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Histopathologic and immunocytochemical studies of distemper in seals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thousands of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) died in European seas during 1988. Respiratory distress and oculonasal discharge were common clinical signs. We necropsied 76 affected seals. The main necropsy finding was severe pneumonia. Microscopic lung changes were characterized by proliferation of type II pneumocytes, filling of alveolar lumina with serofibrinous exudate, leukocytes, and macrophages, and necrosis of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium. Intracytoplasmic and intranuclear acidophilic inclusion bodies characteristic of morbillivirus infection were seen in bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial cells. Microscopic lesions of non-suppurative demyelinating encephalitis were seen in the brain. There was degeneration and necrosis of neurons, focal gliosis, perivascular cuffing, and patchy demyelination. Many neurons and astrocytes contained intracytoplasmic and intranuclear inclusions. Using an immunoperoxidase technique, we detected morbillivirus antigen in many tissues including lung, brain, spleen, and urinary bladder. The origin of the seal morbillivirus is unknown.  相似文献   
COX-2-derived prostacyclin confers atheroprotection on female mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Female gender affords relative protection from cardiovascular disease until the menopause. We report that estrogen acts on estrogen receptor subtype alpha to up-regulate the production of atheroprotective prostacyclin, PGI2, by activation of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). This mechanism restrained both oxidant stress and platelet activation that contribute to atherogenesis in female mice. Deletion of the PGI2 receptor removed the atheroprotective effect of estrogen in ovariectomized female mice. This suggests that chronic treatment of patients with selective inhibitors of COX-2 could undermine protection from cardiovascular disease in premenopausal females.  相似文献   
Chemical mechanisms of pyrolysis, growth, and oxidation processes in flames have traditionally been inferred from spatial profile measurements of species concentrations. Experimental investigations now include the detection of numerous minor species such as reactive radicals and intermediate hydrocarbons. In assessing a proposed mechanism important new constraints can be established when the detailed species profile data are combined with velocity and temperature measurements and analyzed to determine production and destruction rates for specific molecules. Recent results on hydrocarbon diffusion flames provide new information on the interplay between chemical and transport processes. These measurements have led to direct tests of proposed routes for the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons and the first, small soot particles. The inception chemistry of hydrocarbon growth reactions and initial particle formation is thought to control soot formation, flame radiation and energy transfer, and pollutant emission in combustion environments.  相似文献   
Measurements from trees and plants of a BrazilianInga/maize/beans alleycrop experiment were assessed for their distributional properties for three years of the study. Results for the tree data were similar to those found in an earlier study. Results for the crop data demonstrated similarities between the distributions for alleycrops and solecrops, nonnormality shown by positive skewness and peaked distributions. Changes in the distributional shapes were demonstrated from year to year as soil nutrient depletion increased and as climatic variables fluctuated. Variation across the rows in the alley was often of a similar size to variation from plant to plant within the rows. Initial recommendations for analysis of such data are given on the basis of these results.  相似文献   
An 8-year-old terrier cross and a 10-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer presented to the University Veterinary Centre, Sydney, for investigation of long-standing tenesmus and dyschezia. Both patients had an annular adenocarcinoma at the colorectal junction. Exploratory laparotomy was performed and the affected large intestinal segment was removed by resection and anastomosis. In both dogs, the caudal mesenteric artery was intimately associated with the mass, necessitating its ligation and transection. Postoperatively, there was no evidence of anastomosis breakdown in either case and both animals recovered well from surgery. The dogs were euthanased 8 and 10 months, respectively, after surgery because of clinical signs relating to metastatic disease.  相似文献   
A nine-month-old puppy was presented for investigation of seizures. Neurological deficits were found localising to the prosencephalon, mesencephalon and myelencephalon. Magnetic resonance imaging identified multiple, large lesions involving both cerebral hemispheres. Management with antiepileptic and immunomodulatory drugs was instituted; however, the seizures became progressively refractory and the puppy was euthanased. Histopathology following post-mortem examination found a mixed glial cell tumour with discrete areas where neoplastic cells appeared oligodendroglial or astrocytic. Primary intracranial neoplasia is a rare cause of neurological disease in young dogs. Moreover, this case is unusual in terms of both the mixed glial nature of the neoplasm and also its multi-focal distribution.  相似文献   
There have been occasional reports in the literature of a severe naturally occurring enteric disease of cattle in which adenoviral inclusions were found in intestinal vascular endothelium. Bovine adenovirus type 10 (BAV-10) was identified by in situ hybridisation (ISH) in the inclusions of all 13 such cattle detected in Northern Ireland [Smyth, J.A., Benk?, M., Moffett, D.A., Harrach, B., 1996. J. Clin. Microbiol. 34, 1270-1274]. The present paper describes ISH examination of the vascular endothelial inclusion bodies in a further seventeen cattle with enteric disease, from Canada, Great Britain, Italy and The Netherlands. BAV-10 was identified in the inclusions of ten cases, and Subgroup 2 BAVs in six cases. BAV-10 was identified in cattle from Canada, The Netherlands and Great Britain. This is the first recognition of BAV-10 infection outside Northern Ireland and New Zealand. The results also show that at least two adenovirus serotypes may induce inclusion bodies in intestinal vascular endothelium of cattle. It will, therefore, be difficult in the short term to develop a simple test to allow diagnosis of this form of adenoviral infection in living animals, and thus to determine the relationship between it and clinical disease.  相似文献   
A total of 114 avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolates were collected from cases of colisepticaemia occurring in broilers (77) and layers (37) within Ireland. In addition 45 strains isolated from faeces of healthy birds were included for comparison. All isolates were serogrouped, and examined for known virulence factors, mostly by PCR. The O78 serogroup represented 55 and 27% of broiler and layer colisepticaemic isolates respectively. All isolates were positive for curli fimbriae (crl, csg) and negative for afimbrial adhesin (afa). S-fimbrial (sfa) sequences were present in 8.8% of septicaemic isolates and 8.9% of healthy bird isolates. The majority of E. coli from cases of colisepticaemia (97.4%) and healthy bird (95.6%) isolates were positive for aerobactin (aer), and temperature sensitive haemagglutinin (tsh) was similarly detected in high numbers in 93.9 and 93.3%, respectively. In comparison to E. coli isolates from the faeces of healthy birds, a significantly higher percentage of isolates from septicaemic cases possessed Type 1 fimbriae (fimC) and increased serum survival (iss) gene sequences. Forty-seven (41.2%) isolates from septicaemic birds possessed P-fimbriae (pap) gene sequences, compared with only 15.6% from E. coli isolated from healthy birds. Haemolysin (hlyE) sequences were detected in 46.7% of isolates from healthy birds in comparison with 6.1% of septicaemic isolates. Sequences encoding colicin V (cvaC) were detected in 99.1% of septicaemic isolates and 82.2% of isolates from healthy birds. The K1 capsule was only present in two septicaemic isolates, both taken from layers. Motility was detected in 36.8% of E. coli isolated from cases of septicaemia, compared with 93.3% of isolates from healthy birds. These results demonstrate the presence of 11 virulence genes in E. coli isolated from cases of colisepticaemia within Ireland, and indicate the prevalence of iss and fimC.  相似文献   
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