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Eighty-six Heterobasidion annosum isolates, mainly belonging to the F intersterility group and obtained from 32 different geographical localities in Italy, were subjected to genetic analysis by the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. The similarity between F and S groups was higher than that between F and P. In UPGMA Cluster Analysis, the F isolates originating from the same locality usually grouped in the same cluster. The isolates also showed a tendency to group at the level of larger geographical areas. Within the F group, isolates from the south of the Italian peninsula showed the highest genetic variation and northern isolates from the Alpine regions showed the lowest. This indicates a gradual cline along the peninsula. The genetic variability in the Italian F group is discussed in relation to the past and present distribution of the host species in Italy and Europe.  相似文献   
青藏高原东北部唐古特铁线莲种子萌发特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拉本  刘玉萍  苏旭  吴学明 《种子》2012,31(6):76-78,82
唐古特铁线莲是中国一种珍贵药用植物,青海省是其主要分布区。针对唐古特铁线莲野生资源受到严重破坏的情况,对其人工引种栽培过程中种子发芽率进行了研究,旨在为唐古特铁线莲的栽培和野生资源的保护提供理论依据。研究表明:自然状态下唐古特铁线莲种子萌发率低;经变温、温汤浸种、KNO3和GA3处理后种子发芽率显著提高。  相似文献   
采用溶液培养方法,研究了不同供氮水平对芥蓝生物量及抗癌次生代谢物芥子油苷含量的影响。结果表明,氮素水平从N100 mg/L到常规营养液的 N 200 mg/L范围内,芥蓝地上部、根部及菜苔鲜重均随供N水平的提高而显著增加,但菜苔总芥子油苷含量却随供N水平提高而显著降低;当N素水平提高到N 300~400 mg/L时,芥蓝生物量不再显著增加;而菜苔总芥子油苷含量相对于N 150和200 mg/L处理却显著增加。由于脂肪族和吲哚族芥子油苷分别来源于不同的氨基酸,两者的含量随供N水平的变化趋势不同。脂肪族芥子油苷含量以N 100 mg/L处理最高,是常规供N (200 mg/L)处理的1.2倍,吲哚族芥子油苷以400 mg/L处理最高,是常规供N处理的1.5倍。显然,在常规营养液的供N水平下,可以获得理想的芥蓝生物产量;但适当提高供N水平,在保证高产的同时可显著提高芥蓝菜苔的芥子油苷含量,有利于提高其抗癌品质。  相似文献   
文章重点介绍了农机安全生产管理过程中存在的问题,并提出了安全生产管理的对策,为玉树州的农机的安全生产提供技术指导.  相似文献   
研究了11种华南乡土阔叶树种幼树在广东增城市林科所松杉人工林林下的生长表现,结果表明:4种壳斗科植物黎蒴、米锥、甜锥和槟榔青冈在移植后5 a均具有较高的树高和冠幅生长量,可作为人工林改造优良树种;香椿在前期生长表现良好,而移植后45 a生长速度有所下降,反映该树种随着年龄增长,其需光性加强,该树种仅适用于低密度人工林的改造;石笔木生长虽然稍慢,但其耐荫性较强,在林下生长良好,可作为次生林改造树种;樟树、枫香和火力楠等树种在林下生长不良.样方调查结果表明:松杉林下植物以耐荫性和鸟播植物为主.  相似文献   
喀斯特地区烟田土壤养分的空间变异特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国典型的喀斯特地区—贵州省毕节地区为研究区域,利用地统计学和地理信息系统(GIS)相结合的方法对烟田土壤养分的空间变异特征进行研究,皆在为喀斯特地区烟草种植的平衡施肥及生态环境保护提供依据。描述性统计结果表明,研究区烟田土壤各养分指标均属中等程度变异。半方差函数分析表明,研究区烟田土壤全氮、全钾、速效磷变异函数的最适模型是球状模型,全磷和速效钾的最适模型是线性模型,碱解氮、pH和有机质的最适模型为指数模型;速效磷表现为强烈的空间自相关性,主要受结构性因素影响,而全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效钾、pH和有机质表现为中等空间相关性,受结构性因素和随机性因素共同影响。普通克里格插值的土壤养分空间分布图表明,研究区域内烟田土壤全氮、全钾、速效磷和速效钾含量分布呈现空间连续分布的特点,而全磷、碱解氮和pH、有机质含量没有明显的分布规律,这主要与喀斯特地区复杂的立地因子和人为影响有关。  相似文献   
【目的】筛选适宜鹰嘴紫云英的 EMS 诱变条件。【方法】以鹰嘴紫云英品种甘绿 2 号种子为试验材料,采用不同浓度(0、0. 2%、0. 4%、0. 6%、0. 8%)的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)进行不同时间(2、4、 6、8 h)的诱变处理,探究 EMS 对鹰嘴紫云英种子萌发特征及表型变化的影响。【结果】低浓度和短时间 EMS 处理促进鹰嘴紫云英种子的萌发,随 EMS 浓度升高和诱变时间的增加,对鹰嘴紫云英种子萌发产生抑制作用。种子浸出液电导率随诱变条件的加深呈上升趋势,在 2~6 h 时,萌发期发芽率、发芽势、幼苗苗长和根长均随处理时间和诱变浓度的增加呈先升高后降低的趋势,在 8 h 处理下,随 EMS 浓度的增加呈逐渐降低趋势,EMS 浓度在 0. 8% 时,种子发芽率和发芽势均达到最低,较对照分别降低了 54. 45% 和 56. 67%;经形态学筛选,发现有鹰嘴紫云英幼苗表现出幼苗矮小、停滞生长、叶片黄化、宽叶、窄叶、叶片发紫、诸多病斑等特殊变异性状。【结论】0. 8%EMS 处理 6 h 可作为最佳诱变组合;幼苗的生长随诱变时间和浓度增加而明显受到抑制,且表型变异类型也逐步增多。  相似文献   


