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研究了大豆连作条件下植株体内营养水平和叶绿素含量、光合速率及其产物的差异。结果表明 ,由于连作造成根际土壤障碍和植株生长发育障碍 ,导致体内硝态N、速效P、速效K含量显著降低 ,使叶片叶绿素含量、光合速率、体内可溶性糖、氨基酸总量极显著下降 ,影响大豆叶片的光合性能和有机物的积累 ,从而导致减产。随着连作年代的延长呈现渐低趋势 ,表现为正茬 >迎茬 >重茬。  相似文献   
6种龙船花的光合特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对6个龙船花品种叶片的形态特征、光合作用日变化和光响应曲线进行测定与分析,结果表明:6种龙船花的光合能力差异不显著,LSP和LCP均较低,说明利用强光的能力较差,耐阳性较弱,而对弱光利用能力较强,具有较强的适应弱光的能力;且它们的WUE也比较低,在0.89~1.37μmol/mmol间,表现出耐荫喜湿的特性。因此在生产上应注意适当遮荫和水分的管理,其中龙船花(I.chinensis)能适应较强的阳光。6种龙船花的Pn均与PAR、Tr、Ci极显著相关,但品种不同,其主导因子也不一样。龙船花和大王龙船花的Pn与Gs、Ci、Tr、VpdL、PAR呈极显著相关;大黄龙船花、橙红龙船花、杏黄龙船花的Pn与Ci、Tr、VpdL、PAR呈极显著相关,而与Gs不相关;洋红龙船花的Pn与Gs、Ci、Tr、PAR呈极显著相关,而与VpdL不相关。  相似文献   
采用层次分析法(AHP)评价了图牧吉自然保护区野生植物资源的观赏价值,为在保护的前提下充分开发利用该保护区野生植物资源奠定了基础。结果表明,鹅绒萎陵菜、百里香、细叶百合、太阳花、瓣蕊唐松草、棉团铁线莲、野苜蓿、火绒草、狭叶柴胡等9种野生植物综合评价值较高,是周边地区可以考虑引种应用的乡土野生植物种类,可进行保护性开发和利用。  相似文献   
我国小型渔船(船长20~35米)捕鱼作业信号灯至今未能达到《1972年国际海上避碰规则(1989年修订本)》的要求。本文根据光学原理,对号灯间距分辨率进行了多次测试和研究,并根据我国渔船客观实际提出了小型渔船号灯设置最佳配置方案。  相似文献   
作者系统研究了金针菇丰产栽培技术措施:通过品比试验,筛选出适合本省栽培的7个品种,它们是8901、三明1号,8902、8903,沪金1号,洛金1号,89016,均属浓色菌系,分枝类型为细密型,具有出菇早,分枝多,产量高等特点。其中8901不论在产量和经济性状上都超过全国推广种植的优良菌株三明一号。我省金针菇的适宜播期为9月中旬至10月下旬,以10月中下旬播种产量最高。栽培材料除棉籽壳和木屑外,还可用酒糟、豆秆、花生蔓、废棉、玉米芯等,用纯酒糟产量低,加入等量的棉籽壳后,产量明显提高。废棉籽含有较高的水溶性醣和可溶性氮,用来栽培金针菇生物效率可达84.2%;豆秆、花生蔓粉碎后加入10—20%麦夫皮或玉米粉,生物效率最高可达118%。用液体菌种栽培,具有生产周期短,出菇早,经济性状好的特点,比用固体菌种增产13.4%。  相似文献   
Land use changes threaten agricultural land. If agricultural land is going to be preserved, the social and economic causes of conversion must be understood. However, analyzing the causes of agricultural conversion is complex because trends need to be documented before analyzing the causes. One of the leading uses of agricultural land is for residential purposes. This paper projects residential development in a Hudson River Valley watershed within Dutchess County in New York State using an integrated modeling framework consisting of an econometric model, a geographic information system (GIS), and Monte Carlo simulation. The econometric model is used to project residential development, providing parcel-specific probabilities of residential development. The GIS is employed to extract socio-economic and county-level tax parcel data to be used in conjunction with bio-geophysical attributes, such as slope, soil, and location, to calculate and project growth trends on a residential level for undeveloped land parcels. Monte Carlo simulation is used to distribute these projections into the GIS to display outcomes of scenario analyses to provide policy-makers a demonstration of how policies would likely affect the agricultural landscape of the watershed. John M. Polimeni is an Assistant Professor of Economics in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Albany College of Pharmacy in Albany, New York. Dr. Polimeni received a PhD in Ecological Economics and a BS in Mathematics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His professional interests include: quantitative economics, spatial and regional economics, land use change, economic development, and graduate education in Ecological Economics. He is currently working on linking ecological economics with the laws of thermodynamics and neuroeconomics into one unified model.  相似文献   
