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Abstract. First culture results are presented from four major experiments (lasting up to 478 days) on the commercially important squid species, Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, Details are provided on eggs, hatching, feeding, growth, survival, behaviour and sexual maturation. Best survival during the critical first 75 days was 15%. The hatchlings (up to 4.9mm mantle length, ML) are the largest among the genus Loligo , and the largest squid grown was a male 155mm ML and 124g. First schooling was observed only 40–50 days post-hatching. Spawning was not achieved although males reached maturity, females had maturing ova and mating was observed. The largest giant axon measured was 425μm in diameter (from a female 130mm ML), a size suitable for most biomedical applications. Laboratory data suggest a 2-year life cycle compared to fishery data which suggest a 1-year cycle.  相似文献   
Left-sided partial arytenoidectomy was performed in eight horses to evaluate healing. Four horses underwent conventional partial arytenoidectomy with suture apposition of the mucosa. In four horses, most of the arytenoid cartilage, including overlying mucosa, vocal fold, and laryngeal saccule, were excised en bloc without mucosal closure. The horses were monitored clinically by endoscopic examination. One horse from each group was euthanatized at weeks 2, 4, 8, and 16. Complete necropsies with gross and histologic examination of the arytenoidectomy sites were performed. Postoperative complications such as coughing, dysphagia, and aspiration pneumonia were not encountered and problems with wound healing were minimal in both groups. The defect created by partial arytenoidectomy without mucosal closure initially filled to the level of the luminal surface with granulation tissue, with a gradual transition to mature fibrous connective tissue. Grossly, the defect appeared to be healed and was completely epithelialized by week 16 without apparent narrowing of the laryngeal lumen. Partial arytenoidectomy sites with mucosal closure healed in a similar pattern by week 8. Partial dehiscence of the dorsal portion of the sutured mucosa occurred in three horses.  相似文献   
The feasibility of repairing an arterial defect with a graft was evaluated in the horse. Arterial autografts, venous autografts, and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) vascular prostheses were used. Four 3 cm grafts of each type were used to replace a 3 cm section of medial palmar artery that had been removed from 12 forelimbs of 11 horses. Patency was assessed by arteriography performed 30 days after the grafting procedure. All four arterial autografts, one of four venous autografts, and two of four PTFE grafts were patent at 30 days. Thrombosis caused the failure of one venous autograft and two PTFE grafts. Fibrous replacement caused the failure of two venous autografts. Results indicate that arterial grafting is feasible in the horse.  相似文献   
A urethral defect, presumed to communicate with the corpus spongiosum penis, caused hematuria in seven geldings and hemospermia in three stallions. Hematuria in geldings occurred at the end of urination. Hematuria was not observed in stallions with hemospermia. A linear urethral defect was identified, by endoscopic examination, on the convex surface the urethra at the level of the ischial arch of each horse. Cause of the defect was not determined. Two stallions were successfully treated for hemospermia, one by temporary subischial urethrostomy combined with sexual rest for 10 weeks, and the other by sexual rest alone for 6 months. The third stallion had hemospermia 6 weeks after urethrostomy. The geldings were successfully treated for hematuria, six by temporary subischial urethrostomy, and one by a subischial incision that extended into the corpus spongiosum penis but did not enter the lumen of the urethra. Efficacy of subischial urethrostomy for treatment of hemospermia was difficult to assess because of the small number of surgically treated stallions. In geldings, surgery eliminated hematuria, presumably by reducing vascular pressure in the corpus spongiosum penis during urination, thus allowing the urethral defect to heal.  相似文献   
An autogenous free vascular bone transfer using a segment of ulna along with its periosteum and vascular pedicle was developed. The vascular pedicle, based on the common interosseous artery and vein, emerged where muscular branches from the cranial interosseous artery enter the extensor carpi ulnaris and lateral digital extensor muscles. Four autogenous heterotopic (ulna to tibia) vascular transfers by microvascular anastomosis and two avascular transfers were performed to compare the osteogenic potential and viability of free revascularized grafts with avascular bone grafts. Successful microvascular anastomosis was demonstrated in three of the four vascular transfers by early bone scanning using technetium-labeled polyphosphate. Radiographically, there was more periosteal new bone and callus formation in the successfully revascularized bone transfers than in the failed vascular transfer and the avascular controls. Histologically, viable bone with an intact medullary and periosteal vascular supply was recognized in the grafts successfully revascularized by microvascular anastomosis.  相似文献   
Three concentrations of povidone-iodine (0.1% w/v, 0.2% w/v, 0.5% w/v) and one concentration of chlorhexidine (0.5% w/v) were selected as antimicrobial joint lavage solutions. Through-and-through joint lavage was performed with one of these antimicrobial solutions on a tarsocrural joint of 12 horses. The contralateral tarsocrural joints (control limbs) were lavaged with a balanced electrolyte solution (BES). The effect of the lavage solution on the joints was evaluated with respect to lameness, foot flight pattern, soreness to joint palpation, articular and periarticular enlargement, and synovial fluid composition on Day 1,4, and 8 postlavage. On Day 8 postlavage, all horses were euthanized and the tarsocrural joints were examined.
