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SUMMARY: The productivity of Merino ewes treated with ivermectin and a controlled-release capsule containing albendazole was compared with untreated ewes grazing the same pastures on each of 3 farms. Treated breeding ewes had significantly increased greasy fleece weights (GFW, 6.5% and 7.1%) compared with untreated breeding ewes, on 2 of 3 farms but treatment caused no significant increase in the GFW of non-breeding ewes. Other benefits of treatment on all farms were a significant increase in body weight gain (from 1.7 to 3.7 kg) and a significant decrease in the weight of dag removed at crutching (from 42 to 622 g). These benefits occurred despite the presence on each farm of worms resistant to benzimidazoles. One disadvantage of treatment was an increase in mean fibre diameter of wool from treated ewes of from 0.12 to 0.41 μm. This increase reduces the value of the wool. Partial budgets indicated a net loss of from 8 to 62 cents per ewe for treatment. However, potential benefits such as increased growth rate and wool production from lambs of treated ewes were not included in the analysis. On one farm ewes were classified as ‘susceptible’ to severe dag if they had a dag score ≥ 4 at the time of capsule treatment. Ewes classified as ‘susceptible’ were about 7 times more likely to develop severe dag than were other ewes. There was no significant difference between the GFW of untreated ‘susceptible’ ewes and untreated ewes not classified as ‘susceptible’. Additionally, the response of GFW to treatment was no different to the response seen in ewes that were not classified as ‘susceptible’. The direct cost of diarrhoea and dag formation in Merino ewes was estimated to be 18, 30, 53, 86, 98 and 145 cents per head for ewes with a dag score of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. This cost did not include potential benefits from reduced risk of breech strike, or intangible benefits associated with the improved welfare of sheep. 相似文献
AL Saraiva R Payan‐Carreira F Gärtner I Santana A Rêma LM Lourenço MA Pires 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2015,50(2):333-340
Cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) is overexpressed in several human and animal neoplasms, including the human endometrial carcinoma. It has been suggested as a prognostic marker and a potential therapeutic target. This study aimed to (i) clarify histological aspects of feline endometrial adenocarcinomas (FEA) of the papillary serous type and (ii) characterize COX‐2 immunohistochemical expression in normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic endometrium in this species. Archived paraffin‐embedded tissue samples of 33 FEA, eight cystic endometrial hyperplasias (CEHs) and 21 samples of normal, healthy endometrium in the follicular (FS; n = 10) and luteal (LS; n = 11) stages were evaluated. Histological evaluation of haematoxylin and eosin‐stained sections of the FEA revealed a papillary proliferation of neoplastic cells of serous type, accompanied by clear and multinucleated cells. Other architectural arrangements mainly included solid and tubular growth. Randomly distributed areas of necrosis within the tumours were commonly observed. Invasion of the myometrium, of the serosa and of the vascular and/or lymphatic vessels was not constant features. The mean number of mitoses was higher in FEA compared to non‐neoplastic endometrium. COX‐2 scores were lower in FEA (p = 0.003) and CEH (p = 0.05) when compared to normal epithelium (NE). The loss of the membrane apical reinforcement in epithelial cells was observed in FEA samples, which was accompanied by the dislocation of COX‐2 labelling into the cytoplasm and the perinuclear area; in contrast, in epithelial cells in the healthy and hyperplastic endometria, the immunoreaction showed the characteristic pattern of apical membrane reinforcement, suggestive of the membrane polarization. COX‐2 epithelial scores were higher in the FS than in the LS. No differences were found in stromal COX‐2 expression between normal, CEH and FEA groups, but it was higher in the LS than in the FS. In summary, loss of COX‐2 compartmentalization in neoplastic epithelial cells might be one of the molecular events underlying endometrial carcinogenesis. 相似文献
EI Cortés-Gutiérrez F Crespo C Serres-Dalmau AL Gutiérrez de las Rozas MI Dávila-Rodríguez C López-Fernández J Gósalvez 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2009,44(5):823-828
Sperm DNA fragmentation (sDF) is an important parameter to assessing sperm quality. Information about sperm quality is not available for donkeys, especially in some breeds at risk of extinction. The objectives of this research were to test the four commercial variants of sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCD; sperm Halomax test), originally developed to assess sDF in boars, bulls, rams and stallions, in order to scrutinize their applicability in the study of sDF in a donkey breed at risk of extinction (Zamorano-Leonesa), for which there is no specific test available to analyze sperm at present. Only the SCD test, originally developed for stallions, produced stable and consistent results, and was deemed suitable to assess DNA fragmentation in sperm samples from donkeys. Image analysis was used to compare differences between the SCD methodology applied to stallion and donkey semen samples processed under the same experimental conditions. The extent of SCD in the SCD test was approximately 20% lower in donkey sperm than in stallion sperm. Yet, the ratio of chromatin sperm dispersion achieved in fragmented and unfragmented nuclei did not differ significantly between species. These data suggest that a similar protein depletion treatment can cause differences in protein removal in equivalent cells from different species and that sperm chromatin may be organized differently in stallions and donkeys. 相似文献
