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Performance of WATCOM (a numerical model) and CRPSM (a simple water balance model) were assessed in simulating root zone water storage and water balance components under cowpea in Nigeria using a line source sprinkler system. Three sets of field data were collected: the first was used for calibration and model parameters’ estimation and the other two for testing and comparisons. The simulated soil water storage and crop evapotranspiration with WATCOM and CRPSM were in good agreement with field-measured data though WATCOM performed significantly better (P < 0.05) under the stressed condition. The maximum average error between predicted and measured soil water storage was −0.95 and +1.47 mm for WATCOM and CRPSM, respectively, while that between measured and predicted actual crop evapotranspiration was +2.7 and +11.38 mm, respectively, for the two models. WATCOM gave generally higher cumulative deep percolation and lower evapotranspiration than that of CRPSM for all irrigation levels (P < 0.05), and values of deep percolation for WATCOM were in better agreement with field data than that of CRPSM. This suggests that drainage below the field capacity needs to be included in CRPSM and that WATCOM will be a more useful management tool when detailed soil parameter is required and under variable water regime.  相似文献   
Nine hybrids (three maturity groups, dry matter 343 ± 5.6 g/kg) of whole‐crop maize were ensiled in eight replicates in laboratory‐scale silos. Each hybrid was sampled at harvest and after 30, 60, 90 and 120 days (d) of ensiling. Samples were analysed for chemical composition (proximate constituents, fermentation products and pH), starch, non‐protein N (NPN) and NH3‐N. Each sample and its neutral detergent fibre (NDF) fraction were incubated in the Hohenheim gas test system. In vitro gas production was measured after 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 hr of incubation. Gas production of the neutral detergent soluble (NDS) fraction (mainly starch) was calculated using a curve subtraction method. Gas production dynamics over time were estimated using a nonlinear regression equation; afterwards, a two‐factorial analysis of variance (storage length, maturity group and their interaction) using the general linear models procedure was conducted. After 30 d, all silages were well fermented. Most fermentation products and proximate constituents only changed until 30 or maximum 60 d of ensiling. Only few changes in in vitro nutrient degradability were detected after the first 30 d or as influenced by maturity group. Ensiling per se increased the ruminal degradability of the NDS, but there was no further increase caused by a prolonged duration of storage. However, extensive changes in crude protein fractions occurred with a linear increase in NPN and NH3‐N compounds from 0 to 120 d of storage, indicating continual protein and amino acid degradation.  相似文献   
Inoculation of first expanded leaves of pea seedlings with an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi , or treatment with sprays of a benzothiadiazole (20 or 100  μ g a.i. mL−1), decreased the susceptibility of subsequent leaves 7 or 14 days later to challenge inoculation with Mycosphaerella pinodes . Inoculation of first leaves with a virulent strain of P. syringae pv. pisi or with M. pinodes did not decrease the susceptibility of plants to M. pinodes . Treatments effective in decreasing susceptibility to M. pinodes were similarly active against Uromyces viciae-fabae and virulent P. syringae pv. pisi . Effective treatments also enhanced the activities of the enzymes β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase in untreated upper leaves 6 days later. Ineffective treatments for decreased susceptibility had no effect on the activity of the enzymes. None of the treatments enhanced peroxidase activities. The results are discussed in relation to the reported signalling effects of the benzothiadiazole and in relation to a suggested high activity of the avirulent P. syringae pv. pisi strain and inactivity of M. pinodes in enhancing natural signalling.  相似文献   
The dimpling bug, Campylomma austrina Malipatil, has been recognised since 2002 as a serious mango pest in the Northern Territory, Australia. To fully understand the damage the bug causes and its relationship with ants, field experiments were conducted in five mango orchards in the Darwin area from 2001 to 2003 along with laboratory rearing trials. The latter revealed that the dimpling bug sucked sap mainly from the ovary of the flowers. As the ovary ripened, each puncture resulted in a black pimple on the skin of the marble-sized fruit (<5 mm in diameter). All of the most heavily damaged marble-sized fruits (>10 pimples/fruitlet) dropped from the trees. A field survey and field experiments showed that marble-sized fruit damage levels on trees bearing abundant weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius, were similar to those protected by chemical insecticides, however both suffered less damage than trees bearing fewer or no weaver ants or black ants, Iridomyrmex sp. We propose that the weaver ant is an efficient bio-control agent of the dimpling bug, and to limit the bug damage, high levels of weaver ant populations are required in mango orchards.  相似文献   
