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[目的]研究在放牧补饲条件下不同品种肉牛的早期生长发育与经济效益。[方法]选择3月龄断奶新褐杂牛(新疆褐牛与本地牛)、安杂牛(安格斯与本地牛)、荷斯坦牛、土种牛31头,按品种分组开展夏草场放牧补饲试验。[结果]安杂牛、荷斯坦牛、新褐杂牛和土种牛补饲日增重分别为0.51、0.55、0.56、0.25 kg/d,安杂牛、荷斯坦牛、新褐杂牛的日增重与土种牛相比差异极显著(P0.01)。新褐杂牛、荷斯坦牛、安杂牛的放牧补饲效果较土种牛好,新褐杂牛、荷斯坦牛、安杂牛和土种牛的投入产出比分别为1∶2.32、1∶2.29、1∶2.12和1∶1.02,放牧补饲经济效益明显。[结论]早期断奶对后期放牧补饲肉牛的生长发育具有促进作用。  相似文献   
Global maps of thermal and fast neutron fluxes from the moon suggest three end-member compositional units. A high thermal and low fast neutron flux unit correlates with the lunar highlands and is consistent with feldspathic rocks. The South Pole-Aitken basin and a strip that surrounds the nearside maria have intermediate thermal and fast neutron flux levels, consistent with more mafic rocks. There appears to be a smooth transition between the most mafic and feldspathic compositions, which correspond to low and high surface altitudes, respectively. The maria show low thermal and high fast neutron fluxes, consistent with basaltic rocks.  相似文献   
Dietary Effects on Sperm Quality of Litopenaeus vannamei Broodstock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 56‐d feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effect of diet on sperm quality of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei broodstock. Dietary treatments consisted of a combination of 75% dry maturation diet and 25% fresh‐frozen squid (dry‐weight basis). Supplemental nutrients of the maturation diet were selectively deleted and replaced with wheat starch to produce the following treatments: 1) 75% basal maturation diet plus 25% squid (control); 2) 75% maturation diet without supplemental vitamins plus 25% squid; 3) 75% maturation diet without supplemental cholesterol and phospholipids plus 25% squid; 4) 75% maturation diet without supplemental astaxanthin plus 25% squid; and 5) a fresh diet composed of 60% squid and 40% Maine bloodworms. Shrimp fed the control diet and the diet without supplemental astaxanthin had significantly higher mean (± SEM) change in sperm count (4.6 ± 3.2 million sperm cells and 2.9 ± 2.5 million sperm cells, respectively), with respect to baseline (8.7 ± 1.0, 6.4 ± 1.0, 9.0 ± 1.3, 6.6 ± 0.7, and 6.0 ± 0.8 million sperm cells for treatments 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively), than shrimp fed the diet without supplemental vitamins (‐1.7 ± 2.6 million sperm cells), but not significantly higher than those of shrimp receiving the diets without supplemental cholesterol‐phospholipids (1.2 ± 2.5 million sperm cells) and the fresh diet (1.3 ± 1.6 million sperm cells). Dietary deficiencies also were reflected in weight gain of shrimp fed the diet without supplemental vitamins (‐2.0 g) and the fresh diet (‐0.8 g). which were significantly lower than weight gain of shrimp fed the control diet (1.1 g) and the diet without supplemental cholesterol‐phospholipids (0.8 g). No significant differences were detected among treatments for percentage of abnormal sperm and survival data. Results demonstrated a significant effect of diet on reproductive quality of male L. vannamei and indicated that the typical combination of fresh‐food organisms used is not nutritionally optimal for male broodstock.  相似文献   
Abstract Diel changes in littoral fish assemblage were studied in four reservoirs in the Czech Republic (Central Europe). The sampling was performed by beach seining in an unstructured littoral zone. Perch, Perca fluviatilis L., roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), bream, Abramis brama (L.), carp, Cyprinus carpio L., ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernua (L.), pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.), eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.) and A. brama × R. rutilus hybrids exhibited higher densities at night. Only bleak, Alburnus alburnus (L.) exhibited higher densities during the day. The number of species was higher in night hauls, and mean body size of roach and bleak was also higher at night. Diel changes in fish densities resulted in the change in species composition between day and night. The study has implication for the sampling design to assess littoral fish assemblages using beach seine netting and recommends night sampling for a representative assessment or sampling during both diel periods for a robust assessment.  相似文献   
Treated industrial effluents have high levels of nutrients and dissolved organic matter. The irrigation of rice by flooding can increase nutrient uptake and grain yield. Therefore, this study evaluated the nutrient contents in the shoots and grain of the rice crop and also the chemical of the soil after irrigation of the crop with leachate of the treated industrial effluent. A greenhouse experiment was conducted using pots filled with 20 kg of soil in a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments consisted of control (irrigation with distilled water) and four concentrations of the leachate (25, 50, 75, and 100 %) for irrigation. At the end of the experiment, the nutrient contents in tissues of rice plants, sterility of spikelets, and grain mass were evaluated. Results showed that irrigation with the leachate at 25 % content increased the macro- and micronutrients’ concentrations in the shoot biomass and grain, except for potassium and iron. Irrigation with the industrial leachate decreased tillering and grain yield; however, it increased chlorophyll content, sterility of spikelets, and sodium intake at this leachate concentration. The potassium and sodium levels and the electrical conductivity values of soils irrigated with treated industrial leachate were increased. The use of the treated leachate from industrial effluents is an alternative that reuses the nutritional load, but the volume of leachate should be limited and monitored to prevent the sodicity in the soil and problemsdue to eutrophication.  相似文献   
