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对采集自我国12个不同分布区的105个野生披碱草属(Elymus)牧草居群的14项穗部形态指标进行研究,结果表明,我国披碱草属牧草种质资源穗部遗传多样性丰富,居群内多样性指数(H′)在0.784~1.652,平均多样性指数为1.396;居群总平均多样性指数为1.936,居群间表型分化系数为27.89%。14项穗部形态性状在居群内多样性、居群总多样性以及变异系数变化不完全一致,居群内H′最高的为旗叶与穗基部长度(1.648),居群总H′最高的为小穗长(2.054),变异系数最大的为第一颖芒长(58.932%),平均变异系数为31.22%,表明穗部形态性状均存在较大的变异,F检验差异极显著。引起居群形态差异的性状与种子产量密切相关,主要包括穗长、穗宽、第一颖芒长、第一外稃长、第一内稃长、第一外稃芒长、每穗轴小花数、第一颖长和第一颖宽。我国野生披碱草属牧草的多样性和分布格局是相关的,我国西北部是野生披碱草属牧草分布中心,也是披碱草属牧草的多样性中心。此外,提出了我国披碱草属牧草保护的策略。  相似文献   
Cherax albidus (A) and Cherax destructor (D) male juveniles (mean weight 0.95 ± 0.03 g) were reared for 20 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 150 g kg?1 protein (A 15, D15) or 300 g kg?1 protein (A30, D30). Mean weight, percentage weight gain, and specific growth rate (%) were substantially higher for both species on the 300 g kg?1 protein diet. Mean percentage weight gain ranged from 2.39% day?1 (D15) to 17.59% day?1 (A30). A maximum weight of 33.81 g was attained by C. albidus on the higher protein diet. The most effective utilization of food was observed in C. albidus when fed the higher protein diet (food conversion ratio, 0.79; protein efficiency ratio, 4.21; apparent net protein utilization, 44.64%). Carcass composition was influenced by feed type. The higher protein diet resulted in an increase in carcass protein and ash and a decrease in carcass lipid and energy relative to the low-protein diet (150 g kg?1 protein diet –C. albidus: 37.15% protein, 15.00% lipid, 25.20% ash, 15.55kJ g?1 energy; C. destructor: 38.10% protein, 15.43% lipid, 25.70% ash, 15.65kJ g?1 energy; 300 g kg?1 protein diet –C. albidus: 46.10% protein, 8.71% lipid, 27.36% ash, 14.94kJ g?1 energy; C. destructor: 42.99% protein, 8.56% lipid, 26.44% ash, 14.71kJ g?1 energy). Carcass moisture and calcium were not affected by feed type. The time spent in the intermoult phase of growth was highly dependent on the premoult weight and varied according to diet and to species. A comparison of animals of similar weight (< 8 g) revealed that elevated dietary protein caused a reduction in the intermoult period by 11 days in C. albidus and 7 days in C. destructor. The moult increment, however, was independent of animal weight, and the highest percentage weight increment occurred for C. albidus fed the 300 g kg?1 protein diet (per cent weight increase; A15, 33.1%; A30, 61.3%; D15, 31.2%; D30, 56.5%). Dietary induced morphological changes were also recorded. Animals of a standard carapace length had significantly larger abdomens (both species) and larger claws (C. albidus) when fed the higher protein diet.  相似文献   
The influence of long-term administration of high-carbohydrate/low-protein and high-fat/non-carbohydrate diets were studied in relation to kinetic behaviour of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in liver and kidney of rainbow trout. In all cases studied, the saturation curves of these enzyme showed typical hyperbolic kinetics without evidence of sigmoidicity. After 30 days of feeding with a high-fat diet (170 g kg?1), there was a significant decrease in Vmax and specific activity (45%) as well as catalytic efficiency (39%) without changes in Km or activity ratio of hepatic glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These changes agree more with a clearly decreased cell concentration than with an inhibition of the pre-existing enzyme. The administration of a high-carbohydrate diet (60 g kg?1), contrary to what was previously thought, decreased Vmax by 21% and specific activity and catalytic efficiency by 30%, without significant changes in the other kinetic parameters of the hepatic enzyme. The kinetic behaviour under these nutritional conditons was due to the rejection of this diet by the fish and thus could be considered a low-feeding situation. On the other hand, no variations in the kinetics of renal glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase were found, clearly demonstrating that in this organ, the pentosephosphate pathway showed no adaptive response related to fattyacid and other lipid synthesis. The activity of the renal enzyme was consistently half that of the hepatic enzyme.  相似文献   
