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Relationship coefficients are traditionally based on pedigree data. Today, with the development of molecular techniques, they are often completely replaced by coefficients calculated from molecular data. Examples are relationships from microsatellites for biodiversity studies but also genomic relationships from SNP as currently used in genomic prediction of breeding values. There are, however, many situations in which optimal combination of both sources would be the best solutions. Obviously, this is the case for incompletely genotyped populations, but also when pedigree information is sparse. Also, markers, even dense ones, do not reflect the whole genome and therefore give only an incomplete picture of relationships. The main objective of this study was therefore to develop a method to calculate a relationship matrix by the combination of molecular and pedigree data. It will be useful for all situations where pedigree and molecular data are available. In this study, based on simulations of pedigree and marker data, we used partial least squares regression and linear regression to combine total allelic relationship coefficients calculated for each marker with additive relationship coefficients calculated from incomplete pedigree. The results showed that the greatest advantage of this method, compared with the one that replaces a part of the pedigree-based relationship matrix by a genomic relationship matrix, is that adding the partial pedigree data allows for the correction of the molecular coefficient for the ungenotyped part of the genome.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to develop a robust method to estimate single gene and random polygenic animal effects simultaneously in a small field dataset with limited pedigree information. The new method was based on a Bayesian approach using additional prior information on the distribution of externally estimated breeding values. The field dataset consisted of 40 269 test‐day records for milk performance traits for 1455 genotyped dairy cows for the 11 bp‐deletion in the coding sequence of the myostatin gene. For all traits, estimated additive effects of the favoured wild‐type allele (‘+’ allele) were smaller when applying the new method in comparison with the application of a conventional mixed inheritance test‐day model. Dominance effects of the myostatin gene showed the same behaviour but were generally lower than additive effects. Robustness of methods was tested using a data‐splitting technique, based on the correlation of estimated breeding values from two samples, with one‐half of the data eliminated randomly from the first sample and the remaining data eliminated from the second sample. Results for 100 replicates showed that the correlation between split datasets when prior information included was higher than the conventional method. The new method led to more robust estimations for genetic effects and therefore has potential for use when only a small number of genotyped animals with field data and limited pedigree information are available.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to test the integration of external information, i.e. foreign estimated breeding values (EBV) and the associated reliabilities (REL), for stallions into the Belgian genetic evaluation for jumping horses. The Belgian model is a bivariate repeatability Best Linear Unbiased Prediction animal model only based on Belgian performances, while Belgian breeders import horses from neighbouring countries. Hence, use of external information is needed as prior to achieve more accurate EBV. Pedigree and performance data contained 101 382 horses and 712 212 performances, respectively. After conversion to the Belgian trait, external information of 98 French and 67 Dutch stallions was integrated into the Belgian evaluation. Resulting Belgian rankings of the foreign stallions were more similar to foreign rankings according to the increase of the rank correlations of at least 12%. REL of their EBV were improved of at least 2% on average. External information was partially to totally equivalent to 4 years of contemporary horses' performances or to all the stallions' own performances. All these results showed the interest to integrate external information into the Belgian evaluation.  相似文献   
The anesthetic and cardiorespiratory effects of a low dose (LD, 0.4 mg kg?1 xylazine and 4 mg kg?1 ketamine) and a high dose (HD, 0.8 mg kg?1 xylazine and 8 mg kg?1 ketamine) of IM xylazine–ketamine combination were compared in a randomized cross‐over study using six castrated male llamas. Three llamas in each dosage group (LDT, HDT) were assigned to receive IM tolazoline (2 mg kg?1) after 30 minutes of recumbency. All IM injections were given in the semitendinosus or semimembranosus muscles. Pulse, respiratory rate, and indirect arterial blood pressure were recorded every 10 minutes, and hemoglobin oxygen saturation was recorded every 5 minutes during lateral recumbency. Samples for arterial blood gas analysis were collected 5 minutes following recumbency and every 30 minutes thereafter. Base‐to‐apex ECG was monitored continuously. Analgesia was evaluated every 5 minutes by both a 30 minutes skin pinch and a needle prick of the toe. Most llamas breathed room air throughout anesthesia. Two llamas that developed severe hypoxemia (SpO2 < 75%) received 5 minutes of nasal oxygen insufflation, but were maintained on room air for the rest of the anesthetic period. anova for repeated measures and Tukey's test were used to analyze cardiorespiratory data. Fischer's exact test was used to compare the ability of each to provide >30 minutes of lateral recumbency and analgesia. A p‐value < 0.05 was considered significant. Both dosages provided reasonably rapid induction following injection (LD: 10.8 ± 6.3 minutes; HD: 5.0 ± 1.1 minutes; p = 0.07). Duration of lateral recumbency and analgesia were 34.7 ± 6.7 and 27.3 ± 4.6 minutes, respectively, in the LDT llamas. None of the three remaining LD llamas remained in lateral recumbency for longer than 12 minutes. Duration of lateral recumbency and analgesia were 87.3 ± 18.5 and 67.7 ± 16.0 minutes, respectively, for the HD llamas that did not receive tolazoline. The HDT llamas were recumbent for a significantly shorter time (43.3 ± 0.6 minutes; p = 0.05). The ability to provide >30 minutes of recumbency and analgesia was better in the HD group (6/6) than in the LD group (2/6) (p = 0.03). No differences between dosages were seen in pulse rate, respiratory rate, or arterial pressures. No ECG abnormalities were seen. Transient hypoxemia was seen in the first 10 minutes of lateral recumbency in the HD group by both hemoglobin oxygen saturation (84 ± 9.5%) and by blood gas PaO2 (44.5 ± 5.8 mm Hg). It was concluded that the HD provided more consistent results than the LD, but induced transient hypoxemia. Tolazoline shortened the recovery time in llamas receiving the HD.  相似文献   
