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 测定四川平武地区5个不同样点的15群东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana)的38个形态特征。同该地区的四川九寨沟、冕宁、西昌、会理以及甘肃岷县、临潭的东方蜜蜂的形态数据进行因素分析、主成分分析、聚类分析以及相关性分析。结果表明:这些地区的东方蜜蜂呈现3个主要类群。该地区东方蜜蜂的个体大小与海拔和纬度相关性显著,喙的颜色、小盾片的颜色和绒毛覆毛长度与海拔相关性显著。  相似文献   
Many top-predator fish stocks in both freshwater and marine systems have collapsed as a result of overharvesting. Consequently, some of these communities have shifted into seemingly irreversible new states. We showed, for predators feeding on prey that exhibit food-dependent growth, that culling of fish prey may promote predator recovery. We removed old stunted individuals of a prey-fish species in a large, low-productive lake, which caused an increase in the availability of small-sized prey and allowed the predator to recover. The shift in community state has been sustained for more than 15 years after the cull ended and represents an experimental demonstration of an alternative stable state in a large-scale field system. Because most animals exhibit food-dependent growth, shifts into alternative stable states resulting from overcompensating prey growth may be common in nature and may require counterintuitive management strategies.  相似文献   
[目的]分析小尾寒羊、德国美利奴、德国美利奴(♂)和小尾寒羊(♀)杂交一代(简称DF1)共204 只个体的单核苷酸多态性及其与产羔数间的关系.[方法]以绵羊BMPR-IB 基因作为候选基因,采用PCR-sscp 检测方法.[结果]B等位基因在小尾寒羊、德国美利奴、德寒杂交一代中的频率分别为0.660、0.532和0.600,基因频率及基因型频率在3个群体间的分布差异不显著(P>0.05).BB、B+、++型的产羔数分别为2.86、2.27和2.08,BB 型显著高于B+ 和++ 型(P>0.05),B+ 型显著高于++ 型(P>0.05).[结论]在以小尾寒羊为母本的杂交育种过程中,B等位基因是有效的辅助标记基因.  相似文献   
林森  吴迪 《油气储运》1999,18(11):47-50
探讨了用转轮流动模拟器评价原油降凝剂的效果和模拟输油管道输送添加降凝剂含蜡原油的工业性试验的可行性,试验结果表明,用转轮模拟器可以方便地测定了不同加剂量下降摩擦因子和原油视粘度随温度的曲线及管输温度界限等数据。  相似文献   
猪粪堆肥过程中氮素物质转化规律研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
猪粪、稻草、菌荆混合堆肥与单纯猪粪堆肥对比试验,定量化研究了堆肥过程中不同阶段各种形态氮素转化和氮素损失途径。结果表明,在猪粪中添加稻草和菌剂堆肥,全氮损失减少,损失量为38%,其中氨态氮损失占氮总损失量80%,有机氮损失占氮总损失量21%;而单纯猪粪堆肥其氮素损失78%,其中氨态氮损失占氮总损失量38%,有机氮损失占氮总损失量59%。堆肥过程中主要是氨态氮和有机氮的变化,硝态氮变化较小。  相似文献   
Kumquat(Fortunella spp.) is a fruit and ornamental crop worldwide due to the palatable taste and high ornamental value of its fruit. Although Fortunella is classified into the economically important true citrus fruit tree group together with Citrus and Poncirus, few studies have been focused on its evolutionary scenario. In this study, analysis of five chloroplast loci and 47 nuclear microsatellites(n SSR) loci from 38 kumquat and 10 citrus accessions revealed the independent phylogeny of Fortun...  相似文献   
锌指蛋白是一类能与DNA/RNA结合并调控基因表达的蛋白。前期笔者通过酵母双杂技术筛选到1个可能与JAZ蛋白互作的巴西橡胶树锌指蛋白(命名为Hbzinc-finger),该基因的c DNA全长序列有2 262bp,编码753个氨基酸。该蛋白碳末端有1个PB1结构域,在336~381处氨基酸序列编码1个Zn F_ZZ锌离子结合结构域。红色荧光蛋白亚细胞定位结果表明,Hbzinc-finger定位于细胞核,酵母自转录激活显示该蛋白有自转录活性。该基因的表达受创伤影响,表明橡胶锌指蛋白的表达可能受茉莉酸信号调控。  相似文献   
A new human retrovirus was isolated from a continuous cell line derived from a patient with CD4+ Tac- cutaneous T cell lymphoma/leukemia. This virus is related to but distinct from human T cell leukemia/lymphoma virus types I and II (HTLV-I and HTLV-II) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). With the use of a fragment of provirus cloned from one patient with T cell leukemia, closely related sequences were found in DNA of the cell line and of tumor cells from seven other patients with the same disease; these sequences were only distantly related to HTLV-I. The phenotype of the cells and the clinical course of the disease were clearly distinguishable from leukemia associated with HTLV-I. All patients and the wife of one patient showed a weak serological cross-reactivity with both HTLV-I and HIV-1 antigens. None of the patients proved to be at any apparent risk for HIV-1 infection. The name proposed for this virus is HTLV-V, and the date indicate that it may be a primary etiological factor in the major group of cutaneous T cell lymphomas/leukemias, including the sporadic lymphomas known as mycoses fungoides.  相似文献   
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