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Several studies show that organic farming is more profitable than conventional farming. However, in reality not many farmers convert to organic farming. Policy makers and farmers do not have clear insight into factors which hamper or stimulate the conversion to organic farming. The objective of this paper is to develop a dynamic linear programming model to analyse the effects of different limiting factors on the conversion process of farms over time. The model is developed for a typical arable farm in The Netherlands central clay region, and is based on two static liner programming models (conventional and organic). The objective of the model is to maximise the net present value over a 10-year planning horizon. The results of the analysis of a basic scenario show that conversion to organic farming is more profitable than staying conventional. In order to arrive at the actual profitable phase of organic farming, the farmer has to pass through the economically difficult 2-year conversion period. Sensitivity analysis shows that if depreciation is 25% higher than conventional fixed costs due to machinery made superfluous by conversion, conversion is less profitable than staying conventional. Also the availability of hired labour, which can be constrained in peak periods, has a strong effect on the cropping plan and the amount of area converted. Further analysis shows that a slight drop (2%) in organic prices lowers the labour income of the farmer and makes conversion less profitable than conventional farming. For farmers, a minimum labour income can be required to ‘survive’. The analysis shows that constraint on minimum labour income makes stepwise conversion the best way for farmers to overcome economic difficulties during conversion.  相似文献   
Repeatability of farm average 305-day milk production and gross margin per 100 kg of milk was evaluated for 39 farms. Ranking of gross margin, its underlying factors (i.e. milk price, returns from cull cows and calves, costs of concentrates, and costs of roughage purchases per 100 kg of milk), and 305-day milk production was not completely random over the four years of the study. The coefficient of concordance ranged between 0.55 and 0.82. The costs of roughage purchased had the lowest concordance over time, and 305-day milk production had the highest concordance. For each year and each farm, the difference between average gross margin and farm-specific gross margin was calculated. The standard deviations (SD) of these values was calculated for each farm, and showed differences between farms in variability in gross margin over years (the farm-year-specific SD varied between farms from 0.56 to 5.73). All the underlying factors showed a deviation over years. So, variability of gross margin can be due to changes in all underlying factors. The impact on gross margin of purchased roughage was not of major importance because its absolute impact on the gross margin is small. We concluded that milk-production data over one year is a reliable indicator for the typical farm milk production. Because gross margin fluctuates considerably over time, however it is preferred to base economic research on data from more than one year.  相似文献   
Objectives To investigate the use of unguided bronchoalveolar lavage techniques in dogs without fibreoptic bronchoscopy, using an adapted single vascular catheter and a double-lumen catheter made from two single vascular catheters.
Animals Sixty-nine dogs were examined with the single-catheter technique and 110 dogs with the double-catheter technique.
Design A prospective study.
Procedure Sixty-nine and 220 samples, collected with the single catheter and the double catheter respectively, were examined cytologically Lungs of 69 dogs were examined grossly and histologically. Radiographic examination was performed on 11 dogs.
Results The double-catheter technique produced samples with significantly higher cellularity (P < 0.01) and fewer red blood cells (P < 0.01) than the single-catheter technique. Repeat samples collected with a double catheter were not significantly different (P > 0.01) in any value. A reference range for nucleated cell counts of 62 to 1210 – 106/L was calculated from 57 clinically and histologically normal dogs. The major residual effects of the technique were localised pulmonary oedema, and alveolar distension with collapse and congestion of distant parenchyma. Thoracic radiographs revealed increased lung opacity for at least up to 7 h after the procedure.
Conclusions The cellularity of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained was adequate and sufficient fluid was retrieved when the single catheter was located in a proper position. However, the double catheter obtained better samples more quickly and easily, with less damage to the respiratory tract.  相似文献   
A study was carried out to determine the possibility of a more-closed farming system for (Dutch) dairy farms. The objective of the study was to provide effective and economically profitable management advice for improving the animal-health status of farms. Management measures will only be successfully applied if supported by farmers and their advisors (such as veterinarians). Therefore, the perception of farmers and advisors of the importance of various risk factors for the introduction of diseases to a farm was determined by using bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV1) as an example.

