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Species distribution models are used to aid our understanding of the processes driving the spatial patterns of species’ habitats. This approach has received criticism, however, largely because it neglects landscape metrics. We examined the relative impacts of landscape predictors on the accuracy of habitat models by constructing distribution models at regional scales incorporating environmental variables (climate, topography, vegetation, and soil types) and secondary species occurrence data, and using them to predict the occurrence of 36 species in 15 forest fragments where we conducted rapid surveys. We then selected six landscape predictors at the landscape scale and ran general linear models of species presence/absence with either a single scale predictor (the probabilities of occurrence of the distribution models or landscape variables) or multiple scale predictors (distribution models + one landscape variable). Our results indicated that distribution models alone had poor predictive abilities but were improved when landscape predictors were added; the species responses were not, however, similar to the multiple scale predictors. Our study thus highlights the importance of considering landscape metrics to generate more accurate habitat suitability models.  相似文献   
Throughout South America, the lonchaeid flies Dasiops spp. are important herbivores of passionfruit crops. However, little is known on the biology and ecology of these insects, resulting in inadequate pest management schemes. In this study, we describe Dasiops inedulis population dynamics in Colombian sweet passionfruit (SP; Passiflora ligularis Juss.) and elucidate biotic mortality factors at different fly developmental stages. From August 2009 to July 2010, D. inedulis and Dasiops spp. abundance was assessed through monthly McPhail bait trapping and collection of SP flower buds, flowers, and immature fruits. Mortality levels of D. inedulis were determined for early instar larvae by ovary dissection and for late-instar larvae or pupae by prey removal trials. Maximum infestation reached 80 % in fruits and flower buds, and bud infestation correlated with precipitation during the previous month. Two days after oviposition, 8.2 ± 2.3 (mean ± SD) Dasiops sp. eggs were found in SP ovaries and 4.4 ± 1.2 late-instar larvae were recovered from immature fruits at day 14. Upon larval drop on the orchard soil, 74.8 % larvae burrowed within the soil within 9 min, while 12.5 % larvae were attacked by ants. In-field mortality of young pupae amounted to 75.3 ± 7.0 %, with vertebrate predators likely causing 12.1 ± 6.0 % mortality. Late-instar larvae and pupae appear highly vulnerable to natural enemy action, with the ground-foraging predator community mainly composed of ants (80.37 %) and ground beetles (9.17 %). Our findings should help develop integrated pest management (IPM) tactics for SP crops.  相似文献   
Rocio is a small genus of Neotropical freshwater fishes that is distributed in Atlantic drainages of northern Middle America. Two species of Rocio, R. spinosissima and R. octofasciata, exhibit sympatry in the Río Dulce basin in eastern Guatemala. Rocio spinosissima is endemic to the Río Dulce basin, while R. octofasciata has a larger geographic range that includes this area. Our goal was to explore the ecological and morphological variation shown by these two closely related species and determine their differences. A combination of field work, analysis of museum specimens, and ecological niche modelling helped to better understand the differences in habitat and environmental characteristics, along with the body shape variation. Local-scale environmental data suggest that both species inhabit lentic environments, with R. spinosissima using narrower and low canopy-covered habitats and R. octofasciata inhabiting areas with a larger range of environmental characteristics. Ecological Niche Models indicated that land cover, soil, precipitation, and temperature largely define the distribution of both species. Body shape differs between species, with R. spinosissima exhibiting a rounder and deeper body while R. octofasciata is more elongated. Specimens of R. octofasciata across its distribution also show variation in head shape, mouth position, fin, and caudal peduncle characteristics, possibly as a response to trophic strategies that reduce competition. Similarities in their environments and morphologies allow us to identify broadly overlapping niches in the two species of Rocio, while the fine scale differences documented between species will have conservation implications for the endemic R. spinosissima.  相似文献   
Clinicopathological findings and their association with the outcome and development of laminitis in horses with acute diarrhoea has not been investigated in a multicentre study across different geographic regions.  相似文献   
Cooking as a domestic processing method has a great impact on food nutrients. Most Brassica (Brassicaceae, Cruciferae) vegetables are mainly consumed after being cooked, and cooking considerably affects their health-promoting compounds (specifically, glucosinolates, phenolic compunds, minerals, and vitamin C studied here). The microwave cooking process presents controversial results in the literature due to the different conditions that are employed (time, power, and added water). Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the influence of these conditions during microwave cooking on the human bioactive compounds of broccoli. The results show a general decrease in the levels of all the studied compounds except for mineral nutrients which were stable under all cooking conditions. Vitamin C showed the greatest losses mainly because of degradation and leaching, whereas losses for phenolic compounds and glucosinolates were mainly due to leaching into water. In general, the longest microwave cooking time and the higher volume of cooking water should be avoided to minimize losses of nutrients.  相似文献   
The detection of the presence of refined hazelnut oil in refined olive oil at low percentages is still a challenge with the current official standards. FT-Raman and FT-MIR spectroscopies have been used to determine the level of detection of the presence of hazelnut oil in olive oil. Spectroscopic analysis has been made not only with the entire oil but also with its unsaponifiable matter. Univariate and multivariate statistical models have been designed with this objective. This study shows that a complete discrimination between olive and hazelnut oils is possible and that adulteration can be detected if the presence of hazelnut oil in olive oil is >8% and if the blends are of Turkish olive and hazelnut oils. The limit of detection is higher when the blends are of edible oils from diverse geographical origins.  相似文献   
Root temperature may affect the production of greenhouse vegetables under soilless culture. Four independent experiments were carried out over two consecutive crop cycles using two different substrates: rockwool and coconut coir waste. Three heating treatments were applied: non heating (T0), nutrient solution at 12–16°C (T1), and at 18–22°C (T2). The experiments were carried out in greenhouses in Almería (SE Spain) on cucumber and melon. Mean substrate and air temperature were not affected by the treatments. Under conditions of nutrient solution heating EC and percentage of drainage volume decreased, while water and mineral nutrient absorption increased. However, results showed great differences between both crops and substrates. A significant decrease in nitrate and phosphate emission from the substrates was also recorded, especially in rockwool substrate. Few effects were observed concerning yield and fruit quality parameters, but in rockwool-grown melon early yield was enhanced. It follows that nutrient solution heating is a low-cost and environmentally friendly method of increasing early melon yield.  相似文献   
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