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This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) fusion protein immunization on reproductive traits in ram lambs including the changes in histology and ultrasonographic appearance of testis. Thirty native ram lambs at 19 weeks of age were divided into control (C, n = 10), immunization (I, n = 10) and castration (E, n = 10) groups. Animals in immunization group were immunized against LHRH using ovalbumin‐LHRH‐7 (OL) protein generated by recombinant DNA technology as a primary and a booster injection at 19 and 23 weeks of age respectively. Animals were bled via jugular venepuncture at 2‐week intervals to determine LHRH antibody and testosterone concentrations. Bi‐weekly ultrasonographic examination of the testes was performed to determine the changes in ultrasonographic appearance as the age increased. Biopsied testicular tissues taken at 19, 29 and 41 weeks age were also evaluated. At 41 weeks of age, animals were slaughtered. Semen and epididymis were evaluated for the presence of sperm cells. Testicular development and sperm production were suppressed in the immunized animals. Semineferous tubule diameters decreased, basal membrane of the tubule was thickened and hyalinized in immunized ram lambs. While testes of control animals gained their normal ultrasonographic appearance as the age increased, immunized animals had uniform hypoechogenic testicular structure as observed at 19 weeks of age until slaughter. Simultaneous histological and ultrasonographic evaluations indicated that the changes in testicular histology could partly be monitored via ultrasonographic imaging. Nevertheless, it is difficult to claim that ultrasonographic image reflects the exact changes in such instances. In conclusion, these results indicate that recombinant OL fusion protein is effective in immunocastration in ram lambs and has a potential to be used as an alternative to physical castration. Further research studies should be conducted to help assess reproductive status of testes from ultrasound images.  相似文献   
Computer-assisted sperm morphometry analysis (CASMA) was used in this study to identify sperm morphometric subpopulations in Iberian red deer epididymal sperm samples. Epididymal sperm samples were collected from 37 mature stags and were divided. One portion was diluted in a Tris–citrate–egg yolk medium. A microscope slide was prepared from single extended sperm samples prior to freezing. The remainder of each sample was frozen in nitrogen vapours using a conventional protocol. After thawing, sperm smears were prepared as described for extended samples. All slides were air-dried and stained with Hemacolor®. The sperm-head dimensions for a minimum of 145 sperm-heads were analyzed from each sample by means of the Sperm-Class Analyser®, and the mean measurements recorded. Each sperm-head was measured for four primary sperm-head parameters, and five parameters of head shape. All sperm morphometric parameters evaluated were placed in a statistical database and a multivariate cluster analysis was performed. The clustering analyses, based on 10 867 individual spermatozoa, revealed the existence of three subpopulations (SP1, SP2, SP3) of spermatozoa with different morphometric characteristics (p  <  0.001). The proportion of spermatozoa present in any of the three subpopulations remained constant (p  >  0.05) through the cryopreservation process. Pre-freeze and post-thaw sperm quality was in vitro evaluated by microscopic assessments of individual sperm motility and of plasma membrane and acrosome integrities. In conclusion, our results show that applying the CASMA techniques and multivariate cluster analyses, it was possible to determine that three subtle subpopulations of spermatozoa with different morphometric characteristics coexist in red deer semen.  相似文献   
Egg yolk is a common component to sperm refrigeration for most of the deer species, the role of which is to protect sperm membranes against cold shock. In addition, there have been many studies of conservation of ejaculated semen from stags, but few have been reported for epididymal spermatozoa. This work was designed to investigate the combined effects of cooling rates (slow: 0.23 degrees C/min vs rapid: 4.2 degrees C/min) from room temperature to 5 degrees C, and egg-yolk concentration (0, 5 or 20%) in the extender on the survival of Iberian red deer epididymal spermatozoa refrigerated at 5 degrees C. Heterospermic sperm samples were diluted to a final sperm concentration approximately 400x10(6) sperm/ml with a Tris-citrate-fructose (TCF)-egg-yolk diluent. Sperm quality was in vitro judged by microscopic assessments of individual sperm motility [sperm motility index (SMI)], and of plasma membrane (hypo-osmotic swelling test) and acrosome (NAR) integrities. Our results first showed that the presence of egg yolk in the extender significantly improves (p=0.01) the viability and sperm motility after sperm dilution. In addition, acrosome and plasma membrane integrities post-refrigeration did not differ significantly between cooling procedures; however, the SMI differed significantly between cooling procedures (slow: 46.6% vs rapid: 50.0%; p=0.01). Our results also showed that sperm quality was significantly (p<0.01) affected by the combined effects of egg-yolk concentration and cooling procedure, being rapid cooling with 20% of egg yolk the most suitable combination for epididymal sperm refrigeration. In conclusion, egg-yolk improved red deer epididymal spermatozoa characteristics after dilution. Rapid cooling protocol using TCF with 20% egg-yolk significantly improved sperm motility of red deer epididymal spermatozoa after cooling.