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研究表明,母牛产犊前后各三周共六周为过渡期,是奶牛饲养的关键阶段。近十年来,对过渡期的营养调控和饲养管理越来越引人关注。对母牛从妊娠后期到泌乳早期实现平稳过渡的重要性已形成共识。  相似文献   
An ovarian enlargement (diameter, 8 cm) was identified and surgically excised from a 5-year-old female dog. Microscopic examination of the multinodular neoplasm revealed sheets of polygonal neoplastic cells with large nuclei, frequent mitosis, necrosis and haemorrhage. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells were positive for vimentin and alkaline phosphatase but were negative for CD3, CD79a, cytokeratin, alpha-fetoprotein, inhibin-α and S-100. The histopathological diagnosis of the mass was unilateral ovarian dysgerminoma.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of plasma concentrations of the metabolic hormones [Growth hormone (GH), insulin and insulin‐like growth factor –I (IGF‐I)] and nutritional metabolites (Glucose, cholesterol, total protein, albumin, globulin, urea and creatinine) on the resumption of post‐partum ovarian activity in sixteen Friesian–Sanga cows grazing extensively on native grassland. Blood samples were taken from cows from week 1 to 16 post‐partum. Cows were classified as having resumed ovarian activity when a plasma progesterone concentration of ≥ 1.0 ng/ml was recorded for two consecutive weekly samples. Based on the resumption of ovarian activity, cows were classified as early‐cycling, late‐cycling or non‐cycling. The concentrations of the metabolic hormones were measured from week 1 to 10, while those of the nutritional metabolites were measured during week 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 during the study period. The concentrations of the metabolic hormones, GH and insulin were similar (p > 0.05) in the three ovarian activity groups, likewise the concentrations of the nutritional metabolites, glucose, total protein, globulin, urea and creatinine. Plasma IGF‐I concentration was higher (p < 0.001) in early‐cycling (18.7 ± 0.74 ng/ml) than in late‐cycling (12.4 ± 0.75 ng/ml) and non‐cycling (10.4 ± 0.91 ng/ml) cows. Plasma cholesterol concentrations were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in early‐cycling (1.94 ± 0.15 mmol/l) compared with late‐cycling (2.48 ± 0.12 mmol/l) and non‐cycling (2.61 ± 0.11 mmol/l) cows. For plasma albumin concentrations, the levels recorded for early‐cycling cows were higher (40.7 ± 2.85 g/l) than in late‐cycling (34.4 ± 1.97 g/l) and non‐cycling (33.6 ± 2.66) cows. The results suggest that cows with lower plasma concentrations of IGF‐I and albumin, but higher plasma cholesterol concentrations were at risk of delayed resumption of post‐partum ovarian activity.  相似文献   
The effect of selective immunosuppression of endogenous inhibin in goats on FSH, LH, progesterone and estradiol-17β profiles was studied during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Eighteen adult female Boer goats were immunized against the recombinant human inhibin α-subunit (hINH-α). With the exception of estradiol, which was determined by radio-immunoassay (RIA), all plasma hormone concentrations were determined by ELISA. The ELISA for FSH presented in this paper was established in the authors' laboratory, based on an existing RIA. Mean basal concentrations of FSH were not affected by immunosuppression of endogenous inhibin, nor was there a difference in the amplitude of the pre-ovulatory FSH surge. Immunization against inhibin appears to eliminate the slight secondary rise of FSH occurring 12–20 h after the major surge associated with ovulation. The LH profiles of the immunized goats were characterized by lower basal concentrations both before and after the pre-ovulatory LH surge which itself was reduced by 50% in immunized does. By contrast, concentrations of circulating estradiol were significantly elevated after inhibin-immunization. Progesterone profiles were not affected. Extending immunization into the anoestrous season by a booster injection of hINH-α, implicating oestrus induction with a progestagen and eCG, produced no discernible differences in FSH and LH profiles in comparison with nonimmunized control goats. The findings suggest that in goats, paracrine factors may play a more significant role in controlling follicular activity than a feedback mechanism acting via the pituitary.  相似文献   
Time-resolved absorption spectroscopy on the femtosecond time scale has been used to monitor the earliest events associated with excited-state relaxation in tris-(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(II). The data reveal dynamics associated with the temporal evolution of the Franck-Condon state to the lowest energy excited state of this molecule. The process is essentially complete in approximately 300 femtoseconds after the initial excitation. This result is discussed with regard to reformulating long-held notions about excited-state relaxation, as well as its implication for the importance of non-equilibrium excited-state processes in understanding and designing molecular-based electron transfer, artificial photosynthetic, and photovoltaic assemblies in which compounds of this class are currently playing a key role.  相似文献   
Hepatocytes isolated from 10 Dorset wethers that were treated with excipient or 1.0 g/d of phlorizin for 72 h were used to determine the effects of increased glucose demand on utilization of [1-(14)C]propionate and [1-(14)C] alanine for oxidative metabolism and gluconeogenesis. Control and phlorizin-treated wethers excreted 0 and 62.8 g/d of glucose into the urine, respectively. Phlorizin treatment tended to increase conversion of propionate and alanine to CO2. A phlorizin x substrate interaction for conversion to glucose indicated that conversion of alanine to glucose was increased more by phlorizin treatment than was conversion of propionate (285 vs 166% of controls). Phlorizin treatment did not affect estimated Ks for conversion of substrates to either CO2 or glucose; however, phlorizin increased estimated Vmax for conversion of substrates to CO2 and tended to increase estimated Vmax for conversion of substrates to glucose. Phlorizin treatment slightly increased the ratio of conversion of propionate to glucose compared with CO2 and slightly decreased the ratio of conversion of alanine to glucose compared with CO2. In vitro addition of 2.5 mM NH4Cl decreased conversion of propionate to CO2 and glucose but had little effect on conversion of alanine to CO2 and glucose. Estimated Ks and Vmax for conversion of substrates to CO2, Ks for conversion of substrates to glucose, and Vmax for conversion of alanine to glucose were not affected by NH4Cl; however, Vmax for conversion of propionate to glucose was decreased by NH4Cl. These data indicate that although utilization of propionate for gluconeogenesis is extensive, amino acids have the potential to increase in importance as gluconeogenic substrates when glucose demand is increased substantially. Furthermore, excess ammonia decreases the capacity of hepatocytes to utilize propionate for oxidation and gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

