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Influenza A viruses (IAVs) have both zoonotic and anthroponotic potential and are of public and veterinary importance. Swine are intermediate hosts and ‘mixing vessels’ for generating reassortants, progenies of which may harbour pandemic propensity. Swine handlers are at the highest risk of becoming infected with IAVs from swine but there is little information on the ecology of IAVs at the human–animal interface in Africa. We analysed and characterized nasal and throat swabs from swine and farmers respectively, for IAVs using RT‐qPCR, from swine farms in the Ashanti region, Ghana. Sera were also analysed for IAVs antibodies and serotyped using ELISA and HI assays. IAV was detected in 1.4% (n = 17/1,200) and 2.0% (n = 2/99) of swine and farmers samples, respectively. Viral subtypes H3N2 and H1N1pdm09 were found in human samples. All virus‐positive swine samples were subtyped as H1N1pdm09 phylogenetically clustering closely with H1N1pdm09 that circulated among humans during the study period. Phenotypic markers that confer sensitivity to Oseltamivir were found. Serological prevalence of IAVs in swine and farmers by ELISA was 3.2% (n = 38/1,200) and 18.2% (n = 18/99), respectively. Human H1N1pdm09 and H3N2 antibodies were found in both swine and farmers sera. Indigenous swine influenza A viruses and/or antibodies were not detected in swine or farmers samples. Majority (98%, n = 147/150) of farmers reported of not wearing surgical mask and few (4%, n = 6) reported to wear gloves when working. Most (n = 74, 87.7%) farmers reported of working on the farm when experiencing influenza‐like illness. Poor husbandry and biosafety practices of farmers could facilitate virus transmission across the human–swine interface. Farmers should be educated on the importance of good farm practices to mitigate influenza transmission at the human–animal interface.  相似文献   
Über den Zeitraum, in dem langjährige Düngungsänderungen die mikrobielle Aktivität eines Bodens in Abhängigkeit vom Corg‐Gehalt beeinflussen, liegen bisher wenige Kenntnisse vor. Auf ausgewählten Prüfgliedern des Statischen Dauerdüngungs versuches Bad Lauchstädt wurde die Langzeitwirkung differenzierter Düngung in Abhängigkeit vom Corg‐Gehalt des Bodens auf die mikrobielle Aktivität von Löß‐Schwarzerde untersucht. Geprüft wurden die Parameter mikrobielle Biomasse, die Enzyme Protease, β‐Glucosidase, alkalische Phosphatase und Dimethylsulfoxidreduktion, sowie das Mineralisierungsvermögen des Bodens und der Anteil des heißwasserlöslichen Kohlenstoffs (Chwl). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nach 20 Jahren organischer bzw. fehlender Düngung das Ausgangsniveau der mikrobiellen Aktivität der Vergleichsprüfglieder noch nicht erreicht worden ist. Die Unterlassung einer organischen Düngung auf LößSchwarzerde führte in Abhängigkeit vom Corg‐Ausgangsniveau zu einer Abnahme der mikrobiellen Biomasse zwischen 22 und 31%. Bei Unterlassung einer mineralischen Düngung sank die mikrobielle Biomasse um 13–15%. Die Zufuhr von 15t/ha.a Stalldung zu den Prüfgliedern mit organisch schlecht versorgtem Boden führte mit der Erhöhung des Corg‐Gehaltes zu einem Anstieg der mikrobiellen Biomasse um 31–39%. Zwischen C org, Chwl, CO2‐Freisetzung und mikrobieller Biomasse bestehen enge Beziehungen. Die Enzymaktivitäten zeigten ein differenziertes Verhalten.

