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Summary The oil contents of single kernels of corn can be determined by wideline nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Since this analytical procedure does not alter seed composition or viability, it could accelerate the development of crops having higher oil contents. A highly significant correlation was found between the oil contents of single kernels of corn and their progeny ears. This indicates that single-kernel differences in oil content are heritable. The importance of this development in terms of the increasing world-wide demand for polyunsaturated oils is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Der Öl-Gehalt einzelner Maiskörner kann durch kernmagnetische Resonanz-Spektroskopie festgestellt werden. Da dieses analytische Verfahren weder die Samenzusammensetzung noch die Lebensfähigkeit des Samens ändert, könnte sie dazu benutzt werden, die Entwicklung von Maisbeständen mit höherem Ölgehalt zu beschleunigen. Es wurde eine höchst beachtliche Korrelation zwischen dem Ölgehalt der einzelnen Kerne und dem der daraus entstehenden Kerne gefunden. Dies weist darauf hin, daß Einzel-Kern-Unterschiede im Ölgehalt vererbbar sind. Die Bedeutung dieser Entwicklung in Bezug auf die weltweite Nachfrage nach mehrfach ungesättigten Ölen wird besprochen.

Résumé La quantité d'huile contenue dans les grains de maïs isolés peut être déterminée par la spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire à grande amplitude. Comme ce procédé ne cause aucune altération de la composition ou de la viabilité de la semence il pourrait accélérer la production de récoltes a rendement d'huile élevé. Une corrélation très étroite a été établie entre la quantité d'huile contenue dans les grains individuels et celle contenue dans leur progéniture. Ceci indique que la difference entre les quantités d'huile contenues dans deux grains individuels peut-être héritée. Cet article traite de l'importance de cette application scientifique en liaison avec la demande croissante d'huiles polyinsaturées dans le monde entier.

with 4 figs.

Paper presented at 6th International Congress of Nutrition, Edinburgh, August 9–15, 1963.  相似文献   
This study compared blood glucose concentrations measured with a portable blood glucometer and a validated laboratory analyzer in venous blood samples of 20 pet ferrets (Mustela putorius furo). Correlation and agreement were evaluated with a Bland-Altman plot method and Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient. Blood glucose concentrations measured with the laboratory analyzer and the glucometer ranged from 1.9 to 8.6 mmol/L and from 0.9 to 9.2 mmol/L, respectively. The glucometer had a poor agreement and correlation with the laboratory analyzer (bias, −0.13 mmol/L; level of agreement, −2.0 to 3.6 mmol/L, concordance correlation coefficient 0.665). The relative sensitivity and specificity of the portable blood glucometer for detection of hypoglycemia were 100% (95% CI: 66% to 100%) and 50% (95% CI: 20% to 80%), respectively. Positive and negative predictive values were 67% (95% CI: 39% to 87%) and 100% (95% CI: 46% to 100%), respectively. Based on these results, clinicians are advised to be cautious when considering the results from this handheld glucometer in pet ferrets, and blood glucose concentrations should be determined with a laboratory analyzer validated for this species.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that de novo copy number variation (CNV) is associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). We performed comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) on the genomic DNA of patients and unaffected subjects to detect copy number variants not present in their respective parents. Candidate genomic regions were validated by higher-resolution CGH, paternity testing, cytogenetics, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and microsatellite genotyping. Confirmed de novo CNVs were significantly associated with autism (P = 0.0005). Such CNVs were identified in 12 out of 118 (10%) of patients with sporadic autism, in 2 out of 77 (3%) of patients with an affected first-degree relative, and in 2 out of 196 (1%) of controls. Most de novo CNVs were smaller than microscopic resolution. Affected genomic regions were highly heterogeneous and included mutations of single genes. These findings establish de novo germline mutation as a more significant risk factor for ASD than previously recognized.  相似文献   
