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The lectin histochemical pattern (LHP) was characterized and compared in normal and cystic ovaries of sows. Six biotinylated lectins (PNA, SBA, WGA, RCA‐1, DBA and UEA‐1) were used on tissue sections. In the normal ovaries, the reaction to UEA‐1 and SBA was mild to moderate in mesothelial and endothelial cells. RCA‐1 staining was mild to moderate in theca interna of growing follicles, corpora luteum and mesothelium. In addition, this lectin presented strong reaction in endothelial cells, granulosa cells of atretic follicles, zona pellucida of growing follicles and plasma. DBA showed strong intensity in mesothelial and endothelial cells. There was mild to moderate reactivity to WGA in granulosa cells, corpus luteum and theca interna of follicles in development, and moderate in zona pellucida, in granulosa cells of atretic follicles and mesothelium. PNA staining was mild to moderate in oocytes and in the adventitia and media of medullary arteries. Changes in the LHP of the cystic ovaries were noted; however, there were no differences in these findings between the follicular and luteinized cysts. UEA‐1 reactivity in the cystic ovaries was moderately reduced in the mesothelial and endothelial cells, whereas there was mild reduction in the DBA staining in the granulosa cells. Reaction to RCA‐1 and WGA in the cysts also was decreased in theca interna, zona pellucida and granulosa cells of atretic follicles. Furthermore, endothelium and theca interna in the cystic ovaries presented mild reduction of marcation to SBA, whereas there was decreased reactivity to PNA in the oocytes and adventitia and media layers of the medullary arteries. The results of the current study show that cysts modify the LHP in swine ovaries. These changes of glycoconjugates in many ovarian structures could modify diverse process and may be one of the reasons for decreased fertility in sows.  相似文献   
Data (n = 1,746) collected from 1985 through 1995 on Korean Native Cattle by the National Livestock Research Institute of Korea were used to estimate genetic parameters for marbling score, dressing percentage, and longissimus muscle area, with backfat thickness, slaughter age, or slaughter weight as covariates. Estimates were obtained with REML. Model 1 included animal genetic and residual random effects. Model 2 was extended to include an uncorrelated random effect of the dam. Model 3 was based on Model 1 but also included sire x region x year-season interaction effects. Model 4 combined Models 2 and 3. All models included fixed effects for region x year-season and age of dam x sex combinations. From single-trait analyses, estimates of heritability with covariates to adjust for backfat thickness, slaughter age, and slaughter weight from Model 4 were, respectively, .10, .08, and .01 for marbling score; .09, .12, and .16 for dressing percentage; and .18, .17, and .24 for longissimus muscle area. From three-trait analyses, estimates of genetic correlations between marbling score and dressing percentage, marbling score and longissimus muscle area, and dressing percentage and longissimus muscle area were, respectively, -.99, .20, and -.11 with backfat thickness as covariate; -.88, .47, and .01 with slaughter age as covariate; and -.03, .39, and .91 with slaughter weight as covariate. Results of this study suggest that choice of covariate (backfat thickness, slaughter age, or slaughter weight) for the model seems to be important for carcass traits for Korean Native Cattle. Including sire x region x year-season interaction effects in the model for marbling score and dressing percentage may be important because whether sire x region x year-season interaction effects were in the model affected estimates of other variance components for the three carcass traits. Whether the maternal effect was in the model had little effect on estimates of other parameters. With backfat thickness and slaughter age end points, selection for increasing marbling score would be expected to result in decreasing dressing percentage for Korean Native Cattle. With slaughter weight as a covariate for end point, increased longissimus muscle area would be associated with increased dressing percentage, and increased marbling score would be related to increased longissimus muscle area. The differences in estimates associated with choice of end point, however, need further study.  相似文献   
