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Microalgae have been recently recognized as a promising alternative for the effective treatment of anaerobic digestion effluents. However, to date, a widely applied microalgae-based process is still absent, due to several constraints mainly attributed to high ammonia concentrations and turbidity, both hindering microalgal growth. Within this scope, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the performance of two Chlorella strains, SAG 211-11b and a local Algerian isolate, under different nitrogen levels, upon ammonia stripping. The experiments were performed on cylindrical photobioreactors under controlled pH (7.8 ± 0.2) and temperature (25 ± 2 °C). Cultures were monitored for biomass production and substrate consumption. After sampling at the beginning of the stationary phase of growth (12th day) and after the maturation of the cells (24th day), an analysis of the produced biomass was conducted, in terms of its biochemical components. The local isolate grew better than C. vulgaris 211-11b, resulting in 1.43 mg L−1 biomass compared to 1.02 mg L−1 under 25 mg NH4-N L−1, while organic carbon and nutrient consumption varied between the two strains and different conditions. Concerning biomass quality, a high initial NH4-N concentration led to high protein content, while low nitrogen levels favored fatty acid (FA) accumulation, though the production of pigments was inhibited. In particular, the protein content of the final biomass was determined close to 45% of the dry weight in all experimental scenarios with adequate nitrogen, while proteins decreased, and the fatty acids approached 20% in the case of the local isolate grown on the substrate with the lowest initial ammonium nitrogen (25 mg NH4-N L−1). The novelty of the present work lies in the comparison of a microalga with industrial applications against a local isolate of the same species, which may prove to be even more robust and profitable.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated whether birds could be vectors facilitating long‐distance spread of Phytophthora ramorum in Britain. Migratory bird species associated with the main sporangium‐producing host plants and most likely to pick up P. ramorum spores were considered. Swabs were taken from the flank and “feet” of 1,014 birds over a 12‐month period (April 2011–March 2012) in the west of Britain and subsequently analyzed for the presence of P. ramorum using nested PCR. Ten positive samples from 10 birds were identified: three in Cornwall, one in Devon, three in Gloucestershire, two in north Wales and one in Merseyside. Phytophthora ramorum was detected on samples from four species of thrushes (Redwing Turdus iliacus, Fieldfare T. pilaris, Blackbird T. merula and Song Thrush T. philomelos) and one species of warbler (Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita). All birds that tested positive were sampled in late autumn and winter (October–February), when long‐distance movements (over 100 km) would have stopped. The low incidence of P. ramorum found using PCR suggests that the incidence of inoculum, whether viable or not, on birds was low. The apparently low incidence of inoculum on birds suggests migratory passerine birds can carry P. ramorum inoculum on their feathers and “feet,” albeit at low frequency. The dates of positive samples indicate that birds would not have been moving long distances at the time but further work is needed to estimate the extent of their contribution to the spread of P. ramorum in Britain.  相似文献   
  1. Small‐scale fisheries may pose a serious threat to the conservation of marine mammals. At the same time various factors have led to the decline of small‐scale fisheries, often making them unsustainable. Current rates of biodiversity loss and the reduction of fish stocks and fisheries dictate a thorough understanding of fisheries‐related issues and the implementation of effective management actions.
  2. The Mediterranean monk seal is one of the most endangered marine mammals on Earth; its survival in the eastern Mediterranean Sea is threatened by negative interactions with fisheries. A nationwide questionnaire survey among fishers and port police authorities was carried out in Greece to describe the main characteristics of small‐scale fisheries, and to understand the nature and assess the magnitude of negative interactions between the monk seal and these fisheries. Questionnaire information was verified by a second round of interviews during landings.
  3. The main attributes of the fishers, their fishing boats, and their practices were characteristic of the small‐scale fisheries sector. Overfishing was considered the main reason for fish‐stock reduction, and negative interactions with marine mammals was considered the main issue for the fishing sector.
  4. Monk seals were present, caused damage, and got accidentally entangled in fishing gear throughout Greece. Damage to fishing gear was recorded mainly during spring and summer, and on average affected 21% of all fishing trips and 1% of nets deployed during a fishing trip.