A 2-year-old, female spayed, domestic shorthair cat presented to the University of Missouri-Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (UMC-VMTH) with an approximately 11-month history of fluid-draining pockets along her ventral thorax and axillae. The skin in these regions was erythematous, and multiple areas drained a serous to serosanguinous fluid. Fluid-filled, nodules formed along the ventrum, but these nodules disappeared as fluid drained spontaneously. Histologic assessment of skin biopsies revealed areas of vascular proliferation extending along the deep margin of the section and rare instances of invasion into the superficial dermis. These vascular channels were devoid of cells, lined by variably pleomorphic endothelial cells which had a low mitotic index. Based on the mild to moderate pleomorphism, positive staining with prospero-related homeobox gene-1 (PROX-1), and the locally aggressive nature of the tumor, a final diagnosis of lymphangiosarcoma was made.  相似文献   
Microcytosis is common in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts (PSS) and acquired liver disease. The objective of this study was to determine if microcytosis could be induced in normal dogs by surgical creation of PSS, and to characterize the changes in hematology and iron status. Hematocrit, mean cell volume, mean cell hemoglobin, and mean cell hemoglobin concentration decreased linearly from 45.5%. 69.1 fL, 22.8 g/dL and 33.1% to 39.5%. 55.9 fL, 17.8 g/dL and 31.9%. respectively, 18 weeks after creation of PSS. The erythrocyte count did not change, but red cell distribution widths indicated a shift to a heterogenous population with decreased volume. Mean cell volume and mean cell hemoglobin decreased rapidly after induction of PSS and were significantly ( P < .05) different from presurgery values within 2 weeks. Serum iron and copper concentrations and total iron binding capacity were decreased in dogs with PSS. Liver iron concentration doubled after creation of PSS, with the majority of stainable iron located in Kupffer cells. The changes in erythrocyte indices and measures of iron status in dogs with surgically induced PSS were similar to those in dogs with congenital PSS. Microcytosis developed rapidly in dogs after induction of PSS. These results indicate that iron deficiency was not the cause of microcytosis in these dogs.  相似文献   
Summary Isolates ofRhizoctonia solani Kühn were tested for their pathogenicity to potato sprouts growing from seed tubers. Those originating from sclerotia on tubers showed a wide range of pathogenicity but those from sprout tissue were only moderately pathogenic. Similar results were not obtained with detached potato sprouts, leaflets, or stem tips. Isolates from sclerotia which were very pathogenic to tubers, also caused considerable damage to sprouts, but isolates from potato caused little damage to wheat and barley seedlings compared to that caused by wheat isolates.
Zusammenfassung Kartoffelkeime wurden im Boden mit Isolaten vonR. solani von zwei verschiedenen Herkünften infiziert, wobei versucht wurde, die Ergebnisse mit einfacheren Techniken zu erzielen, indem abgetrennte Keime, Bl?tter und Stengelteile verwendet wurden. Es wurden auch Versuche an Keimpflanzen von Weizen und Gerste vorgenommen, die beide fürR. solani anf?llig sind und in Grossbritanien gew?hnlich in Fruchtfolge mit Kartoffeln stehen. Zwei Isolate vonR. solani wurden aus L?sionen an Kartoffelkeimen und zwei von Weizenstengeln gewonnen. Die übrigen stammten von Sklerotien auf Knollen vom Lager von vielen Sorten, die auf einem weiten Skalenbereich von Bodentypen in Schottland angebaut wurden. Auf Agar gezogene Testisolate wurden direkt verwendet, um Getreides?mlinge am Halmgrund und um Platten mit Leitungswasseragar (TWA) oder Kartoffeldextrosebrühe zu inokulieren. Zerstückeltes Myzel aus Brühekulturen wurde zur Infektion des Pflanzenn?hrmediums benützt. Weizen- und Gerstens?mlinge wurden drei Wochen nach der Inokulation untersucht. Die losgel?sten Gewebe wurden auf drei Tage alte Kulturen der Testisolate auf TWA gelegt. nach sieben Tagen wurde die Virulenz von jedem Isolat, ausgedrückt als Funktion der Menge des verf?rbten Pflanzengewebes, gemessen. Die Kartoffelknollen wurden an Pflanzen, die in einem Glashaus w?hrend fünf Monaten in befallenem Boden angezogen wurden, untersucht. Wenn Isolate vonR. solani an Keimen an Pflanzkartoffeln getestet wurden, waren jene, die von Keimen stammten (Nr. 4 und 8), von m?ssiger Pathogenit?t, w?hrend jene von Sklerotien auf Kartoffelknollen eine umfangreiche Pathogenit?t aufwiesen (Tab. 1). Lose Keimteile reagierten nicht gleich wie an den Knollen angewachsene (Tab. 2), w?hrend Bl?tter (Tab. 3) und Stengelteile nur zu gewissen Zeiten der Vegetationsperiode vergleichbare Ergebnisse brachten. Kartoffelknollen waren insofern zufriedenstellend, dass ein Isolat virulent und an Keimen vergleichsweise stark pathogen war (Tab. 4 und 5). Die Ergebnisse von Versuchen an Weizen und Gerste lassen vermuten, dass kein starkes Auftreten von scharfen Augenflecken an diesen beiden Getreidearten zu erwarten ist, wenn sie nach einem ernsthaft vonR. solani (Tab. 6) befallenen Kartoffelbestand angebaut werden. (Die Werte in allen Tabellen, die eine gemeinsame Linie haben, weichen bei Anwendung des Duncan Multiple Range Test nicht signifikant (P 0,05) voneinander ab.)