Langjährige organische und mineralische bzw. unterlassene Düngung hatte eine nachhaltige Wirkung auf die mikrobielle Aktivität von Löß‐Schwarzerde. Ein Fließgleichgewicht stellt sich demnach auch bei mikrobiellen Parametern erst nach längeren Zeiträumen ein.  相似文献   
Zur Abdeckung einer Hochhalde im Industriegebiet der Leuna‐Werke zum Schutz der Umwelt vor Staub‐und Schadstoffemmission wurde ein Asche‐Klärschlamm‐Kompost eingesetzt. Er wurde in Abhängigkeit von der Dauer der Aufbringung und der Lage auf den Halden hinsichtlich seiner mikrobiellen Aktivität untersucht (Mikrobielle Biomasse, Enzymaktivitäten, Mineralisierbarkeit in der Langzeitinkubation, N‐Nachlieferungsver‐mögen, Keimgehalt an Bakterien, Actinomyceten und Pilzen, Bakterien‐ Pilz‐Verhältnis, ökophysiologische Parameter wie metabolischer Quotient und Cmik/Corg‐Verhältnis).

Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, daß die eingesetzten Substrate über einen längeren Zeitraum mikrobiell sehr aktiv sind und einer starken Mineralisierung unterliegen. Sie ist im Jahr der Aufbringung am stärksten. Die Besiedlung der Substrate trotz eines hohen Corg‐Gehaltes ist gering (Cmik in Corg‐Verhältnis von rd. 0,3%). Das Pilz‐Bakterien‐Verhältnis hat sich während des Versuchszeitraumes von 4 Jahren nur unwesentlich verändert. Die mikrobielle Aktivität nimmt in der Bodentiefe im Vergleich zu Ackerböden langsam ab.

Bis in eine Tiefe von 100 cm lagen mehr als 50% des mineralischen Stickstoffs als Ammonium vor, ab 150 cm war nur noch Nitrat nachzuweisen. Eine Belastung des Grundwassers mit Stickstoff konnte bisher ausgeschlossen werden.

Die eingesetzten Substrate bieten günstige Voraussetzungen für das Pflanzenwachstum. Durch die Begrünung der Halden wird die Staubbelastung in Wohnsiedlungen stark vermindert.  相似文献   
Cucurbit powdery mildew (CPM) is caused most frequently by well-differentiated obligate erysiphaceous ectoparasites Golovinomyces orontii and Podosphaera xanthii, which vary in their ecology and virulence. All economically important cucurbit crops host both of these CPM species. Breeding of cucurbits for CPM resistance is highly important worldwide, but adequate knowledge of CPM species determination, as well as virulence structure, population dynamics, and spatiotemporal variation of these pathogens, has not yet been achieved. New tools have been developed to enhance research on CPM virulence variation for more efficient breeding and seed and crop production. A set of differential genotypes of Cucumis melo, with high differentiation capacity, may contribute substantially to understanding of variation in CPM virulence at both individual and population levels. Long-term observations (2001–2012) of CPM pathogens in the Czech Republic were used to analyse virulence variation within and among annual CPM populations and demonstrate the utility of recently developed tools for studying species variability and virulence variation of CPM pathogens worldwide. Detailed analyses of diversity and spatiotemporal fluctuations in the composition of CPM populations provide crucial information for shaping breeding programmes and predicting the most effective sources of race-specific resistance. The primary aim of this work was to create a uniform framework for determination of CPM species structure and diversity, virulence phenotypes, virulence and phenotype frequencies, phenotype complexity, dynamics, and variation within and among CPM populations. In addition, practical advice is presented on how to select the most relevant data and interpret them for use in cucurbit resistance breeding.  相似文献   
European Journal of Plant Pathology - It is important to investigate the possibility of pathogen transmission between cultivated and uncultivated hosts due to the role of the latter in pathogen...  相似文献   
Journal of Soils and Sediments - The successful implementation of a plant protection product depends on its effectiveness against a target species and its safety for the environment. Risk...  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to confirm the presence of rutin, one of the most common quercetin glycosides, and other quercetin derivatives in plants of genus Amaranthus, to investigate the influence of the species and variety on rutin distribution in the plant and content changes during growing season. The rutin content was determined by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography in individual plant parts at the beginning of the growth, at the flowering stage and at the maturity stage of five Amaranthus species. The total quercetin content was determined by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography too. The rutin content in amaranth ranged from 0.08 (in seeds) to 24.5 g/kg dry matter (in leaves). Comparison of the determined total quercetin content and the calculated content of quercetin released from rutin did not prove important presence of quercetin or other quercetin derivatives than rutin. Only amaranth leaves sampled at the maturity stage probably contained quercetin or quercetin derivatives. Significant differences in the rutin content were established among species and as well varieties. Amaranthus hybrid and A. cruentus were the best sources of rutin.  相似文献   