To elucidate the structure of terminal inverted duplications and to investigate potential mechanisms of formation in two cases where there was mosaicism with cells of apparently normal karyotype.


A karyotype [46,XY,inv dup(4)(p16.3p15.1)/46,XY] performed on blood lymphocytes from a patient referred for developmental delay (case 1) demonstrated a normal karyotype in 60% of cells with a terminal inverted duplication 4p in the remainder. In case 2, referred for multiple fetal anomalies on an ultrasound scan, 33% of amniocyte colonies were karyotypically normal, with a terminal inv dup 10p in the remainder [46,XX,inv dup(10)(p15.3p11)/46,XX]. Duplicated FISH signals for GATA3 and NEBL loci (in case 2), and for the Wolf-Hirschhorn locus (case 1) confirmed the inverted structure of both duplications. In the GTL banded normal cells from both cases, there was a cryptic deletion detected by FISH of one copy of the subtelomere 4p (case 1, probe GS-36P21), and subtelomere 10p (case 2, probe GS-306F7). At pter on both inv dup chromosomes there was no FISH signal present for the specific subtelomere probe. However, a positive pantelomeric probe signal was detected at 4 pter and 10 pter in both the cryptically-deleted chromosomes and the inv dup chromosomes in the respective cell lines of both cases.


An inv dup structure was evident for both cases on GTL bands, and confirmed by the various FISH studies. The presence of telomere (TTAGGG repeat) sequences at pter on the inv dup chromosomes (where more proximal chromosome specific subtelomeric probes were negative) was indicated by the pantelomeric probe signals in both cases. We conclude the most likely mechanism of origin in both cases was by sub-telomeric breakage in the zygote at pter, and delayed repair/rearrangement until after one or more subsequent mitotic divisions. In these divisions, at least one breakage-fusion-bridge cycle occurred, to produce inverted duplications. It is proposed then that two differently "repaired" daughter cells proliferated in parallel. In one daughter cell line (with an overtly normal karyotype) there was deletion of the subtelomere and presumed repair through capping by a neo-telomere (i.e. "healing", as initially proposed by McClintock). This occurred in both cases presented. In the other daughter cell of each case, it is proposed that chromosome stabilization was achieved (after replication) by sister chromatid reunion to form a dicentric, which broke at a subsequent anaphase, to form an inverted duplication (with loss of the reciprocal product, and the other daughter cell line). One inv dup was repaired without an interstitial specific subtelomere (case 1) and one was repaired with a duplicated specific interstitial subtelomere (case 2). After repair TTAGGG repeats were detected by FISH at each respective new pter.
探讨不同季节对报春苣苔属植物组培苗移栽成活的影响,为其今后组培苗工厂化、规模化生产提供技术支持.以17种报春苣台属植物的组培生根苗为材料,研究季节对移栽成活的影响,分析不同物种间在同一季节的移栽成活差异以及同一物种在4个不同季节的移栽成活差异.大部分种类在春季移栽具有较高的成活率;成活率最高与最低的种类为三苞报春苣苔和...  相似文献   
甜菜RAPD反应体系优化及亲缘关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用正交试验设计,从Mg~(2+)、dNTP、引物、Taq酶和模板5种因素5个水平上对甜菜RAPD反应体系进行优化,确立了适合甜菜RAPD反应体系:25μL反应体系中含1×Buffer、1.0 mmol/LMg~(2+)、1U Taq DNA聚合酶、0.25 mmol/LdNTP、0.4μmol/L随机引物和25 ngDNA模板。利用优化的RAPD反应体系对38个甜菜品种进行亲缘关系分析。结果表明,38个品种之间的多态性比较高,变异大。聚类图结果表明,38个甜菜品种遗传距离的变异范围在0.14~0.72。当以遗传距离0.50来划分时,可将38个品种分为两大类,以遗传距离0.40来划分时,又可以把第2大类分为6个亚类。结果显示,RAPD优化体系适合甜菜亲缘关系鉴定。  相似文献   
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