Variation was investigated in 110 doubled haploid (DH) lines of wheat derived from wheat × maize crosses. Field observation revealed visible variations in 15 DH2 lines such as extreme dwarfism, low seed fertility, alteration of spike type and stripes. Six agronomic traits, i.e., heading date, spike number/ plant, culm length, spike length, seed fertility and grain weight were statistically analyzed in the DH2 and DH3 generations. Out of the 88 DH2 lines/DH3 groups, 26 %/64 % showed significant differences from the parental variety in the means of one or more traits. Ranges of the DH3 lines were larger than those of the DH2 lines, except for spike number/plant. Furthermore, analyses of variance within and between DH lines showed the presence of heterogeneity/heterozygosity in the DH2 lines/plants. These results indicated the occurrence of gametoclonal variation in the DH lines. It is considered that most of the variations detected were due to the colchicine treatment rather than to the 2,4-D treatment or in vitro culture.  相似文献   
A serious outbreak of barley yellow dwarf luteovirus (BYDV, MAV-type) on wheat in the Garhwal Hills, Central Himalayas, India is reported. This is the first conclusive evidence based on serology for the presence of MAV-BYDV in India.  相似文献   
Leakage of jet fuel from an oil skimmer has resulted in soil and groundwater contamination at the fire fighting training site of the Oslo international airport. The site is located on an unconfined sandy aquifer formed by the Gardermoen ice contact delta. A strong relationship between hydrogeological settings and spatial distribution of the hydrocarbons has been observed. Leaching hydrocarbons constitute a source of dissolved BTEX and naphthalene. Concentration of the dissolved hydrocarbons, electron acceptors and metabolic by-products has revealed concomitant changes in space and in time, in response to groundwater fluctuations. Correlation between high concentrations of hydrocarbons, elevated alkalinity and depleted electron acceptors supports the hypothesis that intrinsic bioremediation has been taking place at the site. Naphthalene, however, has been found persistent under anoxic conditions. Calculations of biodegradation potential indicates that Fe(III) reduction, methanogenesis, nitrate and sulphate reduction are the main factors controlling biodegradation.  相似文献   
We report here the first broad genetic characterization of farmer-developed landraces of melon (Cucumis melo L.) from the Indo-Gangetic plains of India, an area overlooked in previous melon genetic diversity analyses of Indian melon germplasm. Eighty-eight landraces from three melon Groups in two subspecies (C. melo subsp. agrestis Momordica Group, and C. melo subsp. melo Cantalupensis Group and Reticulatus Group) were collected from the four agro-ecological regions (six sub-regions) of two northern states of the Indo-Gangetic plains of India, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Significant differences were found among the landraces and eight USA Reticulatus Group reference cultivars for 18 plant and fruit traits: no. of primary branches per plant, days to marketable maturity, sex expression, fruit shape, flesh colour, netting, no. of fruit per plant, fruit weight, shelf life, total soluble solids (°Bx), ascorbic acid (mg/100 g), titratable acidity (%), fruit length and diameter, seed cavity length and diameter, flesh thickness, and resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus. The three melon groups differed significantly for 10 of the plant and fruit traits. Cantalupensis Group and Reticulatus Group accessions were andromonoecious, and the Momordica Group was monoecious. Neighbour-joining (NJ) tree and factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) of simple sequence repeat loci also revealed a high level of genetic variability in this germplasm. The 96 melon genotypes clustered into five groups in the NJ tree analysis: the 16 Indian Reticulatus Group accessions and eight USA reference cultivars formed a distinct group; and the 60 Cantalupensis Group accessions clustered in four other groups with the 12 Momordica Group accessions in a distinct subgroup of one of the Cantalupensis groups. The FCA plot largely confirmed the NJ tree with three distinct groups, one for each melon group. The close affinity of the Indian and USA Reticulatus melons was not unexpected, but it is not clear whether it was inherent in the group and maintained as Reticulatus melons moved from India through Central Asia and Europe to North America, or the result of recent intercrossing of Indian landraces with the USA-derived cultivars and selection for a broad range of Reticulatus type melons.  相似文献   
Until now, most tillage erosion experiments were conducted under controlled soil and operating conditions. However, soil condition, tillage depth, speed and direction generally show substantial within-field variation. In this study, a series of tillage experiments were set up to investigate the erosivity of tillage under normal operating conditions. The effect of a typical tillage sequence, including multiple mouldboard, chisel and harrow passes, on soil translocation and tillage erosion was studied during a period of 3 years. Soil translocation in excess of 10 m was observed while the average net translocation rates ranged between 0 and 0.9 m. The results suggest that the annual tillage transport coefficient, associated with mechanized agriculture, is in the order of 781 kg m−1 yr−1. The experimental results also show that the tillage transport coefficient of a sequence of tillage operations can be reasonably well predicted from information provided by the farmer and by summing the transport coefficients obtained from controlled, single pass experiments. However, a Monte Carlo simulation showed that a relatively high number of tillage operations are required to obtain accurate estimates of the tillage transport coefficients in multiple pass experiments.  相似文献   
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