This study presents serum concentrations of pregnancy‐associated glycoprotein (PAG), oestrone sulphate (E1‐S) and progesterone (P4), and the effects of some dam and foetus‐related factors on these profiles during gestation in Borana and crossbred cattle. The PAG concentrations at 4th week post‐conception ranged from 1.5–5.5 and 2.1–4.7 ng/ml in Borana (n = 6) and crossbred (n = 8) cattle, respectively. The mean PAG concentrations increased progressively from 4th to 33rd week of gestation (from 3.3–173 ng/ml for Borana and 4.2–240 ng/ml for crossbred cattle) and reached peak around calving. Breed, parity status, dam body weight, foetal sex and foetal birth weight significantly influenced the PAG concentrations. After delivery, the PAG concentrations declined steadily to 5.7 ng/ml in Borana (n = 7) and 3.9 ng/ml in crossbred (n = 6) cattle 10 weeks post‐partum. The serum E1‐S concentrations at 17th week of pregnancy ranged from 0.3–2.6 and 0.9–5.7 ng/ml in Borana (n = 8) and crossbred (n = 9) cattle, respectively. The mean E1‐S concentrations increased progressively from 17th to 33rd week of gestation (from 1.1–4.6 ng/ml for Borana and 2.7–10.8 ng/ml for crossbred). Breed, parity status, dam body weight and foetal sex significantly influenced E1‐S concentrations. The P4 concentrations at 4th week of pregnancy ranged from 3.2–5.1 and 1.7–8.9 ng/ml in Borana (n = 6) and crossbred (n = 8) cattle, respectively. The P4 level remained elevated throughout pregnancy. This study indicated that the serum PAG and P4 concentrations at 4th and E1‐S approximately 17th week of pregnancy were above the cut‐off value for pregnancy test and the hormonal profiles observed were comparable to the previous reports. Furthermore, the PAG and E1‐S profiles were considerably influenced by factors such as breed, weight and parity status of the dam, and foetal sex and foetal birth weight (only PAG).  相似文献   
The objectives of the study were to characterize an ultrasound reproductive tract scoring (URTS) system to assess suitability for breeding in dairy cows, to describe the prevalence of these scores in commercial dairy herds and to examine their relationship with subsequent fertility. Ultrasound examinations (7797) were performed on 5751 Holstein–Friesian cows prior to breeding in 62 seasonally calving herds over 2 years. Data recorded from images of both ovaries and the uterus were combined into a six point scoring system and the prevalence of cows with cystic ovarian follicles and uterine abscesses and adhesions was recorded separately. The prevalence of ovulatory cows which had completed uterine involution (score 1), or had mild (2) or moderate endometritis (3) was 62.5%, 21.7% and 2.2%, respectively. The prevalence of anovulatory cows with moderate endometritis (4), ovulatory cows with pyometra (5) and anovulatory cows which had completed uterine involution (6) was 3.3%, 2.2% and 8.1%, respectively. The interval between calving and examination differed between cows with each of the scores 1, 2, 5 and 6 (61, 46, 53 and 50 days, respectively, p < 0.05) but not between cows with scores 3 and 4 (37 and 35 days, respectively). Ovulatory cows which had completed uterine involution (score 1) had a higher likelihood of pregnancy to first service than ovulatory or anovulatory cows which had not completed uterine involution (p ≤ 0.10). The prevalence of cows with cystic ovarian follicles or abscesses or adhesions of the reproductive tract was 3.9% and 1.2%, respectively. In conclusion, 29% and 11% of cows in seasonally calving and breeding dairy herds had not completed uterine involution or were anovulatory prior to the mating start date, respectively. Both conditions, detected using a URTS system, significantly reduced first service pregnancy rate in these pasture-based dairy herds.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between milk score (MS) and litter weight at 70 d (LW) for four sheep breeds in the United States. Milk score is a subjective measure of milk production used to assess milk production of range ewes when milk yield cannot be quantitatively determined. Variance components for MS and LW were estimated for each of Targhee, Columbia, Rambouillet, and Polypay breeds. Data collected from 1990 through 2000 at the U.S. Sheep Exp. Stn. in Dubois, ID, were analyzed with an animal model using REML. There were 13,900 records of MS and LW for 5,807 ewes. Records were grouped according to parity as first, second, and greater (mature), and all records (lifetime). Estimates of heritability for MS were in the range of 0.05 to 0.18 for first, 0.01 to 0.27 for second, 0.05 to 0.10 for mature, and 0.08 to 0.13 for all lifetime parity groups. Estimates of genetic correlation between MS at first and second parities ranged from 0.74 to 1.00. Similarly, mature MS was highly correlated genetically with MS at first (0.83 to 1.00) and at second (0.60 to 1.00) parities, suggesting that additive genetic value for milking ability at maturity could be evaluated as early as at first parity. Heritability estimates for LW ranged from 0.00 to 0.18 over all breeds and parity groupings. The genetic correlation between LW at first and second parity groups ranged from 0.43 to 1.00. Estimates of genetic correlation between LW at first or second parity