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A radiation dose assessment model was applied to determine naturally occurring radionuclides 238U, 210Po and 232Th in trees like Elaeocarpus oblongus, Evodia roxburghiana (Juice of the leaves that are used to treat fever), Vaccinium neilgherrense, Viburnum hebanthum and Michelia nilagirica and shrubs like Lasianthus coffeoiaes and Hedyotis stylosa in the agroforests of the Western Ghats, India and these areas were used for different agroforestry models of land development systems. The concentration of radionuclides in the biota and corresponding soil was measured using a gamma ray spectrometer and an alpha counter. The concentration ratios of these radionuclides varied substantially between the species, and E. oblongus showed a preferential uptake of all the radionuclides and hence useful for bio-indication of radionuclides in such soils. ERICA assessment tool was employed to provide an assessment of the potential doses to biota’s growing in agro forest E. oblongus appears to be much prone to radiation absorption from the dose risk point of view. The annual effective dose (AED) due to ingestion of these radionuclides in E. roxburghiana was also estimated, and was found to be lower than the world average.  相似文献   
Quantitative information of tree biomass is useful for management planning and monitoring of the changes in carbon stock in both forest and agroforestry systems. An estimate of carbon stored in these systems can be useful for developing climate change mitigation strategies. A precise estimate of forest biomass is also important for other issues ranging from industrial forestry practices to scientific purposes. The individual tree-based biomass models serve as fundamental tools for precise estimates of carbon stock of species of interest in forest and agroforestry systems. We developed individual tree aboveground biomass models for Castanopsis indica using thirty-six destructively sampled tree data covering a wide range of tree size, site quality, growth stage, stand density, and topographic characteristics. We used diameter at breast height (DBH) as a main predictor and height-to-DBH ratio (a measure of tree slenderness) and wood density (a measure of stiffness and cohesiveness of wood fibres) as covariate predictors in modelling. We, hereafter, termed the biomass models with former two predictors as first category models (density independent models) and the models with all three predictors as second category models (density dependent models). Among various functions evaluated, a simple power function of the form \(y_{i} = b_{1} x_{i}^{{b_{2} }}\), in each category, showed the best fits to our data. This formulation, in each category, described most of the biomass variations (\(R_{adj}^{2}\) > 0.98 and RMSE < 72.2) with no significant trend in the residuals. Since both density dependent and density independent models exhibit almost similar fit statistics and graphical features, one of them can be applied for desired accuracy, depending on the access of the input information required by the model. Our biomass models are site-specific, and their applications should therefore be limited to the growth stage, stand density, site quality, stand condition, and species distribution similar to those that formed the basis of this study. Further research is recommended to validate and verify our model using a larger dataset with a wider range of values for site quality, climatic and topographic characteristics, stand density, growth stage, and species distribution across Nepal.  相似文献   
Although chemical and some soil physical properties have been studied under different land uses of the Lesser Himalayas of India, very limited information is available on soil biochemical properties. Hence we investigated phosphorus (P) fractions [total P (TP), inorganic P (Pi), organic P (Po), available P, microbial biomass P (MBP)], enzyme activities [dehydrogenase, phosphatases, phytase], phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and fungi (PSF), and their correlations of acid soils (0–15 and 15–30 cm depths) under different land uses (viz, organic farming, maize–wheat, apple orchard, undisturbed oak forest and uncultivated land of the Indian Himalayas). All land use systems differed significantly for the P fractions, except TP. The highest values for TP, Pi, available P and MBP were found in soils under oak forest and lowest in uncultivated land. However, Po content was highest in apple orchard. The organic farming (organic manures field under garden pea-french bean cropping system for > 10 years) maintained highest activities of dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase. The highest phytase activity and highest numbers of PSB (99 × 103 g?1 soil) and PSF (30 × 103 g?1 soil) were observed in the rhizosphere soils of oak forest. Significant relationships between soil P fractions and enzyme activities, except alkaline phosphatase, were recorded in surface soil layer. PSB and PSF population were also correlated significantly with P fractions and enzyme activities. This would lead us to understand the level of degradation of P pools due to cultivation over forest system and the suitable management practices needed for soil quality restoration.  相似文献   
