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The importation of 18 Collembola and 7 Zygentoma species to Hamburg is recorded. The most are found on living plants (Orchidaceae and Cactaceae) and in wood. OnlyLepisma saccharina L. andLepismodes inquilinus Newman are house and stored-product pests. The first is common in houses, but don't live in open air in Germany, the later has infected some bakeries in Hamburg only; others findings in Germany are also mentioned. The distribution and origin countries of the Collembola are mostly still not or unsufficiently known, perhaps some are original cosmopolitan and some others man made cosmopolitan. Therefore the literary references on distribution are often not congruent to the declaration of exporting countries.  相似文献   
The major problems caused by insect pests of soybeans and sunflower in Australia are reviewed. The bionomy of pests, the stages at which the crop is affected, the economic significance of the damage, and the difficulties of control are considered. The main methods of control are by the use of insecticides with the emphasis placed on an integrated approach to the problem. Present insecticides available give sufficient control. The most problems arise from the method of application used.  相似文献   
Two zoocides (Danitol 10 EC [10% fenpropathrin, insecticide], Nissorun 10 WP [(10% hexythiazox, acaricide]) were examined in the laboratory regarding their acute detrimental (side-) effects of field rates on adult common green lacewings (GLW).The toxicity of both preparations was determined by measuring the surface contact effects (dried spray on leaves ofPhiladelphus coronarius). 5 concentration were tested, with 20 adults exposed per concentration. Data were analyzed by probit analysis and one way ANOVA.According to different categories of evaluation Nissorun 10 WP seems to be safe for GLW adults but Danitol 10 EC was slightly harmful for them, which indicates further semi-field or field test to measure its real effect under field conditions.With 4 tables  相似文献   
Experiments on host-stage preference, influence of temperature on parasitization, and the feeding niche ofEretmocerus longipes Compere (Hym., Aphelinidae) parasitizingAleurotuberculatus takabashi David et Subramaniam (Hom., Aleyrodidae) on jasmine were conducted both in the laboratory of Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and in the field in the Fuzhou region, Fujian Province, PR China. The results showed that the most preferred host-stage ofE. longipes was the 3rd instar ofA. takahashi. The parasitization rate ofE. longipes was significantly affected by temperature, valuing 4.8% at 18 °C, 27.3% at 23 °C, and 55.1% at 33 °C, respectively. The whitefly immature stages and the parasitoid vertically selected all the layers of jasmine plant as their feeding niches, but the whitefly nymph preferred to gather on the top layer, which was considered as its suitable feeding niche, while the parasitoid selected the middle layer as its feeding niche. To measure the ability to utilize spatial resources, the feeding niche breadth was introduced to demonstrate that the parasitoid had the less wide feeding niche breadth among the all stages tested on jasmine, which revealed that the spatial activity for the parasitoid was smaller than that for any stage of the whitefly. The cluster analysis showed that the feeding niche of the parasitoid was more closely related to the 3rd instar than to any other stage of the whitefly. It was suggested that relation between the whitefly and its parasitoid was not only depending on the host-stage preference but also on the feeding niche similarity.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of intercropping tagetes with tomato in comparison with the natural root exudates of tagetes onMeloidogyne javanica nematode population and galls on tomato cultivated in sandy soil was studied. Both tagetes roots extracts and intercropping tagetes with tomato significantly reducedM. javanica nematode population, egg masses and galls on tomato. Intercropping tagetes with tomato was more effective in reducing root-knot nematode population and galls than treating tomato with natural root extracts of tagetes.Therefore, intercropping resistant plant with susceptible host to nematode is a new and good approach to nematode control.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Wirkung des Pflanzens vonTagetes zwischen Tomaten im Vergleich zur Beigabe von Wurzel-Exudaten vonTagetes zu den Tomaten auf den NematodenMeloidogyne javanica in Sandboden untersucht. Beide Verfahren reduzierten signifikant die Zahl der Nematoden, die Eigelege und Gallenbildungen an den Tomaten. Jedoch wirkte die Zwischenpflanzung vonTagetes besser als die Hinzufügung vonTagetes-Wurzelexudaten.Auf Grund der Ergebnisse bietet das Zwischenpflanzen einer resistenten Pflanzenart zu einer nematoden-empfindlichen Pflanzenart einen neuen Weg der Nematodenbekämpfung.