Bovine citrullinaemia traced to the sire of Linmack Kriss King 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
PJ HEALY JA DENNIS LM CAMILLERI JL ROBINSON AL STELL RD SHANKS 《Australian veterinary journal》1991,68(4):155-155
Isam T. KADIM Osman MAHGOUB Waleed AL‐MARZOOQI Samera KHALAF Shadia S. H. AL‐SINAWI Issa AL‐AMRI 《Animal Science Journal》2010,81(3):352-361
The effects of transportation and electrical stimulation (90 V) on physiological, histochemical and meat quality characteristics of two breeds of Omani goats were assessed. Twenty 1‐year‐old male goats from each breed (Batina and Dhofari) were divided into two groups: 3 h transported during the hot season (42°C day time temperature) and non‐transported. Animals were blood‐sampled before loading and prior to slaughter. Electrical stimulation was applied 20 min postmortem to 50% randomly selected carcasses of both breeds. Temperature and pH decline of the Longissimus was monitored. Ultimate pH, shear force, sarcomere length, myofibrillar fragmentation index, expressed juice, cooking loss and colour were measured from samples of Longissimus dorsi muscles. Electrical stimulation and transportation had a significant effect on most biochemical and meat quality characteristics of Longissimus dorsi. The transported goats had higher plasma cortisol (P < 0.01), adrenaline, nor‐adrenaline and dopamine concentrations (P < 0.05) than non‐transported goats. Electrical stimulation resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) more rapid muscle pH fall during the first 12 h after slaughter. Muscles from electrically‐stimulated carcasses had significantly (P < 0.05) longer sarcomeres, lower shear force value, a lighter colour (higher L* value), higher expressed juice and myofibrillar fragmentation index than those from non‐stimulated ones. Meat from transported goats had significantly higher pH, expressed juice and shear force, but contained significantly lower sarcomere length and L* values than non‐transported goats. The proportion of the myosin ATPase staining did not change as a function of stimulation, transportation or breed. These results indicated that subjecting goats to transportation for 3 h under high ambient temperatures can generate major physiological and muscle metabolism responses. Electrical stimulation improved quality characteristics of meat from both groups. This indicates that electrical stimulation may reduce detrimental effects of transportation on meat quality of Omani goats. 相似文献
Objective To measure associations between body weight, growth rate, sex, time of shearing and post-weaning mortality of Merino sheep.
Design Uni- and multivariable survival analyses of sheep mortality during the first year after weaning, using records (n = 3657) from two field experiments conducted in Western Victoria from 1996 to 2003.
Results Overall mortality was 14.3% (range 4.5–26.8%) and mean maximum mortality rate was 29 deaths/1000 weaners/month. Increased mortality risk was associated with decreases in fleece-free body weight and mean weaner growth rate, particularly at low weights and growth rates. Weaners in the lightest weaning weight quintile had a hazard ratio of 3.5, compared with the middle quintile. The hazard ratio for a 2-kg decrease in weaning weight was 1.2 to 1.7 for weaners lighter than 22 kg. The hazard ratio for a reduction in mean weaner growth rate in the first 5 months after weaning of 0.25 kg/month was 1.1 to 6.8 if mean growth rate was less than 1 kg/month, but did not differ significantly from 1 at greater growth rates. The hazard ratio for wether weaners was approximately 1.5 compared with ewe weaners. The hazard ratio for weaners shorn between December and May, compared with unshorn weaners, was 1.2 to 3.5, with the greatest risk difference associated with shearing in March (45 deaths/1000 weaners/month).
Conclusion Improving the body weight and mean growth rate of weaner sheep is likely to reduce post-weaning mortality. Lightweight weaners in a flock should be managed separately from the main portion after weaning. In southern Australia, not shearing spring-born Merino weaners between December and May may assist in reducing overall post-weaning mortality. 相似文献
Design Uni- and multivariable survival analyses of sheep mortality during the first year after weaning, using records (n = 3657) from two field experiments conducted in Western Victoria from 1996 to 2003.
Results Overall mortality was 14.3% (range 4.5–26.8%) and mean maximum mortality rate was 29 deaths/1000 weaners/month. Increased mortality risk was associated with decreases in fleece-free body weight and mean weaner growth rate, particularly at low weights and growth rates. Weaners in the lightest weaning weight quintile had a hazard ratio of 3.5, compared with the middle quintile. The hazard ratio for a 2-kg decrease in weaning weight was 1.2 to 1.7 for weaners lighter than 22 kg. The hazard ratio for a reduction in mean weaner growth rate in the first 5 months after weaning of 0.25 kg/month was 1.1 to 6.8 if mean growth rate was less than 1 kg/month, but did not differ significantly from 1 at greater growth rates. The hazard ratio for wether weaners was approximately 1.5 compared with ewe weaners. The hazard ratio for weaners shorn between December and May, compared with unshorn weaners, was 1.2 to 3.5, with the greatest risk difference associated with shearing in March (45 deaths/1000 weaners/month).
Conclusion Improving the body weight and mean growth rate of weaner sheep is likely to reduce post-weaning mortality. Lightweight weaners in a flock should be managed separately from the main portion after weaning. In southern Australia, not shearing spring-born Merino weaners between December and May may assist in reducing overall post-weaning mortality. 相似文献