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Recently, isolation and in vitro culture of putative spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) in the domestic cat have been conducted. However, the cellular niche conditions that facilitate the establishment and long‐term maintenance of feline SSCs (FSSCs) have not been described. Therefore, we investigated the type of feeder cells used to stimulate colony formation and growth of FSSCs among the various factors in the FSSC niche. Spermatogonial stem cells isolated from feline testes were cultured on mitotically inactivated testicular stromal cells (TSCs) derived from cats, dogs and mice, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The formation and growth of colonies derived from SSCs cultured on each type of feeder cell were identified at passage 0, and the morphology, alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and expression of SSC‐specific genes in surviving colonies were investigated at passage 4. Among these diverse feeder cells, TSCs from cat showed the greatest colony formation, growth and maintenance of FSSCs, and SSC colonies cultured by passage 4 showed a typical dome‐shaped morphology, AP activity and expression of SSC‐specific genes (NANOG, OCT4, SOX2 and CD9). Accordingly, these results demonstrate that feline TSCs could be used as feeder cells to support the establishment and maintenance of SSCs from domestic cats.  相似文献   
青岛某大型养猪场地处城阳区,饲养有杜洛克、长白等优良品种。饲养种母猪600多头,种公猪13头,全部采用人工授精配种。母猪平均每胎产仔数为9.75头。现存栏种公猪、母猪、仔猪、育成和育肥猪共有6500多头。全部采取自繁自养的方式。种母猪免疫过猪瘟、蓝耳病(PRRS)和伪狂犬病的二联灭活疫苗及细小病毒灭活疫苗。该场母猪免疫程序是:配种前一个月免疫4倍量猪瘟冻干苗,母猪产后在仔猪断奶前后进行猪瘟窝防(仔猪和母猪同时免疫)。  相似文献   
China is the world's largest tilapia producer. This study uses the stochastic frontier function in the Cobb–Douglas model to evaluate a production frontier for tilapia aquaculture and analyses the relationship between farm size and production efficiency in China. A random sample of 300 tilapia farmers was surveyed in the main tilapia‐producing areas to study their economic efficiencies. The percentage distribution of tilapia farm technical efficiency was determined, with an average efficiency of 79%, which showed that the sample tilapia farmers operate at 21% below the production frontier and hence that they still have a chance to achieve targeted yields. The technical efficiencies of two categories (≤1 ha and >1 ha) were 78.82% and 79.27% respectively. A second‐stage analysis investigated the relationship between farm size and technical efficiency and showed a positive relationship between farm size and production efficiency based on the ordinary least‐squares model. The optimal farm size was found to be 7.50 ha. This study proposes strategies such as enlarging the farming scale moderately, thereby achieving the advantage of economies of scale, and enhancing the competitiveness of the tilapia industry in China.  相似文献   
