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牛心朴子挥发油成分分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用气相色谱—质谱联用技术对牛心朴子的挥发油成分进行了研究 ,分离鉴定出 4 5种化合物 ,检出成分占挥发油总质量的 87.80 %。其中主要成分为烷烃 (33.5 9% ) ,不饱和脂肪酸 (19.4 7% ) ,酯 (18.5 5 % )和烯烃(9.6 8% ) ,9,12 -十八碳二烯酸相对含量最高 ,为 18.6 5 %。  相似文献   
[目的]犏牛可以生活在海拔2 800~4 200 m,对高寒缺氧的生态环境具有很强的适应能力,是“世界屋脊”的著名牛种,为了提高西藏犏牛资源的综合利用,其后代变废为宝。[方法]在试验区选择200头经产母犏牛通过引进安格斯牛的细管冻精,依靠人工授精技术,应用种间三元杂交技术生产优质商品肉牛试验,测定初生、3月龄的体重、体尺指标,观察高寒气候的适应性。[结果]结果显示:参配母犏牛200头,实配160头,其中104头母犏牛怀孕受胎,98头顺利产犊。实配率80%,人工授精受胎率65%,成活率94.23%。犏牛平均妊娠期(266.81±11.93) d。安格斯与西藏犏牛杂交后代的出生体尺、体重与传统杂交犊牛(多勒)相比,平均体重增加8.95 kg,提高73.23;体高、体斜长、胸围、管围平均分别比传统杂交犊牛(多勒)增加7.491 cm,1.394 cm,8.998 cm,0.063 cm,提高了13.94%,2.56%,15.70%,0.068%。安格斯与西藏犏牛杂交后代的3月龄与传统杂交犊牛(多勒)相比,平均体重增加43.3 kg,提高168.89;体高、体斜长、胸围、管围平均分别比传统杂交犊牛(多勒)增加15.67 cm,16.95 cm,26.31 cm,1.64 cm,提高23.27%,24.76%,34.31%,15.83%。[结论]弥补了犏牛传统杂交后代普遍存在的体躯发育差、生长发育慢等缺陷,且很好地适应西藏高寒生态环境和管理条件,杂种优势十分明显,因此安格斯牛可作为高原环境下繁殖犏牛生产肉牛的理想父本品种使用,并拥有开发高端产品的巨大潜力。  相似文献   
为加强甘肃珍稀、濒危、特色地方品种和特有资源的保存,确保保存种质的遗传完整性,提高种质利用效率,对2018年甘肃省建设的7家特色农业种质资源库的功能定位、研究方向和保存情况进行了调研,分析了目前种质资源库在建设运行中存在的主要问题,从增强地方优异种质资源保护意识、加强种质资源深度评价与创新、加强合作与交流、加强人才队伍建设等方面提出了种质资源保护和利用的建议。  相似文献   
Summary A comparison has been made in 9- to 10-month-old castrated male Merino sheep of the changes in plasma total cortisol concentration and behaviour after being treated by either the modified Mules operation or by topical application of a quaternary ammonium compound to achieve non-surgical mulesing. After surgical mulesing, plasma total cortisol concentration increased immediately and rapidly and reached a peak value in 15 minutes, whereas after non-surgical treatment an immediate rise did not occur, but a similar peak value was observed in blood samples collected 24 hours after treatment. The concentrations were lower in both groups at 48 hours. Likewise postural changes indicative of discomfort were immediately apparent in the surgically treated sheep, but not until 3 to 4 hours later in those treated non-surgically. Arena testing revealed that a lasting aversion to the person who restrained them during treatment developed in the surgically mulesed sheep, but not in those treated non-surgically. The non-surgical procedure did not create large open wounds, as did the surgical operation, but still achieved similar enlargement of the bare area on the breech, and healing was quicker in the non-surgically treated sheep.  相似文献   
From the spacing of internal wave packets generated by tidal flow over topography, one can determine their propagation speed. The propagation speed depends upon the density anomaly and depth of the upper mixed layer. Attributing the density anomaly to temperature only, one can calculate the heat storage in the upper oceanic layer. On the basis of Landsat images of the New England continental shelf, the heat storage calculated from satellite data has been compared with available in situ observations. The data show that the method may have merit and is deserving of further refinement.  相似文献   