All solutions induced a synovitis. Based on clinical assessment, synovial fluid protein levels, color, clarity, mucin clot forming ability, gross appearance of the joint at necropsy, and synovial membrane histologic evaluation, a similar, mild, transient, synovitis was induced by the BES and 0.1% povidone-iodine (PI) solution. The 0.2% PI solution induced a more prolonged neutrophilic response and poorer mucin clot forming ability in the synovial fluid as compared to the BES.
The 0.5% PI and 0.5% chlorhexidine solutions produced severe lameness, soreness to joint palpation, and limb enlargement. The elevated synovial fluid total protein content persisted significantly longer (p < 0.05) than the corresponding control (BES) solution. Histologic evaluation of the synovial membrane confirmed the presence of a moderate to severe neutrophilic synovitis in these treatment groups.  相似文献   
High-frequency ventilation (HFV) is a form of artificial ventilation that uses higher rates and smaller tidal volumes than those used with conventional mechanical ventilation (intermittent positive pressure ventilation [1PPV]). HFV is divided into three categories based on the rate and type of equipment used: 1) high-frequency positive pressure ventilation administered through a system with low internal compliance having an expiratory valve to maintain positive airway pressure during expiration and rates of 60 to 120/minute; 2) high-frequency jet ventilation delivered through an open system or a system with an expiratory valve at rates of 120 to 400/minute; and 3) high-frequency oscillation using open systems and rates of 400 to 2400/minute. All forms of HFV provide adequate ventilation in normal animals at lower peak and mean airway pressures, resulting in less cardiovascular depression than that associated with 1PPV. HFV provides adequate ventilation with less cardiovascular depression and risk of barotrauma than 1PPV in the presence of pulmonary disease. The exact mechanism of gas exchange during HFV is not clearly understood, but enhanced diffusion as a result of turbulent gas flow appears to be a major factor.  相似文献   
Square 9 × 9 cm full-thickness defects were created in the thoracic wall of five dogs and the abdominal wall of five dogs. The skin was retained. Ten centimeter squares of carbon fabric with a thin polycaprolactone (PCL) lining were sutured into the defects with the PCL lining facing the viscera. The dogs were observed for 5 months. The surgical technique was simple and fast. All implants were well tolerated. Cosmetic results were excellent in nine dogs. One dog (abdominal implant) developed an infection and draining tract, and a second dog (thoracic implant) had a subclinical infection. Thoracic implants caused brief serosanguinous pleural transudate. Mild paradoxical respiratory motion disappeared by 8 weeks. Lungs were radiographically normal. At necropsy, fibrous tissue was present but lacked orientation. Loose adhesions covered 20 to 80% of implant linings. There was no significant difference in ultimate tensile strength of implant/fibrous tissue compared to control abdominal wall. No carbon fragments were observed in lymph nodes. Increased numbers of secondary follicles, plasma cells, eosinophils, and sinus histiocytes in lymph nodes suggested immunologic stimulation of undetermined significance.  相似文献   
The effects of thiopental, ketamine, diazepam, xylazine and nitrous oxide, and combinations of thiopental-nitrous oxide and ketamine-nitrous oxide on electroencephalographic (EEG) spike activity and convulsive behaviors in atropinized cats at surgical depth of enflurane anesthesia were assessed quantitatively for 60 minutes during spontaneous ventilation. Mean inspired enflurane concentrations (MIEC) were reduced 16% to 29% by pretreatment with thiopental, ketamine, diazepam, and xylazine, and were reduced 19% by 66% nitrous oxide. The MIEC of cats anesthetized with thiopental-nitrous oxide-enflurane and ketamine-nitrous oxide-enflurane were 35% to 38% lower than that with nitrous oxide-enflurane. Pretreatment with thiopental, ketamine, diazepam, and xylazine did not reduce the EEG spike frequency during anesthesia but did markedly reduce the spike amplitude. The addition of 66% nitrous oxide did not alter the spike frequency during anesthesia but tended to reduce the spike amplitude. Combinations of thiopental-nitrous oxide and ketamine-nitrous oxide almost abolished the spike activity. The addition of 66% nitrous oxide prevented convulsive responses elicited by photic and auditory stimulation during enflurane anesthesia. Treatment with thiopental, ketamine, diazepam and xylazine, and combinations of thiopental-nitrous oxide and ketamine-nitrous oxide, completely prevented convulsive responses during enflurane anesthesia.  相似文献   
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