根据陕北黄土高原的自然生态环境,果树生产现状和果树分区原则,将该区果树生产划分为北部神府海红果产区,毛乌素沙地酿酒、制汁葡萄产区,横山、白于山山区山杏、山桃产区,延河中下游商品苹果、梨产区,黄河沿岸优质红枣产区,中部、南部多种果树产区,洛川塬优质苹果产区7个区域,提出各区果树发展的主要方向、规模和发展措施。  相似文献   
银杏内生真菌菌株R2的鉴定及其抑菌活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)、大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)和枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)3种微生物为指示菌,采用杯碟法对分离自药用植物银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)的36株内生真菌进行抗菌活性检测。并通过形态学特征观察和ITS-rDNA序列系统发育分析对强抑菌活性菌株进行鉴定。结果发现,菌株L1、L4、L5、L7、T2、T3、R1和R2等8株内生真菌的发酵粗提物具有抑菌活性,其中以内生真菌R2的抑菌活性最高,抑菌圈直径分别为20 mm、20 mm和21 mm。结合形态学特征和ITS-rDNA序列分析确定菌株R2为尖孢枝孢菌(Cladosporium oxysporum)。  相似文献   
Research carried out to assess the impact of open-pollinated Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV)-resistant tomatoes and hybrids on the livelihoods of resource-poor farmers in Southern India is described and discussed. Three high-yielding ToLCV-resistant tomato varieties were developed initially using conventional breeding and screening techniques involving inoculation by ToLCV-viruliferous whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. In 2003 and 2004, respectively, these varieties were released officially by the Karnataka State Seed Committee and the Indian Ministry of Agriculture through notification in the Gazette of India. From 2003 to 2005, eleven seed companies bought breeder seed of the ToLCV-resistant varieties and used them to begin breeding F1 hybrids from them. Socio-economic studies carried out to assess the benefits obtained from growing the ToLCV-resistant varieties found that farmers could gain up to 10 times the profit by growing the ToLCV-resistant varieties compared to the pre-existing ToLCV-susceptible varieties. Adoption of ToLCV-resistant tomatoes was also associated with reduced pesticide use. Extra income from tomato sales was prioritised by farmers to pay for children's education, better nutrition and medicines. In a joint effort with the commercial seed sector in India, a promotional field day was organised in 2007. As well as the three ToLCV-resistant varieties, 62 ToLCV-resistant hybrid tomatoes were exhibited during a farmer-field day by 17 commercial seed companies and several public institutes. Tomatoes with ToLCV-resistance are now grown widely in South India and seeds of the three open-pollinated varieties have been distributed to more than 12 countries. In 2007, a conservative estimate of the financial-benefit to cost of the research ratio was already more than 837:1.  相似文献   
长白山主要森林生态系统根系生物量研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对长白山阔叶红松林、云冷杉林和亚高山岳桦林根系生物量的研究结果表明:3种森林类型根系总生物量排列顺序为阔叶红松林>云冷杉林>岳桦林;同土层深度下,根系生物量大致上也有上述规律,但第Ⅱ层根系生物量为云冷杉林>阔叶红松林>岳桦林;3种森林类型的根系生物量占其地上生物量及其总生物量的比例随着海拔升高而增加;根系大部分集中在0~60cm土层中。  相似文献   
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