A 35‐day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate growth, bacterial populations of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and immune responses of Litopenaeus vannamei fed diets containing the commercial prebiotic Previda®. Diets were formulated to contain Previda® at 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 or 1.6 g kg?1 by weight. At the end of the study, differences in weight gain and survival among treatments were not significant (> 0.05), but denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that the microbial communities in the GIT changed significantly with the inclusion of dietary Previda® at different levels. Previda® was therefore able to selectively modify the microbial communities in the shrimp's GIT. Although individual bacterial species were not identified, enteric populations in shrimp fed the prebiotic at similar levels of inclusion were genetically similar. In addition, shrimp fed Previda® at 1.6 g kg?1 responded significantly (< 0.05) better immunologically with respect to hemocyte phagocytic capacity, haemolymph protein, hyaline cell counts and haemolymph glucose compared with shrimp fed the basal diet. Although shrimp were not exposed to virulent pathogens in this study, the observed upregulation of some of imm‐une responses upon prebiotic supplementation indicates that an improved outcome of such challenges may be anticipated in Previda®‐fed shrimp under commercial conditions.  相似文献   
A feeding trial was conducted with juvenile rainbow trout (15–16 g initial weight) to assess the effects of including single‐cell protein (SCP) produced from Methylobacterium extorquens in trout feeds. Three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were produced: a control diet and two experimental diets containing 5% or 10% bacterial protein meal replacing soybean meal. Triplicate tanks, each containing 35 fish, were fed each diet to apparent satiation in a constant‐temperature (15°C), flow‐through tank system for 12 weeks. No statistically significant differences in final fish weight or other fish growth parameters were observed. Similarly, feed efficiency parameters showed no significant differences among groups. Nutrient retention indices (protein, fat, energy) were relatively high and similar among fish in each dietary treatment group, as were whole body proximate compositions. Fish survival was high, with a small but statistically significant increase for the 10% SCP diet. Overall, results demonstrate that SCP from M. extorquens is a safe and effective alternative protein for rainbow trout diets at the low inclusion levels tested. Slightly lower weight gain in fish fed the 10% SCP diet was largely due to lower feed intake, suggesting that adding palatability‐enhancing ingredients to feeds may allow higher levels of M. extorquens SCP to be used without compromising fish growth.  相似文献   
In experiment 1, juvenile sea urchins (n = 80, 0.088 ± 0.001 g wet weight and 5.72 ± 0.04 mm diameter) were held individually and fed ad libitum one of three semi‐purified formulated diets (n = 16 individuals treatment?1). In the diets, protein was held constant (310 g kg?1 dry, as fed) and carbohydrate level varied (190, 260, or 380 g kg?1 dry, as fed). Wet weights were measured every 2 weeks. Total wet weight gain was inversely proportional to dietary carbohydrate level and energy content of the respective diet. In experiment 2, sea urchins (5.60 ± 0.48 g wet weight, n = 40) fed 190 g kg?1 carbohydrate consumed significantly more dry feed than those fed 260 g kg?1, but not more than those fed 380 g kg?1 carbohydrate. Based on differential feed intake rates, sea urchins that consumed more feed also consumed higher levels of protein and had the highest weight gain. Consequently, protein content and/or protein: energy ratio may be important in determining feed utilization and growth among sea urchins in this study. The average digestible energy intake was approximately 70 kcal kg?1 body weight day?1, suggesting daily caloric intake of juvenile Lytechinus variegatus is lower than in shrimp and fish.  相似文献   
Tail muscle tissue free amino acids (FAA) concentration is reported for subadult (4.3 g) Litopenaeus vannamei fed diets containing only protein‐bound amino acids, crystalline lysine as a supplement to protein‐bound lysine, and only crystalline amino acids (CAA). FAA were determined in shrimp at 0.00, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 h postfeeding. Highest total tissue concentrations of essential amino acids and individual amino acids were typically observed 4 h postfeeding for shrimp fed intact and crystalline lysine‐supplemented feeds. Those shrimp offered diets containing only CAA showed no tissue maxima. Similar uptake patterns for lysine shown by shrimp fed the intact and crystalline lysine‐supplemented diet indicate the potential use of small amounts of crystalline lysine in shrimp feeds.  相似文献   
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