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The present study was carried out to characterize ACE inhibitory peptides which are released from the trypsin hydrolysate of wheat gluten protein. In silico proteolitic digestion of a high molecular weight glutenin subunit was performed. Among the resultant fragments, four peptides were selected for chemical synthesis based on the chemoinformatics studies and docking properties. The ACE inhibitory activity and kinetic parameters of the most important peptides were determined. Molecular docking simulation was also performed to predict the sites on ACE in which these peptides bind and displayed inhibition mechanisms. Two peptide sequences of IPALLKR (P4) and AQQLAAQLPAMCR (P6) showed higher ACE inhibitory activity among peptide collection. The IC50 values of P6 and P4 were 43 ± 1.3 μM and 68 ± 2.8 μM, respectively. P6 peptide was proved to be a more potent ACE inhibitor than P4 peptide. Lineweaver-Burk plots revealed that P6 and P4 behaved as non-competitive and competitive ACE inhibitors, respectively. The simulations showed that P4 bound to the active site region. Conversely, P6 bound to the N-terminus entrance of substrate tunnel and obstructed the substrate access into the catalytic site. Overall, the results showed that these peptides would be considered as a model for discovering new bio-compatible ACE inhibitors.  相似文献   


Fungal endophytes are the living symbionts which cause no apparent damage to the host tissue. The distribution pattern of these endophytes within a host plant is mediated by environmental factors. This study was carried out to explore the fungal endophyte community and their distribution pattern in Asparagus racemosus and Hemidesmus indicus growing in the study area.


Foliar endophytes were isolated for 2 years from A. racemosus and H. indicus at four different seasons (June–August, September–November, December–February, March–May). A total of 5400 (675/season/year) leaf segments harbored 38 fungal species belonging to 17 genera, 12 miscellaneous mycelia sterile from 968 isolates and 13 had yeast like growth. In A. racemosus, Acremonium strictum and Phomopsis sp.1, were dominant with overall relative colonization densities (RCD) of 7.11% and 5.44% respectively, followed by Colletotrichum sp.3 and Colletotrichum sp.1 of 4.89% and 4.83% respectively. In H. indicus the dominant species was A. strictum having higher overall RCD of 5.06%, followed by Fusarium moniliforme and Colletotrichum sp.2 with RCD of 3.83% and 3%, respectively. Further the overall colonization and isolation rates were higher during the wet periods (September–November) in both A. racemosus (92.22% and 95.11%) and H. indicus (82% and 77.11%).


