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Pymetrozine, a pyridine azomethine compound, represents a novel insecticide with a selective activity against homopteran insects. It acts in a unique way: aphids are not knocked down on contact but seem to die of starvation. This implies an effect of pymetrozine on feeding behaviour. The aim of the present work was to elucidate how and at which step pymetrozine interferes with the complex mechanisms underlying phloem feeding. The effect of pymetrozine, applied in various ways, on different phases of stylet penetration and feeding activity of individual aphids was studied using the Electrical Penetration Graph technique (EPG). Initial choice experiments indicated that pymetrozine does not have a deterrent or antifeedant action. Topical application (150 ng pymetrozine mg-1 fresh weight) inhibited stylet insertion into the plant. When injected, less than 30 ng mg-1 was sufficient to produce the same effect. When pymetrozine was systemically applied via plant spraying or root uptake, aphids started feeding normally. After some time, however, they withdrew their stylets from the phloem and walked around with unaffected locomotion. At low doses aphids eventually recovered and resumed feeding. High doses, however, irreversibly disrupted feeding and prevented stylet reinsertion. Aphid motility was not affected up to an estimated haemolymph concentration of 1 mM pymetrozine. Aphids which eventually stopped feeding on pymetrozine-treated plants showed EPGs with distorted salivation/ingestion patterns. It is concluded that pymetrozine does not have a general toxic effect on aphids but selectively interferes with the nervous regulation of feeding behaviour which consequently results in death due to starvation after a few days. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   
The cultivation of scallops Nodipecten nodosus is a promising activity emerging in Brazil. The purpose of this study was to characterize the immune system of N. nodosus and evaluate the modulation of some hemato-immunological parameters during the reproductive cycle, in association with an astaxanthin-enriched diet. It was hypothesized that a supplementation on astaxanthin could enhance scallop immune system and minimize stress of reproduction. Scallops were separated in different groups: juveniles (J), adults (A), sexually mature (M), and recently spawned (S) animals. The last two groups were fed standard (M and S) or astaxanthin-enriched (Ma and Sa) diets. Scallop hemolymph contained two hemocyte populations: hyaline (HH) and granular hemocytes (GH). Antimicrobial peptides, similar to mussel defensins and mytilins, were found by immunodetection within the GH granules, even though the scallop hemolymph did not exhibit significant antimicrobial activity against different bacteria, including marine vibrios. Scallop hemocytes were able to phagocytose zymosan and produce reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI–NBT reduction). The number of circulating hemocytes (Neubauer chamber) varied from 12 to 26.106 cells mL− 1, and the GH was always the predominant cell type (67–99%). The plasma of N. nodosus contained lectins, specific to galactose and sialoconjugates, and their agglutinating activity was partially calcium-dependent. A phenoloxidase (PO) activity (146–446 U min− 1 mg− 1) was observed in the scallop hemolymph. However, this activity was not induced by trypsin or components of microorganism surface, and was strongly enhanced by alkaline pH (≥ 8.5). The total protein concentration of the plasma varied from 240 to 660 μg mL− 1. In general terms, all examined hemato-immunological parameters (hemograms, superoxide anion production, PO activity, lectin titers and total protein concentration) had a similar profile during all the scallop reproductive cycle. Their levels increased significantly from juveniles to adults (except PO activity), and declined markedly (immune depletion) in the sexually mature scallops. After spawning, the animals had a tendency to recover the standard levels of their immune parameters. Apparently, the astaxanthin-enriched diet had no effect on the tested immune parameters except for a slight influence on the scallop immune-oxidative reactions (ROI production). The results obtained in this study suggested the occurrence of a general immune depletion in the sexually mature scallops, confirming that the reproductive stage is a critical period in scallop life.  相似文献   
Abortion caused by neosporosis in cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of the present study was to characterize changes in serum metabolic hormones concentrations from 20 weeks before to 20 weeks post-puberty in bulls and to investigate the associations of metabolic hormones concentrations with testicular development. Leptin concentrations increased from 16 weeks before puberty to 8 weeks post-puberty and insulin concentrations increased from puberty to 8 weeks post-puberty. Growth hormone concentrations decreased after 4 weeks post-puberty, whereas IGF-I concentrations increased from 8 weeks before puberty to 8 weeks post-puberty. During this period, testicular growth was accelerated and testosterone secretion increased substantially, without any significant changes in gonadotropin secretion. Monthly circulating concentrations of leptin, IGF-I and insulin accounted for 63% of the variation in scrotal circumference and 59% of the variation in paired testes volume. In conclusion, the secretion of metabolic hormones was not associated with changes in gonadotropins concentrations. Furthermore, the associations of leptin, IGF-I and insulin concentrations with testes size indicated that these hormones might be involved in a gonadotropin-independent mechanism regulating the testicular development in peripubertal bulls.  相似文献   
