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Summary The transmissibility of trypanosome infection to N'Dama cattle by tsetse flies caught in the field was examined. Wild-caughtGlossina palpalis gambiensis were transferred singly into small numbered cages and allowed to feed on 14 uninfected N'Dama cattle. Following a completed feed the tsetse were dissected and infection in the proboscis, the salivary glands and the gut was recorded. Each animal was bitten by a number of tsetse ranging from five up to 64 flies. Following dissection of the tsetse flies, seven of the cattle were found to have been bitten by a single infected tsetse, five by two, while the remaining two were each fed upon by three infected tsetse. The tsetse were harbouring eitherTrypanosoma vivax or a trypanosome species belonging to theNannomonas subgenus or both species. The experimental animals were monitored daily over a period of three months for the appearance of trypanosomes in the blood and for antibodies in their sera. Other parameters such as body temperature, local skin reactions, packed red cell volume and weight changes were also measured. Trypanosomes were first detected eight days after the infective bite. Only five of the 14 cattle became infected, of which three had been exposed to a single infected tsetse fly.Trypanosoma vivax was detected in one animal,Trypanosoma congolense in two cattle and mixed infections of both species in the remaining two animals. These findings show that N'Dama cattle can become infected with trypanosomes through the bite of a single infected tsetse fly under field conditions. However, only five (possibly eight) of the 23 infected tsetse were able to transmit the parasites successfully.
Infeccion Experimental De Ganado N'Dama Con Tripanosomas UsandoGlossina Palpalis Gambiensis Atrapadas En El Campo
Resumen Se estudió la transmisibilidad de infecciones con tripanosomas a ganado N'Dama, a través de moscas tsetse atrapadas en el campo. LasGlossina palpalis gambiensis atrapadas, fueron transferidas individualmente a jaulas numeradas, donde se alimentaron sobre 14 animales N'Dama sin infección alguna.Una vez completada una comida, las moscas se disecaron buscándose infecciones en la proboscis, glándulas salivares e intestino. Cada animal fue picado por un buen número de moscas, en un rango de cinco a 64. Seguida a la disección de las moscas tsetse, siete bovinos fueron picados por una sola mosca infectada; cinco por dos, mientras que los otros dos fueron cada uno picado por tres tsetse infectadas. Las moscas estaban infectadas conTrypanosoma vivax o con especies de tripanosomas pertenecientes al subgéneroNannomonas, o por ambas especies.Los animales fueron seguidos clínicamente día a día por un período de tres meses por la presencia de tripanosomas en la sangre y anticuerpos en el suero. Se tomaron en cuenta otros parámetros como la temperatura corporal, reacciones cutáneas locales, volumen corpuscular celular y peso corporal. Los primeros tripanosomas se detectaron ocho días después de la picadura de moscas infectadas. Solamente cinco de los 14 bovinos se infectaron, de los cuales tres, habían sido expuestos a una única tsetse infectada. Se detectóTrypanosoma vivax en un animal,T. congolense en dos bovinos más e infecciones mixtas en los otros dos.Estos hallazgos demuestran, que el ganado N'Dama puede infectarse con tripanosomiasis, seguidamente de la picadura de una sola tsetse infectada bajo condiciones de campo. Sin embargo, solamente cinco (posiblemente ocho) de las 23 tsetse infectadas, fueron capaces de transmitir el parásito exitosamente.

