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Most of 43 viruses could easily be detected directly in 53 out of 66 leaf samples dried and stored over CaCl2 for varying periods of time up to 20 1/2 years. Detection usually was with PTA pH 6.5, but alfalfa mosaic, cucumber mosaic and tomato aspermy viruses required PTA pH 3.0 to 4.0. Bean common mosaic, cowpea aphid-borne mosaic and cowpea mosaic viruses were also easily observed in newly dehydrated samples obtained for diagnosis from Morocco and Tanzania.Broad bean wilt virus, cowpea mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus were detected with agar gel-diffusion tests in dry leaf material ground in buffer. This serological assay demonstrated a high concentration of cucumber mosaic virus in leaf material dried over CaCl2 20 years ago. This paper further coroborates the value of the CaCl2 method of dehydration and storage of plant viruses in leaf material.Samenvatting Zeer uiteenlopende plantevirussen kunnen goed worden bewaard in bladmateriaal van geïnfecteerde planten dat is gedroogd en bewaard boven CaCl2. Bij rechtstreekse elektronenmicroscopische toetsing van 66 monsters met verschillende isolaten van 43 virussen konden in 53 monsters gemakkelijk virusdeeltjes worden waargenomen (Tabel 1 en Fig. 1 en 2). Meestal lukte dit met fosforwolfraamzuur pH 6,5 dat doorgaans voor in ruw plantesap voorkomende virussen wordt gebruikt. Bij luzernemozaïekvirus en komkommermozaïek virus gelukte dit alleen maar bij lagere pH (3,0 en 4,0). Ook het tomate-aspermievirus was dan veel gemakkelijker aantoombaar. Methylaminewolfraamzuur gaf geen beter resultaat.Draden van bonerolmozaïekvirus en van cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus en bolletjes van cowpea mosaic virus waren snel waarneembaar in elektronenmicroscopische preparaten gemaakt van bladmateriaal van recent uit Marokko en Tanzania ontvangen monsters.Cowpea mosaic virus, tuinboneverwelkingsvirus en komkommermozaïekvirus konden eveneens gemakkelijk en snel serologisch worden aangetoond in met bufferoplossing vermalen droog blad van respectievelijk cowpea, erwt en tabak. Het laatstgenoemde, reeds 20 1/2 jaar geleden gedroogde bladmateriaal, bleek in vergelijking met pas geïnoculeerd vers blad van komkommer enChenopodium quinoa zelfs zeer veel serologisch actief virusmateriaal te bevatten (Fig. 3).De beschreven waarnemingen bevestigen nogmaals de waarde van de toegepaste methode van virusbewaring en tonen aan dat het mogelijk is vele virussen te herkennen in van elders ontvangen gedroogde bladmonsters, zonder het risico te lopen van virusontsnapping, zoals altijd aanwezig bij werk met toetsplanten in de kas.Guestworker from Istituto Sperimentale per la Patologia Vegetale, Rome, Italy, participating in the investigations from September 21 to December 21, 1977.  相似文献   
In recent years in the Netherlands a second mushroom species,Agaricus bitorquis, which prefers higher temperatures thanA. bisporus and is less susceptible to certain diseases, is often commercially grown.Verticillium fungicola var.fungicola, the causal agent of dry bubble, is responsible for considerable damage in crops ofA. bisporus. InA. bitorquis, however, dry bubble has hardly been noticed, but brown spots due toV. fungicola var.aleophilum resulted in inferior mushroom quality. The latter variety also caused brown spots ina. bisporus, but to a minor degree. In variety Les Miz 60 ofA. bisporus, however, it also induced fruit-body deformation in a way different from dry bubble. Verticillium psalliotae, isolated fromA. bitorquis in England, induced more confluent brown spots inA. bitorquis. In the netherlands, where moreA. bitorquis is grown than in other countries,V. psalliotae has not yet been encountered in crops ofA. bitorquis. V. psalliotae, which has a high temperature optimum for mycelial growth, likeV. fungicola var.aleophilum andA. bitorquis, did not infectA. bisporus in our trials.Artificial infection ofA. bisporus orA. bitorquis could not be accomplished with the following related and/or fungicolous fungi:Verticillium lamellicola, V. fungicola var.flavidum, V. biguttatum, Nectriopsis tubariicola, Acremonium crotocinigenum andAphanocladium album.Samenvatting Vooral in Nederland wordt sinds een aantal jaren naastAgaricus bisporus ook de warmteminnende champignonsoortAgaricus bitorquis geteeld, die minder vatbaar is voor bepaalde ziekten. TerwijlVerticillium fungicola varfungicola in de teelt vanA. bisporus droge mollen en daardoor veel schade veroorzaakt, komen in de teelt vanA. bitorquis geen droge mollen voor maar wel bruine vlekken, die tot kwaliteitsverlies en dus schade leiden. De