Pharmacological evidence is presented supporting the theory that the increase in contractile strength of isolated cardiac muscle under suprathreshold stimulation is due to the release of an adrenergic mediator (norepinephrine). However, release of this material does not account for changes in contractile strength associated with changes in frequency of stimulation at threshold levels.  相似文献   
DE MAIO D 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1959,129(3364):1678-1679
Diisopropylfluorophosphate inhibited all the sulfhydryl proteases studied in our tests. This inhibition was most pronounced at pH 6.0. By first blocking the sulfhydryl group with p-chloromercuribenzoate, inhibition could be prevented. Neither cysteine nor choline gave appreciable reactivation of diisopropylfluorophosphate-inhibited bromelain.  相似文献   
Summary. Several new herbicides were tested for control of weeds in broadcast-seeded flooded tropical rice. Among the new herbicides, S-(2-methyl-l-piperidylcarbonyl-methyl)- O,O -di- n -propyl dithiophosphate (C-19490), S-(2-methyl-l-piperidylcarbonyl-methyl)- O,O -di- n -propyl dithiophosphate combined with 2-(1',2'-dimethylpropylamino)-4-ethylamino-6-methylmercapto- s -triazine [C-19490/C-18898 (C-288)], and N -secondary-butyl-4-tertiary-butyl-2,6-dinitroaniline (A-820) were highly selective in controlling Echinochloa crus-galli (barnyard grass) and other annual weeds under tropical conditions. S-(4-chlorobenzyl)- N,N -diethylthiol carbamate (benthiocarb) and N -(butoxymethyl)-2-chloro-2',6'-diethylacetanilide (butachlor) continued to look promising in our experiments. Only butachlor is widely used in Asia.
Désherbage chimique des cultures tropicales de riz inorndé, seméà la volée  相似文献   
Datura ferox seeds do not germinate when they are incubated intact and in darkness, even after 24 months of dry storage. If allowed to absorb water vapour for 3–4 weeks at 20°C, they lose dormancy, germinating even when incubated in darkness. The breakage of dormancy is directly related to the vapour pressure of the atmosphere where the seeds are stored, and good aeration is necessary for the process to occur. If seeds absorb liquid water, the toss of dormancy is much less than that of seeds stored in a saturated atmosphere. A similar effect is observed when seeds are buried in a soil at field capacity. The results indicate that a certain degree of imbibition, under good gas-exchange conditions, is important for breaking dormancy. As a hypothesis, it is proposed that most of the population remains dormant when not enough O2 is available for (he imbibed seed. The low rate of O2 entry could be due to poor diffusion through the water-saturated seed coat (seeds which absorb liquid water) or to a low O2 level in the surrounding atmosphere (soil at field capacity). One of the possible roles of O2 could be to oxidize the inhibitor(s) present in these seeds. La rupture de la dormance des semences de Datura ferox considérée comme un effet de l'absorplion de l'eau. Les semences de Datura ferox ne germent pas quand elles sont mises au germoir intactes et à l'obscurité, même aprés 24 mois de conservation au sec. Si elles peuvent absorber de la vapeur d'eau pendant 3 à 4 semaines à 20°C, elles perdent leur dormance et germent meme & à l'obscurité. La rupture de la dormance est en relation directe avec la pression de la vapeurd'eau de l'atmosphére dans laquelle les semences sont conservées; une bonne aération est nécessaire pour que le processus se déclanche. Si les semences absorbent de l'eau à l'état liquide, la rupture de dormance est beaucoup moindre que celle de semences conscrvées dans une atmosphére saturée. Un effet analogue est observé lorsque les semences sont ententes dans un sol ayant atteint sa capacity au champ. Les résultats indiquent qu'un certain degriS d'imbibition, sous de bonnes conditions d'changes gazeux. est important pour la rupture de la dormance. Comme hypothtése, il est proposé que la plus grande partie de la population reste dormante lorsqu'il n'y a pas assez d'oxygene disponible pour la semence imbibeée. Le faible taux d'absorption d'oxygéne pourrait étre du à sa fuible diffusion à travers l'enveloppe saturée d'eau de la semence (pour celles qui absorbent l'eau