Infection Experimentale De Bovins N'Dama Avec Des Trypanosomes A l'Aide DeGlossina Palpalis Gambiensis Capturees A l'Etat Sauvage
Résumé La transmissibilité de possibilité de transmission de la trypanosomose à des bovins N'Dama par des mouches tsé-tsé capturées sur le terrain a été examinée. DesGlossina palpalis gambiensis capturées à l'état sauvage ont été transférées individuellement dans de petities cages numérotées et placées pour se nourrir sur 14 bovins N'Dama indemnes.A la suite d'un repas complet, les mouches ont été disséquées et on a enregistré l'infection dans le proboscis, les glandes salivaires et l'intestin. Chaque animal a été piqué par un nombre de mouches allant de cinq à soixante quatre. A la suite de la dissection des glossines, on a trouvé que sept bovins avaient été piqués par une seule mouche infectée, cinq par deux mouches, alors que les deux derniers avaient servi à nourrir chacun trois glossines infectées. Les mouches tsé-tsé hébergeaient soitTrypanosoma vivax ou une espèce de trypanosomes appartenant au sous genreNannomonas ou par les deux espèces.Les animaux d'expérience ont été suivis quotidiennement pendant trois mois pour observer l'apparition des trypanosomes dans le sang et des anticorps dans leur sérum. D'autre paramètres tels que la température corporelle, les réactions cutanées locales, le volume erythrocytaire et les variations pondérales ont également été mesurés. Les trypanosomes ont été détectés pour la première fois huit jours après la morsure infectante. Seuls cinq des 14 bovins se sont infectés, parmi lesquels trois avaient été exposés à une seule mouche infectée. On a détéctéTrypanosoma vivax chez un animal,T. congolense chez deux bovins et des infections mixtes des deux espèces chez les deux derniers animaux infectés. Ces observations montrent que les bovins N'Dama peuvent devenir infectés par des trypanosomes par la piqure d'une unique mouche tsé-tsé infectée dans les conditions du terrain. Cependant, seulement cinq (peut-être huit) des 23 glosssines infectées ont été capables de transmettre les parasites avec succès.
A total of 33 Staphylococcus hyicus-cultures from piglets with exudative epidermatitis were analyzed for the presence of antibiotic resistance plasmids. Four small plasmids encoding resistances to chloramphenicol, macrolide-lincosamide-antibiotics, streptomycin or tetracyclines could be identified in plasmid-curing and plasmid-transformation experiments. For further characterization these plasmids were digested with restriction endonucleases. This led to the construction of a specific restriction map for each of the 4 plasmids. On the basis of their restriction maps, these 4 antibiotic resistance plasmids from "porcine" S. hyicus-cultures were compared with the respective resistance plasmids of other staphylococcal species from infections of humans and animals.  相似文献   
Seventy-two finishing pigs (initial weight = 57.6 kg) were utilized to determine the effects of porcine somatotropin (pST) and dietary lysine level on growth performance and carcass characteristics. Pigs were injected daily with 4 mg pST in the extensor muscle of the neck and fed either a pelleted corn-sesame meal diet (.6% lysine, 17.8% CP) or diets containing .8, 1.0, 1.2 or 1.4% lysine provided by additions of L-lysine.HCl. All diets were formulated to contain at least twice the required amounts of other amino acids. Control pigs received a placebo injection and the .6%-lysine diet. Increasing levels of dietary lysine resulted in increased ADG and improved feed conversion (quadratic, P less than .01) for pST-treated pigs. The calculated daily lysine intake was 16.6, 13.6, 19.6, 25.1, 29.6 and 33.6 g for the control and pST-treated pigs fed .6, .8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4% lysine, respectively, over the entire experiment. Breakpoint analysis indicated that cumulative ADG and feed conversion were optimized at 1.19 and 1.22% lysine, respectively. Longissimus muscle area and trimmed ham and loin weights increased as dietary lysine was increased among pST-treated pigs (quadratic, P less than .01). Breakpoint analysis indicated that 1.11% lysine maximized longissimus muscle area, whereas trimmed ham and loin weights were maximized at .91 and .98% lysine, respectively. Adjusted backfat thickness was not affected by dietary lysine, but pST-treated pigs had less backfat (P less than .05) than control pigs did. Percentage moisture of the longissimus muscle increased (linear, P less than .05), as did percentage CP (quadratic, P less than .05), whereas fat content decreased (linear, P less than .05) as lysine level increased. Similar trends in composition were observed for muscles of the ham (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris). Shear-force values from the longissimus and semimembranosus were lowest for control pigs, but they increased as dietary lysine level increased among pST-treated pigs. Sensory panel evaluations indicated that juiciness and tenderness decreased (linear, P less than .05) as dietary lysine level increased. Plasma urea concentrations decreased linearly (P less than .01) on d 28 as lysine level increased, whereas plasma lysine and insulin were increased (quadratic, P less than .01). Plasma glucose and free fatty acid concentrations on d 28 tended to increase (quadratic, P less than .10) with increasing dietary lysine level.