Résumé Des germes de pommes de terre ont été infectés dans le sol par des souches deR. solani provenant de deux lots de pommes de terre et des essais ont été réalisés pour relier les résultats à ceux obtenus avec des techniques plus simples utilisant des germes seuls, des folioles et des portions de tiges. Des essais ont également été effectués sur semences de blé et d'orge toutes deux sensibles àR. solani et entrant fréquemment dans les rotations avec les pommes de terre en Grande Bretagne. Deux souches deR. solani ont été obtenues à partir de lésions sur germes de pomme de terre et deux à partir de tiges de blé. Le reste provenait de sclérotes sur tubercules prélevés dans des stocks de nombreuses variétés cultivées dans un grand éventail de sol en Ecosse. Des disques de gélose, des souches test ont été utilisés directement pour inoculer des semences de céréales dans la région du collet et pour inoculer des boites de gélose à l'eau du robinet (TWA) ou avec un bouillon de pommes de terre et saccharose. Les broyats de mycélium des bouillons de culture ont été utilisés pour infecter les milieux de croissance de la plante. Les semences de blé et orge ont été examinées 3 semaines après inoculation. Les prélèvements de tissus ont été mis sur les cultures des souches test TWA agées de 3 jours, et la virulence de chaque souche exprimée en tant que fonction de la quantité de tissu végétal décoloré a été mesurée après 7 jours. Les tubercules ont été testés sur des plantes conduites en serre durant 5 mois dans des sols infectés. Quand les souches deR. solani furent testées sur germes en place sur les tubercules, celles provenant des germes. Nos 4 et 8, présentaient un pouvoir pathogène modéré, alors que celles qui étaient issues de sclérotes sur tubercules laissaient apparaitre toute une gamme de pouvoir pathogène (tableau 1). Les fragments de germes isolés des tubercules n'ont pas réagi de la même fa?on (tableau 2), alors que les folioles (tableau 3) et les fragments de tiges n'ont donné de résultats comparables qu'à certaines périodes de l'année. Les resultats obtenus avec les tubercules de pommes de terre furent satisfaisants; une souche infectieuse à leur égard était également hautement pathogène sur les germes (tableaux 4 et 5). D'après les résultats des essais sur blé et orge il ne faut pas s'attendre à avoir de hauts niveaux de germination pour ces deux céréales, lorsqu'elles sont plantées après une récolte de pomme de terre fortement contaminée parR. solani (tableau 6). (Aucune différence significative (P 0.05) fut détectée par le Duncan Multiple Range Test dans les données de toutes tableaux ayant une ligne commune.)
Experiments are described in which a study was made of the top growth, root weight, nodule number, and type of nodules of white clover growing in a grass sward in the field. Soil cores were taken and the clover root-system examined after removal of soil by washing.
The most important factor governing the total number of nodules and the number of large (2 mm. or more in length) nodules under the sward was the amount of clover root-material present.
Nitrogenous fertilisers and the return of dung and urine by grazing sheep reduced the amount of clover root-weight and consequently the number of nodules found under the pasture. 36 1b. of nitrogen applied in the early spring of 1956 had a beneficial effect on both clover top-growth and nodulation. 80–100 1b. of nitrogen per acre had no effect on the number of nodules per gram of root. However, the application of 200 1b. of nitrogen per acre caused a significant decrease in the number of large nodules per gram of root.
The numbers of large nodules present reached a midsummer peak where nitrogen was not applied.
During the autumn many nodules showed part green and part pink colouration or were completely green or brown, an indication of a decline in nitrogen-fixing ability. Decaying nodules increased considerably in number when the legume was being suppressed by nitrogen application and top growth was poor. The practical application of these results is discussed and methods of maximising the benefit from clover and fertiliser nitrogen are suggested.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Reports describe the technique and efficacy of half-body irradiation (HBI) of dogs with lymphoma, but few describe the distinctive toxicoses associated with the combination of HBI and chemotherapy. HYPOTHESIS: HBI would transiently affect myelocytic and erythroid variables as assessed by serial analysis of complete blood counts. ANIMALS: Twenty-nine dogs with lymphoma treated with HBI during 2002 and 2003. METHODS: A retrospective study of medical records of 29 dogs was performed. Two HBI protocols were used, resulting in delivery of either 6 Gy or 8 Gy to each half of the body, 1 month apart. Dogs received chemotherapy before, during, or after irradiation, or at multiple times. Serial hematology was available for all dogs. Data were analyzed between collection periods by analysis of variance (ANOVA) RESULTS: The mean granulocyte count significantly (P < .01) decreased from 10,017 cells/microL (data range 3,001-20,170 cells/ microL) before the first radiation treatment to 3,250 cells/microL (820-4,400 cells/microL) at week 5 (P < .01). Three weeks after this nadir, the mean increased to 10,150 cells/microL (900-26,700 cells/microL). The hematocrit did not change (36-38%). Thrombocytopenia (<100,000/microL) occurred in 10 dogs. Two dogs died because of complications associated with thrombocytopenia. No significant difference in toxicity was found between the 6 Gy and 8 Gy group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: HBI was myelosuppressive but effects were short term and resolved in 22 of 24 dogs. Further studies are needed to elucidate the safety and role of HBI in the treatment of dogs with lymphoma.  相似文献   
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