Verminous encephalomyelitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae was diagnosed in 2 foals at necropsy. The principal clinical feature was tetraparesis, although history and neurological examination revealed progressive and multifocal neurological disease. At presentation, a tentative diagnosis of parasitic larval migration involving the central nervous system (CNS), presumably due to Strongylus vulgaris, was proposed. Dissection of the spinal cord in one case resulted in recovery of intact larvae of both sexes of A. cantonensis. In both foals, histopathology of the brain and spinal cord revealed nematode sections which were consistent with A. cantonensis larvae.  相似文献   
Mules, hybrids resulting from the mating of a horse mare (Equus caballus, 2n = 64) to a Jack donkey (E. asinus, 2n = 62), are generally infertile. Five horse embryos were transferred non‐surgically to two cyclic and one acyclic recipient mules. In the mares and cycling mules, oestrus and ovulation were induced with, respectively, d ‐cloprostenol and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The acyclic mule, on the other hand, received oestradiol benzoate when the embryo donor was showing oestrus and progesterone after the donor had ovulated and until pregnancy diagnosis. Non‐surgical embryo collections were attempted on day 7 after ovulation and recovered embryos were transferred transcervically into the mules’ uteri. Mules that became pregnant were blood sampled serially for equine chorion gonadotrophin (eCG), progestagen and total conjugated oestrogen concentrations until around 6 months of gestation. The three embryos transferred to the acyclic mule did not produce any pregnancies whereas both embryos transferred to the cycling mules resulted in the birth of live foals. The peak concentration and duration of secretion of eCG differed markedly between the two pregnant mules, although both animals appeared to develop secondary corpora lutea beyond day 40 of gestation, as in normal intraspecies horse pregnancy. Moreover, the rise in serum oestrogen concentrations from around day 90 was also similar to that seen in normal pregnant mares. Parturition occurred spontaneously on day 348 of gestation in both mules and the resulting colt foals developed normally to weaning. Thus, cycling mules can carry a horse conceptus after non‐surgical embryo transfer and give birth to a normal mature foal.  相似文献   
A study was conducted in 40 healthy, randomly selected, client-owned, mixed and purebred dogs to assess the efficacy of a barrier dental sealant. All dogs showed evidence of dental plaque, calculus, or gingivitis. The dental sealant was applied to one side of the mouth following a professional teeth cleaning procedure and reapplied weekly for 8-weeks following the cleaning procedure. Dental parameters evaluated included plaque, calculus, gingivitis, and gingival bleeding indices. A statistically significant difference was detected between treated and untreated teeth compared with baseline values for plaque and calculus at weeks 4 and 8, gingivitis at week 4, and gingival bleeding time at week 8. A professional teeth cleaning procedure followed by a single application of the barrier dental sealant and weekly reapplication performed by a veterinarian or veterinary technician provided significant improvement in plaque and calculus indices during an 8-week period.  相似文献   
In the double‐muscled Belgian Blue beef (DM‐BBB) breed, selection focuses on muscular conformation and not on weight gain and higher weight. There are very few studies on growth in the DM‐BBB using field records. Therefore, farms have no available useful figures on weight at fixed ages and weight gain for the DM‐BBB. This study describes and evaluates live weights of DM‐BBB animals. All the data were gathered on farms in Belgium. It was found that a male DM‐BBB weighs an average of 51 kg at birth, 98 kg at 3 months, 242 kg at 7 months, 430 kg at 13 months and 627 kg at 20 months. Between the age of 7 and 20 months, weight gain is more than 1200 g a day. Females weigh 47 kg at birth, 96 kg at 3 months, 189 kg at 7 months and 332 kg at 13 months. For males, estimates of heritability for weights at 7, 13 and 20 months were between 0.21 and 0.36. The heritability for weight gain between 13 and 20 months was 0.13. This demonstrates that it is possible to select for higher weights and for increased growth between 13 and 20 months. Animals having high weights at a young age (7 and 13 months) tend to have also high weight at slaughtering age (20 months; rg between 0.81 and 0.98), but no additional growth between 13 and 20 months (rg between −0.09 and 0.00). High weight at 20 months is partially due to growth between 13 and 20 months (rg = 0.49).  相似文献   
Mast seeding causes strong fluctuations in populations of forest animals. Thus, this phenomenon can be used as a natural experiment to examine how variation in host abundance affects parasite loads. We investigated fleas infesting yellow-necked mice in beech forest after 2 mast and 2 non-mast years. We tested 2 mutually exclusive scenarios: (1) as predicted by classical models of density-dependent transmission, an increase in host density will cause an increase in ectoparasite abundance (defined as the number of parasites per host), versus (2) an increase in host density will cause a decline in flea abundance (“dilution,” which is thought to occur when parasite population growth is slower than that of the host). In addition, we assessed whether masting alters the relationship between host traits (sex and body mass) and flea abundance. We found a hump-shaped relationship between host and flea abundance. Thus, the most basic predictions are too simple to describe ectoparasite dynamics in this system. In addition, masting modified seasonal dynamics of flea abundance, but did not affect the relationship between host traits and flea abundance (individuals with the highest body mass hosted the most fleas; after controlling for body mass, parasite abundance did not vary between sexes). Our results demonstrate that pulses of tree reproduction can indirectly, through changes in host densities, drive patterns of ectoparasite infestation.  相似文献   
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