Crop protection seldom takes into account soil heterogeneity at the field scale. Yet, variable site characteristics affect the incidence of pests as well as the efficacy and fate of pesticides in soil. This article reviews crucial starting points for incorporating soil information into precision crop protection (PCP). At present, the lack of adequate field maps is a major drawback. Conventional soil analyses are too expensive to capture soil heterogeneity at the field scale with the required spatial resolution. Therefore, we discuss alternative procedures exemplified by our own results concerning (i) minimally and non-invasive sensor techniques for the estimation of soil properties, (ii) the evidence of soil heterogeneity with respect to PCP, and (iii) current possibilities for incorporation of high resolution soil information into crop protection decisions. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil texture are extremely interesting for PCP. Their determination with minimally invasive techniques requires the sampling of soils, because the sensors must be used in the laboratory. However, this technique delivers precise information at low cost. We accurately determined SOC in the near-infrared. In the mid-infrared, texture and lime content were also exactly quantified. Non-invasive sensors require less effort. The airborne HyMap sensor was suitable for the detection of variability in SOC at high resolution, thus promising further progress regarding SOC data acquisition from bare soil. The apparent electrical conductivity as measured by an EM38 sensor was shown to be a suitable proxy for soil texture and layering. A survey of arable fields near Bonn (Germany) revealed widespread within-field heterogeneity of texture-related ECa, SOC and other characteristics. Maps of herbicide sorption and application rate were derived from sensor data, showing that optimal herbicide dosage is strongly governed by soil variability. A phytoassay with isoproturon confirmed the reliability of spatially varied herbicide application rates. Mapping areas with an enhanced leaching risk within fields allows them to be kept free of pesticides with related regulatory restrictions. We conclude that the use of information on soil heterogeneity within the concept of PCP is beneficial, both economically and ecologically.  相似文献   
Pinus canariensis Chr, Sm. ex DC. samples showing severe damage produced by atmospheric pollution were taken from three locations under the possible influence of the emissions of a fuel-fired power plant in Tenerife. Other samples were taken at four control locations in Tenerife, La Palma and El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain), distant from local sources of pollution. Injury symptoms were evaluated by visual examination of the needles, and the data were correlated with the releasing rates of inorganic anions and cations from the needles when sonicated under water. For this purpose, the samples were sonicated 4-times during 10 min successive periods while renewing the water layer in between, and the leachates were analyzed by capillary zone electrophoresis. Measurable amounts of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl- and SO4 2- were detected. Potassium ions were released in approximately constant or increasing amounts along the sonication series in the control samples, whereas the samples damaged by pollution released larger amounts during the first sonication treatment, and much lower amounts afterwards. Indices which estimated the initial releasing rate of the cations were examinated as possible indicators to evaluate atmospheric pollution. Only the K+ index showed a large positive correlation with the brown-reddish decoloration and tip necrosis of the needles. The correlation of the K+ index with flecking and steepling of the needles was much lower. After principal component analysis of the autoscaled data, the sampling sites and the variables were projected on the plane of the first and second eigenvectors. Using the visual examination parameters as variables, both without and with addition of the cation indices, the sampling sites appeared in the order of increasing damage along the first eigenvector. Evidence of the effects of long-range transported pollutants was obtained, and no relationship was demonstrated between damage of pine needles and emissions from the power plant.  相似文献   
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