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Bente K S?vik Einar J?rundsson Teresa Stachurska-Hagen Kristoffer Tysnes Hege Brun-Hansen Henriette C Wikstr?m Lucy J Robertson 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》2014,56(1):6
Dirofilaria repens infection was diagnosed in a dog that had been imported to Norway from Hungary three years previously. The dog was a four-year-old castrated male mixed-breed dog and presented for examination of two masses on the right thoracic wall. Fine needle sampling from the subcutaneous nodules and subsequent cytological examination revealed a high number of microfilariae and a pyogranulomatous inflammation. At re-examination approximately 3 weeks later, both masses had apparently disappeared spontaneously, based on both inspection and palpation. However, examination of peripheral blood by a modified Knott’s test revealed a high number of unsheathed microfilariae with mean length of 360 μm and mean width of 6-7 μm, often with the classic umbrella handle appearance of D. repens. Polymerase chain reaction and sequencing confirmed the D. repens diagnosis. Subcutaneous dirofilariosis caused by D. repens is probably the most common cause of human zoonotic dirofilariosis in Europe, but currently is rarely encountered in northern countries such as Norway. However, travelling, import and relocation of dogs have increased, and thus the geographical range of these parasites is likely to increase from traditionally endemic southern regions. Increasing numbers of autochthonous cases of D. repens infections in dogs have been reported in eastern and central Europe. Although infection with D. repens often induces only mild signs or subclinical infections in dogs, they nevertheless represent a reservoir for zoonotic transmission and thus a public health concern, and, in addition, due to the long prepatent period and the high frequency of subclinical infections or infections with unspecific clinical signs, could easily be missed. Lack of experience and expectation of these parasites may mean that infection is underdiagnosed in veterinary clinics in northern countries. Also, predicted climate changes suggest that conditions in some countries where this infection is currently not endemic are likely to become more suitable for development in the intermediate host, and thus the establishment of the infection in new areas. 相似文献
Nathan E. Mertz;Rachel A. Paterson;Bengt Finstad;Hege Brandsegg;Ida Pernille Øystese Andersskog;Frode Fossøy; 《Journal of fish diseases》2024,47(4):e13908
Sea lice cause substantial economic and environmental harm to Norway's aquaculture industry and wild salmonid populations. Rapid, accurate quantification of lice larval densities in coastal waters remains the greatest bottleneck for providing empirical data on infestation risk within wild salmon habitats and aquaculture production regions. We evaluated the capability of droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) as an absolute quantification method for the planktonic stages of two parasitic louse species, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer) and Caligus elongatus (von Nordman). Results demonstrated linear relationships between the DNA quantity measured and the number of spiked larvae for both species and life stages. However, L. salmonis contained a significantly greater number of DNA copies than C. elongatus individuals and for C. elongatus, nauplii displayed a significantly higher number of DNA copies than copepodids. Our results suggest that ddPCR can effectively enumerate louse larvae, but interpreting ddPCR results differ between the two louse species. Obtaining larval abundance estimates from marine plankton samples will depend on the nauplii to copepodid ratio for C. elongatus, but not for L. salmonis. 相似文献
Floris M. van Beest Hege Gundersen Karen Marie Mathisen Jos M. Milner Christina Skarpe 《Forest Ecology and Management》2010
Diversionary winter feeding of browsing ungulates is an increasingly common management practice although evidence for its efficacy to reduce excessive browsing remains ambiguous. Moreover, comparative estimates on changes in browsing pressure (proportion of available shoots browsed) following long-term winter feeding are currently lacking. We quantified spatiotemporal changes in browsing pressure of moose (Alces alces L.) on commercial and non-commercial tree species around 30 feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding. The results were compared with browsing pressure indices recorded at the same feeding stations 10 years previously. We expected leader stem and lateral twig browsing to have increased over time at a fine spatial scale (≤200 m from feeding station) and to have increased in spatial extent away from feeding stations. Furthermore, we tested whether moose browsing patterns conformed to central-place foraging theory. Despite 2–3-fold higher faecal pellet group numbers in the vicinity of feeding stations, leader stem browsing increased only on the commercially valuable Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst), a species normally avoided by moose. Lateral twig browsing largely decreased within 200 m of feeding stations while at a broader scale (≤1 km from feeding stations), leader stem browsing was high on most tree species (ca. 60% of available stems browsed) as expected, Peak browsing on lateral twigs of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) occurred further from feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding than 10 years earlier. Browsing pressure on active feeding stations (n = 18) was comparable to that on inactive feeding stations (n = 12), suggesting the occurrence of rebrowsing. The ability of central-place foraging theory to explain fine-scale browsing patterns around feeding stations decreased as diversionary feeding continued over time. Long-term diversionary winter feeding of moose in unproductive boreal forests has serious implications for the intensity of fine-scale browsing pressure, which may lead to resource depletion close to feeding stations followed by high browsing pressure at distances further away from feeding stations. Our study emphasizes the importance of considering the longevity of a winter feeding programme at its inception. 相似文献