AIMS: To establish reliable information regarding the behavioural responses of dogs and cats to fireworks in New Zealand; record interventions used by owners, and their perceived efficacies; and establish the prevalence of firework-related injury, and quantify owners' attitudes towards fireworks.

METHODS: A questionnaire targeting dog and cat owners was distributed via the Auckland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Animals Voice magazine and 25 veterinary clinics. The questionnaire covered demographics of animals, fear of fireworks, severity of the fear, and behaviours exhibited. Also included were treatments tried, source and perceived efficacy, prevalence of injury, and owners' attitudes towards the sale of fireworks for private use.

RESULTS: From a total of 8,966 questionnaires distributed, 1,007 valid questionnaires were returned, representing 3,527 animals. Of these 1,635 (46%) animals displayed a level of fear of fireworks recognisable to their owners. Owners of dogs identified a significantly higher fear response than owners of cats but the duration of these fear responses did not differ between species. Fear of fireworks frequently resulted in dogs exhibiting active fear behaviours, whereas cats were more likely to exhibit hiding and cowering behaviours. A significantly increased severity and duration of fear response over time in dogs and cats was associated with owners who comforted them when they displayed a fearful response. Only 141/890 (15.8%) of owners sought professional treatment from a veterinarian, animal behaviourist or animal trainer for their animals, with variable efficacy. Six percent (51/923) of animals had received physical injuries from fireworks. The majority (837/1,007; 83%) of respondents, regardless of whether they owned a fearful animal or not, supported a ban on the sale of fireworks for private use.

CONCLUSIONS: The results provide valuable information that is, as yet, unsubstantiated in New Zealand, although potential biases exist due to the non-random selection of respondents. Differences between dogs and cats were likely due to differing responses to fear-provoking stimuli between the species. Owner-reported increase in fearful response over time for comforted animals may indicate a negative impact on the longer-term psychological welfare of their animal.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The greater the awareness of effective treatment plans for animals that suffer from a fear of fireworks, the greater the possibility that this fear can be reduced. Wider dissemination of effective owner behaviour and treatment programmes for firework fears is needed to improve levels of professional treatment for dogs and cats.  相似文献   
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