à I état liquide) ou à un bas niveau d'oxygene dans Tatmosphére environnante (cas d'un sol à la capacityé au champ). Un des rôles possibles de l'oxygéne pourrait être d'oxyder les inhibiteurs presents dans les semences. Das Brechen der Keimruhe in Samen von Datura ferox ah ein Effekt der Wasseraiifnahme Samen von Datura ferox keimen nicht, wenn sie bei Dunkelheit gehalten werden; auch nicht, wenn sie zuvor 24 Monate trocken lagerten. Wenn sie bei 20°C, 3 bis 4 Wochen tang Wasserdampf aufnehmen, verlieren sie die Keimhemmung und keimen sogar im Dunketn. Zwischcn dem Brechen der Keimruhe und dem Damptdruck der Luft in der sie gelagert werden, besteht eine direkte Beziehung. Fur diesen Vorgang ist eine gute BelCiflung Vorausselzung. Wenn die Samen flijssiges Wasser aufnehmen, ist der Verlust der Keimhemmung wesentlich geringer als wenn sie in einer gesättigten Atmosphäre gelagert werden. Eine ähnliche Wirkung wird beobachtet. wenn die Samen im Boden bei Feldkapazität gelagert werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass für das Brechen der Keimruhe ein bestimmtes Mass der Aufnahme bei ausreichendem Gasaustausch wichtig ist. Als cine Hypothese wird vorgeschlagen, dass die meisten der Population dormant bleiben, wenn für die mil Wasser vollgesaugten Samen nicht ausreichend O2 verfügbar ist. Der geringe Zutritt an O2 konnte auf die mässige Diffusion durch die wassergesättigte Samenschale (Samen die fliissiges Wasser aufnehmen), oder auf einen geringen O2-Gehalt in der umgebenden Luft (Boden bei Feldkapazität) zurückzuführen sein. Eine der möglichen Bedeutungen die dem O2 zukommen, könnte in der Oxidation des bzw. der Hemmstoffe der Samen liegen.  相似文献   
The successful development of phenology models from field studies depends on many factors, some of which are entirely under the control of pest managers. For example, one such factor is the choice of method for calculating thermal units. In this study, we have demonstrated that four methods for calculating thermal units provided for acceptable predictions of one phenological event of one insect species, while another method for calculating thermal units did not. The measure of central tendency (mean or median) that is used to estimate lower developmental temperatures and required thermal summations is another factor that pest managers can control when developing phenology models from field studies. Here, we show that predictions that were made when using phenology models based on median lower developmental temperatures and median required thermal summations were superior to predictions that were made when using phenology models based on mean lower developmental temperatures and mean required thermal summations. The use of bootstrap vs. non-bootstrap estimates of lower developmental temperatures and required thermal summations is yet another factor that pest managers can control when developing phenology models from field studies. In this study, we found that calculating and using bootstrap estimates of lower developmental temperatures and required thermal summations in phenology models did not improve the predictions of one phenological event for one insect species. The implications of these and other findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Fungi known to produce lytic enzymes were used in an attempt to control wilt of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL). Some of the fungal species (Penicillium oxalicum, Penicillium purpurogenum and Aspergillus nidulans) damaged hyphae of FOL in vitro and reduced the numbers of microconidia in the soil. Treatments with fungi did not result in a reduction in either chlamydospores of FOL in soil or populations of FOL in the rhizosphere of tomato. P. oxalicum was the most effective agent of biocontrol, and it reduced disease severity in both non-autoclaved (20% decrease) and sterile soil. In sterile soil, P. oxalicum reduced disease with different levels of severity (27% decrease at high levels and 50% decrease at low levels). Disease control by A. nidulans and P purpurogenum was only achieved when disease severity was low in sterile soil (55% and 45%, respectively).  相似文献   
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