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排序方式: 共有5112条查询结果,搜索用时 0 毫秒
Yang  Shilei  Hao  Qian  Wang  Hailong  Van Zwieten  Lukas  Yu  Changxun  Liu  Taoze  Yang  Xiaomin  Zhang  Xiaodong  Song  Zhaoliang 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(4):1811-1823
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Phytolith-occluded carbon (PhytOC) is mainly derived from the products of photosynthesis, which can be preserved in soils and sediments for hundreds-to-thousands of...  相似文献   
Summary Tubers (still unsprouted after an eight months' storage period) of the late varietyLibertas with slow growth in youth and few stems were treated with gibberellic acid (GA3) in 1958 and 1959. Two sprayings gave similar results as dipping for 15 minutes. 25 ppm probably had more effect than 12,5 ppm. During both years the treatment resulted in more and longer sprouts and more stems, although the number of stems is usually less than the number of sprouts. Emergence was not accelerated and in both years yields tended to be lower. In 1958 all yields reached a high level, treatment gave a non-significant lower yield, but there was a greater number of tubers especially in the 25–40 mm seed-class. In 1959 the size and the number of tubers were affected by second growth owing to the unusually dry summer with short spells of rainy weather. In this year presprouted tubers emerged 10 days earlier than treated and non treated, unsprouted seed, which for a long period gave the crop a lead in haulm growth and even a permanent lead in tuber yield.
Zusammenfassung Von der sp?ten SorteLibertas, die in ihrer Jugend ein langsames Wachstum zeigt und wenig Stengel entwickelt, wurden ungekeimte Knollen (nach 8-monatiger Lagerung) in den Jahren 1958 und 1959 mit Gibberellins?ure (GA3) behandelt. Eine zweimalige Spritzung ergab zumindest ?hnliche Ergebnisse wie das Eintauchen w?hrend 15 Minuten. 25 ppm hat wahrscheinlich eine bessere Wirkung, wie 12,5 ppm. In beiden Jahren ergab die Behandlung mehr und l?ngere Keime sowie mehr Stengel, obzwar die Anzahl der Stengel gew?hnlich nicht so hoch ist, wie die Anzahl der Keime. Es zeigte sich keine Beschleunigung des Auflaufens, jedoch eine Tendenz für einen geringeren Ertrag in beiden Jahren. In 1958 waren alle Ertr?ge hoch und die Behandlung ergab eine nicht signifikante Ertragsverminderung, jedoch eine gr?ssere Knollenzahl (insbesondere in der Saat-Gr?ssenklasse, 25–40 mm). In 1959 war die Gr?sse und die Anzahl der Knollen infolge des ungew?hnlich trockenen Sommers mit kurzen Regenperioden durch Mehrwüchsigkeit beeintr?chtigt. In diesem Jahr sind die vorgekeimten Knollen um 10 Tage früher aufgelaufen, was den Pflanzen im Vergleich zu den behandelten und nicht behandelten ungekeimten Pflanzgut einen l?ngeren Vorsprung im Krautwuchs und einen dauerhaften Vorsprung in der Knollenbildung gab.

Résumé Des tubercules non germés (après stockage pendant huit mois) de la variété tardiveLibertas, à lente croissance de début et à petit nombre de tiges, ont été traités à l'acide gibberellique (GA3) en 1958 et en 1959. Deux pulvérisations donnaient des résultats au moins égaux à ceux d'une immersion de 15 minutes. La concentration de 25 millionièmes est probablement plus efficace que celle de 12,5 millionièmes. L'une et l'autre année, les tubercules traités avaient des germes plus nombreux et plus longs et un plus grand nombre de tiges, bien que le nombre de tiges ne soit généralement pas aussi grand que le nombre de germes. La levée ne fut pas accélérée et il se manifesta une tendance de diminution du rendement. En 1958, toutes les récoltes furent bonnes, le traitement entra?nant une diminution non significante de la récolte mais faisant augmenter le nombre de tubercules (particulièrement dans la catégorie de semenceaux de 25–40 mm). En 1959, la grosseur et le nombre des tubercules furent influencés par croissance secondaire (excroissance) par suite de l'été exceptionnellement sec avec de courtes périodes de pluie. Cette année-là, les tubercules prégermés levèrent 10 jours plus t?t que les plants non prégermés, traités et non traités, de sorte que le développement du feuillage fut supérieur pendant une longue période et que celui des tubercules fut supérieur jusqu'à la récolte.
