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The main objectives of this study were to investigate physicochemicals and antioxidant activities of new red rice (Oryza sativa cv. Gunganghongmi (GH)) by comparing normal brown (Nampyeongbyeo, NB) and reported red rice (Jukjinjubyeo, JB) in Korea. The nutritional constituents, including protein, oil, sugar, fatty acid, GABA, and γ-oryzanol were not significantly different between normal brown and colored rice. However, the ethanol extract of GH showed the highest phenolic content (24.7 ± 1.3 mg g?1). The ethanol extracts of GH showed higher scavenging activities against DPPH (0.2 mg mL?1 = 62.1 ± 2.5%) and ABTS (0.2 mg mL?1 = 63.2 ± 3.5%) radicals. Moreover, GH more inhibited LPS-induced nitric oxide (NO) production (13.2 ± 1.4 μM) than JB (18.3 ± 2.3 μM) and NB (22.1 ± 1.4 μM) at the same concentration (0.2 mg mL?1) without cytotoxicity. These results suggest that new red rice (GH) would be considered to be new functional rice due to its anti-oxidative effect and high nutrition.  相似文献   
We investigated the possibility of tsunami-damaged paddy soil remediation in Japan using a scraping method. We collected undisturbed soil blocks to maintain the soil structure from paddy damaged by salt from the tsunami. Scraping treatments to remove the top 2 cm of the soil surface were conducted once, twice, and thrice after drying naturally in a greenhouse environment, as well as a noscraping control. Electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil dramatically decreased to < 1.36 dS m?1 in the residual soils after scraping. The EC values of the residual soils were significantly lower after being scraped twice or thrice compared with a single scraping. Similarly, the mean NaCl removal rates were significantly higher with two (91%) or three scrapings (97.2%) compared with a single scraping (73.3%). The growth of rice plants was almost normal in the residual soils based on a visual score (approximately 3 on average) using a standard evaluation system at 4 weeks after transplantation. There were no significant differences in the grain yields from the residual soils with different scraping frequencies, and the EC values of all the residual soils were < 1.36 dS m?1. This study clearly indicates that there were reductions in the EC and good plant growth performance in the residual soils after scraping, and there was also a high rate of NaCl removal. Therefore, scraping may be a useful method for the remediation of salt-damaged paddy soils when irrigation or culvert systems are affected severely by tsunamis and earthquakes.  相似文献   
不同处理对褐鳞苔草种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为摸清褐鳞苔草种子的休眠机理、萌发过程,解决种子繁育难题,对褐磷苔草种子用物理(热水浸种、机械处理、层积催芽)、化学(浓H2SO4浸种、NaOH溶液处理、GA3处理)及综合方法处理后进行萌发试验。结果表明:褐磷苔草存在休眠,且休眠程度较高,使用10%NaOH溶液可以打破休眠,将自然条件下不萌发的种子发芽率提高到13.75%,其次是切破种皮+GA3 1000 mg/L,种子发芽率达到12.5%。  相似文献   
以观赏凤梨为试材,研究了高硼胁迫对植株生长、叶绿素含量、可溶性糖和淀粉含量、元素含量的影响。结果表明,与不施硼相比,施硼抑制了观赏凤梨地上部和根系的生长,随硼浓度增加,抑制程度增加;施硼引起植株中下部叶片叶尖发黄焦枯坏死,叶片叶绿素含量降低;施硼引起叶片和根系可溶性糖和淀粉含量下降;施硼提高了根系N、P、Fe、Mn、Zn含量,但降低了叶片这些元素含量,引起叶片和根系Cu含量的下降。表明,观赏凤梨对硼过量的反应非常敏感,栽培基质或灌溉水中含硼不利于观赏凤梨植株生长。  相似文献   
浅谈在种子质量检测工作中的思考与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种子质量与农业生产有着密切关系,质量优劣在很大程度上决定着农作物的增产潜力,农业增产增收离不开高质量的种子.在本文中,笔者结合自己的实际工作经验,提出了在从事种子质量检测工作中的一些思考和建议,以及应该注意的事项以供种子检测者参考.  相似文献   
