitioning revealed that distance to disturbances (external edge, internal edges like roads) explained most assemblage variables, whereas forest size and woodland cover within a 1 km radius from the sites explained only a few assemblage variables. Densities of two forest-associated species, Discus rotundatus and Arion fuscus, decreased with forest size. Yet, forest size was positively correlated with richness of typical forest species and densities of Limax cinereoniger. The latter species seems to need forests of >1,000 ha, i.e., well above the size of most fragments. In conclusion, the prediction is valid only for forest species. The response to fragmentation is species specific and seems to depend on habitat specialization and macroclimatic conditions. Jean-Pierre Maelfait: Deceased.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei apomiktischen Sippen vonPoa pratensis wurden 165 Samenanlagen auf die Anzahl der in ihren Nucelli ausgebildeten Embryosäcke untersucht. Dabei wurden in 87 Nucelli ein, in 60 zwei und in 18 drei Embryosäcke gefunden. Im Einzelfall sind in diesem Stadium apomiktische von sexuellen Embryosäcken nicht zu unterscheiden; es kann aber aus der bekannten hohen Apomixierate bei Zuchtmaterial geschlossen werden, daß es sich dabei fast ausnahmslos um solche aposporen Ursprungs handelt.Die zahlenmäßige Erfassung keimfähiger mono-, bi- und polyembryonaler Karyopsen erfolgt im Keimapparat auf Filterpapier. Die auf diese Weise ermittelte Differenz zu den mittels embryologischer Methoden erfaßten Embryosäcken ist beträchtlich. Von der Anzahl aposporer Initialen je Nucellus über die Anzahl entwickelter Embryosäcke je Nucellus bis zur Ausbildung keimfähiger Embryonen je Karyopse, ist zahlenmäßig eine starke Verminderung festzustellen.In dem befruchtungsfähigen Embryosack bilden, wie zu erwarten, drei Kerne den Eiapparat, zwei die Polkerne und drei die Antipoden. Durch somatische Polyploidisierung erfahren die Antipoden stets eine auffällige Volumenzunahme, und es kann sich durch zusätzliche Teilungen auch ihre Anzahl erhöhen.
Cytological and embryological studies in nucelli of apomictic specimens ofPoa pratensis L.
Summary In a total of 165 analysed nucelli of apomictic specimens ofPoa pratensis 87 contain only one embryo-sac, 60 two embryo-sacs and 18 three ones. In no case aposporous embryo-sacs could be distinguished from meiotic ones. However, from the high apomeiotic rate in breeding material the conclusion can be drawn that the majority of them are of aposporous origin.The numerical evaluation of the germinating capacity of mono-, bi- and polyembryonic caryopses was performed in a germinating apparatus. There are considerable differences between the values determined in this way and those ascertained by embryological methods. It was found that during the developmental pathway from the aposporous initial to the mature, full-grown embryo sequentially the number of embryo-sacs per nucellus and the number of embryos capable to germinate per caryopsis are diminished.As expected, in the mature, fertile embryo-sac three nuclei form the egg-apparatus, two ones the pole nuclei and three ones the antipodals. By somatic polyploidization the antipodals always undergo a considerable increase in volume, and in few cases by additional divisions the number of antipodals may be increased also.

(Poa pratensis L.)
Poa pratensis 165 , , . 87 , 60 — 18 . , , ; , , , , . -, - . , , , , . , , , . , , , . , , , .
Positive-strand RNA viruses such as poliovirus replicate their genomes on intracellular membranes of their eukaryotic hosts. Electron microscopy has revealed that purified poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase forms planar and tubular oligomeric arrays. The structural integrity of these arrays correlates with cooperative RNA binding and RNA elongation and is sensitive to mutations that disrupt intermolecular contacts predicted by the polymerase structure. Membranous vesicles isolated from poliovirus-infected cells contain structures consistent with the presence of two-dimensional polymerase arrays on their surfaces during infection. Therefore, host cytoplasmic membranes may function as physical foundations for two-dimensional polymerase arrays, conferring the advantages of surface catalysis to viral RNA replication.  相似文献   
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