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to assess the effects of the sex‐sorting process on post‐thaw sperm quality as well as on induced oxidative stress damage (H2O2 0 mm  = H000; H2O2 50 mm  = H050; H2O2 100 mm  = H100) and the protective action of reduced glutathione (GSH) and Trolox, when comparing sorted (BSS) and non‐sorted (NS) red deer spermatozoa incubated at 37°C. Sperm samples from three stags were collected by electroejaculation and frozen. Immediately after thawing, sperm motility was higher (p < 0.05) for NS (59% ± 3.3) than BSS (36.9% ± 5.8) sperm. Furthermore, the percentage of apoptotic sperm was higher (p < 0.05) for BSS (21.6% ± 5.0) than NS sperm (14.6% ± 1.2). The presence of H2O2 increased DNA damage in NS (H000 = 4.1% ± 0.9; H050 = 9.3% ± 0.7; and H100 = 10.9% ± 2.3), but not in BSS sperm. However, in the presence of oxidant, GSH addition improved (p < 0.05) sperm motility in both groups of sperm samples as compared to their controls (NS: 44.5 ± 4.8 vs 21.1 ± 3.9 and BSS: 33.3 ± 8.1 vs 8.9 ± 1.8). These results demonstrate that the sperm‐sorting process induces sublethal effects, albeit selecting a sperm population with a chromatin more resistant to oxidative stress than that in non‐sorted sperm. Moreover, addition of GSH at 1 mm may be a good choice for maintaining the quality of stressed sperm samples, unlike Trolox, which inhibited sperm motility.  相似文献   
Lead (Pb2+) is a toxic heavy metal which interferes with several physiological processes regulated by Ca2+, including those characterized by changes of the membrane stability and the motility of spermatozoa necessary for the fertilization of the oocyte. In this study, ejaculated sperm from six rams (Ovis aries) have been incubated in vitro with or without 50 ng Pb2+/ml during 30 min and in the presence or absence of three different potential modulators of the effects of Pb2+ on changes in the sperm membrane before fertilization: charybdotoxin, quinacrine and staurosporine. Sperm samples incubated with Pb2+ have shown significant reductions in acrosome integrity and sperm viability and an increase in progressive movement. None of the studied potential modulators had a protective effect against Pb2+ action. On the contrary, Pb2+‐incubated sperm in the presence of staurosporine had lower acrosome integrity, and lower sperm viability was observed when spermatozoa were incubated with Pb2+ + charybdotoxin. Quinacrine was the only tested substance capable of increasing the concentration of Pb2+ in spermatozoa; thus, the enhancement of Pb2+ effects produced by staurosporine and charybdotoxin was not produced by an increased uptake of Pb2+ by spermatozoa. However, the increase of intracellular Pb2+ in those spermatozoa incubated with quinacrine did not result in an adverse effect on sperm motility or viability although the acrosome integrity was negatively affected.  相似文献   
The objective of sperm selection media is selecting the best spermatozoa and to remove seminal plasma and diluent for using them in assisted reproductive techniques. It is known that individuals show different cryoresistance in response to the same freezing procedure. Our hypothesis was that the efficacy of selection media could be dissimilar for samples with different sperm quality after thawing. Epididymal sperm samples from mature Iberian red deer were collected and frozen. Males were classified as with high post‐thaw sperm quality when sperm motility (SM) ≥ 70%, or as with low post‐thaw sperm quality when SM ≤ 69%. Samples were centrifuged using the following density gradients (DG): Percoll®, Puresperm® and Bovipure?, and several functional sperm parameters were assessed after sperm selecting and washing. Males classified with high sperm quality had higher post‐thawing values (> .05) for all parameters evaluated, except for linearity index, than those categorized as low sperm quality. After selection, some sperm characteristics improved (viability, apoptosis and mitochondrial activity) for both groups, showing the males with high sperm quality higher values in all sperm parameters except for kinematic traits and DNA fragmentation index (%DFI), regardless of DG. Bovipure? yield lower values of sperm motility, viability, apoptosis and mitochondrial activity in relation to Percoll® and Puresperm® considering both quality groups. There was an interaction between the type of DG and sperm quality group for sperm viability (= .040) and apoptosis (= .003). Thus, Percoll® selected less live and more apoptotic spermatozoa than Puresperm® and Bovipure? for males with low sperm quality. In conclusion, the DG are more efficient selecting spermatozoa from samples with high sperm quality, acting differently depending on initial sperm quality.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the structural changes in the reproductive tract of Asiatic black bears using serial transrectal ultrasonography. In addition, the ultrasonographic observations were compared with the results of vaginal cytology and hormonal analyses. The collection of blood for hormonal analysis, vaginal cytology and transrectal ultrasonography was performed in two bears (Bears 1 and 2) from June 2011 to August 2013 without mating and in a third bear (Bear 3) from April to December 2012, allowing natural mating. Serial ultrasonographic observations showed cyclic changes in ovarian structures (e.g. emergence of small follicles, growth and ovulation of dominant follicles and corpus luteum (CL) formation) during the reproductive cycles of the three bears. The diameter of the uterine horns remained similar throughout the reproductive cycle in Bears 1 and 2, and it remained similar from April until October, but an enlargement containing foetuses was observed in Bear 3 in December. The ultrasonographic observations were consistent with the data obtained through vaginal cytology and progesterone analysis during the reproductive cycle. An average of 4.0 (±0.4) dominant follicles was observed during the oestrous stage (May‐August), during which the superficial cells accounted for >90% of the total vaginal cells. In addition, the detection of an average of 2.6 (±0.2) CL was associated with increased plasma progesterone concentrations (3.0 ± 0.4 ng/ml) between June and December (near hibernation). In conclusion, serial transrectal ultrasonography demonstrated yearly oestrous (ovulation) cycles via follicular dynamics and CL formation on ovaries, accordingly with vaginal cytology and hormonal level in the Asiatic black bear.  相似文献   
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