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An extensive field comparison of the gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) assay and the single intradermal tuberculin test for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis was conducted in Australia. The specificity of the IFN-gamma assay was determined by testing more than 6000 cattle from tuberculosis-free herds and varied from 96.2% to 98.1%, depending on the cut-off point chosen to define a positive reactor. For the sensitivity trial, cattle from herds being de-populated because of bovine tuberculosis were examined with both assays. The sensitivity of the IFN-gamma assay was shown to be significantly higher than the single intradermal tuberculin test and varied from 76.8% to 93.6% depending on the method of interpretation. A maximum overall sensitivity of 95.2% was obtained by testing with the IFN-gamma and the tuberculin test in parallel. The superior sensitivity of the IFN-gamma assay and the ability to adjust the sensitivity of the system depending on the task involved, will provide the Australian Tuberculosis Eradication Campaign with a valuable additional test to enable it to accomplish its goals.  相似文献   
The effects of aluminum on the accumulation of sugars, amino acids and organic acids in two hybrid cultivars of sorghum were studied.

The concentration of these organic compounds increased in the roots of the Al‐treated plants, mainly in the tolerant cultivar. The composition of the organic acid fraction showed a significantly higher accumulation of trans‐aconitate and malate in the tolerant cultivar as compared with the sensitive one. The higher levels of these acids in the Al‐treated plants could be interpreted as being indicative of a chelating detoxifying mechanism of aluminum in these plants.  相似文献   

Objective To determine whether induction of pancreatic necrosis and islet proliferation by d,l‐ethionine has potential for treating dogs with b ‐cell insufficiency. Design Eighteen mixed breed dogs of both sexes were given d,l‐ethionine at 100 mg/kg three times weekly for 2 weeks; 6 dogs were euthanased at 2, 14 and 28 d after the last dose. Methods Clinical signs during administration and recovery were assessed. Routine biochemical analyses were performed before each ethionine dose and then once weekly. Faecal samples were examined weekly for malassimilated nutrients and blood. Blood coagulation screening tests (OSPT and APTT) were determined on four dogs after ethionine administration. Intravenous glucose tolerance tests were conducted before the first and after the last ethionine dose and then fortnightly. All dogs were necropsied and pancreas, liver, kidney and jejunum were examined microscopically. Results During ethionine administration all animals displayed vomiting, inappetence, diarrhoea (often with blood), weight loss and depression. Three dogs were euthanased prematurely due to severe illness, but those allowed to recover were eating and brighter 7 d after cessation of ethio‐nine administration. Serum concentrations of TLI, amylase and lipase increased initially, then decreased, during administration but returned to normal during recovery. Concentrations of ALT, ALP, unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin increased during administration then decreased slowly. Histological examination revealed hepatic lipidosis and necrosis, but no renal or jejunal lesions. In most dogs, faecal examination demonstrated increased undigested starch and muscle, as well as increased digested and undigested fat, during ethio‐nine administration or early during the recovery period, suggesting transient malassimilation. APTT was unchanged but OSPT was prolonged in all dogs. There was no impairment of insulin secretion or glucose intolerance and C‐peptide concentrations were unaffected. Immediately after ethionine administration there was delayed insulin degradation and by day 43 there was evidence of increased insulin sensitivity. Conclusion d,l‐ethionine administration in dogs appeared not to interfere with insulin secretion, but caused clinical signs and laboratory changes indicative of pancreatic exocrine necrosis, severe hepatobiliary disease and transient malas‐similation. Pancreatic and hepatic dysfunction was severe but clinical recovery occurred after ethionine administration ceased. The severe side‐effects observed with d,l‐ethionine should preclude its potential use for treating diabetes mellitus in dogs.  相似文献   
SUMMARY A combination of tiletamine hydrochloride and zolazepam hydrochloride in a 1:1 ratio by weight was used successfully to sedate mountain brushtail possums, Trichosurus caninus, in the field. A standard total dose of 50 to 60 mg provided adequate sedation for the completion of a range of handling procedures. We describe the induction time, dose rate and side-effects associated with the use of tiletamine and zolazepam in T caninus.  相似文献   
SUMMARY Responses (473) were collated from a questionnaire sent to 5054 veterinarians in Australia enquiring about drug preferences for treating cardiac disease in dogs and cats. When treating a small breed dog with endocardiosis and mild left congestive heart failure, 74% of 472 respondents used a diuretic, 67% a theophylline derivative, 27% a vasodilator and 20% a positive inotrope. Frusemide was the preferred diuretic and digoxin the preferred inotrope, but vasodilator use varied. Low sodium diets were “often recommended” by 71% of respondents. Propranolol was preferred to diltiazem for treating feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Digoxin was clearly preferred for treating supraventricular dysrhythmias, while lignocaine and digoxin were preferred equally for ventricular dysrhythmias. Respondents appeared more willing than US veterinarians to use theophylline derivatives and prasozin, and less inclined to employ nitrates, hydralazine, inotropes other than digoxin, and low sodium diets.  相似文献   
Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and microscopy demonstrate that the approximately 1400°C oxidation of levitated droplets of a natural Fe2+-bearing aluminosilicate (basalt) melt occurs by chemical diffusion of Fe2+ and Ca2+ to the free surface of the droplet; internal oxidation of the melt results from the required counterflux of electron holes. Diffusion of an oxygen species is not required. Oxidation causes the droplets to go subsolidus; magnetite (Fe3O4) forms at the oxidation-solidification front with a morphology suggestive of a Liesegang-band nucleation process.  相似文献   
Inhibition of development of gastro-intestinal trichostrongylid worms was studied using successive groups of tracer calves and groups of continuously grazed calves over one year in the Tully area of North Queensland lowland wet tropics. The results, assessed by means of worms from these calves recovered at necropsy 3 weeks after their removal from pastures, showed inhibition in the development of Haemonchus placei and Cooperia punctata at the early fourth stage at the approach to and during the relatively dry period in the area. Inhibition was however minor and inhibited larvae formed but only a small percentage of worm burdens in both categories of calves, indicating that they were not in any way of major epidemiological importance. It was suggested that the minor nature of inhibition was due to the mild climatic conditions which could not produce appropriate conditioning treatment, or caused only mild selection pressure for inhibition in the area.  相似文献   
Benign cranial mediastinal lesions in three cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cranial mediastinal lesions were detected in three cats, associated with respiratory impairment (case one), spontaneous pneumothorax (case two) and myasthenia gravis (case three), respectively. On gross and histological examination, the first case was considered either a lymphangioma or a branchial cystic mass of the thymic region of the mediastinum; a cystic lesion was suggested by sonographic detection of multiple anechoic cavitations within a circumscribed mass, while fine needle aspiration cytology excluded lymphosarcoma. The second case was diagnosed histologically as a cystic thymoma, but the third case was not examined microscopically. The masses were amenable to surgical excision in the first two cats, while this proved unnecessary in the third case because of resolution following treatment with dexamethasone. Corticosteroid responsiveness was unhelpful in distinguishing between these benign lesions and lymphosarcoma, as in two cases there was a partial or complete response to dosing with prednisolone or dexamethasone. These cases are presented to emphasise that conditions other than lymphosarcoma can produce cranial mediastinal lesions in cats, and that the prognosis for surgical treatment of lymphangiomas, multilocular thymic cysts and cystic thymomas can be excellent.  相似文献   
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