  5. Based on these results, the implementation of general and specific nationwide fishery management and conservation actions are proposed. These actions are mainly aimed at improving fish stock status, changing the behaviour of the fishers, and mitigating seal–fishery interactions in Greece, while promoting the recovery of the Mediterranean monk seal in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were used for the assessment of genetic diversity among walnut (Juglans regia L.) selections from Greek native populations in comparison to internationally cultivated walnut genotypes. Similarity coefficient values from 0.13 to 0.93 (with an average of 0.48) were found among the 56 accessions examined, which indicated the presence of a high degree of genetic variability. Most international cultivars were grouped together while most Greek native populations could not be placed into a distinct group. The Greek native population genotypes were found more diverse than the international cultivars. The mean similarity coefficient values for the former and latter were 0.44 and 0.56, respectively. In the cultivar group, two subgroups were distinguished; one consisted of genotypes involving ‘Payne’ and the other ‘Franquette’ in their pedigrees. Some cultivars and populations could not be grouped according to their pedigrees or collection area. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that a larger part of the genetic variation exists among Greek walnut populations within a collection region (89%) than among the regions (11%). The pairwise regional PhiPT values indicated that the most geographically distant regions are the most genetically differentiated. The high variability existing in the Greek germplasm in combination with their valuable agro-morphological traits suggested that it would be beneficial to utilize this native germplasm pool in walnut breeding programs and germplasm management activities to maximize genetic diversity in cultivated walnut.  相似文献   
Social Network Analysis (SNA) is used for the first time to investigate the relations between plant functional groups and social structure of grazing sheep. The research was conducted on a grassland in Crete's island Lefka Ori, Greece during 2016. A flock of 20 sheep of Sfakion race was analysed as a network and the sheep as nodes. The focal sampling technique was applied during four experimental periods of four consecutive days × eight hours/day. The plant species selected by sheep during grazing were categorized into four functional groups (grasses, broad‐leaved forbs, shrubs and trees), and the proximity and conflict relations that were developed among the flock members were recorded. The tools of SNA were defined and interpreted in the sheep flock, and the Visone software is used to calculate the network variables of proximity and conflicts relations of nodes. Correlations between the plant functional groups and network variables were examined by Spearman's bivariate correlation test. Sheep collectivity was enhanced while grazing grasses and simultaneously, a tendency for hierarchization within the flock was identified. Similarly, the proximity of sheep increased during forbs’ grazing while their individualism was strengthened. When grazing shrubs, the proximity of sheep was only in part maintained while the grazing of trees seems as the most deconstructive forage option of sheep proximity relations. In general, the grazing of all plant functional groups decreases conflicts among sheep except that of trees, which was insignificant for developing such relations.  相似文献   
Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) is a serious neuropathological fish disease affecting in the Mediterranean aquaculture mainly European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. It is well known that betanodaviruses are neurotropic viruses that replicate in nerve tissues, preferentially brain and retina. However, routes of entry and progression of the virus in the central nervous system (CNS) remain unclear. The role of four tissues—eye, oesophagus, gills and skin—as possible gateways of a betanodavirus, the redspotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV), was investigated after experimental challenges performed on European seabass juveniles. The dispersal pattern of Betanodavirus at primarily stages of the disease was also assessed, using a real-time qPCR assay. The development of typical clinical signs of VER, the presence of characteristic histopathological lesions in the brain and retina and the detection of viral RNA in the tissues of all experimental groups ascertained that successful invasion of RGNNV under all experimental routes was achieved. Transneuronal spread along pathways known to be connected to the initial site of entry seems to be the predominant scenario of viral progression in the CNS. Furthermore, viraemia appeared only after the installation of the infection in the brain.  相似文献   
