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Abstract— Class II+ dendritic cells were widely distributed throughout normal ovine skin in two main locations: a) in or immediately adjacent to the epidermis and epidermal appendages and b) in the vicinity of the blood vessels. They are unlikely to represent a homogeneous population particularly since Langerhans cells, which previously have been found throughout the epidermal appendages, were located only in the epidermis using acetylcholinesterase staining. Following infection with orf virus, a dense mass of closely associated class II+ dendritic cells develops in the exposed necrotising dermis, adjacent to infected hair follicles and under infected degenerating epidermis. These cells interact and appear to form a barrier to invasion, a framework for immune defence and a template for subsequent epidermal repair; they seem to provide the basis of a highly integrated local dermal defence system. Résumé— Des cellules dendritiques de classe II+étaient largement réparties dans la peau ovine normale dans deux principales zones a) dans l'épiderme et les annexes épidermiques ou dans leur voisnage immédiat b) au voisinage des vaisseaux sanguins. Il est peu probable qu'elles représentant une population homogène particulièrement parce que les cellules de Langerhaps, qui ont été découvertes précédemment dans l'ensemble des annexes épidermiques, furent localisées seulement dans l'épiderme en utilisant une coloration à l'acétylcholinesterase. Après une infection par le virus de l'ecthyma, il se forme une masse dense de cellules dendritiques de classe II+étroitement associées, dans le derme nécrotique atteint, adjacente aux follicules pileux infectés et sous l'épiderme dégénératif infecté. Ces cellules interagissent et apparaissent former une barrière à l'invasion, un cadre pour les défenses immunitaires et un patron pour la réparation épidermique ultérieure; elles semblent fournir les bases d'un système de défense dermique local hautement intégré. Zusammenfassung— Klasse II+-Dendritenzellen waren in der gesamten Haut von normalen Schafen in vorwiegend zwei Bereichen verbreitet: a) in oder unmittelbar neben der Epidermis und der epidermalen Anhangsgebiete und b) in dor Nähe dar Blutgefäße. Sie stellen wahrscheinlich keine homogène Population dar, da die Langerhanszellen, die früher übarall in den epidermalen Anhangsgebilden nachgewiesen wurden, bei Acetylcholinesterase-Färbung nur in der Epidermis zu finden waren. Nach einer Orf-Virus-Infektion formiert sich eine dichte Masse aus eng verbundenen Klasse II+-Dendritenzellen in der betroffenen nekrotisierenden Dermis unmittelbar neben den infizierten Haarfollikeln und unter der infizierten, degenerierenden Epidermis. Diese Zellen stehen untereinander in Verbindung und bilden anscheinend eine Barrière gegen die Invasion, ein Gorüst für die Immunabwehr und einen Ausgangs punkt für die anschließenden Reparaturvorgänge in der Epidermis. Sie scheinen als Basis eines hochentwickelten lokalen Abwehrsystems der Haut zu fungieren. Resumen Células dendríticas de class II+ se observaron en gran cantidad en la piel de la oveja especialmente en dos localizaciones: a) en la epidermis, en la dermis muy próxima a la epidermis y en anejos cutáneos y b) en las proximidades de los vasos sanguíneos. No parece tratarse de una población homogénea de células puesto que las células de Langerhans, que previamente se habían encontrado en los anejos epidérmicos, se encontraron únicamente en la epidermis utilizando técnicas de detección del acetilcol-inesterasa. Después de la infección con el virus del ectima contagioso ovino se observó una masa de células dendríticas de clase II, dispuestas de forma muy densa, en las proximidades de la dermis necrosada y de los folículos pilosos y de la epidermis infectada. Eatas células interaccionan entre si y parecen formar una barrera contra la invasión, una red inmunitaria de defensa y participar en la reparación de la epidermis; parece ser que esta población de células dendriticas son la base de un sistema de defensa dérmico local altamente integrado.  相似文献   
Totally 13575 ewes of two different breeds, Dala and Spel, were inseminated with semen, frozen in straws and thawed at 70°C for 8 sec. An insemination dose of 0.2 ml containing approx. 150 × 106 spermatozoa with at least 45 to 50% progressive motility was imerted 5 to 12 mm into the cervix. The insemination was performed once between 12 and 30 h after the onset of heat. The NR rate of the Dala ewes increased significantly during the season. The NR rate of the ewes inseminated before 15. November was 44.3%, from 15. to 20. November 52.2%. from 20. to 25. November 55.3% and from 25. November and later 61.4%. The corresponding values for the ewes of the Spel breed were 57.3, 58.7, 61.5 and 71.0% respectively, and only the difference between the two last values was statistically significant. The difference between the fertility of the two breeds was significant within each of the periods .  相似文献   
Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, K, E and thiamin can cause severe limitations in beef production. In particular, vitamin A and E can be common causes of lost profit, secondary to limitations of reproductive and growth potential. Prolonged dry periods will reduce available A and E in pasture forage, as can ensiling and prolonged storage of harvested feedstuffs. Polioencephalomalacia is a thiamin responsive disorder, associated with high concentrate feeding and lush pastures. Antimetabolites, such as amprolium, will cause thiamine deficiency when fed in excess. Recent information has shown improved performance with supplemental beta carotene and niacin. The positive responses in reproductive performance, noted with cattle fed supplemental beta carotene, was independent of vitamin A. Supplementation of vitamins above National Research Council recommendations can be justified. However, proper evaluation of feed and animal status, and documentation of a response to supplementation is necessary before diagnosing deficiencies of specific nutrients.  相似文献   
The activity of rat liver glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase (GIT) was measured by HPLC. The degradation of fluorescein isothiocyanate-I (FITC-I)-labeled insulin is separated into several peaks, which are bound different amount of FITC-I. We selected mono-fluorescein-thiocarbamylated insulin to estimate the decrease of insulin content and it became possible to assay GIT activity. This novel method was time-saving and simple, and this system could utilize instead of previous method.  相似文献   
The use of carbon dioxide and Nd:YAG lasers has expanded the capabilities of equine surgeons. These lasers are used to incise, vaporize, and coagulate tissue with minimal hemorrhage and reduced morbidity to the patient. In this article, practical fundamentals of laser surgery are briefly reviewed, and selected standing laser procedures of the head and neck are discussed.  相似文献   
One-month-old Syrian hamsters of the APA and Std: golden strains were inoculated intraperitoneally with 10(5) PFU/head of the D variant of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus and examined virologically and pathologically up to 7 days after inoculation. APA hamsters developed apparent hyperglycemia due to pancreatic islet cell damage while Std:golden hamsters did not. Hamsters of both strains showed clear histopathologic changes in the testis with prominent viral replication as well as in the brain, heart and exocrine pancreas. The susceptibility to EMC virus-infection was higher in males than in females and in APA than in Std: golden hamsters.  相似文献   
Samples of rapeseed from three Italian growing environments (Bologna, Perugia and Palermo) were analysed for glucose content and dry weight of 1000 seeds every three or four days starting from the end of flowering until complete ripening. In addition, the content of oil, soluble and total proteins, glucosinolates and myrosinase activity was determined in samples of mature seeds. The cultivars used were jet Neuf and Lingot (type 0) and Tandem, Jade and Santana (type 00). From the results it emerged that the point of intersection of the two branches of the linear regression plots for different glucose-consumption kinetics found during seed filling, in addition to being strongly affected by the climate of the test environment, is correlated with quantitative and qualitative production, independently of the genotype.  相似文献   
In the domestic pig, a circadian rhythm of plasma cortisol occurs, with greatest concentrations in the morning and lowest concentrations in the afternoon. However, photic entrainment of the rhythms of ACTH and melatonin in pigs have not been defined clearly. This experiment was designed to evaluate free-running rhythms of ACTH, cortisol and melatonin in pigs housed in constant light (LL) and constant darkness (DD). Twelve crossbred barrows, maintained under ambient photoperiod, were catheterized and tethered individually in two environmentally controlled rooms, one with LL and the other with DD. For animals in LL, fluorescent lights provided 202 +/- 15 (mean +/- standard deviation) lux of light at 65 cm above the floors. Incandescent nightlights equipped with 7 watt red bulbs provided 7 +/- 2 lux and were illuminated continuously in both rooms. Pigs were given at least 14 d exposure to LL and DD, then samples of plasma and serum were obtained at hourly intervals for 48 hr. Plasma was assayed for ACTH, and serum for cortisol and melatonin. Periodograms were constructed to analyze the data. For this type of analysis, a statistic, Qp, is calculated, and circadian periodicity is suggested if maximum Qp (Qp max) occurs at or near 24 hr. The period of the free-running rhythms (tau) at Qp max for ACTH, cortisol and melatonin for pigs in LL (23.80 +/- .01, 23.78 +/- .01, and 23.21 +/- .02 hr, respectively) did not differ significantly from those for pigs in DD (23.39 +/- .01, 23.20 +/- .01, and 22.55 +/- .02 hr, respectively).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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