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Two hundred dogs and cats undergoing exploratory celiotomy for reasons other than trauma were grouped by disease classification and by body system affected. There were 61 animals in which infection or inflammation predominated, 63 animals with neoplasia, and 76 animals with noninflammatory and non-neoplastic conditions. Body systems affected were digestive, lymphatic, urinary, reproductive, other, and undetermined. Seventy-three percent of the animals survived the hospitalization period; survival rates for animals with infection or inflammation, neoplasia, and other disorders were 69%, 60%, and 86%, respectively. Within the same groups, the exploratory celiotomy provided strictly diagnostic information in 72%, 79%, and 24% of the animals, and surgical treatment was provided to 28%, 21%, and 58% of the animals, respectively. Intraoperative cytologic and histologic diagnoses were consistent in 78% of the animals; the consistency rates for animals with infection or inflammation, neoplasia, and other disorders were 81%, 88%, and 59%, respectively. Complications after surgery were observed in 30% of the animals, with 60% of the complications disease related. Complications were observed in six animals with reproductive disorders (67%), six animals with urinary disease (46%), 35 animals with digestive disease (29%), and three animals with lymphatic disease (13%).  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnoses obtained using fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and surgical-tissue biopsy of focal cerebral masses with the histologic diagnoses obtained via necropsy. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective case series. SAMPLE POPULATION: Ten client-owned adult dogs of various breeds. All dogs had clinical signs of cerebral disease and had a focal brain mass identified using magnetic resonance imaging; all were eventually euthanatized. METHODS: Immediately after euthanasia, the brains were removed en bloc from the cranial cavity. FNAs were obtained from each mass using a 22-gauge hypodermic needle and a 12-mL syringe. Cytologic preparations were made from each aspirate. A 14-gauge Tru-cut biopsy needle was used to obtain a core tissue sample from each mass. The biopsy specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and submitted for histologic evaluation. The brains were similarly fixed and stained. Six-micrometer-thick transverse sections of the brain were examined microscopically. RESULTS: Neoplasia was confirmed in all dogs histologically in the 6-microm transverse sections. Four meningiomas, 2 astrocytomas, 2 oligodendrogliomas, 1 pituitary adenocarcinoma, and 1 neurofibrosarcoma were identified. FNA correctly identified all of the masses as neoplastic. Cytologic diagnoses correlated with the histologic interpretation in 5 of the masses (50%). Tru-cut biopsy specimens identified all 10 masses as neoplastic; in 9 of the 10 (90%), the diagnosis correlated with the histologic diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: FNA is a sensitive method that can be used to determine the presence of neoplasia in the brain, but is not as definitive as the Tru-cut biopsy in determining the specific type of cerebral neoplasm.  相似文献   
The medical records of 19 horses referred for colic and subsequently found (18 confirmed, 1 suspected) to have small intestinal incarceration through the epiploic foramen were reviewed. These horses were of various ages and breeds; they had clinical signs of colic for an average duration of 13.5 hours before examination. Seventeen horses had nasogastric reflux, and 15 had palpable small intestinal distention. Three horses were killed during surgery because of severe intestinal damage. Of the remaining 16 horses, 13 required intestinal resection and anastomosis. The length of incarcerated small intestine varied from 8 cm to 17.6 m. The ileum was involved in 12 cases. In one horse, the mesoduodenum was disrupted before surgery, causing intra-abdominal bleeding; incarceration of bowel was not found during surgery. The short-term (1 month) survival rate was 74% (14 of 19 cases), and the long-term survival rate was 63% (12 of 19 cases). The follow-up period was 3 months to 45 months (mean 17.2 ± 7.2 months).  相似文献   
Collagenase, a proteolytic enzyme, was injected intradiscally in nine clinically normal, middle-aged beagles. Calcium chloride diluent solution (control), 100 ABC units of collagenase, and 250 ABC units of collagenase, were injected in randomly selected intervertebral discs (T13-L1 to L5-L6). On day 11, the discs injected with collagenase were narrowed radiographically, but there was no significant change in myelograms. Grossly and histologically, there was dissolution of the intervertebral discs, mainly nucleus pulposus, and protrusion of nucleus material in the vertebral body through bony end-plates in discs injected with collagenase. Collagenase chemonucleolysis may be an alternative to spinal surgery for intervertebral disc protrusion in dogs.  相似文献   
Objective— To evaluate the effects of porcine small intestinal submucosa (PSIS) on the healing of full-thickness wounds in dogs, specifically the appearance of granulation tissue, percent epithelialization and contraction, histologic variables of inflammation and repair, and aerobic culture results.