Organic aquaculture has lagged behind the agriculture sector in terms of the quantities and diversity of certified organic products because of the absence of detailed accepted standards and criteria until recently. The main challenges for organic aquaculture are to improve the coordination between production and market and to achieve an appropriate framework to drive further development. Priorities for research include organic feeds and fish nutrition, consumers’ needs, food safety, environmental concerns and trade issues. In organically cultured fish, differences in feeds and nutrition compared to conventional systems are likely to result in differences in the quality of the flesh, and this is a significant factor in consumer choice. The review covers aspects of current use of eco‐certification, formulated feeds, feed composition, aquafeed technology, sustainable alternatives to common feed ingredients, nutritional physiology and general nutritional principles and product quality in the context of the organic aquaculture. There is a future for the development of organic aquaculture but its success depends on new knowledge and technical development to meet consumers’ growing interest. The industry has to utilize the research results and update and modify the criteria and standards and thus provide high‐quality products.  相似文献   
Fish introductions, particularly in areas of high biological diversity and endemism, represent a major threat for biodiversity. In the Balkan Peninsula, 60 fish species have been introduced to date, of which 36 have become naturalized in inland waters. Since the Balkans are one of the world's 35 biodiversity hot spots, this large presence of alien fish species poses a serious threat for the stability of freshwater ecosystems and the survival of the native ichthyofauna and of aquatic biodiversity in general. The motivation for the introductions, and the historical timeline, varies among the Balkan states. Despite recent attempts to implement and align legislation aimed at preventing the introduction of potentially invasive species, and the implementation of rigorous controls of introductions and increased protection of open waters, the majority of current introductions remain intentional, primarily via aquaculture. This review article provides a historical overview of freshwater fish introductions, the motivation behind them and the current distribution of alien freshwater fishes in the Balkans. The ecological implications and future perspectives concerning alien fish species in the region are also discussed.  相似文献   
The occurrence and geographic distribution of longidorid nematode species inhabiting the rhizosphere of cultivated and wild olive and grapevine in Crete Island were investigated. Morphological and morphometrical studies identified five Longidorus and six Xiphinema species, with frequencies of prevalence (for wild and cultivated olives and grapevines, respectively) as follows: Longidorus closelongatus (2.0–13.3 %), L. cretensis (1.0–6.7 %), L. moesicus (13.3 % only in grapevines), L. orientalis (3.3 % only in grapevines), L. pseudoelongatus (7.0 % only in olives), Xiphinema cretense n. sp. (3.0 % only in olives), X. index (3.0–23.3 %), X. israeliae (6.3 % only in olives), X. italiae (3.3–10.0 %), X. pachtaicum (26.7–42 %) and X. simile (3.3 % only in grapevines). Xiphinema cretense n. sp. is characterized by a body size 3,872–6,135 μm long, lip region anteriorly rounded, separated from the rest of the body by a depression, odontostyle and odontophore 140.6 and 80.3 μm long respectively, vulva position at 46.0–50.5 %, female tail 31.0–38.0 μm long, nearly hemispherical with curvature essentially dorsal and with a tip completely rounded or presenting a very short bulge, c ratio (119.1–186.9), c’ ratio (0.7–0.8). Molecular characterisation using D2-D3 expansion regions of 28S rRNA, 18S rRNA and ITS1-rRNA was carried out and maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analysis were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among these species and with other longidorids.  相似文献   
Assessments of the combined ecological impacts of ocean acidification and warming (OAW) and their social and economic consequences can help develop adaptive and responsive management strategies in the most sensitive regions. Here, available observational and experimental data, theoretical, and modelling approaches are combined to project and quantify potential effects of OAW on the future fisheries catches and resulting revenues and employment in the UK under different CO2 emission scenarios. Across all scenarios, based on the limited available experimental results considered, the bivalve species investigated were more affected by OAW than the fish species considered, compared with ocean warming alone. Projected standing stock biomasses decrease between 10 and 60%. These impacts translate into an overall fish and shellfish catch decrease of between 10 and 30% by 2020 across all areas except for the Scotland >10 m fleet. This latter fleet shows average positive impacts until 2050, declining afterwards. The main driver of the projected decreases is temperature rise (0.5–3.3 °C), which exacerbate the impact of decreases in primary production (10–30%) in UK fishing waters. The inclusion of the effect of ocean acidification on the carbon uptake of primary producers had very little impact on the projections of potential fish and shellfish catches (<1%). The <10 m fleet is likely to be the most impacted by‐catch decreases in the short term (2020–50), whereas the effects will be experienced more strongly by the >10 m fleet by the end of the century in all countries. Overall, losses in revenue are estimated to range between 1 and 21% in the short term (2020–50) with England and Scotland being the most negatively impacted in absolute terms, and Wales and North Ireland in relative terms. Losses in total employment (fisheries and associated industries) may reach approximately 3–20% during 2020–50 with the >10 m fleet and associated industries bearing the majority of the losses.  相似文献   
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