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Two cases of H.c.c. which occurred in winter 1987 in Vienna are described. Case one was a female Chow-Chow, 8 weeks of age, that died from the peracute form of the disease. The diagnosis was confirmed by histology and direct immunofluorescence. Case two, a 9-month old female Kuvacz, showed clinical signs of the subacute form of H.c.c. She was hospitalized and therapy was successful. The disease was diagnosed by the typical clinical signs and the raise of antibodies in paired serum samples. Etiology, clinical signs and immunology of H.c.c. are discussed. 相似文献
K Okada A Yamaguchi K Ohshima S Numakunai H Itoh Y Seimiya H Koyama 《Veterinary pathology》1989,26(2):136-143
Biopsies of skin from a 2-year-old heifer with spontaneously regressing dermal leukosis were examined. The heifer was not infected with bovine leukemia virus and was negative for tumor-associated antigens of enzootic bovine lymphosarcoma. By hematological standards for bovine leukemia, the heifer was positive at about 60 days post-occurrence of the disease (POD). At 53 days POD, lymphoblastic neoplastic cells in the dermis reacted with anti-T lymphocyte monoclonal antibody by the avidin biotin peroxidase complex method. The cells had intracytoplasmic clustered dense bodies under electron microscopy. From 53 to 83 days POD, figures of the transepithelial elimination (TE) against neoplastic cells and perivascular infiltration of small lymphocytes were in the dermis. Small lymphocytes reacted with anti-T lymphocyte monoclonal antibody. At necropsy there were no neoplastic lesions; there were flat lymph node-like tissues in the subcutis. Many germinal centers were seen in the lymphatic organs. Blood lymphocytes at 46 days POD were stimulated by phytohemagglutinin-P and concanavalin A. Sera, taken until 75 days POD and at necropsy, showed an inhibitory effect on mitogen-induced blastogenesis of normal bovine lymphocytes. These results suggested the existence of a spontaneous regressive mechanism against neoplastic lesions by TE and tumor immunity. 相似文献
A B Gardner C E Gardner 《Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice》1989,5(3):653-664
Dairy practice often requires substantial time commitments. Those veterinarians with families may find that if they do not actively budget some time for spouse and children, the family unit may suffer. A successful practice and meaningful family life are both possible if the doctor or doctors involved are willing to work for their achievement. 相似文献
The kidney's microvascularization of the Pudu pudu is mostly similar to that of domestic animals. The renal parenchymatous arteries do not give off capsular branches. The majority of the Pudu pudu's glomerula shows spherical shape. Glomerula next to the medulla have a diameter which is an average of 25 microns larger than the diameter of those situated more peripherally. Their volume is comparable to that of the angora rabbit. The capillaries form anastomosis in the inner and outer part of the glomerulus. 相似文献
A 3‐year‐old Burmese cat was presented with a history of nonresolving crusted and papular lesions of the face and prior treatment with prednisolone. Skin biopsies revealed typical pox lesions with hyperplasia and ulceration of the epidermis and eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the epidermal cells. In the upper dermis there was prominent diffuse mast cell infiltration and mild neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation. Rare cytoplasmic inclusion bodies were also present in swollen endothelial cells of dermal venules, which showed no other degenerative changes. Histological diagnosis was confirmed by electron microscopic evidence of pox virus particles in inclusion bodies of epidermal cells. The lesions resolved within 6 weeks with systemic antibiotic therapy and supportive care. A 2‐year‐old domestic short‐haired cat was presented with multiple disseminated papular and ulcerative pox lesions with central eschar over the entire body. Histologically, large epidermal inclusion bodies (up to 6 μm in diameter) were present. Widespread haemorrhage and vascular wall necrosis was visible in the dermis and subcutis. Some subcutaneous vessels showed neutrophilic vasculitis. In addition to diffuse dermal neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation, a lymphohistiocytic panniculitis was also present. The cat died as a result of massive haemorrhage and lymphedema, despite supportive care. Funding: Self‐funded. 相似文献
CERES-Maize (Vl. 0) predicted no grain yield when 100% defoliation occurred during vegetative growth. This result conflicted with field observations where 100% defoliation early in the vegetative stage did not materially reduce grain yield. CERES-Maize was modified to realistically predict yields when defoliation greater than 50% occurred during vegetative growth by taking into account stem (stem proper and sheath) photosynthesis and translocation of dry matter from the stem to the developing leaves. With these modifications, predictions from CERES-Maize were in good agreement with field measurements when defoliation occurred both early and later in the vegetative stage. This modified version of CERES-Maize can be the basis of a decision support system for defoliating pests of corn where yields can be evaluated under different management strategies and climate scenarios. 相似文献
A Ogasa T Tsutsui E Kawakami M Sone T Kawarasaki S Iwamura 《The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science》1991,53(2):181-184