Study Design— Prospective, controlled, experimental study.
Animals— Purpose-bred, female dogs (n=10).
Methods— Wounds were created bilaterally on the trunk; 1 side as a control and 1 treated with PSIS. First appearance of granulation tissue was recorded. Total wound area, open wound area, and epithelialized area were measured at 21 time points—wound contraction and percent epithelialization were calculated. Aerobic cultures were taken at 4 time points and wound biopsies at 8. Histologic features were graded into an Acute Inflammation Score and Repair Score.
Results— There was no difference in first appearance of granulation tissue between PSIS-treated and control wounds. Wound contraction was significantly faster in control wounds as was percent epithelialization after day 21. Histologic Acute Inflammation Scores were significantly higher in PSIS-treated wounds compared with control wounds on days 2 and 6. There were no differences in Histologic Repair Scores between PSIS-treated and control wounds or in aerobic culture results.
Conclusion— Wounds treated with PSIS contract more slowly, epithelialize less, and have more pronounced acute inflammation after implantation than control wounds.
Clinical Relevance— Acute, full-thickness wounds in dogs do not benefit from treatment with PSIS.  相似文献   
Atrioventricular (AV) canal defects comprise a rare category of congenital heart disease associated with abnormal development of the endocardial cushions. These anomalies include a broad spectrum of lesions involving the atrial septum primum, the inlet portion of the ventricular septum, and the atrioventricular valves. In severe cases heart failure may result. The present report describes cardiopulmonary findings in a six-week-old, female Thoroughbred foal with persistent tachypnea and tachycardia since birth. Clinical, echocardiographic, cardiac catheterization, and pathologic findings were compatible with complete AV canal defect with bi-directional shunting, congestive heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension. Gross cardiac pathologic findings included a large atrioventricular septal defect, a common atriovalvular orifice, five atrioventricular leaflets, with two free-floating bridging leaflets. Histopathologic lesions in the lung included hypertrophy of the pulmonary arteriolar walls due to thickening of the tunica media. This represents a well documented case of complete endocardial cushion defect with anomalous development of the atrioventricular valves and resultant pulmonary hypertension and heart failure.  相似文献   
Objectives— To (1) identify and describe the type and frequency of postoperative complications after pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy in dogs and (2) identify preoperative and intraoperative risk factors, including the presence of neoplasia, prognostic for patient mortality after surgery. Study Design— Case series. Animals— Dogs (n=24) treated by pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy. Methods— Medical records (2000–2007) for 2 teaching hospitals of dogs treated that had pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy were reviewed. Pre‐, intra‐, and postoperative data were obtained from the medical record. Results— Of the 24 dogs, 75% survived 14 days, but 10 (41%) died by 3 months. Overall median survival time (MST) was 578 days. On log‐rank univariate analysis, preoperative weight loss (P=.001) and malignant neoplasia (P=.01) were associated with decreased survival time. Dogs with malignant neoplasia had a MST of 33 days. Common postoperative morbidity included hypoalbuminemia (62.5%) and anemia (58.3%). Conclusions— Pylorectomy with gastroduodenostomy has a good short‐term outcome but long‐term survival time is poor in dogs with malignant neoplasia. Clinical Relevance— Overall, most dogs treated with pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy survived the postoperative period; however, preoperative weight loss and malignant neoplasia were associated with decreased survival time. Because dogs with malignant neoplasia have markedly shortened survival times, pertinent preoperative, diagnostics steps should be exhausted to identify underlying neoplasia.  相似文献   
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