The aim of this study was to characterize the vocalizations produced during electroejaculation under general anaesthesia in pampas deer males and to determine whether the characteristics of those vocalizations differ in adult and young pampas deer males. Electroejaculation was applied to 13 adults (AM) and 13 young (YM) males under general anaesthesia. Vocalizations were digitally recorded, and the number and duration of vocalizations, the latency in relation to each voltage, the total time vocalizing, and the structure of the fundamental frequency (F0) [initial frequency (Fstart), maximal frequency (Fmax), minimal frequency (Fmin) and final frequency (Fend)] were analysed. No male vocalized with 0 V; the number of animals that vocalized increased at 2 and 3 V and increased again at 4, 5 and 6 V (p < 0.05). The latency time from the beginning of each series (each voltage) decreased until 4 V (p < 0.01). The number of vocalizations/voltage increased from 4 V (p < 0.05). The length of each vocalization and the total time during which animals vocalized were greater in YM than AM (p = 0.02 and p = 0.01, respectively). Similarly, the fundamental frequencies were higher in YM than AM (p ≤ 0.05). Overall, we concluded that the vocalizations emitted during electroejaculation in pampas deer under general anaesthesia are related to the voltage applied during the process. Young males vocalize more time, probably due to a greater sensibility to the electric stimulation. The differences in the characteristics of the vocalizations between adult and young males may be related to the anatomic differences in the neck of adult or young males. 相似文献
AIMS: To determine current practices and attitudes towards vaccination of dogs and cats of veterinarians in New Zealand; the methods used for informing clients on which vaccines to use, and the preferred site for vaccination of cats.
METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to all 483 listed veterinary practices in New Zealand during February 2012. Some questions were specific to pet dogs, cats, or working farm dogs. Responses were categorised according to practice type and geographical region of the respondent. Factors associated with respondent recommendation of annual vaccination with modified live viral (MLV) vaccines were examined using logistic regression analysis. Vaccines that were considered to be essential for every animal were defined as core; those that may be recommended for animals whose location or lifestyle placed them at risk, were defined as non-core.
RESULTS: There were 204 useable returns, equivalent to a response rate of 42.2%, distributed across the country. Annual vaccination with MLV vaccines of dogs was recommended by 54/198 (27.3%) respondents, and of cats by 107/181 (59.1%) respondents. Factors associated with the recommendation of annual administration of MLV vaccines to dogs included being a companion animal practice, a desire for policies on vaccination to be left to individual clinics, and having one veterinarian in the practice. Administration of the final vaccination for puppies was recommended at ≥14 weeks old by 55/185 (29.7%) respondents, and for kittens at ≥13 weeks old by 42/183 (23%) respondents. Of respondents that administered MLV vaccines annually, 62/103 (60.2%) believed reducing the frequency of vaccination would reduce income, and 52/103 (50.5%) considered it would have a negative effect on animal health. Advice to enable clients to decide which non-core vaccines were administered was given by 181/199 (91%) respondents. Factors considered when recommending a vaccine included consideration of risk to individual patients (190/203; 93.6%), requirements of boarding kennels/catteries (165/203; 81.3%) and clinic vaccination policy (142/203; 70%). The preferred site for administering MLV vaccines to cats was the dorsal neck or inter-scapular region (137/198; 69.2%). Amongst respondents, 18 wanted disease surveillance information to allow for truly informed decisions to be made about vaccination.
CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Veterinarians can now compare their own vaccination practices and attitudes with those of veterinarians nationally, and internationally. There is a need for national surveillance information and for continued education of the public and commercial kennel and cattery owners for optimal vaccination strategies to be developed. 相似文献
This report describes a suspect case of West Nile virus (WNV) encephalomyelitis, reported for the first time in a horse in the UK. The affected gelding had been imported from the Republic of Cyprus and travelled through several WNV endemic areas in Europe before arriving at the premises in Lincolnshire. Clinical signs included muscle fasciculations, weakness of the hindlimbs and transient lip twitching that quickly progressed to depression and recumbency. West Nile virus specific antibodies were detected by serological tests in the absence of a previous history of vaccination. The horse improved clinically 10 days after the onset of disease and fully recovered in 12 weeks. Follow‐ups at 12 and 20 months post event did not reveal any sequela and the horse was performing adequately at novice level. This article refers to the same horse mentioned by Fooks et al. (2014) and it is an extension of the previous published work. 相似文献
Solanum commersonii is a wild species related to the cultivated potato. Some S. commersonii genotypes have been proven to be resistant to the pathogenic bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum, which causes damage in potato and other economically important crops. Here an expression analysis of the response of a resistant S. commersonii genotype against R. solanacearum was performed using microarrays. The aims of this work were to elucidate the molecular processes involved in the interaction, establish the timing of the response, and contribute to identify genes related to the resistance. The response to the treatment was already initiated at 6 h post-inoculation (hpi) and was established at 24 hpi; during this period, a high number of genes was differentially expressed and several candidate genes for the resistance of S. commersonii to R. solanacearum were identified. At an early stage, the photosynthetic process was highly repressed and several genes encoding proteins related to reactive oxygen species (ROS) production were differentially expressed. The induction of ERF and ACC-oxidase genes related to the ethylene pathway and PR1 related to the salicylic acid pathway suggested the induction of both pathways, and back up the previously reported hemibiotrophic nature of the pathogen. Five genes related to plant defence and observed to be differentially expressed at the first two time points were validated by real time PCR. This work gives a glimpse to the molecular processes involved in S. commersonii resistance and identifies the species as a valuable genetic source for potato breeding against bacterial wilt. 相似文献
Gastrointestinal lesions with uncertain etiology have been widely described among pinnipeds. The aim of our study was to investigate the presence of Helicobacter spp. in the gastric mucosa of South American fur seals (Arctocephalusaustralis). Gastric biopsies from thirteen seals, stranded on the shores of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean in Argentina, were evaluated for the presence of Helicobacter spp. by PCR and DNA sequence analysis. Six gastric biopsies were positive for Helicobacter spp. Pairwise sequence comparisons showed less than 95% identity to novel Helicobacter spp. described from pinnipeds from North America and Australia. However, phylogenetic analysis revealed that the South American fur seal sequences clustered with 99-100% homology with H. cetorum, a species isolated from dolphins and whales. The presence of H. cetorum in pinnipeds, if confirmed by its isolation from the gastric mucosa of these mammals, demonstrates the wide host range of this bacterium in the marine environment. 相似文献