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The accuracy and precision of an end-tidal infrared CO2 monitor and customized capnography tubing system designed to measure gastrointestinal intraluminal CO2 partial pressure (PiCO2) were tested in vitro. Samples were taken from the customized capnography tubing placed in either 5% or 10% CO2 gas at discrete intervals ranging from one minute to twelve minutes. For a given time interval, the tubing PCO2 measurement was a constant fraction of the actual PCO2 (all standard errors < 0.02). For increasing time intervals, the ratio of the tubing PCO2 to actual PCO2 increased logarithmically. In the 5% and 10% CO2, the regression coefficients were 0.89 and 0.85 for 8 French tubing and 0.99 and 0.91 for 6 French tubing. Beacuase of its accuracy and precision, this system may provide automated gastrointestinal CO2 partial pressure monitoring at short intervals (e.g. 5 minutes), facilitating testing of the role of gastrointestinal PiCO2 information in treatment algorithms. (Vet Emerg & Crit Care, 1998; 8: 109–116)  相似文献   
Fibrosarcoma is a common tumor affecting bone, but is uncommon in cows, Reported here are two bovine cases of facial fibrosarcoma that were very invasive.  相似文献   
Three techniques for inducing analgesia of the proximal metacarpal region were evaluated for the frequency of inadvertent injection into the middle carpal and carpometacarpal joints. Using methylene blue solution as a marker dye and 30 fresh cadaver specimens each, three clinicians performed either 30 infiltrations at the origin of the suspensory ligament (method A), 30 palmar and palmar metacarpal nerve blocks at the proximal end of the metacarpus (method B), or 30 palmar and palmar metacarpal nerve blocks at the distal aspect of the accessory carpal bone (method C). The frequency of inadvertent injection into the distal carpal joints was 37, 17, and 0% for methods A, B, and C, respectively. The association between method and injection into the joints was significant (p less than 0.01). Infiltration of the distal carpal joints occurred with injection distances from the carpometacarpal joint of 1.5 to 4.5 cm. Although there was no joint injection with method C, the carpal synovial sheath was inadvertently infiltrated in 68% of the specimens. Injection into the distal carpal joints can occur when deep injections are made into the proximal palmar aspect of the metacarpus because of the distopalmar outpouchings of the carpometacarpal joint between the axial surfaces of the second and fourth metacarpal bones and the abaxial surface of the suspensory ligament.  相似文献   
Long-Term Follow-up of Partial Limb Amputation in 13 Horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirteen cases of partial limb amputation in horses were reviewed. Nine horses (69%) survived 18 to 111 months (mean, 41 months). Four unsuccessfully treated horses were euthanatized within 21 days of surgery. The horses' ages at amputation were 4 to 13 years (mean, 7.3 years). There was no predilection for the left or right limb nor for fore or hind limb involvement. Osteomyelitis in six horses (46%) was the most common cause for amputation. Severe, open, comminuted fractures of the third metacarpal bone that were impossible to stabilize by any currently available technique in four horses (31%) were the second most common cause for amputation. One gelding was salvaged because of his sentimental value, two horses were used as breeding stallions, and six were broodmares. One stallion lived 30 months, completed two breeding seasons, and started a third. The other stallion began breeding, but became sterile. Three of the mares have produced five foals. One mare died while in foal. One mare aborted near-term twin fetuses and died of uterine hemorrhage. One mare aborted twice before the femoral head ligament on the contralateral limb ruptured, and she was euthanatized.  相似文献   
Five dogs with pressure ulcers over the greater trochanter were treated by debridement and transposition of the cranial part of the sartorius or the rectus femoris muscle. Both muscles had vascular anatomy that allowed transposition based on a major vascular pedicle. All wounds healed promptly by primary intention and no ulcer recurred. The cranial sartorius flap technique was easier to perform than the rectus femoris technique.  相似文献   
The records of 61 horses undergoing tooth repulsion for treatment of alveolar periostitis were reviewed. Seventeen of 36 horses (47%) in which maxillary teeth were removed had serious postoperative complications, such as infection of a second tooth, bone sequestration, chronic sinusitis, draining tracts, retained dental packing, feed impaction of the alveolus or sinus, suture-line dehiscence, or skin-flap sloughs. Eight horses required at least one additional surgical procedure. Eight of 25 horses (32%) in which mandibular teeth were removed had serious postoperative complications, and four horses required an additional surgical procedure. Hospitalization lasted 2 to 61 days (median, 22 days) for maxillary teeth and 3 to 35 days (median, 8 days) for mandibular teeth. Long-term follow-up (at least 5 months) was possible in 47 horses. Twenty-four of 30 horses (80%) with maxillary tooth repulsion healed without further problems; six horses had persistent nasal discharge. Fourteen of 17 horses (82%) with mandibular tooth repulsion healed with no further problems or with only minor complications; three horses had a chronic draining tract.  相似文献   
Spontaneous development of identical or monozygotic twins is a rare event in the horse. Monozygotic twins develop after division of a single embryo. This report documents three cases in which twin embryos developed following surgical transfer of a single morula stage embryo into the uterus of a synchronized recipient mare.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to determine physiologic responses reflective of bone metabolism during the onset of training and to relate those responses to the mineral requirements of young racehorses. Ten previously untrained Quarter Horse geldings were put into race training. They were fed a diet balanced to meet NRC recommendations for young horses in training. Feed, feces and urine were collected, weighed and analyzed over the experiment to determine mineral balance. Radiographs were taken of the left front leg to determine mineral content of a cross-sectional area of the third metacarpal. Blood samples were taken to determine osteocalcin, parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Ca and inorganic P concentrations. Horses were gentled to ride, trained to gallop on the track and maintained in training for four 28-day periods. Blood serum was collected every 14 day, while radiographs and 72-hr total collections of urine and feces were taken every 28 d. Radiographs demonstrated that mineral content was lowest at day 56 in the dorsal, palmar and medial cortices of the third metacarpal. Urinary Ca declined dramatically from day 0 to day 28, then remained constant to day 56, before decreasing at day 84. Fecal Ca peaked at day 28 and remained elevated above day 0 amounts until day 112. calcium retention was negative at day 0, became slightly positive by day 28 and increased through day 112. Phosphorus and Mg balance remained relatively unchanged throughout the duration of the study. This study demon-strated changes in the mineral content of the third metacarpal and Ca balance during early training and suggests that further studies be performed.  相似文献   
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