Community forest management helps in mitigating deforestation and forest degradation by addressing the negative aspects of rural livelihoods such as poverty and social exclusion. It is important in regulating global climate by encouraging sequestration of carbon in shoots, roots and soils. We studied the status of community forest management, forest resource harvest and carbon stocks in two community forests of the mid hill region of central and western Nepal. The study was based on primary and secondary data collected through carbon stock measurement from field visits and allometric equations, household surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and review of past studies. Socioeconomic variables such as gender, age group, livestock and landholding status were related to resource utilization, conservation, and management of community forest. Forest resources such as timber, firewood, fodder and leaf litter were harvested in sustainable ways. People were involved in forest thinning, co-management meetings, guarding and planting trees for forest conservation and management. Density and carbon stock of trees increased gradually in comparison to a previous study. We recommend further research on other community forests for more accurate and better results.  相似文献   
Micropropagation mostly leads to the production of innumerable true-to-type plants. However, establishing pathogen-free explants through in vitro culture requires a precise management of time for the exposure of explants to antimicrobial chemicals. The application of antimicrobial chemicals must also be managed to impose the least injury on explants. This review discusses the contributions of micropropagation procedures, explant types, subculture duration, media ingredients and plant growth regulators to the in vitro response of conifer explants. Even though regeneration from mature conifer explants such as mature shoots are laborious, the chances of variation, induced in vitro, are unlikely.  相似文献   
Gyrinops walla Gaertn. is the only species growing in Sri Lanka that belongs to the agarwood family,Thymelaeaceae. Although agarwood resin induction and extraction from Aquilaria species of the same family have been practised for many decades in Southeast Asian region,the ability of producing agarwood resins in G. walla was discovered recently. Since previous studies were on agarwood resins formed due to natural causes, the present study was conducted to identify the potential fungal species that are capable of artificially inducing agarwood resin formation in G. walla. Since this is the first ever study conducted on artificial inducement of agarwood resin formation in G.walla, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium solani were selected owing to their high abundance in the naturally formed agarwood resinous tissues collected from 25 G. walla trees.Both fungal species were separately grown in yeast extract glucose agar and used to inoculate healthy G. walla trees under aseptic conditions. Three holes were made for each tree and 2 g of fungal culture including the medium were placed in each hole. Tissue discoloration, characteristic aroma, resin content and resin constituents were checked at10 cm intervals above and below the inoculation points for a period of 1 year. Results revealed that tissue discoloration and resin content were higher in the trees inoculated with A. niger. Other than at 10 cm above and below the inoculation points, samples collected at all locations had significantly higher resin contents when inoculated with A. niger compared to F. solani. Sixteen agarwood resin constituents, which were also recorded in Aquilaria species, were identified from the discolored tissues using GC–MS analysis. Jinkohol, agarospirol and 2(2-phenyl)chromone derivatives were found in all discolored tissues collected at 10-cm intervals of the trees inoculated with both fungi. b-Seline, c-eudesmol and valerenal were found in nine of 10 sample points on the stem. c-Elemene was recorded only in one sample. The characteristic aroma during burning was stronger for dark-colored tissues than the light-colored ones. The present study confirmed the potential use of certain fungal species to induce agarwood resin in G. walla and that A. niger is more effective than F.solani.  相似文献   
The biosorption of Ce(III) from aqueous solution by citric acid-modified Pinus brutia leaf powder was studied in a batch system as a function of initial pH, temperature, initial concentration of adsorbate, and contact time. Central composite design method was used in the experiments. Thermodynamic parameters such as standard enthalpy (ΔH 0), entropy (ΔS 0), and free energy (ΔG 0) were calculated, and the results indicated that biosorption was exothermic. The biosorption of Ce(III) on modified Pinus brutia leaf powder was investigated by Freundlich, Langmuir, and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) isotherms. The results show that Ce(III) adsorption can be explained by Langmuir isotherm model, and monolayer capacity was found as 62.1?mg/g. The results suggested that the modification process enhances the biosorption capacity of the adsorbent, and modified Pinus brutia leaf powder may find promising applications for the recovery of Ce(III) from aqueous effluents.  相似文献   
