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寄生线虫真菌黑葡萄穗霉的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用水琼脂平板撒土——腐生线虫诱导法从根结线虫危害的作物根际土壤分离到一株线虫寄生真菌.PDA平板上形态观察显示,菌落黑色凸起,气生菌丝较多,分生孢子梗伞状,产孢结构为瓶状小梗,分生孢子椭圆或近圆形,未成熟孢子光滑,深棕色到黑色,成熟时黑色有棘.经分子鉴定,该菌为黑葡萄穗霉(Stachybotrys chartarum...  相似文献   
一种改良的快速大量提取禾谷类作物成熟籽粒总RNA的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禾谷类作物成熟籽粒富含多糖、蛋白质和脂类等成分,传统的提取方法所得的RNA大多不能满足下游操作的需求。此实验利用一种改良的CTAB法对小麦、水稻、玉米成熟籽粒总RNA进行提取,实验步骤简单。RNA得率高,完整性好,电泳条带清晰,OD260/OD280值在1.6~1.8之间。RT-PCR和Northern印迹分析显示该法所提RNA能够满足下游实验操作的要求。进一步分析发现,这种改良的CTAB法对玉米籽粒RNA的提取效果优于小麦和水稻,更适于玉米籽粒RNA的提取。  相似文献   
In this paper, detailed simulation of human hair bleaching was conducted. The materials and chemical used as well as the hair bleaching procedures were described. After bleaching, the colour change of the hair was evaluated in accordance with CIE Lab system and the hair bleaching results was analysed. Following the hair bleaching process, hair coloration was employed with the use of colour boosting shampoo with henna of three different colours. The effect of different bleached hair samples on colour uptake property was examined by spectrophotometer method. Based on this study, it was concluded that the original hair colour did affect the colour uptake using the colour boosting shampoo with henna significantly. In order to have a visible coloring result, hair bleaching treatment was therefore highly recommended before conducting the hair coloration process.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary brown rice on the growth performance, systemic oxidative status, and splenic inflammatory responses of broiler chickens under both thermo-neutral and chronic heat stress conditions. Forty 12-day-old male broiler chickens (ROSS 308) were randomly assigned to two groups and fed either a control diet (corn-based) or a brown rice-based diet. After seven days (19 days old), both groups were randomly divided into two sub-groups (n=10), one of which was exposed to heat stress (33°C for 14 days), while the other was maintained at 24°C. Heat exposure reduced the body weight gain and feed intake (p<0.01) of both groups. In terms of oxidative plasma states, heat exposure reduced the glutathione peroxidase activity and increased the ceruloplasmin content, while the 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substance and reduced glutathione levels were not affected adversely. Heat exposure activated the immune responses, as evidenced by increased plasma immunoglobin levels, and altered splenic immune-related gene expressions including heat shock proteins, toll-like receptor 4, and interleukin-12. Under both thermo-neutral and heat stress conditions, dietary brown rice improved the growth performance, decreased the immunoglobulin levels, and down-regulated the expression of splenic immune-related genes of broilers, although their systemic oxidative status was not affected. Dietary brown rice should be considered as a valuable component of broiler chicken feeds subjected to both thermo-neutral and heat stress conditions. The positive effects of brown rice on bird performance may be associated with the modulation of the immune responses, as reflected by the decreased production of immunoglobulins and altered splenic immune-related gene expression.  相似文献   
残膜机械化回收技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地膜具有保墒、提高地温、抑制杂草生长和增产增收等作用,得到了广泛应用,并极大地促进了我国农业经济的发展。但是残留在土壤中的地膜极难降解,给农业生产和生态环境造成了巨大危害,残膜回收对于保护耕地、改善农田生态环境具有重要的意义。总结了国内外残膜回收技术的研究现状及研究方法,指出我国残膜回收机具存在的主要问题,提出了实施机械化残膜回收技术的建议,为机械化回收残膜的研究提供理论依据。   相似文献   
细胞S期为DNA复制期,探索细胞S期的同步化将为研究各种调控因子对DNA复制、细胞分裂和增殖的影响奠定基础。本研究以家蚕BmN细胞为研究对象,采用脱氧胸苷(TdR)双阻断、脱氧胸苷-诺考达唑(TdR-Nocodazole)双阻断及羟基脲(HU)法,探索BmN细胞S期同步化的最佳体系。结果发现,TdR双阻断法处理对BmN细胞S期的同步化效率为67.2%,TdR-Nocodazole双阻断法处理为69.7%,HU处理对S期同步化效果最好,达90%以上。进一步对HU处理后不同释放时间点的细胞进行研究发现,1 mmol/mL HU处理后释放7 h时BmN细胞S期同步化效率最高,达94.9%。通过不同处理方法研究家蚕BmN细胞的S期同步化效果,发现1 mmol/mL的HU处理16 h,然后于正常培养基中释放7 h,可有效的将BmN细胞同步化在S期,且该处理方法简单,易于操作。  相似文献   
This paper is aimed at studying the optimum content of pre-treatment print paste used for ink-jet printing of wool fabric. Optimum condition of ink-jet printing with respect to the content of pre-treatment print paste and steaming time has been successfully developed through the orthogonal analysis. The parameters of the pre-treatment print paste including sodium alginate, urea and ammonium tartrate, as well as the post-treatment of steaming time right after ink-jet printing have been investigated. The optimum content of the pre-treatment print paste and the proper condition of post-treatment has been developed to achieve higher colour yield for cyan, yellow, magenta and black color (CYMK). The results of the highest colour yield obtained confirm that steaming time is the most dominating factor when compared with the other factors.  相似文献   
摘要:普惠金融理念注重弱势群体享受金融服务的权利,正在被社会各界所接受。本文从普惠金融视角出发,阐释了当前新型农村金融定位、发展现状与前景、存在的问题与困境,提出了加大农村新型金融机构补贴、建立激励约束机制、构建协调发展机制等建设性政策建议。  相似文献   
广东出入境检验检疫局植检实验室于印度尼西亚和多哥进境的姜上各截获一种伞滑刃属线虫,经形态学观察、测量,为变尾滑刃线虫和古德伊滑刃线虫。在姜上首次发现该两种线虫。  相似文献   
目的 构建熊继柏教授关于失眠的辨证论治模型。方法 通过对熊继柏教授治疗失眠的162人、254例次病案进行整理,运用Weka 3.7.12软件,采用FP-Growth算法,对就诊患者中不同性别与年龄段的证候特点、方剂间配伍、证候与用方进行关联规则分析,使用SPSS 17.0软件对常用药物进行R型系统聚类分析。结果 就诊的失眠患者证候特征随年龄变化由单纯虚证或实证逐渐演变为虚实夹杂证,男性与女性的失眠证候特点各异;熊继柏教授治疗失眠的4个常用方剂组合中,黄连温胆汤与痰热内扰证相关联,黄连温胆汤合酸枣仁汤与痰热兼肝郁化火证相关联,酸枣仁汤合孔圣枕中丹与肝肾阴虚相关联,黄连温胆汤、酸枣仁汤、孔圣枕中丹3方合用与肝肾阴虚合并痰热证相关联。常用治疗失眠的药物为酸枣仁、龙齿、甘草、茯神、黄连、半夏、陈皮、竹茹、枳实、知母等,大致可分为清热化痰、重镇安神、育阴潜阳3类。结论 熊继柏教授辨治失眠,多责之于痰热内扰、肝郁化火、肝肾阴虚,辨证注重辨舌脉,因证选方,经方与时方灵活搭配应用。  相似文献   
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