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The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the antioxidant astaxanthin on boar semen. Twenty ejaculates from 10 boars (two ejaculates/boar) were extended and split in three groups: semen control (SC), solvent control (C; semen with dimethyl sulfoxide, the diluent of astaxanthin) and semen with astaxanthin (A) in concentration 0.5 μmol/L. Sperm quality parameters (motility and kinetics, morphology, viability, functional integrity of sperm plasma membrane by Hypo‐Osmotic Swelling Test [HOST] and DNA integrity) were assessed at 0, 24 and 48 hr of storage at 17°C (experiment I), before (0 hr) and after (1 hr) of sperm thermal resistance assay at 37°C (experiment II) and finally before (0 hr) and after (1 hr) sperm in vitro incubation (38.5°C, 5% CO2, maximum humidity [experiment III]). In experiment I, group A performed overall better than group SC and as a tendency better than group C regarding viability. Total motility, rapid spermatozoa and HOST remained constant across time in group A, whereas they decreased in the remaining groups. In experiment II, regarding motility and viability, group A displayed better results across time than the other two groups. In experiment III, viability and total motility decreased in groups SC and C, while in group A, these parameters were not significantly different between the examination time points. In conclusion, astaxanthin has a beneficial and protective effect on boar semen quality under the investigated conditions.  相似文献   
This paper presents history and ways of creating triploid apple cultivars differing from common diploid ones by less pronounced fruiting periodicity by years, higher marketability and weight of fruits, and self-fertility. In the search for an effective method of mass production of triploid seedlings, crosses of the type 4x × 4x, 4x × 3x, 4x × 2x, 3x × 4x, 3x × 3x, 3x × 2x, 2x × 4x, and 2x × 3x were studied. The most effective way of mass production of triploid seedlings was the 2x × 4x cross (diploid × tetraploid). In the group of 2x × 4x crosses, more than 9000 seedlings from different families were subjected to cytological analysis. The ratio of hybrid progeny in terms of ploidy levels was as follows: 30.3% diploids, 69.5% triploids, 0.2% tetraploids, and 0.04% aneuploids. It was established that triploids can also be obtained in 4x × 2x crosses; however, it is necessary to castrate the flowers in the maternal parent, since all apple tetraploids have high self-fertility. For the first time in the world, a series of triploid cultivars (approximately 20) was obtained from intervalent crosses of the diploid × tetraploid type in the All-Russia Research Institute of Fruit Crop Selection. Particularly interesting are triploid cultivars that have immunity to scab, which include nine cultivars, of which Aleksandr Boiko, Vavilovskoe, Maslovskoe, and Yablochnyi Spas are included in the State Register of breeding achievements allowed for use.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Effects of a controlled-release albendazole capsule (CRC) on nematode parasitism and production of Merino ewes and lambs were Investigated in a replicated grazing experiment between August 1986 and July 1989. The experiment was conducted on a site where the naturally occurring parasites were benzimidazole-resistant, with double the recommended dose of oxfendazole reducing faecal egg counts of Trichostrongylus colubriformis by less than 50%. Two CRC treatments were compared with a minimal treatment control and the widely-used strategic control program, Wormkill.
Egg counts and worm burdens of major parasite species of ewes and of lambs before and after weaning were significantly reduced by use of the CRC in ewes before lambing or in lambs at weaning. These parasitological effects were reflected in increased productivity of CRC ewes and lambs. Ewes given CRCs lost less weight and grew more wool during lactation than ewes given Wormkill or control treatments, while their lambs gained more weight and had heavier fleeces than lambs from Wormkill or control treatments. Where lambs were weaned by removing ewes from the lambing paddock, administration of the CRC at weaning to lambs whose dams had also been treated with the CRC did not result in improved production when compared with lambs from ewes dosed with CRCs and treated after weaning according to the Wormkill program. Some possible uses for the CRC in ewes and lambs were identified.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to investigate the influence of ram age on structural and functional competence of frozen–thawed spermatozoa and to test the hypothesis that increasing number of sperm bound to the zona pellucida in vitro was associated with decreasing in vivo fertility of frozen semen. Rams were allocated into two groups. Each group consisted of five rams aged either 1–2 years (young) or 4–5 years (mature). Three successive ejaculates were collected from each ram using an artificial vagina. Only ejaculates of ≥ 2.5 × 109 sperm/ml and 80% sperm progressive motility were pooled per ram, diluted with Bioxcell® medium and frozen in 0.25 ml straws. The end points of post‐thawing semen evaluation were computer‐assisted cell motility analysis, sperm capacitation (chlortetracycline