稻瘟病菌无毒基因研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻与稻瘟菌间存在广泛而特异的相互作用,是研究寄主与病原物互作的重要模式系统。无毒基因是病原物遗传因子,能诱发寄主植物产生抗病性,是稻瘟菌与水稻互作最重要的激发子。为寻求稻瘟病防治的新策略,本研究概述了研究稻瘟病菌无毒基因的意义,归纳了抗性基因与无毒基因互作的3种模式,总结了国内外稻瘟病菌无毒基因的克隆及功能研究,探讨了无毒基因在生产上病害流行预测中的应用,指出利用抗性基因与无毒基因的关系对稻瘟菌分类将会更为科学和实用,应进一步加快稻瘟病菌无毒基因的克隆。  相似文献   
目前我国存在一定程度的锌缺乏现象,可以乳制品为载体,有效的增加锌的吸收量。  相似文献   
本研究以国家标准《动物布鲁氏菌病诊断技术》(GB/T 18646-2018)中的试管凝集试验方法为确诊金标准,对353份临床牛、羊和猪血清样品进行确诊,然后分别采用虎红平板凝集试验抗原和抗体检测试纸条,对该353份临床血清进行检测,比较两种诊断制品在布鲁氏菌病初筛中的差异。经统计分析发现,虎红平板凝集试验抗原敏感性为100%(23/23),特异性为97.88%(323/330),与确诊结果间的Kappa值为0.86;布鲁氏菌抗体检测试纸条敏感性为100%(23/23),特异性为99.39%(328/330),与确诊结果间的Kappa值为0.95,两种方法的重复性试验结果均一致。试验结果证明,布鲁氏菌抗体检测试纸条和布鲁氏菌虎红平板凝集试验抗原都能满足布鲁氏菌病初筛的需求;由于布鲁氏菌抗体检测试纸条的储存、运输和操作的便捷性,在部分地区或特殊环境下可替代布鲁氏菌虎红平板凝集试验抗原用于布鲁氏菌病初筛。  相似文献   
为探索"优力乐"对雏鸡肠道微生物菌群的影响,选择雏鸡400只,随机均分为4组,即对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组,对照组不使用任何微生态制剂,试验组分别饲喂"优力乐"0.005%、0.01%、0.03%,1日龄开始饲喂至56日龄结束,并对雏鸡肠道内容物进行细菌分离鉴定。结果:共分离出包括有害菌在内的8种细菌,优势菌为乳杆菌∶拟杆菌∶消化球菌∶双歧杆菌∶肠球菌=30∶25∶30∶40∶23。试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组与对照组相比大肠杆菌数量显著降低(P0.05),双歧杆菌、拟杆菌、消化球菌及肠球菌显著升高(P0.05),说明"优力乐"可以抑制大肠杆菌及其它有害菌的生长,使雏鸡消化道正常菌群迅速建立。试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组中无革兰氏阴性有害菌,各种微生物数量无显著差异(P0.05),从经济效益考虑,生产实践中可使用0.01%"优力乐"。  相似文献   
为快速特异检测羊痘病毒属病毒(CaPVs),比较了牛结节性皮肤病病毒(LSDV)、山羊痘病毒(GTPV)和绵羊痘病毒(SSPV)的全基因组序列,选择保守区域设计特异性引物和探针,建立了一种CaPVs通用的Cycleave PCR检测方法。特异性结果显示,该方法在40 min内即可检出CaPVs,与口蹄疫病毒、羊口疮病毒、牛病毒性腹泻病毒、牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒、蓝舌病病毒均无交叉反应;灵敏性结果显示,最低检出限为4.98 copies/μL;重复性结果显示,批内和批间重复变异系数均小于2%。对131份临床样本进行检测发现,该方法与世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)推荐的常规PCR方法相比,敏感性为100%,特异性为91.55%,总符合率为95.42%。以上结果表明,本研究建立的Cycleave PCR检测方法特异、敏感、重复性好,且操作简便,适用于CaPVs的高通量、快速检测。  相似文献   
本文概述了牛磺酸的含量及分布、合成与代谢、生物学作用及其在水产饲料中的应用效果,并指出了牛磺酸在水产养殖中的应用前景及研究方向。  相似文献   
本实验采用放射免疫测定技术(RIA)分析了9头屡配不孕母牛和6头正常母牛于发情开始后8天内的血清促黄体素(LH)的含量变化。测定结果表明:屡配不孕母牛的LH排卵峰值低于正常母牛,其峰值分别为2.71±1.00ng/ml和4.70±1.71ng/ml,差异显著(P<0.025)。为了初步验证LH峰值与屡配不孕之间的关系,对20头屡配不孕母牛在发情开始至配种前肌肉注射外源性LH180IU,其配种后60天的受胎率为70%(14/20),而未用LH处理的11头屡配不孕母牛的受胎率为18%(2/11),两者差异极显著(P<0.01)。上述实验结果提示:体内LH排卵峰值降低可能是导致乳牛屡配不孕的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
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