Clinical and endocrinological responses to administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone analog (LH-RH-A) during the lactation period and postweaning in the sow were investigated. Plasma LH concentrations in lactating sows rose immediately after administration of LH-RH-A. However, in postweaning sows the increase of LH level was more slowly. Three of 5 postweaning sows came into estrus and ovulated after LH-RH-A treatment. One sow exhibited a distinct LH response, but her ovaries remained quiescent. The remaining one with feeble estrus for a short period became cystic ovaries. Thus, LH response to GnRH in the sow seems to be higher during early lactation than at 2 days postweaning. 相似文献
Abstract— Class II+ dendritic cells were widely distributed throughout normal ovine skin in two main locations: a) in or immediately adjacent to the epidermis and epidermal appendages and b) in the vicinity of the blood vessels. They are unlikely to represent a homogeneous population particularly since Langerhans cells, which previously have been found throughout the epidermal appendages, were located only in the epidermis using acetylcholinesterase staining. Following infection with orf virus, a dense mass of closely associated class II+ dendritic cells develops in the exposed necrotising dermis, adjacent to infected hair follicles and under infected degenerating epidermis. These cells interact and appear to form a barrier to invasion, a framework for immune defence and a template for subsequent epidermal repair; they seem to provide the basis of a highly integrated local dermal defence system. Résumé— Des cellules dendritiques de classe II+étaient largement réparties dans la peau ovine normale dans deux principales zones a) dans l'épiderme et les annexes épidermiques ou dans leur voisnage immédiat b) au voisinage des vaisseaux sanguins. Il est peu probable qu'elles représentant une population homogène particulièrement parce que les cellules de Langerhaps, qui ont été découvertes précédemment dans l'ensemble des annexes épidermiques, furent localisées seulement dans l'épiderme en utilisant une coloration à l'acétylcholinesterase. Après une infection par le virus de l'ecthyma, il se forme une masse dense de cellules dendritiques de classe II+étroitement associées, dans le derme nécrotique atteint, adjacente aux follicules pileux infectés et sous l'épiderme dégénératif infecté. Ces cellules interagissent et apparaissent former une barrière à l'invasion, un cadre pour les défenses immunitaires et un patron pour la réparation épidermique ultérieure; elles semblent fournir les bases d'un système de défense dermique local hautement intégré. Zusammenfassung— Klasse II+-Dendritenzellen waren in der gesamten Haut von normalen Schafen in vorwiegend zwei Bereichen verbreitet: a) in oder unmittelbar neben der Epidermis und der epidermalen Anhangsgebiete und b) in dor Nähe dar Blutgefäße. Sie stellen wahrscheinlich keine homogène Population dar, da die Langerhanszellen, die früher übarall in den epidermalen Anhangsgebilden nachgewiesen wurden, bei Acetylcholinesterase-Färbung nur in der Epidermis zu finden waren. Nach einer Orf-Virus-Infektion formiert sich eine dichte Masse aus eng verbundenen Klasse II+-Dendritenzellen in der betroffenen nekrotisierenden Dermis unmittelbar neben den infizierten Haarfollikeln und unter der infizierten, degenerierenden Epidermis. Diese Zellen stehen untereinander in Verbindung und bilden anscheinend eine Barrière gegen die Invasion, ein Gorüst für die Immunabwehr und einen Ausgangs punkt für die anschließenden Reparaturvorgänge in der Epidermis. Sie scheinen als Basis eines hochentwickelten lokalen Abwehrsystems der Haut zu fungieren. Resumen Células dendríticas de class II+ se observaron en gran cantidad en la piel de la oveja especialmente en dos localizaciones: a) en la epidermis, en la dermis muy próxima a la epidermis y en anejos cutáneos y b) en las proximidades de los vasos sanguíneos. No parece tratarse de una población homogénea de células puesto que las células de Langerhans, que previamente se habían encontrado en los anejos epidérmicos, se encontraron únicamente en la epidermis utilizando técnicas de detección del acetilcol-inesterasa. Después de la infección con el virus del ectima contagioso ovino se observó una masa de células dendríticas de clase II, dispuestas de forma muy densa, en las proximidades de la dermis necrosada y de los folículos pilosos y de la epidermis infectada. Eatas células interaccionan entre si y parecen formar una barrera contra la invasión, una red inmunitaria de defensa y participar en la reparación de la epidermis; parece ser que esta población de células dendriticas son la base de un sistema de defensa dérmico local altamente integrado. 相似文献
Totally 13575 ewes of two different breeds, Dala and Spel, were inseminated with semen, frozen in straws and thawed at 70°C for 8 sec. An insemination dose of 0.2 ml containing approx. 150 × 106 spermatozoa with at least 45 to 50% progressive motility was imerted 5 to 12 mm into the cervix. The insemination was performed once between 12 and 30 h after the onset of heat. The NR rate of the Dala ewes increased significantly during the season. The NR rate of the ewes inseminated before 15. November was 44.3%, from 15. to 20. November 52.2%. from 20. to 25. November 55.3% and from 25. November and later 61.4%. The corresponding values for the ewes of the Spel breed were 57.3, 58.7, 61.5 and 71.0% respectively, and only the difference between the two last values was statistically significant. The difference between the fertility of the two breeds was significant within each of the periods . 相似文献
As anaerobic sampling and culture techniques improved, the documented prevalence of anaerobic bacteria in periodontal disease has increased. The anaerobic bacteria have become more well-known in humans and consequently in dogs, since this species is a major model in periodontal studies. A review of the literature related to anaerobic flora is described. 相似文献