vlekken bleken veroorzaakt te worden doorV. fungicola var.aleophilum. Deze schimmel veroorzaakte ook inA. bisporus bruine vlekken, hoewel in minder ernstige mate, maar in het ras Les Miz 60 vanA. bisporus bovendien misvormde champignons, die wel op droge mollen leken, maar daaraan niet gelijk waren.OokV. psalliotae, in Engeland geïsoleerd vanA. bitorquis met vlekken, veroorzaakte wat meer samenvloeiende, bruine vlekken inA. bitorquis. In Nederland, waar meerA. bitorquis geteeld wordt dan in andere landen, isV. psalliotae nog niet aangetroffen in teelten vanA. bitorquis. InA. bisporus kon geen kunstmatige infectie worden verkregen metV. psalliotae, die net alsV. fungicola var.aleophilum enA. bitorquis warmteminnend genoemd zou kunnen worden.Met de volgendeVerticillium-achtige of van paddestoelen geïsoleerde schimmels kon evenmin op kunstmatige wijze een infectie worden opgeroepen inA. bisporus ofA. bitorquis: Verticillium lamellicola, V. fungicola var.flavidum, V. biguttatum, Nectriopsis tubariicola, Acremonium crotocinigenum enAphanocladium album.  相似文献   
Predicted changes in average values of global climate variables (increased temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2) and changes in the frequency, duration, and degree of extremes (frost, heat, drought, hail, storms, floods, etc.) will affect agricultural crops, agroecosystems, and agricultural productivity. Although forecasts of regional climate changes are still imprecise, mean temperature increases in Europe are expected to be greater in the north (2.5–4.5°C) than in the south (1.5–4.5°C). Regional forecasts for precipitation changes are also very far from precise; however, problems with drought are expected to increase, especially in Mediterranean countries. Overall, shortage of water will be the predominant factor affecting plant growth. As higher temperatures are known to enhance plant development and especially the grain-filling duration of cereals, grain yield losses are possible in a warmer climate. On the other hand, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations are known to stimulate photosynthesis and enhance growth and yield (“CO2 fertilization”); concomitantly, leaf transpiration is reduced, resulting in improved water use efficiency. Total biomass and yield were enhanced by 20–30% in experiments with elevated CO2 exposure (550–700 ppm) under more or less ideal growth conditions. Elucidating the interactions between positive and negative effects of climate change is of crucial importance for any prediction of future crop yields. The present paper is a brief summary mainly of the potential effects of elevated temperatures and atmospheric CO2 on crop growth, quality, and yield. Also, adaptation measures, possible interactive effects of different climate variables, and interactions of climate change components with other growth variables (pathogens, air pollutants) are briefly described.  相似文献   
Data and results are presented from a project on the development and application of hydrogel capsules for the delivery of two biological control agents, namely bacterial antagonists to control phytopathogenic fungi and a nematophagous fungus to control plant-parasitic nematodes. The focus is on encapsulation on lab and technical scales, drying and storage of the formulations, application to the greenhouse and field, and technology transfer to a biocontrol company.  相似文献   
Since many years lettuce big-vein disease (LBVD) occurring in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and endivia (Cichorium endivia) is a well known disease. It is widely spread all over the world and can cause important economical losses. For more than 20 years the lettuce big-vein virus (LBVV) was thought to be the causal agent. New results indicate that another virus, named “Mirafiori lettuce big-vein ophiovirus” (MLBVV), is responsible for the typical symptoms. Mostly both viruses are detected together in diseased plants. But also the presence of only one virus can be observed as shown in a sample which was sent to the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL), Freising, in the spring of 2005. In further investigations at the German Federal Authority and Federal Research Centre (BBA), Braunschweig, only the MLBVV was found. Like any other virus disease LBVD cannot be controlled directly. Therefore prevention is of utmost importance. If LBVD is already present integrated disease management strategies combining cultural and phytosanitary measures as well as growing tolerant lettuce cultivars are the only way to minimize economical damage.  相似文献   
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