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湖北乔灌复层防火林带模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对湖北乔灌复层防火林带的研究表明:1、乔灌复层防火林带中乔、灌不同树种对土壤、气候等环境条件的要求相同或近似,灌木树种要有一定的耐阴能力,防火树种以乡土树种为主。2、防火林带内树种的基本配置方式有凸形配置和凹形配置2种,二者各有优势,在实际应用中,应根据具体情况综合运用,以提高林带防火能力。3、林带走向应与防火季节主风向垂直,在湖北绝大多数林带的走向以东西向为宜,林中应设计与坡向垂直的林带,林带造林密度大于常规造林密度。  相似文献   
针对富阳市板栗生产上存在的问题,在广泛调查基础上,选用新登镇王村的1株早熟型板栗优株,进行嫁接繁殖、育苗造林试验,经5年的连续验证,该无性系具有早熟,早实、丰产、高产等优良特性,而且还具有抗干旱、耐瘠薄的能力。5年生平均株产3.85kg,合每公顷产板栗3225kg,超过了杭州市科委下达的丰产指标的4.3倍,特别是该板栗无性系果实在9月上旬提早成熟,从而提高商品的经济价值。通过对早熟型高产板栗栽培技术研究实践,形成了1个从良种选育、培育壮苗、合理修剪、生长素应用和营林管理一套丰产栽培技术体系,这将对今后板栗生产的发展有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
‘ICP7035’为印度国际半干旱热带作物研究所(ICRISAT)选育的纯系品种,于1998年引进中国.生育期223 ~236天,2年生植株平均株高(247.1±23.9) cm,地径(2.67-0.35)cm,一级分枝数(22.0±2.5)枝,单株荚数(382.5±65.5)个,种子百粒质量(21.72±0.39)g,单株粒质量(273.23±51.58)g;与对照品种比较,具产量高、豆荚及豆粒大、鲜籽粒口感好等优点.  相似文献   
为探明干湿循环频度与强度对花岗岩红壤孔隙分布的影响,该研究通过测定不同干湿循环条件下土壤水分特征曲线计算孔隙分布,并采用孔隙分形维数量化干湿循环效应对土壤孔隙结构变异的影响。结果表明:干湿循环对<0.2 μm、>3~15 μm和>57 μm三类当量孔隙产生了显著影响。孔隙结构的再分布主要集中于前4次干湿交替之中,其后干湿交替的影响效应随着频度的增加逐渐减小并趋于稳定。随着强度增强,非活性孔隙(<0.2 μm)和中孔隙(0.2~30 μm)逐渐发育成大孔隙(>30 μm)。同时,干湿循环强度对大孔隙(>30 μm)影响显著(P<0.05),贡献率达65.2%,而干湿循环频度对非活性孔隙(<0.2 μm)影响显著(P<0.05),贡献率达91.9%。此外,土样孔隙分形维数D经干湿循环后逐渐减小,且与强度呈负相关(R2=0.868),表明孔隙结构向大孔隙均质化方向发展。研究结果说明季节性降雨干旱引发的干湿循环效应主要影响大孔隙的生成,增强了土体的均质性和导水能力,加剧了岩土体失稳崩塌的风险。  相似文献   
红壤地区施入的磷肥很容易被吸附固定而留存于土壤中,降低磷肥利用效率,留存于土壤中的磷对土壤生态功能和作物养分供应的后续效应值得关注。基于旱地红壤长期施肥定位试验,探讨常规施肥处理(CK)以及短期施入不同磷肥量(P2O5,0、50、100、150和1 000 kg·hm-2)多年后土壤养分、土壤氮循环过程和作物产量的变化特征。通过多元统计分析方法探讨不同磷肥处理下,土壤全碳、全氮和微生物生物量碳和氮转化过程的潜在速率以及产量等因子间的相互关系及其与磷的后期效应的关系。结果表明,在短期投入高剂量磷肥(1 000 kg·hm-2, P1000)27年后,土壤全碳、全氮和微生物生物量碳与常规施肥处理相比无明显差异,但显著提高了土壤pH和氮循环相关过程速率,包括氮矿化速率(Nitrogen mineralization rate, Nmin)、固氮酶活性(Soil nitrogenase activity, SNA)、潜在硝化速率(Potential nitrification rate, PNR)(P < 0.05),同时降低了净N2O排放潜能(Net N2O production rate, NN2O)(P < 0.05)。与不施磷(P0)和短期投入低剂量磷肥处理(50,100,150 kg·hm-2)相比,P1000处理中,土壤有效磷(AP)、氮矿化速率、固氮酶活性、潜在硝化速率和潜在N2O产生速率(PN2O)分别增加了33.3%~76.4%、88.2%~388.1%、111.4%~4 826.3%、22.6%~152.4%和13.8%~78.9%(P < 0.05),同时净N2O排放潜能也降低了64.6%~78.9%(P < 0.05),表现出明显的磷后效,且在作物生长季更为明显。相关分析和冗余分析表明AP和pH是影响以上土壤生物化学活性最主要的因子。近三年作物平均产量在所有处理中无显著差异,但与土壤TP、AP和pH呈显著正相关;但在长期尺度上(1992—2019年),P1000处理相对于其他低磷处理累积增产效应达3%~23%。以上结果表明,酸性红壤中短期大量施用磷肥多年后,由于大量磷肥投入导致的土壤pH提升和磷的缓释效应,使得磷肥在促进土壤肥力、微生物活性和土壤氮循环转化活性方面表现出较明显的后期效应。  相似文献   
Historically as part of its national security mission, the U.S. Department of Energy's Y-12 National Security Facility in Oak Ridge, TN acquired a significant fraction of the world's supply of elemental mercury. During the 1950s and 1960s, a large amount of elemental mercury escaped confinement and is still present in the watershed surrounding the Y-12 facility. Earthworms are key components in natural food chains, providing a food source for many small mammals and important food sources for small birds. The objectives of this study were to investigate the current status of mercury distribution and speciation and determination of mercury bioavailability to native earthworms in floodplain soils of East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) after decades of U.S. Department of Energy's remediation. The present study clearly shows that the total mercury in a tested floodplain field of EFPC was significantly below the US Department of Energy target 400 mg Hg/kg. The major mercury form in the current floodplain soils of EFPC is mainly the non-cinnabar mercury bound form in soil silicates (4 M HNO3-extractable residual fraction). The results show strong linear relationships between mercury concentrations in native earthworms (both mature and immature groups) and the non-cinnabar mercury form. Native earthworms may be used as a potential mercury ecological bio-indicator (bio-marker) for demonstrating mercury bioavailability and ecotoxicity in the ecosystem.  相似文献   
