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Cytosine arabinoside (AraC) was administered as a continuous IV infusion to 15 dogs with malignant lymphoma at a dose of 300 mg/m2/d for 2 consecutive days. Dogs were re-examined 7 d after treatment for response to therapy and for hematologic toxicity. Regardless of response, all dogs were started on combination chemotherapy at this time. Other toxicities were reported by owners. No dog responded objectively to Ara-C treatment, although 1 dog with circulating lymphoblasts had partial regression of lymphadenopathy but persistent blastemia. Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 200,000/μL) 7 days posttreatment was the most commonly encountered hematologic toxicity, occurring in 10 of 14 dogs. Three of these 10 dogs were also mildly neutropenic (neutrophil counts of 2000 to 3000 cell/μL). Nonhematologic toxicity occurred in 8 of 15 dogs and was principally gastrointestinal in nature and mild in severity. Cytosine arabinoside at a dose of 300 mg/m2/day was not considered an active drug for the induction of remission in dogs with lymphoma.  相似文献   
An arthroscopic technique for examination and surgical treatment of conditions of the shoulder joint was evaluated in eight normal horses and two horses with osteochondrosis lesions. A single arthroscope entry point caudal to the infraspinatus tendon allowed inspection of the cranial, lateral, and caudal surfaces of the shoulder joint. With the humeral head and glenoid cavity distracted by a curved forceps, the entire cartilage surface of the shoulder could be examined. The caudomedial portion of the humeral head was seen better with a 70 degree angled arthroscope. Instruments for intra-articular manipulation were introduced through a separate skin incision 2 to 4 cm caudal to the arthroscope entry point. Two horses with osteochondrosis lesions of the shoulder were examined arthroscopically and debrided with instrument triangulation. Five normal horses and both horses with osteochondrosis lesions were euthanized immediately after the procedure and a necropsy was performed. Minor iatrogenic damage to the cartilage surfaces and joint capsule resulted from the technique. Three horses recovered from anesthesia and were killed 3, 30, or 60 days after surgery. Subcutaneous fluid that accumulated during surgery had resorbed by 3 days and lameness was evident for 12 to 24 hours. Gross examination and histopathologic findings of specimens collected at 30 and 60 days showed several small nonhealing partial-thickness cartilage defects attributed to instrument insertion. Arthroscopy is a satisfactory method to examine the joint surfaces and to evaluate and treat osteochondrosis lesions of the shoulder joint in horses.  相似文献   
Case records of 11 dogs with histologically confirmed carotid body tumors were reviewed. Surgical excision had been attempted in ten dogs with carotid body tumors, and one dog had been euthanatized at diagnosis. There were no intraoperative deaths but perioperative mortality was 40%. Horner's syndrome and laryngeal paralysis were the most common postoperative morbidities. The median survival time after surgery alone in the four dogs that survived the perioperative period was 25.5 months (range, 12-45 months). Two dogs treated with postoperative radiation therapy had survival times of 6 and 27 months. Of the six dogs surviving the perioperative period, two dogs are still alive at 19 and 32 months postoperatively. Of the four dogs that died, one was euthanatized 12 months postoperatively for nontumor-related causes. The remaining three dogs died of distant metastases. The carotid body tumors studied were characterized by local tissue invasion, neurovascular complications after therapy, and a propensity to metastasize to multiple sites in the body.  相似文献   
A case of acute circulatory failure in a horse is described. The response to intravenous fluid therapy was monitored by measurement of heart and respiratory rates, and arterial and central venous pressures. Heart rate was an unreliable guide to improved circulatory status. Central venous pressure and indirect arterial blood pressure were valuable guides to the efficacy of fluid therapy.  相似文献   
