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A simple ultrasonographic method of estimating liver size in the dog was evaluated in this study. A single linear measurement from the tip of the ventral liver lobes to the diaphragm was made, using both transverse and longitudinal planes of section, Assuming careful technique, this measurement proved to be highly reproducible. There was good correlation between the measurements taken on the two planes of section. This measurement was shown to provide a good indicator of liver mass, irrespective of the size or breed of dog. It was concluded that ultrasound provides a simple, quantitative method of assessing liver size in the dog.  相似文献   
Metabolic and production responses are reported for 72 cows treated with bovine somatotropin (BST) for 30 days starting at day 70 of lactation. Of these 72 cows, 48 had been exposed in the preceding lactation to long-term treatment with BST at 3 dosages and 24 (controls) had not been given BST. Approximately half of the cows in each group were parity-2 cows, the rest were older. Comparisons between groups were made separately for parity-2, and older cows. Analyses, using pretreatment values of each variable as a covariate, indicated that older cows, but not parity-2 cows, significantly (P less than 0.05) increased milk production during treatment. Parity-2 cows, however, had a significantly higher milk fat percentage than controls following treatment. Cows treated with 51.6 or 86 mg BST/d in both parity groups had significantly higher serum-free fatty acids than controls. Estimated net energy balances were significantly lower for older treated cows, but did not significantly differ from controls for parity-2 treated cows. Older cows in the 86 mg of BST/d group tended to have higher concentrations of blood glucose than did older control-group cows. Treatment with BST did not significantly increase serum ketone concentrations in any group of animals, and none of the cows developed clinical ketosis during this period. Estimated net energy balance (ENEB) during treatment was a significant (P less than 0.05) covariate for free fatty acid concentrations in older cows and for milk fat percentage in parity-2 cows. Covariate adjusted analyses, using ENEB during treatment as a covariate, indicated that lipolytic stimuli already acting may be enhanced by treatment with BST, but a negative energy balance was not a necessary precondition for free fatty acid concentrations to increase following somatotropin treatment. Similarly, milk fat percentages for parity-2 treated cows were significantly (P less than 0.05) higher during treatment than controls when ENEB during treatment was used as a covariate. Increased milk fat concentrations in parity-2 treated cows were not associated with significant increases in the ratio of C18:C4-10 milk fatty acids, indicating that increased milk fat resulted from either an increase in incorporation of C18 fatty acids into milk fat coupled with an increase in de novo mammary synthesis of C4-10 milk fatty acids or an increase in C12-16 fatty acids that may arise either from increased tissue mobilization, from diet, or from de novo mammary synthesis.  相似文献   
Chloroform-methanol (2:1 v/v), absolute methanol, and 90% acetone were evaluated for their effectiveness as extractants of chlorophyll a from samples of phytoplankton communities collected from catfish ponds. Chloroform-methanol consistently extracted more chlorophyll a than either 90% acetone or methanol. Precision for the methanol extraction was also unacceptably low, with an average coefficient of variation of 17%. Average coefficients of variation for the chloroform-methanol and 90% acetone extraction procedures were 6 and 5%, respectively. Filtered samples should be steeped in chloroform-methanol for at least 4 h to obtain maximum chlorophyll extraction, and the addition of MgCO3 to the extractant as a buffer is not necessary.  相似文献   
In a nine-year-old female cat, the diagnostic procedure, therapy and differential diagnoses of a rare, primary, malignant, epibulbar melanoma are presented. Post-operatively no recidivation or metastases occurred within 18 months.  相似文献   
Abstract. Three cases of skeletal muscle neoplasms occurring in two small fish species used in carcinogen tests are reported. The cases illustrated a wide range of histologic patterns, and consisted of a well-differentiated juvenile type, a well-differentiated pleomorphic type and a poorly differentiated pleomorphic type. A rhabdomyosarcoma with juvenile type features developed in the Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes , exposed to 0·5 ml/1 of the solvent dimethylformamide. A pleomorphic type rhabdomyosarcoma occurred in one medaka and in one guppy, Poecilia reticulata , exposed to the carcinogen methylazoxymethanol acetate. These cases indicate the potential for skeletal muscle cells in medaka and guppy to become neoplastic but, because the tumours occurred at a low frequency, there may not necessarily be a chemical aetiology.  相似文献   
With the help of a new synthetic material follicles and corpora lutea from the ovaries of 80 cows in different stages of the sexual cycle were examined for modifications of their blood vessel architecture. In the theca externa the main artery which runs towards the follicle, separates into arterioles of which capillaries derive in the theca interna, building a basket-like network around the zona granulosa. After ovulation the follicle wall forms characteristic fields. Capillaries grow into the zona granulosa and thus the folds form the lobular structure of the corpus luteum. Capillaries which rise from the ruptured part of the follicle, spread centripetally and together with lutein cells they build up the not lobulated cupola of the corpus luteum. The regression of the corpus luteum starts around the 16th day of the cycle, beginning at the capillary network of the cupola. A contraction of the vessels and a quick decrease of the volume follow.  相似文献   
