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The technique of cystocentesis in dogs and cats was studied. The indications and contraindications of this method are discussed, using illustrations.  相似文献   
In a previous study we found a positive correlation between early weaning in calves and morphological parameters which were indicative of ruminal development, i.e. the length and width of the papillae. The objective of the present study was to determine to what extent this observation could be reflected by modulations of absorptive and secretory functions of the rumen mucosa. For this purpose the short-circuit currents (Isc) as a measure of electrogenic net ion fluxes and the transepithelial conductances (G(T)) as a measure of the overall tissue permeability were measured in vitro applying the Ussing-chamber technique. Simultaneously, the unidirectional flux rates of sodium and chloride across rumen wall epithelia were determined in the absence of electrochemical gradients. Under these conditions, significant positive net flux rates (Jnet) clearly indicate active mechanisms for electrolyte absorption. For the experiments 12 male Holstein calves 7 d of age were assigned to three groups of 4 animals each: milk group (I, slaughtered after 6 weeks of age), late weaning group (II, slaughtered after 9 weeks of age) and early weaning group (II, weaned after 6 weeks of age and slaughtered after 9 weeks of age). Whereas G(T) values remained unaffected by different age and feeding, Isc values were significantly affected by early weaning but were not influenced by age. Irrespective of weaning time active absorption of Na+ tended to be higher by about 60% in 9 weeks old animals. Active absorption of chloride was significantly increased in milk fed 9 weeke old calves and this effect was further stimulated by early weaning. In conclusion, the data show an increasing active Na+ absorption with age in calf rumen that could not be influenced by early weaning. Similarly, active Cl- absorption was initially increased during postnatal development and this effect could be stimulated further by early weaning.  相似文献   
A ten-year-old female poodle was presented for left hindlimb lameness. Radiographically, irregular intramedullary densities of long bones (bone infarcts) and a lytic lesion in the left distal femur were detected. Two years after the first examination, the lesions in the distal femur were definitely identified as osteosarcoma and the dog was euthanized. Pathological and histological changes of the bone infarcts as well as of the osteosarcoma are described. Regarding bibliographical data, occurrence and aetiopathogenesis of osteosarcoma associated with multifocal bone infarction in man and dog are discussed.  相似文献   
With the help of a new synthetic material follicles and corpora lutea from the ovaries of 80 cows in different stages of the sexual cycle were examined for modifications of their blood vessel architecture. In the theca externa the main artery which runs towards the follicle, separates into arterioles of which capillaries derive in the theca interna, building a basket-like network around the zona granulosa. After ovulation the follicle wall forms characteristic fields. Capillaries grow into the zona granulosa and thus the folds form the lobular structure of the corpus luteum. Capillaries which rise from the ruptured part of the follicle, spread centripetally and together with lutein cells they build up the not lobulated cupola of the corpus luteum. The regression of the corpus luteum starts around the 16th day of the cycle, beginning at the capillary network of the cupola. A contraction of the vessels and a quick decrease of the volume follow.  相似文献   
Two cases of H.c.c. which occurred in winter 1987 in Vienna are described. Case one was a female Chow-Chow, 8 weeks of age, that died from the peracute form of the disease. The diagnosis was confirmed by histology and direct immunofluorescence. Case two, a 9-month old female Kuvacz, showed clinical signs of the subacute form of H.c.c. She was hospitalized and therapy was successful. The disease was diagnosed by the typical clinical signs and the raise of antibodies in paired serum samples. Etiology, clinical signs and immunology of H.c.c. are discussed.  相似文献   
The kidney's microvascularization of the Pudu pudu is mostly similar to that of domestic animals. The renal parenchymatous arteries do not give off capsular branches. The majority of the Pudu pudu's glomerula shows spherical shape. Glomerula next to the medulla have a diameter which is an average of 25 microns larger than the diameter of those situated more peripherally. Their volume is comparable to that of the angora rabbit. The capillaries form anastomosis in the inner and outer part of the glomerulus.  相似文献   