with mature LW were mostly high and positive, except for Targhee (-0.10) and Polypay (0.14) at first parity. Litter weight for mature ewes could be improved by selection at first or second parity. Estimates of genetic correlation at first parity between MS and LW were high (1.00) for Rambouillet and Polypay, and near zero for Columbia and Targhee. At second parity, estimates of genetic correlation between MS and LW were positive and moderate for Rambouillet and Polypay but more variable for Columbia and Targhee. Estimates of genetic correlation between MS and LW were mostly positive and may be favorable with smaller estimates of standard errors using all lifetime records rather than first or second parity records. Although estimates are variable, the average of the estimates of the genetic correlation suggests that LW can be improved by selecting ewes for favorable MS.  相似文献   
The plasma profile of pregnancy‐associated glycoprotein (PAG) and its relationship with fetal number were studied in 14 North Moroccan goats using a semi‐heterologous radioimmunoassay (RIA). Peripheral blood was collected every day during the first month of pregnancy, afterward the blood samples were collected trice a week. The PAG were first detected at day 20 of pregnancy, their levels increase to week 8 of gestation then decrease slightly until parturition. Statistical differences between goats carrying one or two foetuses are observed from week 5 of pregnancy until parturition. Factorial Discriminant Analysis provides mathematical models for the discrimination between the litter size using the PAG level and the week of pregnancy. Using only one blood sample per week, high sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy (74%, 88% and 81%) were obtained using these models. It is concluded that the PAG RIA is an effective tool for early diagnosis of pregnancy and for discrimination between the litter sizes in North Moroccan goats.  相似文献   
The main objective of the present work was to study the effect of cryopreservation of European eel sperm both on the sperm viability and the spermatozoa head morphology. Spermatozoa morphology was evaluated with computer-assisted morphology analysis after collection in fresh samples, after adding the freezing medium containing dimethyl sulfoxide as cryoprotectant and, finally, after the cryopreservation process and thawing. Cell viability was assessed, in both fresh and thawed samples, by Hoechst 33258 staining. Computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) was used to determine the percentage of motile cells and to measure motility parameters in sperm samples. A significant decrease of head perimeter (12.56%) and area (17.90%) was detected from spermatozoa in fresh to thawed samples, indicating that cells do not recover the original size after the cryopreservation process. CASA was used to measure the percentage of motile cells (51.9%) and spermatozoa motility parameters such as curvilinear, straight line and angular path velocities, as well as beating cross frequency. This technique was employed in the fresh sperm samples but proteins present at the freezing medium (L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine) made impossible to use this last technique in thawed samples. When sperm viability was assessed by Hoechst staining, a significant decrease of approximately 15% (73.10 vs 58.26%) of alive spermatozoa was registered from fresh to thawed samples. The percentage of motile cells measured by CASA in fresh samples (51.9%) was lower than the percentage of alive cells determined by Hoechst stainning, suggesting the existence of different batches of spermatozoa in different stages of development, even during the eight to tenth weeks of treatment, when the highest sperm quality was found.  相似文献   
朝谷 1 1号由辽宁省水土保持研究所选育 ,于1 997年经辽宁省品种审定委员会审定通过。1 998年被列为省重点农技推广项目 ,计划在 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年在辽宁省朝阳市、阜新市、葫芦岛市的 8县 2区及赤峰市的宁城县推广 6.7万hm2 。1 朝谷 11号主要特征特性1 .1 农艺性状朝谷 1 1号的叶片、成株茎均为绿色 ,苗期生长快 ,株型紧凑整齐 ,株高 1 65cm左右 ,穗长 2 3~ 2 5cm ,单穗粒重 1 4~ 1 6g ,籽粒圆形、黄色 ,出谷率 83%~ 84%,谷草比 1∶1 .3。1 .2 生育期及抗性朝谷 1 1号为中早熟品种 ,生育期 1 0 4~ 1 1 4d ,4月下旬至 5月…  相似文献   
On 27 June 1997, the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft flew within 1212 kilometers of asteroid 253 Mathilde. Mathilde is an irregular, heavily cratered body measuring 66 kilometers by 48 kilometers by 46 kilometers. The asteroid's surface is dark (estimated albedo between 0.035 and 0.050) and similar in color to some CM carbonaceous chondrites. No albedo or color variations were detected. The volume derived from the images and the mass from Doppler tracking of the spacecraft yield a mean density of 1.3 +/- 0.2 grams per cubic centimeter, about half that of CM chondrites, indicating a porous interior structure.  相似文献   
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