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In the first of 2 experiments, a simulated voyage was conducted to examine the effects of various treatments on bodyweight change and feeding frequency of inappetant sheep at the end of lot-feeding (non-feeders). The treatments, applied during simulated shipping, were: normal quantities of feed and length of troughs; extra trough length; extra feed. Adult Merino wethers (n = 108) were used in each treatment. A voyage to the Middle East was then conducted to establish whether shipboard mortality could be reduced by separating non-feeders (n = 305) from feeders (n = 5,620) late in the feedlot hase and housing the groups separately aboard ship. A control group of non-feeders (n = 215) mixed with feeders (n = 5,732) was used for comparison. Bars (marker bars), containing a coloured dye, were attached to feed troughs to mark sheep that fed. Most non-feeders (82%) began eating when placed in shipping pens in both studies. However, there was no significant difference in percentage of sheep that fed between non-feeders given extra trough length or extra feed compared with non-feeders given standard management at any stage of simulated shipping. There was no significant difference in mean bodyweights between treatment groups on days 1, 8 and 15 of simulated shipping. Differences in bodyweight on d 22 were probably associated with different levels of gut fill. Death rates were not significantly different in separated and control groups (1.1%, 0.9%, P = 0.6) in the voyage of 14 d to the Middle East.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Adult wethers (n = 750) were lot-fed for 13 days, 8 days or 3 days before a simulated voyage lasting 18 days to examine whether the period of lot-feeding affected the proportion of sheep that ate pelleted feed and their body weight change during simulated shipping. There was no significant difference in the proportion of non-feeders between treatment groups on days 7 and 14 of the voyage. Body weights were not significantly different between the treatment groups on days 14 and 18 of the voyage. Overall body weight loss, from the farm to the end of simulated shipping, was 4.08 kg (+/- 0.28, s.e.m.), 4.58 kg (+/- 0.28) and 4.51 kg (+/- 0.28) in sheep lot-fed for 13 days, 8 days and 3 days, respectively, and was not significantly different between treatments. It was concluded that lot-feeding for 13 days conferred no advantage in body weight or numbers of non-feeders compared with shorter periods in this study.  相似文献   
Mortality reports were studied for 181 shipments of live sheep from Western Australia to the Middle East and Singapore in 1985 and 1986. Samples of pelleted feed for 93 shipments were analysed for quality. Overall death rate in the 6.46 million sheep exported in the period of the study was 2.18%. In sheep bound for the Middle East, most of the deaths occurred during the voyage (overall rate 1.7%, range 0.4-4.4% per shipment), although substantial mortality was recorded during discharge (rate 0.4%, range 0.0-1.8%). There were few deaths during loading (rate 0.07%, range 0.0-0.8%). Deaths in sheep bound for Singapore were almost 10-fold lower than those sent to the Middle East. Several findings suggested that ship design and management may contribute to mortality. Death rates were invariably low on some ships and often high on others. Death rates were nearly always higher in enclosed decks than in open decks on 4 vessels, and point epidemics of mortality were observed in several shipments. Temperature and relative humidity measured on the ship's bridge were not closely related to daily death rate. Antibiotics estimated to cost $226,000 were used during 33 voyages in 1986 and were considered of dubious efficacy on shipboard mortality. Analysis of feed pellets used on ship showed that the quality of the diet was within the range set by draft national standards for pellets used in the live sheep export industry.  相似文献   
Objective To present the technique for intra-articular catheter placement and report the clinical outcomes of 38 cases of equine synovial trauma and/or infection treated with broad-spectrum antimicrobials administered via an intrasynovial catheter (ISC). Design Retrospective study. Procedure Medical records of 38 horses treated for synovial trauma and sepsis with frequent antimicrobial administration through an ISC from 1995 to 2008 were reviewed. Follow-up information was obtained via clinical re-evaluation or telephone contact with the owners. Results The majority of horses (84%) received amikacin and Timentin® four times daily. In addition, synovial lavage through the ISC was carried out in 27 horses (71%). Only radiological evidence of osteolysis had a significant negative impact on both lameness at the time of hospital discharge and the long-term outcome. In total, 92% of horses treated with frequent antimicrobial administration through an ISC had clinical resolution of infection. Catheter obstruction occurred in three cases, necessitating replacement or removal, and two synovial fistulae developed at sites of open drainage. The majority of horses treated had a favourable outcome, with 86% being at least pasture sound and 43% returned to riding. Conclusion Septic synovial structures treated with frequent antimicrobial administration through an ISC had a good prognosis for survival and 43% returned to riding, which is consistent with the results of other studies. The use of a simple ISC should be considered when broad-spectrum intrasynovial antimicrobial administration and lavage of a septic synovial structure are indicated.  相似文献   
Beef contamination with Escherichia coli O157:H7 (VTEC) is an important food-safety issue. To investigate the effectiveness of interventions against VTEC in Dutch beef industrial slaughterhouses that slaughter 500 dairy cattle per day, a Monte Carlo simulation model was built. We examined seven carcass-antimicrobial interventions, namely: hot-water wash, lactic-acid rinse, trim, steam-vacuum, steam-pasteurization, hide-wash with ethanol and gamma irradiation, and their combinations. The estimated daily prevalence of contaminated beef-carcass quarters as the output of the model was 9.2%. Contaminated was defined as containing one or more CFU on the surface of a carcass quarter at the end of the quartering stage. Single interventions (except irradiation) could reduce the prevalence to from 6.2% to 1.7%, whereas the combination of interventions could lower it to from 1.2% to 0.1%. The most powerful intervention was irradiation, which could reduce the prevalence to <0.1%. The results of this study indicate that application of single interventions might be useful, although not sufficient. Hence, a combination of interventions along the slaughter process is the more promising approach to reduce the prevalence of contaminated beef quarters.  相似文献   
A decision-tree was developed to support decision making on control measures during the first days after the declaration of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). The objective of the tree was to minimise direct costs and export losses of FMD epidemics under several scenarios based on livestock and herd density in the outbreak region, the possibility of airborne spread, and the time between first infection and first detection. The starting point of the tree was an epidemiological model based on a deterministic susceptible–infectious–recovered approach. The effect of four control strategies on FMD dynamics was modelled. In addition to the standard control strategy of stamping out and culling of high-risk contact herds, strategies involving ring culling within 1 km of an infected herd, ring-vaccination within 1 km of an infected herd, and ring-vaccination within 3 km of an infected herd were assessed. An economic model converted outbreak and control effects of farming and processing operations into estimates of direct costs and export losses. Ring-vaccination is the economically optimal control strategy for densely populated livestock areas whereas ring culling is the economically optimal control strategy for sparsely populated livestock areas.  相似文献   
Data from recent oceanographic cruises show that phytoplankton community structure in the Ross Sea is related to mixed layer depth. Diatoms dominate in highly stratified waters, whereas Phaeocystis antarctica assemblages dominate where waters are more deeply mixed. The drawdown of both carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrate per mole of phosphate and the rate of new production by diatoms are much lower than that measured for P. antarctica. Consequently, the capacity of the biological community to draw down atmospheric CO2 and transport it to the deep ocean could diminish dramatically if predicted increases in upper ocean stratification due to climate warming should occur.  相似文献   
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