The effects of the functional rice cultivars giant embryo and Aranghyangchal on the body weight and lipid metabolism in male C57BL/6N mice under high fat diet conditions were investigated. The animals were randomly placed into four dietary groups: normal control (NC group), high fat (HF group), and high fat supplemented with giant embryo (HF-GE group) or Aranghyangchal (HF-AR group). After 8weeks, a marked increase in the body weight and plasma triglyceride and total cholesterol concentrations were found in the HF mice relative to the control group. However, the addition of the functional rice samples in the high fat diet reduced the body weight gain and significantly decreased the lipid levels through inhibition of lipogenesis and regulation of adipokine production. The results demonstrate that the functional rice grains giant embryo and Aranghyangchal may both be useful as biomaterials in the development of functional food with therapeutic potential against high fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the growth characteristics and fatty acid composition among 15 kenaf mutants derived from the kenaf germplasm C14 and 15 kenaf accessions originating from Russia, India, China, Iran, and Italy. The overall growth performance (plant height, stem diameter, flowering date, leaf, and flower size) of the stem color mutant lines derived from C14 are similar to those of the original variety. However, the flower color mutant lines derived from C14 showed flowering to occur 10 days later when compared with the original variety and showed smaller leaf sizes than the original variety. Late-ripened kenaf accessions (Jinju, Auxu, and Jnagdae) can yield more bio-mass compared with early or medium-maturing germplasm. The late maturity kenaf (Auxu, Jinju, and Jangdae) has a higher oil percentage than the early maturity germplasm. Linoleic, oleic, and palmitic acids were the predominant fatty acids in all kenaf seeds. The stem color mutant lines significantly surpassed the parental means of all saturated fatty acids. In addition, the flower color mutant lines showed broad ranges of variation in oleic acid. The 15 accessions showed a wide range of fatty acid compositions, spanning from 29.75 to 38.30% saturated fatty acids and 61.70 to 70.24% total unsaturated fatty acids, and the late maturity kenaf has a higher linoleic acid percentage than the early maturity germplasm. The flowering period was highly positively (P ≤ 0.01) correlated with the plant height, stem diameter, oil percent, and linolenic acid (C18:3), and it was significantly negatively (P ≤ 0.01) correlated with stearic acid (C18:0). These results will provide valuable information to assist the parental selection of kenaf breeding.  相似文献   
探究定苗时间对峦大杉苗期生长动态与生长节律影响,优化定苗时间,为育苗提供理论与技术支持。以当年生峦大杉幼苗为试验材料,开展不同定苗时间试验,采用定株观测并应用Logistic方程拟合生长动态的方法,分析定苗时间对苗木生长动态和生长节律的影响效应。研究结果表明,定苗时间影响苗高地径生长效应随处理时间推移而显现,是个动态过程。Logistic方程能够很好地拟合峦大杉苗木生长。定苗时间显著影响苗高、地径线性生长速率、最大线性生长速率和线性生长量,但对苗高地径线性生长始期、终期、线性生长持续期无显著性影响;苗高生长初期定苗较其他处理显著提高苗高和地径的线性生长量线性生长速率、最大线性生长速率,建议增加速生期的养分和水分供给以提高苗木质量。峦大杉合理定苗时间是苗高生长初期(6月30日)。  相似文献   
旨在分离纯化枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)中能够诱导细菌素Paracin1.7分泌的刺激因子,并探明其对副干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus paracasei) HD1.7细菌素生成量及群体感应相关基因luxS表达的影响。本研究通过60%硫酸铵沉淀、CM Sepharose Fast Flow弱阳离子交换柱层析中度纯化及Superdex 75凝胶层析精度纯化,将获得的层析分离物与L. paracasei HD1.7共培养,检测共培养发酵液的抑菌活性及luxS基因的转录水平,并用SDS-PAGE与Native-PAGE检测分离物质。结果表明L. paracasei HD1.7抑菌活性为126.68%;luxS基因上调表达,为对照菌株的2.43倍;刺激因子的表观分子量约为30 kDa。本研究利用三步法初步分离纯化出诱导Paracin1.7生成的刺激因子,明确该刺激因子可以启动种间群体感应相关基因luxS,为L. paracasei HD1.7的群体感应研究奠定了理论和技术基础。  相似文献   
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - We examined the effects of drought stress on flowering time, grain yield, and agronomic traits using 10 upland-adapted rice genotypes, i.e. eight...  相似文献   
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