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Zusammenfassung Beobachtungen von Kalamit?ten der FichtengespinstblattwespeLyda hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) in den letℨten beiden Jahrzehnten in ?sterreich ergaben unter den biotischen Faktoren des Umweltwiderstandes auch das Aufscheinen einer Kernpolyedrose, die vor allem das Fettgewebe, teilweise aber auch das Mitteldarmgewebe ergriff. Die Bedeutung der Erkrankung lag vor allem in den nun erstmalig festgestellten epidemischen Ausbrüchen w?hrend der Fra?periode der Afterraupen in den Kronen. Es wurden dadurch Fra? sch?den weitgehend gemildert und das Abbaumen zahlreicherer vollentwickelter Larven zu den B?den verhindiert. Die reduzierende Wirkung der Erkrankung auf die Latenzlarven in den B?den war von geringerer Bedeutung; sie lag nach vorgenommenen Probegrabungen zwischen 0 und 27%.
Summary Observations on an atony disease of the false spruce webworm,Lyda hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) in the stage of latency and during its feeding period in tree crowns. Observations on outbreaks of the false spruce webwormLyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) during the last two decades in Austria revealed, among biotic factors of environmental resistance, the occurrence of a nuclear polyhedrosis attacking mainly the fatty tissue but partly also the mesenteric tissue. The importance of the disease consisted chiefly in epidemie outbreaks during the larvae's (pseudo-caterpillars') feeding period in the tree-crowns. Damages by the larvae's feeding were greatly reduced by this way, and the descent of numerous larvae from trees to the ground prevented. The reducing effect of the disease on larvae in the stage of latency (diapausis) in soils was of less importance varying between 0% and 27% in sample diggings.

Résumé Observations sur une atonie de Lyda Hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.)en diapause et pendant la periode de pature dans les cimes d'arbres. Les observations sur des gradations deLyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) pendant les deux dernières décennies en Autriche ont révélé, parmi les facteurs biotique de la résistance ambiante, l'apparition d'une polyédrose nucléaire attaquant avant tout le tissu adipeux, mais encore en partie le tissu mésentérique. L'importance de la maladie consistait avant tout en irruptions épidémiques pendant le période de pature des larves (pseudochenilles) dans les cimes d'arbres. Les dégata par pature en furent considérablement modérés et la descente par terre de nombreuses larves vivant sur les arbres fut empêchée. L'éffet réduisant de la maladie sur les larves en diapause dans les sols était de moindre importance, avec une variation entre 0% et 27% dans les déterrements d'échantillonnage.

