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Application of phosphorus (P) fertilizer is important in crop production because of the low bioavailability of phosphorus to plants in both acidic and calcareous soils. Although rapeseed (Brassica napus) is generally sensitive to P deficiency, different cultivars differ widely in this respect. Differences in P uptake and utilization between two rapeseed cultivars, one P-efficient (‘97081’) and one P-inefficient (‘97009’), were evaluated in solution culture by studying the changes in root morphology and parameters of P uptake kinetics in response to low-P stress. The P-efficient cultivar had lower Km and Cmin values and higher Vmax and developed longer and denser lateral root hair with greater number of root tips and branches under low-P stress, which resulted in a better developed root system and more efficient uptake of P. That, in turn, led to higher concentration and accumulation of P in the plants, culminating in higher biomass production. However, P utilization efficiency (biomass production per unit P accumulated in plant) of the P-efficient ‘97081’ was lower than that of ‘97009’ when P was deficient. These results suggest that P efficiency in rapeseed is due to a better developed root system as well as efficient uptake of P.  相似文献   
段玉瑶  马丽  刘刚 《农业工程学报》2015,31(Z2):216-221
In intensive and large-scale livestock breeding, how to evaluate welfare of each individual effectively has become one hotspot of welfare breeding.In this study, a remote monitor system based on computer vision technology and wireless sensor networks was proposed.In the system, pig videos in the piggery were captured by IP cameras and transmitted remotely to PC systems for objects tracking and trajectory extraction, and the piggery environmental data such as temperature, humidity and harmful gases were collected by wireless sensor networks(WSN) nodes.Traditional Camshift tracking algorithm was improved.The average root mean square errors of traditional and improved algorithm were 78.07 and 32.29, indicating the improved algorithm reduced error and improved tracking stability.The results of the real-time monitoring of environmental parameters by WSN showed that the hydrogen and ammonia concentrations, and the ambient temperature were all kept in the normal range, while the carbon dioxide concentration was exceeded, and the air humidity was slightly high.Through data mining, precise welfare monitoring and breeding management were realized.  相似文献   
本研究从广西花坪自然保护区采集的土壤中筛选获得了一株产糖化酶丝状真菌菌株57-45,通过形态学观察和真菌内转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer,ITS)序列比对分析,将其初步鉴定为曲霉属(Aspergillus sp.)的一个种。纯化真菌57-45所产的一种胞外糖化酶经过硫酸铵分级沉淀、疏水层析和阴离子交换层析三步蛋白质纯化步骤,得到在SDS-PAGE上约60kD的单一蛋白质条带,薄层层析分析表明该纯化的蛋白质水解可溶性淀粉的产物只有葡萄糖,证明该纯化的蛋白质为糖化酶。纯化的糖化酶Km值为1.9mg/mL,Vmax为4148μmol/(min·mg),最适作用pH5.5,最适作用温度50℃,在同步糖化发酵中有应用的潜力。金属离子Fe3+、Zn2+、Cu2+对酶活有较强的抑制作用,EDTA对酶活有较强的促进作用。本文结果将为进一步研究曲霉糖化酶的酶学特性提供新的材料。  相似文献   