With one table  相似文献   
A correlation betweenAlphitobius diaperinus generations and the rhythm of breeding the broilers and cleaning the poultry houses has been found. In the litter lots ofA. diaperinus larval instars can be observed. Approximately 13 days before the breeding of the broilers is completed the larvae start to leave the litter and search for hiding places for pupation in the walls of the buildings. The insects stay in these hiding places until the cleaning of the houses is finished. When the houses are prepared with new litter and higher temperatures for rearing the chickens are maintained, the beetles and larval instars leave the hiding places and continue their development, respectively laying eggs in the new litter. To prevent the insect emigration from the litter into the hiding places in the walls by temperature barriers the reactions of the adults and larvae to high temperature were tested. The results show that temperature barriers with more than 45°C only exceptionally can be overpassed by beetles and larvae.  相似文献   
Studies on the contents of breeding boxes made in the pine forests of Geisenfeld in former times as well in 1982 showed a high per cent (62.5%) of singing bird settlement within boxes having an oval hole of entrance (Tab. 1). Three species of titmice (Coal-, Great- and Crested Tit) strongly predominated. They showed only small change in density between 1976 and 1982 whereas the Nuthatch (Sitta europaea) and the Tree Creeper (Certhia familiaris) doubled their density in this time due to the enlargement of breeding room in the boxes (Sitta) resp. to the introduction of a new type of boxes (Certhia, “Korridorkasten”, Abb. 3, 4). The boxes with a little round hole showed poor results and seem to be unnessary. In the bird and bat boxes five species of bats were found, the Long-eared Bat beeing the most frequent of them, followed by Bechstein's Bat, Natterer's Bat, Great Bat and Large Mouse-eared Bat (Tab. 2). The so called Issel bat boxes (Abb. 1) did'nt contain more bats than the bird boxes (ca. 5%). The so called Schwegler bat boxes (Abb. 2) were without any bats. Both, Issel's and Schwegler's bat boxes were strongly occupied by wasps (Tab. 1). Best results showed the new “Korridorkasten”, 11.6% of them containing bats and further 23.2% containing bat excrements. The new type of boxes seems to be an interesting combination of Tree Creeper- and bat-box thus favouring two sensitive members of the wood ecosystem together. The studies including a further new type of bat boxes (Abb. 5) are continued in summer of 1983.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Hämozyten von Nonnenraupen ließen sich auf Grace-Medium in Kultur nehmen und vermehren.Es zeigte sich, daß gegenüber Primärkulturen ein Kernpolyeder-Virus der Nonne sehr virulent war, während für Hämozyten, die mehrere Monatein vitro vermehrt wurden, die Empfindlichkeit gegenüber demselben Virusstamm verlorenging.
Studies on hemocytes-cultures from larvae of the Nun Moth (L. monacha L.) and their susceptibility to a nuclear polyhedrosis virusin vitro
Cell cultures of Nun Moth larvae showed divergent susceptibility to an NPV ofL. monacha. While primary cultures could be infected with the virus, no infection was observed in hemocytes grownin vitro for several months.

Mit 4 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die bodenbiologische Bedeutung von Arthropoden beruht auf der Fähigkeit dieser für gewöhnlich in Massen vorkommenden Organismen, innerhalb der entsprechenden Biozönose an der fortwährenden Umwandlung von organischen Substanzen beteiligt zu sein und damit maßgebend an der Aufrechterhaltung des Naturstoffhaushaltes mitzuwirken.In der Ökotoxikologie, unter der hier die Lehre von den Stoffen, die sich schädigend im Naturhaushalt von Ökosystemen auswirken, verstanden wird, wird nach Möglichkeiten für die Risikoabschätzung von umweltgefährdenden Stoffen gesucht.Für die ökotoxikologische Bewertung von Chemikalien würden sich grundsätzlich Biozönosen in ihrer Ganzheit als gegebene Testeinheiten anbieten. Da aber die Realisierung solcher Untersuchungen in absehbarer Zeit noch nicht möglich sein wird, so müssen für solche Zwecke Einzelorganismen ausgewählt werden, deren Repräsentanz für terrestrische Biotope erwiesen ist. Zur Meso-und Makrofauna der Bodenarthropoden bzw. der Bodeninsekten zählen nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen ihrer bodenbiologischen Bedeutung vor allem Collembolen, Coleopteren und Dipteren (Larven). Mit Vertretern solcher Organismen sind Testverfahren zu entwicklen, die bereits subakute, chronische Schädigungen bzw. eine Beeinträchtigung ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit erkennen lassen; denn diese ist zur Aufrechterhaltung des Naturstoffhaushaltes Grundvoraussetzung.
Soil arthropods as test organisms for ecotoxicology
The importance of arthropods — organisms which usually grow in masses — for soil biology depends on their capacity to participate in the continuous transformation of organic substances within the relevant biocenosis and thus to take part in the maintenance of the ecological balance.In ecotoxicology, i. e. the science of substances having a detrimental effect on the natural balance of ecosystems, we try to find ways to evaluate risk of substances hazardous to the environment.In principle, biocenoses would offer themselves in their entirety as appropriate test objects for ecotoxicological evaluation of chemicals. Since it will not yet be possible in the near future to carry out this kind of studies, individual organisms proved as representatives of terrestial biotopes have to be chosen for these purposes. Primarily, Collembola, Coleoptera, and Diptera (larvae) are part of the meso-and macrofauna of soil arthropods or soil insects according to the experience made up to now in respect of their importance for soil biology. Representatives of such organisms should be used to develop test procedures to indicate damage even of a subacute, chronic nature or the impairment of their functional performance the maintance of which is a prerequisite for the ecological balance.

Mit 3 Abbildungen

Referat auf der Tagung deutscher, österreichischer und schweizerischer Entomologen, Sept. 1980 in St. Gallen.  相似文献   
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