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The prevalence of infection with ovine progressive pneumonia (OPP) virus and its effects on ewe wool and lamb production were investigated in a flock of 2,976 ewes of 6 breed types (Rambouillet, Targhee, Columbia, Polypay, 1/4 cross Finnsheep, and 1/2 cross Finnsheep). Prevalence of seropositivity was significantly (P less than or equal to 0.01) lower among Rambouillet and Targhee breeds (44 and 42%, respectively), intermediate in Polypay, Columbia, and 1/4 cross Finnsheep (approximately 53%), and higher among 1/2 cross Finnsheep (62%). Seropositivity increased with age in all breed types from 11% at 1 year of age to 93% at greater than or equal to 7 years of age. Lateral disease transmission is indicated by linear increase of seropositivity prevalence with increasing age, including that in sheep greater than 6 years old. Subclinical infection with OPP virus had no apparent detrimental effect on number of lambs born, lamb viability, birth weight, number of lambs weaned, or growth rate of single and twin lambs, compared with findings for noninfected sheep in the same flock. Mature ewe body weight and grease fleece weight did not differ between subclinically infected seropositive and seronegative ewes. Subclinical infection with OPP virus does not appear to have an adverse economic effect on ewe wool and lamb production. Culling rate attributable to clinical manifestation of infection with OPP virus must be accurately determined before the true effects of virus infection on production can be determined and an eradication program can be recommended.  相似文献   
2 Egyptian goats and Boscat rabbits were experimentally inoculated with peste des petits ruminants (PPR) local Egyptian strain (PPR, Egypt 87). The inoculated animals contracted the disease with minor clinical manifestations, accompanied by rise of neutralizing antibodies to PPR virus. Virus was isolated from ocular and nasal secretions, buffy coat, spleen, and liver. No contact infection was observed between inoculated and healthy goats.  相似文献   
Hip dysplasia is an affection of the coxofemoral joint that progresses until stabilization is caused by fibrosis and osteoarthritic changes. This stabilization process can be examined by clinical and radiographic methods. The capability of evaluating the procollagen concentrations in liquids, such as serum and synovial fluid, has further offered the basis for an objective biochemical evaluation of the stabilization process. Our study was performed to evaluate whether determination of procollagen concentrations was suitable for the use in practice. The procollagen type-III aminoterminal peptide (P-III-NP) concentration was measured in serum and in synovial fluid from coxofemoral joints in 20 dogs. Dogs were grouped on the basis of evidence of dysplasia and osteoarthritic changes of the hip: (1) a control group of 6 dogs without clinical or radiographic signs of hip dysplasia, and (2) dysplastic group of 14 dogs, which was further grouped with respect to the coxofemoral joint laxity, as determined by the Ortolani test. Synovial fluid concentration of P-III-NP was significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in fluid from dysplastic joints than in fluid from normal joints. Serum concentrations of P-III-NP were significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in dogs in which results of the Ortolani test were positive.  相似文献   
Cardiopulmonary effects of epidurally administered xylazine in the horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to determine whether the epidural administration of an alpha2 agonist, xylazine, would produce measurable changes in arterial blood pressure, electrocardiographic (ECG) activity and arterial blood gas values in horses. Six horses were given each of four treatments: epidural xylazine, intravenous xylazine, epidural lidocaine and epidural saline. A carotid artery catheter was used to measure arterial blood pressure and to collect samples for blood gas analysis before treatment and at intervals post treatment. Heart rate, arterial pressures, ECG activity and respiratory rate were recorded at the same intervals. No significant changes were recorded between time intervals or between individual treatments. It was concluded that this method of xylazine administration to horses produced potent caudal analgesia without measurable cardiopulmonary effects.  相似文献   
A Pig Health Service in Bavaria was established in 1958, there was one veterinary-officer working. The department Pig-Health Service of the "Tiergesundheitsdienst Bayern" has twenty-one veterinary-officers now. They mostly are working in the pig health scheme, doing stress susceptibility test, giving advice and expert evidence.  相似文献   
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