We report on an outbreak of enzootic abortion in a herd of goats with high losses caused by mixed infection with Coxiella burnetii and Chlamydia psittaci. Both agents could be detected by microscopic investigation of smears from afterbirths by Giménez staining and by a capture enzyme-linked immunofluorescence assay (Capture ELIFA). Additionally, Coxiella burnetii was isolated from the same tissues in BGM cell cultures. Serological investigations with CF, indirect ELIFA, and IF tests revealed high antibody titers against both agents in most animals. Coxiella antigen was still detected 91 days later in milk samples of two infected goats by Capture ELIFA.  相似文献   
The influence of an eradication programme for lice on the prevalence of light flecks and spots on cattle hides was studied in 33 dairy cattle herds during a period of two and a half years. Lice were eradicated from the main group of herds after 9 to 12 months and the quality of the hides before and after treatment was compared. Hides from slaughtered animals were collected during the study period, tanned and examined with special emphasis on the occurrence of the grain damage light flecks and spots. The prevalence of hides without light flecks and spots increased from 24.2% before treatment to 61.6% after treatment. The prevalence of hides free from the damage increased significantly in all examined anatomical regions. The improvement in hide quality was most marked in the shoulders and neck region which corresponded to the major predilection site of cattle lice. The prevalence of hides with light flecks and spots started to decrease in the first period (2-40 days) after eradication. The changes after treatment suggested that most healing process took place over a period of about 4 months. The eradication programme eliminated the seasonal variation in the prevalence of light flecks and spots which was present before treatment.  相似文献   
Twenty-one multiparous dairy cows were fed concentrates containing three levels (119, 154 and 191 g/kg DM) of crude protein (CP) during the first ten weeks of lactation. Part of the grain and molassed sugar beat pulp was substituted with 0% (RSM0), 15% (RSM15) or 30% (RSM30) repeseed meal. Wilted grass silage was fed ad libitum after calving. The average response between RSM0 and RSM15 was +1.66 kg milk/d per percentage unit change in concentrate CP content. No further response occurred between RSM15 and RSM30. The positive effect of RSM inclusion was seen throughout the experimental period and was associated with increased plasma non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and decreased plasma insulin concentration one week after calving, and higher efficiency of metabolisable energy utilisation for milk production. Digestibility of the diet remained unaffected. Milk and plasma urea tended to increase with RSM30 indicating excessive supply of rumen degradable protein. Because of the limited potential of cows to compensate for a deficit in feed protein supply by mobilising tissue protein, a substantial milk yield response can be achieved with a moderate level of protein supplementation during early lactation.  相似文献   
In faeces and ileal digesta samples of 31 intact (INT) as well as 73 surgically differently prepared pigs bacterial fractionations and 2.6-diaminopimelic acid (DAP) estimations were carried out in order to calculate the bacterial N proportion in faeces N and digesta N after feeding various diets. Because of a high individual variability and the analytical variation width of the DAP/N-ratios no distinct influences of the fed diets could be found. The average DAP/N-values in the faeces (0.224) of INT pigs ranged in the same magnitude as in the digesta (0.0272) of ileorectostomized (IRA) pigs with open colon descendens (IRAo), where a digesta backflow is possible. Distinct lower DAP/N-ratios (0.0125 resp. 0.0043), however, were found in the digesta of pigs with ileo-caecal cannulae (IZB) or IRA pigs with closed colon (IRAg). On the base of various premises (N of the "bacterial fraction" C is only bacterial N; the DAP found in fraction A originates from intestinal bacteria adhering to feed particles) conducted calculations of the bacterial N proportions (in per cent of total N) led to the following data: Faeces of INT pigs: 43.0 ... 68.2 vs. 69.6 ... 89.0; digesta of operated pigs (except protein free diet) IRAo: 22.3 ... 57.0 vs. 46.2 ... 73.8; IZB: 17.0 ... 35.7 vs. 25.2 ... 53.6; IRAg (only 3 pigs): 23.6 vs. 24.2. The proportion of bacterial N in the digesta N of protein free fed IRAo pigs was 22.0 vs. 22.6%.  相似文献   
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