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分析了玉米在破糁装置中的运动情况和轴向运动速度,实验研究了滚筒速度、纹杆数目及其上纹槽方向等对玉米破糁性能的影响,较佳参数为,滚筒转速900 ̄1000r/min(直径为340mm),纹杆数6,左旋4,右旋2。 相似文献
Chun-Sheng Wang Ji Zeng Sebastian Hein Zhi-Gang Zhao Jun-Jie Guo 《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2017,32(8):679-687
Both crown and branch characteristics greatly affect tree growth and timber quality, and their development is closely related to planting density (PD). Here crown and branch attributes of Betula alnoides were investigated in a 14-year-old experimental plantation in southern China with five planting densities ranging from 500 to 3333 stems per hectare (sph). The results showed that high PD significantly reduced crown and branch sizes. The ratios of crown diameter to stem diameter at breast height at the stand level and for dominant and co-dominant trees were almost constant regardless of PD. PD also had no significant influence on the number and angle of branches, and only planting with the highest density significantly increased branch density and mortality. Insertion angle (IA) of dead branches was greater than that of live branches and these differences were significant at the two low planting densities (833 and 500?sph). Linear mixed models revealed that branch diameter (BD) was negatively correlated with its relative height in the crown and IA. The binary-logistic regression model indicated that branch status (live or dead) was codetermined by BD and PD. These findings can help farmers cultivate high-quality wood of B. alnoides and obtain a higher economic return. 相似文献
Partitioning the respiratory components of soil surface CO2 efflux is important in understanding carbon turnover and in identifying the soil carbon sink/source function in response to land-use change. The sensitivities of soil respiration components on changing climate patterns are currently not fully understood. We used trench and isotopic methods to separate total soil respiration into autotrophic (R A ) and heterotrophic components (R H ). This study was undertaken on a Robinia pseudoacacia L. plantation in the southern Taihang Mountains, China. The fractionation of soil 13CO2 was analyzed by comparing the δ13C of soil CO2 extracted from buried steel tubes with results from Gas Vapor Probe Kits at a depth of 50 cm at the preliminary test (2.03‰). The results showed that the contribution of autotrophic respiration (fR A ) increased with increasing soil depth. The contribution of heterotrophic respiration (fR H ) declined with increasing soil depth. The contribution of autotrophic respiration was similar whether estimated by the trench method (fR A , 23.50%) or by the isotopic method in which a difference in value of 13C between soil and plant prevailed in the natural state (RC, 21.03%). The experimental error produced by the trench method was insignificant as compared with that produced by the isotopic method, providing a technical basis for further investigations. 相似文献
[目的]研究国产规格材与国产齿板连接节点的拉伸及抗剪承载性能,为国产建筑材料的开发利用提供参考。[方法]以采自辽宁清原大孤家林场的日本落叶松规格材及市购国产齿板为试验材料,设计制作4种工况下的板齿极限强度试件及10种工况下的齿板抗剪强度试件,通过拉伸和剪切试验,研究不同工况下日本落叶松齿板连接节点的板齿极限强度和齿板抗剪强度,并与进口齿板和进口SPF规格材进行对比。[结果]日本落叶松与国产齿板连接节点的板齿极限强度在AA、AE、EA和EE 4种工况下分别为3.50、2.53、2.61和2.37 N·mm-2,通过比较日本落叶松与国产齿板、进口齿板2组结果,除EA工况下进口M20齿板强度略低外,在AA、AE和EE 3种工况下分别高于国产齿板10.57%、21.34%和9.28%,对比进口M20齿板与日本落叶松、进口SPF 2组结果,在AA、AE、EA和EE 4种工况下与日本落叶松的组合分别高于与进口SPF的组合36.27%、50.49%、30.00%及40.00%;齿板抗剪强度在θ=0°、θ=90°、θ=30° T、θ=60° T、θ=120° T、θ=150° T、θ=30° C、θ=60° C、θ=120° C和θ=150° C 10种工况下分别为132.39、122.73、135.66、199.13、92.26、172.76、99.81、89.52、79.10和85.68 N·mm-1,除剪-拉复合受力情况下θ=120°时国产齿板和日本落叶松组合的齿板受剪极限强度较小外,其他工况均大于进口齿板与进口SPF的节点组合。[结论]板齿极限强度试验在4种工况下的破坏方式均为齿拔出破坏,齿板抗剪强度试验主要破坏方式为木材接缝处开裂、齿板端部齿拔出和齿板在木材接缝处翘曲等;荷载方向对齿板连接节点承载力影响较大;国产齿板和国产日本落叶松的齿板连接性能较好,且优于常见进口齿板和进口SPF的节点组合,可进一步研究国产齿板和国产日本落叶松制成轻型木桁架的承载性能,为完善我国木结构建筑体系提供科学依据。 相似文献
刘洋;朱海;张召;颜培儒;王浩;徐洁如 《中国农村水利水电》2023,(12):119-127
水流交汇现象在河流水系中普遍存在,支渠高浓度污染物的汇入会导致干渠下游水质污染,威胁到下游各地区用水安全。建立90°等宽明渠交汇口二维水动力水质耦合模型,研究提出通过在明渠交汇口附近布置潜坝的工程措施增强污染物混合从而降低污染物浓度。对不同潜坝位置、长度、高度共14种工况进行数值模拟。研究结果表明,在交汇口附近布置潜坝可以加速污染物混合,进而降低污染物浓度极值;潜坝加速污染物混合扩散的主要机理是潜坝产生的横向流速区及回流区加剧了水体对流作用,促进了污染物的混合;在交汇口下游干渠右岸布置潜坝对污染物的混合加速效果明显;当潜坝长度为1/2河宽时,对污染物的混合最有利;潜坝越高,效果越好;在合适的潜坝布置工况下,明渠出口断面污染物浓度变异系数降低了46%,最大污染物浓度值降低了33%,效果明显。 相似文献
为实现低成本检测电力线谐波,开发基于STM32F103RBT6嵌入式微控制器的电力谐波采样设备,使用CS5463电量采集芯片及以Zigbee传输参数的无线电参数检测器,实现0.4 k V农村低压电网的电参数采集检测及电量计量。介绍设备的总体架构、软硬件设计思路以及实现方案。测试结果表明:设备能够在短时间内进行谐波采样和分析,具有稳定性强、可扩展性强、成本低廉等优点。 相似文献
选择祁连山排露沟流域青海云杉林为研究对象,按海拔、坡向、坡度、坡位等设置青海云杉林固定样地共10块,开展青海云杉林生物量和净生产力研究。结果表明:青海云杉林乔木层平均生物量分别为116.19t hm~(-2),平均净生产力为1.36t hm~(-2)a~(-1)。海拔2 800m段是青海云杉林生长的最佳地段,生物量和年净生产力均为最大;从海拔2 800m开始,随着海拔梯度的增加,生物量和净生产力呈降低趋势;海拔3 300m林线处,生物量和净生产力达到最低。青海云杉林生物量及净生产力与林分树高和林龄显著相关(P0.05),与胸径相关性不显著(P0.05)。 相似文献