Ground frost resistance is important for the growing of early potatoes and of othervarieties on soils which are prone to suffer from ground frosts. Resistance has beenfound, among others, in the primitive diploid cultivated potato species S. ajanhuiri.The clones of this species which are included in the Wageningen Potato Collection(WAC) were not crossable to ordinary varieties of the species S. tuberosum. However,it was shown to be possible to cross S. ajanhuiri with a dihaploid form of S. tuberosum.Amphidiploid plants were obtained after colchicine treatment. These plants werefertile when crossed with ordinary varieties. Some of the hybrids possess a certainfrost resistance. Backcrosses will be necessary to obtain varieties with good consump-tion qualities.  相似文献   
A method has been developed for the extraction, cleanup, derivatization, detection, and quantitation of hexachlorophene (HCP) residues from 2 types of plant storage tissue high in lipid content. Wet soybean or peanut tissue was homogenized and extracted with ethyl ether and chromatographed on silica gel to remove the neutral lipids. The cleaned up sample was methylated with diazomethane and the dimethoxyhexachlorophene was eluted from a second silical gel column and chromatographed on a 6' glass column packed with 3% OV-1 or 3% SE-30 on Gas-Chrom Q. The instrument detection limit for the 63Ni electron capture detector was less than 0.1 ng for dimethoxyhexachlorophene and about 1 ppb HCP residue in plant issue. Recovery of 10-420 ppb HCP added to tissue averaged 90.9 +/- 5.7%. Interfering substances were removed, column life was increased, peak sharpness was increased, and tailing of the parent compound was decreased by using appropriate column chromatography.  相似文献   
The effects of five ameliorants for saline-sodic soil reclamation on certain chemical and physical soil properties over a four-year period of observation are reported. Of these ameliorants, three are conventionally used (gypsum, sulphur, manure); the other two are for this purpose either unusual (potassium sulphate) or relatively unknown (molasses meal). Results published in a previous paper demonstrated that molasses meal had a very rapid-acting favourable effect on most soil physical properties whilst soil chemical conditions remained essentially unchanged. The effect on physical properties was presumably due to soil aggregation by the polysaccharide component of molasses meal. As a follow-up this paper shows, however, that this aggregation does not last long; the rigidly arid climatic conditions under which this experiment was carried out apparently do not favour the preservation of structural bonds consisting of polysaccharide gums. Consequently, a gradual decline of structural conditions took place after the second year. Although initially not as effective as molasses meal, gypsum and sulphur retained their favourable influence on physical properties over a longer period. Potassium sulphate and farmyard manure provided virtually no benefits.  相似文献   
A method to estimate the magnitude of discontinuities or similarities in parent materials having equivalent mineralogical composition is proposed. It is based on a particle size distribution index which compares for two samples the weight percentages of all fractions taken between selected size limits.The indexes form a matrix and are used to construct a dendrogram which illustrates the clustering into groups. The calculations are carried out by computer using a Fortran programme.The technique was applied to a set of soil samples of Mollisols in the humid undulating pampa in Argentina and good agreement with field observations was obtained.  相似文献   
Hydraulic conductivity between saturation and a tension of 100 cm water was calculated with moisture-retention data for nine soil horizons and compared with results from in situ measurements with the crust test. Agreement was good for sandy, apedal soil horizons with simple packing voids but only if matching factors were used. Results were unreliable in clayey, pedal soil horizons in which a few relatively large planar and tubular pores determine K in the measured tension range, whereas the greatest fraction of total porosity is composed of fine pores inside peds that hardly contribute to flow. Varying the number of pore classes (n) and the water-filled porosity at saturation made no significant difference in the calculations for the apedal soils, but drastically changed the shape of the calculated curves for the pedal soils. Matching factors based on Ksat measurement had to be used for all studied soil horizons, indicating that Marshall's pore-interaction model never predicted Ksat accurately.  相似文献   
Densitometer records were made from the scales of a number of fish species, mainly from pikeperch. Analysis of the records showed that the pattern of hollows, representing the circuli in the curves, was very regular. No arrangement into groups of narrowly interspaced circuli could be demonstrated. It was therefore concluded that the circuli of the surface layer do not produce the “growth-checks”. Ringlike structures were also present in the fibrous basal plate. These were about 3–5 μm closer together than the circuli. These two circular gratings of slightly different inter-ring spacing will create an interference pattern, in this case a circular moiré pattern, having no direct relation to the structures present in the two layers forming the scale.  相似文献   
Lysis of chlamydospores of Fusarium solani f. sp. cucurbitae is enhanced both in chitin and in laminarin amended soils. In soil amended with both chitin and laminarin, lysis of chlamydospores resembles that in control soil. Addition of chitin and laminarin to soil stimulates the growth of both bacteria and actinomycetes. In soils amended with chitin and with both chitin and laminarin, a chitinolytic microflora is stimulated. Penetration of chlamydospore cells by soil microorganisms has not been observed using the electron microscope. The mechanism of lysis of chlamydospores in soil is discussed.  相似文献   
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