强风化砂岩夹板岩重塑土的剪切强度特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以江苏省无锡市滨湖区雪浪山复绿边坡A段发生的大滑坡为例,研究强风化砂岩夹板岩重塑土在不同含水率和干密度下的三轴UU剪切强度特性,以便更好地服务于边坡的复绿工程.结果表明:含水率从15%增加到25%时,其黏聚力和内摩擦角均随着含水率的增加显著减小;当含水率分别为15%和25%时,随着干密度的增加,其黏聚力和内摩擦角均随着干密度的增加显著增大;但当含水率为20%时,其黏聚力随着干密度的增加而减小,内摩擦角不变.  相似文献   
Gu  Hailong  Feng  Yaming  Yang  Zhijing 《Fisheries Science》2022,88(6):721-731

To investigate the differences in gut bacterial community of Parabramis pekinensis at different growth stages, we collected wild P. pekinensis from the Jingjiang region of the Yangtze River, and detected the intestinal microflora structure using high-throughput sequencing technology. Results show that during stage I the dominant bacteria were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes. During stage II, the proportion of Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria decreased, while the proportion of Firmicutes and Fusobacteria increased, especially Clostridium and Cetobacteria increased significantly. During stage III, Cetobacterium had a dominant position, while the proportion of Firmicutes decreased slightly. In stage IV, the male and female fish showed obvious differences. In the female gut, the proportion of Proteobacteria increased to the first place, while Fusobacteria decreased to the second place. In the male fish, the proportion of Fusobacteria dropped to the fifth, especially that of Cetobacterium decreased significantly, and that of Verrucomicrobia increased. In stage V, the proportion of Fusobacteria increased again to the first place, while Proteobacteria did not decrease significantly in the female gut. The gut bacterial community in males changed into a structure similar to stage I. In stage VI, the gut bacterial community in both females and males changed into a structure similar to stage I. There were significant differences in the intestinal microflora structure of P. pekinensis at different gonad development stages and sexes. To some extent, the changes in intestinal microflora structure reflect the changes in the nutritional requirements of P. pekinensis.

A study on Chlamys nobilis sperm cryopreservation by a programmable freezing method was conducted under laboratory condition. Four cryoprotectant agents (dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO], methanol [MET], propanediol[PG] and ethylene glycol [EG]) and four concentrations (5%, 10%, 20% and 30%) were evaluated for their ability to retain sperm motility, movement characteristics and fertility. Results showed that cryopreserved sperm total motility produced by DMSO and MET at 5%, 10% and 20% were higher than other cryoprotectant treatment groups (CPA groups), as well as rapid sperm percentage. The curvilinear (VCL) and straight line (VSL) velocity produced by DMSO at 5% significantly higher than other CPA groups (p < 0.05), while no significant differences were found for average path (VAP) velocity. The lateral head displacement (ALH) in all CPA groups was similar and without significant difference (p > 0.05), as well as the beat‐cross frequency (BCF). A significant higher fertilization rate was produced in DMSO than that in MET at same concentration (p < 0.05), and no significant differences were found for differing concentrations of the same cryoprotectant (p > 0.05). Overall, 5%‐20% DMSO was more suitable for Chlamys nobilis sperm programmable cryopreservation when the calcium‐free Hanks’ balanced salt solution was used as the extender, and 10°C/min from 0°C to ?80°C was used as freezing rate. The findings presented in this study will benefit conservation programs for Chlamys nobilis.  相似文献   
“太湖1号”杂交青虾规模化繁育技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用53hm2标准化鱼池,采用雌雄亲虾同池的放养模式与集中投放抱卵虾孵化培育模式2种模式进行“太湖1号”杂交青虾的规模化繁殖试验。结果显示,本期共繁殖生产虾苗33533.86万尾,31878.33kg。雌雄亲虾同池培育的产苗量比集中投放抱卵青虾培育的产苗量要低36.49~69.26kg/hm2,或132.85万。143.607万尾/hm2,苗种规格大小差异大。雌雄亲虾同池培育的捕苗时间从7月18日到8月25日,共计38d,集中投放抱卵亲虾培育池的苗规格较一致,捕苗时间为期25d,捕捞时间缩短了13d。这表明,集中投放抱卵虾孵化培育模式可作为青虾规模化繁殖生产的优选方式。  相似文献   
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