The effect of bentazone at 10 and 100 ppm in two soils on microbial activities and populations was investigated for 32 weeks. The higher concentration caused reductions in carbon dioxide output and oxygen uptake in both soils, In soil I (pH 6.4, organic C 1.7%) an increase in total mineral nitrogen occurred throughout but in soil H (pH 5.6, organic C 3.7%) a reduction in both mineralization of nitrogen and nitrification was observed from week 22 onwards. In general, populations of fungi and actinomycetes were resistant to or stimulated by bentazone, especially in soil II at 100 ppm. With bacteria, including cellulolytic and spore formers, cellulolytic fungi and actinomycetes, there was some inhibition even at the low concentration, effects being more pronounced in soil II than in soil I. The herbicide at 20 ppm had very little effect on growth and morphology of four fungal species in pure culture. Residue analyses showed that bentazone degraded more rapidly in soil II than in soil I although appreciable effects occurred throughout the experiment in both soils. Evaluation simultanée de diverses réactions de la microflore du sol à la bentazone. L'effet de la bentazone à 10 et 100 ppm sur les activités et les populations microbiennes a étéétudié pendant 32 semaines. La concentration la plus forte a provoqué des réductions du dégagement de dioxyde de carbone et de l'absorption d'oxygéne dans les deux sols. Dans le sol I (pH 6,4, teneur en carbone organique 1,7%) un accroissement de I'azote mineral total s'est constamment manifesté, mais, dans le sol II (pH 5,6, teneur en carbone organique 3,7%) une réduction simultanée de la minéralisation de I'azote et de la nitrification a été observée a partir de la 22ème semaine. D'une façon générale, les populations de champignons et d'actinomycétes se sont montrées résistantes à la bentazone, ou même stimulées par elle, en particulier pour le sol II à la concentration de 100 ppm. Avec les bactéries, y compris les formes sporultés et cellulolytiques, les champignons cellulolytiques et les aainomycétes, il s'est produit une certaine inhibition même à la concentration faible, ces cffets étant plus prononcés dans le sol II que dam le sol I. L'herbicide à 20 ppm n'a eu qu'une trés faible action sur la croissance et la morphologie de quatre espéces de champignons en culture pure Des analyses de résidus ont montré que la bentazone s'est dégradée plus rapiderment dans le sol II que dans le sol I, bien que des effets appréciables soieni apparus dans toute l'expérience avec les deux sols. Gleichzeitige Erfassung verschiedener Reaktionen der Bodenmikroflora auf Bentazon Es wurde die Wirkung von Bentazon (10 und 100 ppm) über 32 Wochen auf die mikrobielle Aktivität und auf die Mikroorganismenpopulationen zweier Boden untersucht. Durch die höhere Konzentration ging in beiden Boden die Abgabe von Kohlendioxid und die Aufnahme von Sauerstoff zurück. Im Boden I (pH 6,4; org. C l,7%) wurde während der gesamten Versuchszeit ein Anstieg des mineralischen Stickstoffs festgestellt, während im Boden II (pH 5,6; org. C 3,7%) ein Rückgang in der Stickstoffmineralisierung und der Nitrifikation ab der 22. Woche zu beobachten war. Im allgemeinen waren die Pilz- und Actinomycetenpopulationen gegenüber Bentazon resistent oder sie wurden durch das Herbizid gefördert, besonders im Boden II bei 100 ppm. Beiden Bakterien, einschliesslich zellulolytischer und sporenbildender Arten, den zellulolytischen Pilzen und Actinomyceten wurde eine geringe Hemmung, sogar bei der niedrigen Konzentration, festgestellt. Diese Effekte waren im Boden II stärker als im Boden I ausgeprägt. In Reinkultur hatten 20 ppm Bentazon nur eine gennge Wirkung auf das Wachstum und die Morphologie von vier Pilzarten. Rückstandsuntersuchungen ergaben, dass Bentazon im Boden II schneller ais im Boden I abgebaut wurde, es kam aber in beiden Böden zu deutlichen Effekten.  相似文献   