Moe RO Bakken M Brun-Hansen H Adnøy T Morberg H 《Veterinary clinical pathology / American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology》1999,28(2):65-70
Differential leukocyte (WBC) counts in blood from clinically healthy silver foxes (n=32) and blue foxes (n=37) obtained from an automated hematology analyzer (Technicon H*1 Hematology System) with canine software were compared with microscopic differential WBC counts (M-diff). There was good agreement between the automated differential cell count (A-diff) and the M-diff for neutrophil and lymphocyte percentages. The correlation was lower for monocyte percentages and variable for eosinophil percentages. There was no significant difference between the A-diff and M-diff in either fox species. The A-diff counts were very precise, and may be a good alternative to the traditional M-diff for screening populations of clinically healthy foxes or for studies on stress and animal welfare. Intercept values, however, indicated a constant bias that must be taken into account before interpreting results based on different methods of analysis 相似文献
Hege Kippenes Patrick R. Gavin Rodney S. Bagley Gena M. Silver Russell L. Tucker Ronald D. Sande 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1999,40(6):627-633
Twenty-one dogs with confirmed tumors of the spinal cord or paraspinal tissues were imaged with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Anatomical location, location in relation to the dura and the medulla (spinal cord), and bone infiltration were assessed on the MR images and compared to findings at surgery or necropsy. Localization of tumors in the intradural-extramedullary compartment was not always possible. Bone infiltration was correctly assessed in all but one dog, and the anatomical locations involved were accurately determined in all dogs. Sagittal T2-weighted images were helpful to determine the anatomical location. Transverse T1-weighted images pre and post Gd-DTPA administration were helpful for additional localization and definition of tumor extension. 相似文献
Hofmeister E Kippenes H Mealey KL Cantor GH Löhr CV 《Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association》2001,219(2):190-193
A 9-year-old cat with hyperthyroidism was referred for radioactive iodine treatment. The cat also had a ventral cervical mass that the owners reported had been present for several years and had increased in size during the past few weeks. On physical examination, the mass was found to have caused lateral displacement of the trachea, esophagus, jugular vein, and common carotid artery. The mass was aspirated and was determined to be cystic in nature. Concentrations of thyroid hormones in the cystic fluid were similar to serum concentrations, and nuclear scintigraphy revealed thyroactive tissue lining the cyst wall. Magnetic resonance imaging suggested that the cyst originated from the right lobe of the thyroid gland. The cat was treated with sodium iodide I 131 but died 4 days later, presumably as a result of aspiration of gastric or esophageal contents. A necropsy was not performed, but histologic examination of a biopsy specimen of the mass indicated that it was a cystic thyroid adenoma. 相似文献
This case report is about a 9-year-old male castrated Persian cat with chronic renal failure. After physical examination and ultrasonography polycystic kidney disease (PKD) was diagnosed. Various aspects of etiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis of PKD are discussed. 相似文献
Hege Kippenes DVM PhD Patrick R. Gavin DVM PhD Ronald D. Sande DVM MS PhD Dennis Rogers RT Vaughn Sweet MS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2003,44(6):714-719
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the accuracy and precision of a rigid positioning device for repositioning the cervical spine accurately and precisely during conformal radiation therapy of dogs. Fifteen purpose bred research dogs in a radiation therapy study were included. The dogs were positioned using a head holder and a deflatable pillow attached to the treatment table. Port films were reviewed retrospectively, and repositioning precision was recorded by measurements in three orthogonal planes of the head, 2nd cervical vertebra and 1st thoracic spinous process. Mean treatment position was compared to the planning position for a measurement of systematic set-up error. Mean interfraction position variation of the 2nd cervical vertebra was 0.2, 0.1 and 0.2 cm for the ventrodorsal, caudocranial and laterolateral directions respectively, and the average systematic set up error was 0.2, 0.1 and 0.2 cm for the ventrodorsal, caudocranial and laterolateral directions respectively. Knowledge of the magnitude of reposition errors should be included when determining the margins around the tumor. 相似文献
Velmurugu Puvanendran Inger‐Britt Falk‐Petersen Hege Lysne Helge Tveiten Hilde Toften Stefano Peruzzi 《Aquaculture Research》2015,46(1):226-235
We carried out an experiment to determine how rapidly the early incubation temperature of Atlantic cod eggs can be increased without affecting normal embryonic development and hatching. Atlantic cod eggs were incubated at a constant low temperature (4.5 ± 0.5°C; T5 – control) and four temperature increment treatments where the temperatures were increased stepwise from 4.5°C at zygote stage to 9.5 ± 05°C (T1‐8 h, T2‐32 h, T3‐64 h and T4‐96 h). Embryonic cell symmetry, embryonic mortality, hatching success and larval skeletal abnormalities, length and yolk sac volume were recorded. Larval samples were also taken at hatch for histological analysis. Except for higher egg mortality and lower hatching success in the T1, the differences among experimental groups were minor. Cell asymmetries and embryo mortalities were not significantly different between the control and T2–T4 treatment groups. Control larvae were significantly longer and had smaller yolk reserves at hatch than T1–T4 larvae and larvae from T2 had the largest yolk reserves. Tissue and organ histology of hatched larvae were similar. Considering embryonic cleavage pattern, hatching success and larval morphology and histology, a gradual increment of temperature in 32 h seems to be the better choice for future developmental programming studies in Atlantic cod. 相似文献