assay), simultaneous assessment of plasma membrane integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential and condensation status of nucleus, per‐cell analysis of lipid peroxidation using C11‐BODIPY581/591, sperm‐hemizona binding (HZB) ability and sperm fertility after laparoscopic insemination of ewes (n = 114) in the progestagen‐synchronized oestrus. The results showed that mature rams had significantly lower values of sperm hyperactivated motility and peroxidized sperm, higher percentages of live non‐capacitated sperm and sperm cells with intact plasma membrane, functional mitochondria and condensed chromatin, as well as, greater lambing rate and ewe prolificacy. Sperm HZB binding ability was higher (p < 0.05) for young than for mature rams. Significant correlations were found between number of spermatozoa bound to the zona pellucida and semen fertility (r = ?0.63 to ?0.71). In conclusion, mature rams have better semen quality and in vivo fertility than young rams. Cryocapacitation can be involved in decreasing ram semen fertility as evidenced by the high number of spermatozoa bound to the zona pellucida in vitro.  相似文献   
SUMMARY The effect of loss of weight on maintenance of acquired immunity to Trichostrongylus colubriformis in Merino sheep was assessed in 2 experiments. Adult Merino sheep with previously acquired immunity to T colubriformis were housed in individual pens. Sheep were infected 3 times weekly with 2000 T colubriformis larvae. A diet based on chopped oaten and lucerne hay (experiment 1) or a pelleted diet based on lucerne hay and grain products (experiment 2), was offered in amounts to sustain a moderate gain in body weight, or was reduced step-wise to cause a loss in body weight. Worm egg counts were determined weekly. The reduction in feed on offer resulted in a mean weight loss of 4.0 kg over 9 weeks (experiment 1) or 4.8 kg over 7 weeks (experiment 2). Based on worm egg counts, there was no indication of a change in immunity to T colubriformis in either of the experiments. These results suggest that acquired immunity to T colubriformis in adult sheep that are exposed to infection is maintained during periods of moderate loss of weight associated with inadequate nutrition.  相似文献   
This paper gives the development history of the best apple cultivar of the temperate zone of Russia— the Sinap Orlovsky apple cultivar with fruit of a long storage life, which has hitherto been considered to be a diploid one. The assumption of its triploidy has come into existence due to DNA-markers. Cytoembryological studies showed in 2016 that the cultivar was a triploid. It is characterized by vigorousness and regular fruit bearing. The long-term experimental data show that the cultivar is of little promise as an initial form for the development of a large hybrid fund owing to its low fruit output, hybrid seeds, and one-year seedlings relative to pollinated flowers in case of its being used as a maternal and paternal parent.  相似文献   
Based on the technological evaluation of 105 immune V f and highly resistant V m to scab apple varieties of the All-Russia Research Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding suitable for juice production, 16 varieties perspective for raw material production are specified with the juice output from 70.4% (Orlovskoe Poles’e) to 65% (Rozhdestvenskoe), the content of the soluble dry substances not lower than 11%, and organoleptic properties higher (4.5–4.3 points) than in the control variety Antonovka obyknovennaya. A higher juice output is reliably defined in the summer varieties as compared to the winter ones. The character of appearance of some technological features of the fruits (juice output, content of soluble dry substances, organic acids, P-active catechins) is specified in the scab immune hybrid apple progeny of 28 hybrid families.  相似文献   
Plasminogen activators (PA) are proteolytic enzymes present in the spermatozoa and seminal plasma of various species. They play a role in the binding of the spermatozoon and its penetration through the layers surrounding the oocyte. Plasminogen activator activity (PAA) is modulated by hormones that have a seasonal variation, such as testosterone and melatonin. The present study investigates the seasonal variation of PA activity in sperm extracts and seminal plasma of four farm animal species: boar, buck, bull and stallion. Semen samples were collected every second week during a 12‐month period and PAA was determined. With respect to sperm enzyme activity, the boar showed a peak from late January until the beginning of April, whereas the activity in the bull was at the highest levels from April until October and gradually declined during autumn and winter period. Plasminogen activator activity of stallion spermatozoa peaked during March and April, and remained low throughout the rest of the year, whereas in the buck sperm, PAA increased from late October until the end of January. No biologically significant variation was detected regarding the seminal PAA activity in any of the species studied. While seasonality of reproduction is typically studied from the female perspective, the present data provide compelling information about a factor that may affect the reproductive ability of the male.  相似文献   
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