Study samples treated with 0.2% HgCl2 and 75% EtOH for 30 s and 1 min, respectively, confirmed most favorable method of isolation of the endophytes. Owing to high mean isolation and colonization rates, September–November season proved to be the optimal season for endophyte isolation in both the study plants. Assessing the bioactive potential of these endophytes, may lead to the isolation of novel natural products and metabolites.
In long-term field experiments on loamy sand and sandy loam, legumes (pea and lupine) stimulated microbial activity in the rhizosphere more than cereals (winter rye, winter wheat and spring barley), maize and oil flax. In the rhizosphere of winter wheat and maize, microbial activity and the bacteria species Pseudomonas , Agrobacterium and Xanthomonas were more stimulated by organic manuring than by mineral fertilization. A positive correlation between the stimulated bacteria species and the growth of young plants was found. Various mineral nitrogen applications had no influence on the rhizosphere microflora. The leghemoglobin content of pea nodules – an indicator of nitrogen fixation activity – was reduced by high nitrogen application in crop rotation.  相似文献   
The creamy colour of many wheat-based end-products is conferred by endogenous lutein. During post-harvest storage of grain, free lutein may be converted in part to potentially more stable lutein mono- and di-fatty acid esters. This study investigates the synthesis of lutein esters and stability of free lutein and lutein esters over a wide range of temperatures in grain of a high lutein bread wheat, Triticum aestivum L. line DM5685*B12 and a durum, Triticum durum L cv Kamilaroi. Disappearance of free lutein and lutein esterification followed first order reaction rates. The maximum rate of lutein esterification was at ≈80 °C, however, the optimum temperature for maximum synthesis with minimum degradation was between 30 °C and 60 °C. No ester synthesis was observed at temperatures higher than 120 °C. The data are consistent with an enzyme participating in the esterification reaction. Lutein esters were found to be more stable than free lutein with a longer shelf life at 60 °C whilst at temperatures ≤40 °C, lutein degradation was minimal. This study provides new information on lutein ester formation and lutein stability that should be useful to grain handlers and food manufacturers seeking to optimise retention of lutein for the benefit of consumers.  相似文献   
Twenty-two buffalo bulls suffering from three different types of infertility were slaughtered and used for this study. Except for the reproductive system, no signs of localised or generalised disease were observed. Microbiological investigations were negative for brucellosis, vibriosis, mycoplasma and other non-specific microorganisms. Nine bulls with type 1 infertility had low bodyweights and underdevelopment of testes, accessory sex glands and endocrine glands. This picture suggests a total dysfunction of the pituitary-growth-gonadal axis. One bull of this type also showed bilateral epididymitis. Four out of 11 bulls with type 2 infertility had low bodyweights and most suffered from underdevelopment of testes, accessory sex glands and endocrine glands. Six bulls of this type had lesions of either epididymitis or orchitis or both. Two of these animals showed adhesions of periorchitis. One also showed seminal vesiculitis. In two bulls with type 3 infertility, bodyweights, reproductive organs and endocrine glands were normal. In later life, they yielded poor quality semen. Semen samples collected a few months before slaughter from nine bulls with type 2 and type 3 infertility were of poor quality and had higher percentages of abnormal spermatozoa in most cases.  相似文献   
On-the-go EC sensor is a useful tool in mapping the apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) to identify areas of contrasting soil properties. In non-saline soils, ECa is a substitute measurement for soil texture. It is directly related to both water holding capacity and cation exchange capacity (CEC), which are key ingredients of productivity. This sensor measures the ECa across a field quickly and gives detailed soil features (1-s interval) with few operators. Hence, a dense sampling is possible and therefore a high resolution ECa map can be produced. This paper presents experiences in acquiring detailed ECa information that is correlated to other soil properties for precision farming of rice. The study was conducted on a 9 ha rice plot in MARDI Seberang Prai Station, Penang. The VerisEC3100 was pulled across the field in a series of parallel transects spaced about 15 m apart. The study showed that shallow and deep ECa had high correlation and shallow ECa had significant correlation to P. Deep ECa had significant correlation to P, K and yield. Regression equations showed that N and P could be estimated by shallow ECa but, pH, K and yield were better estimated by deep ECa. This study was able to draw some basic ideas of nutrient zone management according to precision farming technique.  相似文献   
Field populations of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), from Pakistan were assessed for their resistance to the chlorinated hydrocarbon endosulfan, the organophosphates chlorpyrifos and quinalphos, and the pyrethroids cypermethrin, deltamethrin, bifenthrin and fenpropathrin. Using a leaf-dip bioassay, resistance to endosulfan was high during 1998–2000 but declined to very low, to low levels during 2001–2007, following a reduced use of the insecticide. Organophosphates and pyrethroids were consistently used over the past three decades, and the resistance had been increasing to these insecticide classes. Generally, the resistance to chlorpyrifos and pyrethroids remained low from 1998 to 2002–2003, but resistance increased to moderate to high levels from 2003–2004 to 2006–2007. For deltamethrin, resistance was very high during 2004–2007. Quinalphos resistance remained low during 1998–2006. Correlation analysis of LC50 and LC90 values showed a positive correlation between organophosphates and pyrethroids, but no correlation between endosulfan and organophosphates or pyrethroids tested herein. These results suggest that the conventional chemistries should be replaced with new chemistries for the successful management of S. exigua.  相似文献   
Gorgostane steroids are isolated from marine organisms and consist of 30 carbon atoms with a characteristic cyclopropane moiety. From the pioneering results to the end of 2021, isolation, biosynthesis, and structural elucidation using 13C-NMR will be used. Overall, 75 compounds are categorized into five major groups: gorgost-5-ene, 5,6-epoxygorgostane, 5,6-dihydroxygorgostane, 9,11-secogorgostane, and 23-demethylgorgostane, in addition to miscellaneous gorgostane. The structural diversity, selectivity for marine organisms, and biological effects of gorgostane steroids have generated considerable interest in the field of drug discovery research.  相似文献   
As the use of high performance textiles has grown, the need for chemical finishes to provide the fabric properties required in the special applications has grown accordingly. In this project, a series of water dispersible polyurethanes dispersion (CS-PUs) with multipurpose performance profile was developed using isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), polyethylene glycol (PEG), 2,2-dimethylol propionic acid (DMPA) and chitosan (CS) for textile applications. In two step synthesis process, NCO functional PU prepolymers prepared by reacting IPDI, PEG, and DMPA were extended with varying molar quantities of chitosan followed by structural characterization through FTIR. The prepared CS-PU dispersions were applied onto the dyed and printed poly-cotton blend fabrics. The performance behavior of the treated fabric in terms of crease recovery, tear strength, tensile strength, and antibacterial properties was evaluated by applying standard test methods. These investigations show that the CS-PU dispersions can be applied as antibacterial textile finishes with significant improvement in the physical and mechanical properties of poly-cotton fabrics.  相似文献   
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