Резюме Наблюдения на заб олевании от атони и слового пилильщика — ткач а (Lyda hypotrophica Htg. [Cephaleia abietis L.]) в диапаузе и в п ериод поедания в к ронах. Доцент Др. Эльза Ян Наблюдения на гра дациях слового пи лильщикаткача Lyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) в последние два де сятиетия в Австри и показали между биотически ми факторами отпо ра внешной среды и появление ядрового полиэдр оза, поражавлиего прежде всего жирн ую ткань, но частич но и средне кишечную т кань (mesenteron). Значение заболевания сост ояло прежде всего в эпидемических в спышках во время п ериода поедания личинок (ложных гу сениц) в кронах. Так им образом повреж дения от поедания были значительно умерены, а спуску м ногочисленных ли чинок от деревьев на землю было поставлено п репяствие. Уменьшительное д ействие заболева ния на личинок в ди апаузе в почвах бы ло более незначит ельно, колебаясь по испо лненным пробным в ыкопаниям между 0 и 27%.
Zusammenfassung Die vorstehenden Untersuchungen über die Auswirkungen insbesondere von ultralangen Radiowellen aufLymantria monacha ergeben, daß diese Vitalität und Fruchtbarkeit zu beeinflussen vermögen. Die Art des Einflusses ist vom Entwicklungsstadium der Tiere bei bestimmt großen Feldstärken abhängig. Frühe Behandlungen, besonders zur Zeit der Eiräupchen, steigerten Vitalität und Vermehrungsenergie der Art, spätere setzten sie jedoch weitgehend herab. Besonders ausgeprägt zeigten diese Verhä ltnisse die für die Kernpolyedrose anfälligen Zuchten des Jahres 1968.
Summary The above mentioned experiments show, that especially Ultra long Radio Waves could be of influence on vitality and fecundity ofLymantria monacha. The kind of influence is dependant from the development-stage of the insects at certain doses. Early treatments, especially at the stage of larves in the eggs increased vitality and fertility of the species, later ones decreased them greatly. These conditions were shown very impressively by these Strains ofLymantria monacha, which were very susceptible for nuclear polyedrosis in 1968.
Summary The present work is dealing with the mass increase ofStilpnotia Salicis L. in the willow windbreaks of northeastern Burgenland in 1962/63. The calamity broke down as soon as the second year because of the spreading of a polyedrosis of the middle intestin which probably was due to a physiological weakening of the small caterpillars during the heavy frosts of the winter of 1962/63. As comparisons of the bioclimatical data of this period of gradation with that of 1926/27 have shown, the hatching of the young caterpillars little after the egg deposit and consequently, the hibernation in the larva stage, is likely to be caused by the very low moisture content of the air in these regions. The evolution ofStilpnotia salicis L. eggs into caterpillars in the year of the egg deposit seems to be a rule in the regions of Pannonian climate and those influenced by it.
Résumé Le présent travail traite la gradation deStilpnotia salicis L. dans les platations de brise-vent dans le nord-est du Burgenland en 1962/63. Le déclin de la calamité se manifesta dès la deuxième année grâce àu développement d'une polyedrose de l'intestin moyen qui était vraisemblablement due à un affaiblissement physiologique des petites chenilles par suite des fortes gelées de l'hiver 1962/63. Ainsi que l'ont révélé les comparaisons des données bioclimatiques de la période d'évolution en question avec celle des années 1926/27, l'éclosion des jeunes chenilles peu après le dépôt des oeufs et par conséquent, l'hiber, nation au stade larvaire ont leur cause dans la grande sècheresse de l'air de ces régions. L'éclosion des chenilles deStilpnotia salicis L. dans l'année du dépôt des oeufs semble être la règle dans les plantations de brise-vent de la région au climat pannonien et celles influencées par celui-ci.

Die Erhebungen des Schadauftretens erfolgten in Zusammenarbeit mit der Forstaufsichtsstation Neusiedl am See, wofür an dieser Stelle herzlichst gedankt sei.

Frau Professor Dr. Francke-Grosmann zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   


Polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG) was evaluated recently to treat osteoarthritis (OA) in horses with highly encouraging results; however no long term field-study was done to explore its clinical efficacy and lasting effect. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of PAAG in improving clinical signs of OA in horses. We hypothesized that lameness grade would significantly improve and the effect would last at least 2 years in osteoarthritic joints treated with PAAG. Forty three horses older than 2 years with OA in only one joint based on clinical evaluation, intra-articular anaesthesia and imaging (radiography) were included in this study. Horses were injected with 2 ml of PAAG into the affected joint and were followed up at 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Efficacy of PAAG was evaluated by blinded clinical assessment of lameness. Adverse reactions to joint injection were assessed. Data relating to case details, type of activity, joint and limb involved, lameness duration, lameness grading, previous joint treatment, joint effusion grading, radiographic grading, and owner assessment were recorded. Factors associated with the outcome measure “lameness grading” were analyzed using generalized linear mixed model for logistic regression.


At 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months follow-up, 59%, 69%, 79%, 81/% and 82.5% of horses were non-lame respectively. Reduction of joint effusion was observed over time. No side effect was observed in the treated joints. There was a significant decrease in lameness grade from baseline to 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months (P < 0.0001) and a significant positive association with joint effusion (P < 0.0001). Estimates for odds ratio (OR) showed that the effect of treatment increased over time (OR for lower lameness from month 1 to month 24 relative to baseline increased from 20 to 58).


PAAG significantly alleviated lameness and joint effusion in osteoarthritic joints. PAAG is a safe and lasting (at least 24 months) OA treatment in horses. PAAG is a promising new treatment for OA in horses.  相似文献   
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