Experimental total ear canal ablation with lateral tympanic bulla osteotomy (TECA-LBO) was performed in 13 normal dogs to evaluate healing and retention of brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BSAEP) after surgery. Healing was evaluated by gross and microscopic examination of the surgery sites after 1 (n = 2), 4 (n = 8), 5 (n = 1), and 6 (n = 1) weeks. One dog was eliminated from the study. Brain stem auditory evoked potentials were measured using an air-conducted sound stimulus before and after surgery and before killing. Two dogs had nearly complete obliteration of the tympanic cavity by immature fibrous connective tissue. Eight dogs responded to surgery by either complete or partial re-formation of the tympanic cavity. Retention of the tympanic membrane in three dogs promoted re-formation of the tympanic cavity and blind epithelialized pockets in the surgery site with accumulation of keratinized debris. Granulation tissue formation and extensive proliferation of new bone on the internal surface of the tympanic bulla was seen in 10 dogs. Proliferative bone completely obliterated the tympanic cavity in two of these dogs. Eleven of 13 dogs had no detectable air-conducted BSAEP after surgery. There was no change in BSAEP measurements before killing compared with postoperative measurements in any dog. Two dogs with retained tympanic membranes had measurable BSAEP after surgery. This study shows that healing after TECA-LBO may be highly variable. Retention of the tympanic membrane and small osteotomies appeared to promote reformation of tympanic cavities and prevent ingrowth of granulation tissue. New bone proliferation was frequently observed in response to curettage of the epithelium lining the tympanic bulla. Hearing, as determined by BSAEP measurements, was lost except when the tympanic membrane and ossicles were retained. Retained tympanic membranes promoted accumulation of keratinized cellular debris that could become a nidus for infection or late abscessation in some dogs. These results indicate that resection of as much of the lateral and ventral tympanic bulla as possible and removal of the tympanic membrane may provide consistently improved results after TECA-LBO.  相似文献   
Nine horses were premediated with acepromazine, and anesthesia was induced with guaifenesin and thiamylal. Anesthesia was maintained in four horses with halothane in oxygen, and in five horses with halothane in oxygen plus a constant dose infusion of detomidine. Both maintenance regimens produced a MAC equivalent of 1.4 at the ambient barometric pressure. Hemodynamic and respiratory measurements were made after the horses were anesthetized, during surgical manipulations involving skin or tissues other than nerves, during manipulation and transection of digital nerves, and after surgery while the limbs were being bandaged. Heart rate was significantly higher in horses anesthetized with halothane only than in horses that also received detomidine; there were no other differences in hemodynamic function or recovery characteristics. Respiratory rate was significantly higher than baseline during soft tissue and nerve manipulations; arterial blood pressure was significantly higher after surgery began and highest during neurectomy; cardiac output and cardiac index were significantly decreased during surgery; systemic vascular resistance was significantly increased during neurectomy and bandaging and highest during neurectomy. The data suggest that the increase in blood pressure often associated with surgical stimulation is caused by increased vascular resistance and may be accompanied by a decrease in cardiac output.  相似文献   
Wound closure utilizing tension-relieving incisions located in the skin adjacent to the wound of horses was evaluated in three experiments. Healing of lower limb wounds was compared in four treatment groups; wounds sutured under tension, wounds sutured with 7 mm and 10 mm tension relieving incisions, and unsutured controls. The wounds sutured using 10 mm tension relieving incisions healed significantly faster than the other three groups (p > 0.05). The mesh expansion technique was further evaluated in four-week-old granulating wounds. The technique was found to be unsuccessful because the tension relieving incisions that were used were too small and postoperative support was inadequate. The technique was evaluated in two clinical patients, both of which had large metatarsal lacerations. Tension relieving incisions of approximately 15 mm were made and full leg walking bar casts were applied. Both wounds had healed almost completely on removal of the casts four weeks postoperatively.  相似文献   
This 12-month-old, outdoor intact male cat (Fig. 1) was examined because of an untreated draining nasal lesion. The lesion. initially appeared as small punctures, and progressed ovcr 2 months to an ulcerated draining nodule that gradually enlarged to involve the whole muzzle, extending bilaterally to the medial canthi and having multiple drainage points through overlying necrotic skin. Results of serum feline leukemia virus antigen and feline immunodeficiency virus antibody tests were negative.  相似文献   
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