Red foxes ( Vulpes vulpes ) are a major pest species in Europe and Australia. Traditional methods of control such as hunting or poisoning are no longer sufficient or feasible. As with domestic dogs and cats, prolactin (PRL) in the vixen is an essential luteotropin during the second half of gestation. Hence, PRL inhibitors such as cabergoline have been used to induce abortions. Eighteen mated silver fox vixens (three groups of six foxes each) were treated orally with a placebo of paraffin oil (I), or with 15  μ g/kg cabergoline in feed once (II) or twice (III), on day 30 (I and II) or days 30 and 32 (III) post-coitum. Blood samples were taken prior to and after treatments and concentrations of PRL and progesterone (P4) were determined. Normal parturitions were observed in five of six, five of six and two of six vixens in groups I, II and III, respectively. In group III plasma concentrations of PRL and P4 decreased significantly but only temporarily. This drop in hormone concentrations was more pronounced in the vixens that did not carry to term. In conclusion, doses in excess of 15  μ g/kg of cabergoline are likely to prevent the development of fetuses to term in pregnant vixens.  相似文献   
In mid-September, 1 month before the insertion of intravaginal pessaries to induce sexual activity, blood samples were collected every 4 days from 16 ewe lambs aged 7 months, in order to determine the incidence of ovulations by measurement of plasma progesterone concentrations. It has been studied whether the response to a progestagen treatment of ewe lambs apparently close to puberty could be modified by the onset of the ovarian events preceding puberty. The effect of the presence or absence of ovulations prior to progestagen treatment on the potential reproductive performance (fertility, litter size and fecundity), embryo development [embryo quality and interferon-tau (IFNτ) secretion], luteal function (progesterone secretion in vitro ) and endometrial progesterone content was studied in seven ovulating (Ov+) and nine nonovulating ewe lambs (Ov−) on day 14 after mating. The best potential reproductive results were obtained with Ov+ animals, although these differences could not be initially attributed to either different progesterone secretion in vitro or concentration of endometrial progesterone. Irrespective of the experimental groups, secretion of progesterone by luteal tissue from ewe lambs with normal embryos was significantly greater (p<0.05) than that of animals with abnormal embryos or with no embryos. Normal embryos secreted a higher amount of IFN-τ than those embryos classified as abnormal (p<0.07). In conclusion, ewe lambs which exhibit luteal activity before puberty have the highest levels of reproductive performances after a progestagen treatment. Corpora lutea from ewe lambs with normal embryos had higher rates of progesterone secretion in vitro and their embryos had a higher IFN-τ production by the embryos, indicating greater capacity for subsequent development.  相似文献   
Twenty-five domestic rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars were evaluated in a simulated rice/crawfish double cropping system in southwest Louisiana during 1983 and 1984. Wide variation was observed among cultivars in parameters believed to be important for maximizing productivity in such a system. Mean maturity ranged from 99 (Labelle) to 118 days (Starbonnet), while height ranged from 76 (Bellemont) to 130 cm (Della, Nato). Significant differences in grain yield response were observed, with yields ranging from 4,101 (Bluebelle) to 6,665 kg/hectare (Newbonnet). Straw dry matter production varied greatly, from 3,831 (Bellemont) to 9,170 kg/hectare (Della), and was positively correlated with plant height (r = 0.64; P = 0.0001). Ratoon biomass production was negatively correlated with both grain yield (r = -0.39; P = 0.0001) and maturity group (r = -0.69; P = 0.0001). Plant senescence at grain maturity also varied greatly and appears to be a factor in post-harvest ratoon capability. Early or very early maturing cultivars with both proven grain production and good ratooning capability appear best suited. Cultivar selection should be based upon individual farm situations and currently employed agronomic practices.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das bayerische Arten- und Biotopschutzprogramm (ABSP) wird seit 1984 auf der Basis der naturr?umlichen Gegebenheiten erarbeitet und jeweils landkreisbezogen dargestellt. über die H?lfte der 71 bayerischen Landkreise ist vollst?ndig bearbeitet. In der ersten Arbeitsphase wurden nur die innerhalb der Naturschutzverwaltung zug?nglichen Datenquellen ausgewertet. Neuerdings werden in Absprache mit der Obersten Forstbeh?rde verst?rkt forstliche Informationen eingearbeitet. Bereits herausgegebene ?ltere B?nde werden aktualisiert. Das Programm hat keine unmittelbare Rechtswirksamkeit. Die Forstbeh?rden und Waldbesitzer sind aufgerufen, die im Programm dargestellten Ziele des Arten- und Biotopschutzes zu unterstützen. Diese umfassen u. a. die verst?rkte fachliche Zusammenarbeit, die Erhaltung und F?rderung von Sonderstandorten, Alt- und Totholz, die Reduktion der Wilddichte und die Vermehrung der Waldfl?che.
Bavaria's program for the protection of species and biotopes, and its effects on forestry
Summary Bavaria's program for the protection of species and biotopes (ABSP) is being worked out since 1984, by counties, on the basis of given natural environmental conditions. Work has been completed for more than half of the 71 Bavarian counties. During the first phase of the work, only data sources of the nature conservation authorities were evaluated. More recently, also forestry-related information is increasingly incorporated in agreement with the State's top forestry authorities. Already issued volumes are updated. The program has no direct legal status. Forestry authorities and woodland owners are called upon to support the program's objectives of species and biotope protection. Such are, amongst others: increased professional cooperation; preservation and promotion of special sites, old timber and dead snags; reduction of game animal population densities; and increase of woodland areas.
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