Degradation of three herbicides, atrazine, cyanazine and dicamba, was assessed in laboratory microcosms incubated under simulated methanogenic conditions using sediment from Pearl River of Southern China as an inoculum. Atrazine was much more resistant to degradation than cyanazine and dicamba over 300 days of incubation. Biodegradation of cyanazine and dicamba was further substantiated by establishment of enrichment transfer cultures in which the degradation of the respective herbicide was accelerated by the active microorganisms. Degradation of cyanazine initially involved the removal of chlorine and the two side chains, while that of dicamba was O-demethylation reaction forming 3,6-dichlorosalicyclic acid. Results suggest that biodegradation of xenobiotics can be established through enrichment culture transfer technique, and further mechanism of degradation and microorganisms involved can be elucidated.  相似文献   
为了探讨降水对向日葵生长需水的影响,划分不同降水年型(丰水年、平水年、枯水年),分别计算不同降水年型的向日葵需水量,并分析向日葵的生长需水及水分来源的变化规律。研究结果表明:向日葵不同生育阶段对水分的需求量不同,初期和后期较小,中期最大,而且越是干旱的年份向日葵需水量越大;丰水年向日葵需水量与有效降水量的耦合度最高,平水年次之,枯水年最低;不同降水年型向日葵不同生长阶段土壤水的消耗量不同,枯水年土壤水消耗量最大,生长季前期对土壤水的影响较小,后期开花到成熟阶段影响较大。  相似文献   
利用RAMS(Randomamplifiedmicrosatellites)分子标记技术对河北省不同地区的3个西瓜枯萎病病株分离物Fon1、Fon2、Fon3各10个单孢菌株进行了基因组多态性分析。10个RAMS引物进行扩增,Fon1共扩增出39条带,其中多态性条带9条;Fon2共扩增出40条带,多态性条带5条;Fon3共扩增出40条带,多态性条带4条。结果分析表明,同一病株分离物的不同单孢菌株之间在分子水平上存在遗传差异性。  相似文献   
旱作条件下,选用4个高肥小麦品种与4个抗旱小麦品种,采用4×4不完全双列杂交方法配制16个杂交组合。同时将4个旱地亲本进行M2.5辐射处理,同样采用4×4不完全双列杂交方法配制16个杂交组合。通过对辐射前后主要性状遗传力的分析,结果表明,和辐射前相比,辐射后,中优9507、洛优9906、洛优9909的单株粒重一般配合力效应值增加,其产量构成因素单株穗数、穗粒数、千粒重、单株生物产量的一般配合力效应值也增加。总小穗数、不孕小穗数、株高的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均有所增加,但总小穗数的广义遗传力增加的幅度较大。单株生物产量、单株穗数、千粒重、单株粒重、穗长的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均有所降低,但单株粒重的广义遗传力和穗长的狭义遗传力降低的幅度较大。穗粒数和单穗粒重的广义遗传力下降,狭义遗传力提高,但穗粒数的广义遗传力下降的幅度较大。  相似文献   
阐述了燕麦中β-葡聚糖的含量及相对分子质量测定方法的国内外研究动态和研究成果,其中包括对β-葡聚糖含量的测定方法(酶测定法、荧光法、高效液相色谱法、刚果红分光光度比色法)的研究,以及对β-葡聚糖相对分子质量测定方法(高效凝胶色谱法、凝胶色谱法、高效液相色谱法)的研究。  相似文献   
鲜活水产品中甲醛本底含量状况调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用乙酰丙酮分光光度法法,先后对12种314个淡水鱼类样品、19种356个海水鱼类样品、9种147个虾蟹类样品、5种137个贝类样品和4种59个头足类样品共计1013个鲜活水产样品中本底甲醛含量进行了测定。研究结果表明,鲜活水产品中甲醛含量中位值为0.25mg/kg,平均值为6.31mg/kg,中位值远低于平均值,因而多数水产品中甲醛的本底含量处于低端水平。在调查的49个水产品样品种类中,龙头鱼、鳕、中国枪乌贼、口虾蛄、梭子蟹等种类甲醛本底含量较高,另外淡水鱼类样品中的罗非鱼甲醛含量要显著高于其它种类的淡水鱼类(p<0.05)。不同类型的水产品之间甲醛含量也存在一定差异(p<0.05),具体表现为海水鱼类样品中甲醛含量最高,其次为头足类样品、甲壳类样品和贝类样品,淡水鱼类样品中甲醛含量最低 。  相似文献   
农用地集约利用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
粮食安全、土地供需矛盾等重大问题是世界性难题,对农用地集约利用进行研究是解决目前问题的关键。此文归纳总结了国内外农用地集约利用研究的主要内容,分析表明不同阶段的研究侧重点不同,不同研究者采用的研究方法不同。在此基础上提出了农业集约技术研究、农用地集约利用产生的负面影响、城乡结合部农用地集约利用问题、加强适应全球环境变化的农用地集约利用研究、进一步完善农用地集约利用评价指标体系是今后农用地集约利用的研究趋势。  相似文献   
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