As part of the study, an evening-long workshop was organized and run thrice. In total, 49 farmers, veterinarians and AI technicians participated in these workshops. The computerized questionnaire technique was based on adaptive conjoint analysis (ACA). ACA has the advantage that participants can work with a large number of risk factors in a relatively short period of time. Another advantage of ACA (compared with standard questionnaires) is that the answers from each participant can be checked with regard to consistency with respect to the importance assigned to them. Data from participants with inconsistent responses can be excluded from further analyses. The results of the ACA interview were compared with the risk factors reported in the literature as being associated with BHV1 status (e.g. purchase of cattle, participation in cattle shows) and with farmers' actual management to prevent the introduction of diseases.

The workshop participants were all operating in the dairy sector and they seemed well aware of the risk of direct animal contacts for the introduction of BHV1. Farmers thought visitors to be more risky than did AI technicians and (especially) veterinarians. Farmers who purchased cattle or participated in cattle shows were of the opinion that the risks of direct animal contacts were more important than did farmers who were not involved in those practices. Farmers whose farms were BHV1-positive (and participated in cattle shows more often) thought the risk of participation smaller than did farmers with BHV1-negative farms.  相似文献   

In the first of 2 experiments, a simulated voyage was conducted to examine the effects of various treatments on bodyweight change and feeding frequency of inappetant sheep at the end of lot-feeding (non-feeders). The treatments, applied during simulated shipping, were: normal quantities of feed and length of troughs; extra trough length; extra feed. Adult Merino wethers (n = 108) were used in each treatment. A voyage to the Middle East was then conducted to establish whether shipboard mortality could be reduced by separating non-feeders (n = 305) from feeders (n = 5,620) late in the feedlot hase and housing the groups separately aboard ship. A control group of non-feeders (n = 215) mixed with feeders (n = 5,732) was used for comparison. Bars (marker bars), containing a coloured dye, were attached to feed troughs to mark sheep that fed. Most non-feeders (82%) began eating when placed in shipping pens in both studies. However, there was no significant difference in percentage of sheep that fed between non-feeders given extra trough length or extra feed compared with non-feeders given standard management at any stage of simulated shipping. There was no significant difference in mean bodyweights between treatment groups on days 1, 8 and 15 of simulated shipping. Differences in bodyweight on d 22 were probably associated with different levels of gut fill. Death rates were not significantly different in separated and control groups (1.1%, 0.9%, P = 0.6) in the voyage of 14 d to the Middle East.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate control options for contagious ecthyma (scabby mouth) in Australian sheep exported live to the Middle East.
Design: Prevalence, vaccination and modelling studies.
Procedure: One hundred and forty weaner sheep (less than 1 year old) on each of 106 farms in Western Australia (WA) and 18 farm groups of adult wethers received at a WA commercial feedlot were examined for lesions of scabby mouth. Sheep on a total of 26 farms in 3 States were divided into treatment and control groups for the vaccination study. A simple deterministic compartmental model was developed to establish which parameters had the greater effect on disease prevalence.
Results: The proportion of farms with evidence of scabby mouth in weaner sheep was 23.6% and, on those farms with the disease, the overall prevalence was 6.1%. At the feedlot, 4 out of 18 farm groups had 5 or more sheep with lesions on arrival. The overall prevalence in the 4 diseased groups was 5.2%. Sheep vaccinated on farm before trucking to the feed-lot had a lower prevalence of scabby mouth at the end of simulated shipping than controls. The main determinant of scabby mouth prevalence was the proportion of sheep immune to the disease.
Conclusion: A program of vaccination for scabby mouth will reduce the prevalence of disease during live export. However, using current technology it is not possible to deliver shipments of sheep to the Middle East that are guaranteed completely free of scabby mouth.  相似文献   
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