Rice cultivation has frequently been suggested to provide an important wetland habitat for waterbirds. However, in contrast to most other regions of the Mediterranean, the Camargue still has a substantial amount of surface area of natural marshes. Thus, we compared the abundance, species richness, and community composition of waterbirds in ricefields and natural marshes of the Camargue, during a one-year study. Based on surveys conducted at 4–7 day intervals in 1997–1998, our results suggest that natural marshes had substantially greater abundance of waterbirds, with ca. 99% of the individuals having been observed in natural marshes. Estimates of species richness and associated parameters further indicated that ricefields were clearly less rich than natural marshes. Although our results were rather striking for the Camargue, they may not be applicable to other regions because of the relatively high availability of natural marshes and differences in management of ricefields.  相似文献   
Trees alter microclimate and radiation budget in alley cropping systems, which in turn change physiological processes of the grassland component. The influence of the trees on grassland growth depends on the climate zone as well as possibly on weather conditions during the respective growth interval. The proportion of shade-tolerant species in the grassland further modifies the tree effect on grassland growth, as well as the number of annual harvests. We studied the effect of distance and orientation relative to the tree line (tree line in the South-West vs. North-East) on growth rates of the adjacent grassland with two cutting frequencies (frequent vs. infrequent) in an alley cropping system with grassland of two different vegetation compositions (diverse vs. grass-clover) and willow clones. Microclimate parameters and radiation were measured at the points where growth rates were determined to better characterize the effect of position relative to the tree line. Growth rates differed significantly (p < 0.05) depending on the distance to the trees and annual biomass accumulation amounted to 389 ± 13.5 g m−2 in the center vs. 321 ± 10.0 g m−2 with trees in the North-East vs. 292 ± 9.2 g m−2 with trees in the South-West of the transect position. Lower growth rates occurred at positions with lower light quantities close to the trees, namely the position with the trees adjacent in the South-West. Temperature and relative humidity differences between the distances were significantly (p < 0.05) affected by distance to the tree line, but differences in neither soil nor air temperatures between the distances affected growth rates. Vegetation composition mediates the influence of the trees: the difference between positions was more pronounced in the diverse vegetation composition with higher productivities in the center between the alleys, but also with higher overall sward productivity.  相似文献   
为了解沧州市滨海盐碱区耕层土壤的盐渍化特征,采集三个时期沧州不同地区耕层土壤(0~20 cm)样品,结合样品实验分析,探究土壤盐分特征。结果表明:①沧州滨海盐碱区耕层土壤离子类型多样,检测的八大离子中氯离子、钠离子、硫酸根、碳酸根+碳酸氢根离子为主要盐分离子,土壤类型为硫酸盐-氯化物型。②相关分析表明,耕层土样中总含盐量与氯离子和钠离子均存在显著或极显著相关关系,沧州市滨海盐碱地耕层土壤的总含盐量一定程上取决于土壤中氯化钠的含量;氯化钠、氯化镁和氯化钙为氯化物的主要组成部分;主要硫酸盐类为硫酸钠、硫酸镁和硫酸钙。③方差分析表明,三个不同采样时期和不同地区均对沧州市滨海区盐碱地的盐渍化的影响存在显著或极显著差异。④主成分分析表明,钠离子、氯离子、镁离子、钙离子和硫酸根与第1主成分相关性较高;钾离子和碳酸根+碳酸氢根与第2主成分相关性较高;第3主成分主要反映硅酸盐类对土壤离子成分的影响。由于钠离子、氯离子、钙离子和硫酸根在土壤中含量相对较高,是表征沧州滨海盐碱区土壤盐渍化的主要特征因子。  相似文献   
The effect of soil aggregation on stress distribution in structured soils The mechanical compressibility of arable soils can be described by preconsolidation load value and by the shear resistance parameters of the bulk soil and single aggregates. In order to quantify the effective stress equation must be also known the hydraulic properties of the soil in dependence of the intensity, kind, and number of loading events. The soil reacts as a rigid body at very fast wheeling speed inclusive a very pronounced stress attenuation in the top soil while stresses will be distributed in the soil threedimensionally to deeper depths at slower speed. These variations can be explained by the mechanical as well as by the hydraulic parameters of the bulk soil and single aggregates. Thus, the pore water pressure value of the bulk soil as a parameter of the effective stress equation further depends on the hydraulic properties of the inter- and intraaggregate pore system and continuity. As can be derived from the results the pore water pressure values are identical irrespective of the predessication for clayey polyhedres at high load while in coarse textured prisms the pore water pressure value depends on load and predryness. The consequences for soil strength under dynamic loading are shortly discussed.  相似文献   
Renovation of grassland may increase the mineralization of organic material and leads to a high amount of mineral N in soil which can be leached in the winter period. Soil mineral N (SMN) in autumn and calculated nitrate leaching during winter were measured after the renewal of 8 y–old cut grassland on a sandy soil in NW Germany in 1999 to 2002. Several factors, which may influence the intensity of N mineralization, were investigated in the 2 years following renewal: the season of renovation (spring or late summer/early autumn), the technique (rotary cultivator or direct drilling), and the amount of N fertilization (0 or 320 kg N ha–1 y–1 in the 7 years before the renovation). Calculated nitrate‐N leaching losses during winter were significantly higher following renewal in early autumn (36–64 kg N ha–1) compared to renewal in spring (1–7 kg N ha–1). This effect was only significant in the first, not in the second winter after renovation. The renovation technique had a significant effect on the nitrate‐N leaching losses only in the first year after the renovation. Direct drilling led to higher leaching losses (35 kg N ha–1) than the use of a rotary cultivator (30 kg N ha–1) in the same year. Calculated nitrate losses (on average over 60 kg N ha–1) were highest after renewal of N‐fertilized grassland in late summer/early autumn. To minimize N leaching losses, it would be more effective to plan grassland renewal in spring rather than in late summer/autumn. Another, however, less effective option is to reduce N fertilization before a renovation in autumn.  相似文献   
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