Plants are sessile organisms that experience various abiotic stresses during their lifespan and try to adapt to these environmental stresses by manipulating their physiological, biochemical, cellular, and molecular mechanisms. Salinity is one of the important abiotic stress that affects the metabolism and physiology of plant cells that leads to serious damage to crops and productivity. We investigated the response of two contrasting (salt susceptible and tolerant) cultivars during saline stress by modulating its effect with the application of an important natural biostimulant panchagavya (PG). The results showed that the salinity stress greatly influenced and negatively affects the plant growth, biochemical attributes, and induces the expression of various genes in both cultivars. Furthermore, we assessed the effect of PG alone and by amending with NaCl to alleviate the saline stress which showed a significant enhancement of biochemical and physiological characteristics in both cultivars. Furthermore, we assessed the response of seven autophagy associated gene (ATG1, ATG3, ATG4, ATG6, ATG7, ATG8, and ATG9), BAX Inhibitor -1 (BI-1), Mitogen activated Protein Kinase–1 (MAPK-1), WRKY53, Catalase -1 (CAT-1), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), and Glutathione Peroxidase (GPX) genes in rice that displayed the differential expression pattern during saline stress in both cultivars. We concluded that saline stress can be manipulated by the application of PG and positively regulate the physiological, biochemical, and gene expression response in salt-susceptible and -tolerant rice cultivars. Furthermore, the current study also suggested that salinity is a mutifactorial and multigenic response. Autophagy and programmed cell death regulated along with salinity and was helpful in adapting the tolerance against the stress condition.  相似文献   
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important stand-forming tree species in Hungary and its importance is increasing in many countries. Black locust plants are commonly produced by two methods, by seed and by root cuttings. Tissue culture propagation can be considered as a relatively new method. Growing trees from seed is a relatively simple method for reliably producing seedlings on a large scale under a variety of circumstances. Mechanization of the method is easy and the production cost is relatively low. Propagation from root cuttings and tissue culture are valuable for reproduction of superior individuals or varieties. By applying these methods, superior traits of the selected trees can be preserved in the clones. Recent experiments demonstrated that micropropagated trees could be successfully transplanted into soil, hardened and grown in the field. Biography: Karoly Redei (1952), male, doctor, deputy director general of Hungarian Forest Research Institute H-1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó Str. 42 44, HUNGARY. Responsible editor: Chal Ruihai  相似文献   
We studied the regeneration of tree species in the sub-tropical forest of Alaknanda Valley in Garhwal Himalaya, India. The overall regeneration status was fairly good in the study area. Seedling density ranged between 520 and 1,240 seedlings per ha while the density of saplings varied between 400 and 800 saplings per ha. Out of eight sites studied, five sites, viz., A1 , A2 , B1 , B2and C2contained the highest number of seedlings (280-480 per ha) and saplings (200-440 per ha) for Pinus roxburghii and remaining three sites viz., C1, D1and D2represented the highest number of seedlings (240-400 per ha) and saplings (200-240 per ha) for Anogeissus latifolius. The DBH class distribution of the tree species revealed that the highest number of individuals was concentrated in the lower diameter classes while smallest numbers were found in the higher diameter classes. Species such as Acacia catechu, Anogeissus latifolius, Dalbergia sissoo, Engelhardtia spicata, Lannea coromandelica, Mallotus philippensis and Pinus roxburghii have the largest number of saplings and seedlings in the lower DBH classes, suggesting that they have good regeneration potential. Other species such as Aegle marmelos, Bauhinia variegata, Bombax ceiba, Cassia fistula, Erythrina variegata, Haldinia cordifolia, Mangifera indica, Ougeinia oojeinensis, Phyllanthus emblica, Syzygium cumini, Terminalia alata and Toona hexandra have either no or very small number of saplings in the lower DBH classes, which indicates that the status of these species implies poor regeneration.  相似文献   
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