Ethanol stimulates the production of prostaglandins in many species. The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of ethanol on the production of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and luteolysis in bovine females. In the first experiment, Holstein cows at day 17 of the oestrous cycle were treated with 100% ethanol (0.05 ml/kg of body weight, IV; n = 5), saline (0.05 ml/kg of body weight, IV; n = 4) or synthetic prostaglandin (150 μg of D‐cloprostenol/cow, IM; n = 4). The plasma concentrations of 13, 14‐dihydro‐15‐keto PGF2α (PGFM; the main metabolite of PGF2α measured in the peripheral blood) were assessed by radioimmunoassay (RIA). There was an acute release of PGFM in response to ethanol comparing to other treatments (p ≤ 0.05). However, only cows treated with PGF2α underwent luteolysis. In the second experiment, endometrial explants of cross‐bred beef cows (n = 4) slaughtered at day 17 of the oestrous cycle were cultured for 4 h. During the last 3 h, the explants were cultured with medium supplemented with 0, 0.1, 1, 10 or 100 μl of 100% ethanol/ml. Medium samples were collected at hours 1 and 4 and concentrations of PGF2α were measured by RIA. Ethanol did not induce PGF2α production by the endometrium. In conclusion, ethanol does not cause luteolysis in cows because it stimulates production of PGF2α in extra‐endometrial tissues.  相似文献   
笪玲 《南方农业学报》2012,43(1):120-123
[目的]完善旅游社区参与模式研究,为相似区域乡村旅游社区参与模式的构建提供借鉴.[方法]以重庆市璧山县为研究对象,分析都市近郊乡村旅游社区参与的特点,并通过该类区域PSR模型的分析,探讨不同游憩带适宜的乡村旅游社区参与模式.[结果]通过充分考虑PSR模型下的区域特点,分别总结出城市游憩圈带、近程游憩带和远程游憩带的游憩地配置模式、社区参与模式及社区发展核心.[结论]乡村旅游社区开发模式的选择应当依托区域要素,构建合理发展机制,避免各种经济、文化冲突.  相似文献   
不同黄化程度樟树叶片的生理生化特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樟树Cinnamomum camphora作为城市绿化的优良树种广泛应用于中国南方各省.但最近几十年来。长江中下游地区樟树黄化现象越来越严重。极大地影响了城市景观和城市绿化的生态效益。以上海不同典型地段(植物园、休闲广场、公路)和不同黄化程度的樟树为研究时象,揭示不同黄化程度樟树叶片的生理生化特性。结果表明。随着樟树黄化程度的加重,叶绿素a相对含量降幅达91.2%,叶绿素b降幅迭95.1%,类胡萝卜素降幅达82.2%,叶绿素/类胡萝卜素比值降幅为58.5%,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性降低幅度为46.4%,过氧化物酶(POD)降幅则为66.6%。3-7级黄化叶片有效铁相对含量则为正常樟树的50%~65%,7级黄化叶绿素a/b比值显著增加。增加幅度为98.7%。类胡萝卜素相对含量的增加使叶片呈黄色,SOD和POD活性可以表征樟树的黄化程度。图8表2参20  相似文献   
Total assayable cortisol in plasma was highly correlated (r = 0.97) with physiologically active free cortisol in plasma after routine management procedures in 1- to 3-weeks-old goats. Transport of adult goats caused significant increases (P less than 0.001) in free cortisol in saliva and in free and total cortisol in plasma. No difference (P greater than 0.05) between concentrations of free cortisol in saliva and in plasma was apparent before or after transport. The results demonstrated that the salivary cortisol method is a useful measure of stress in adult goats, and that the relationship between free and total cortisol in plasma, and the adrenocortical response to transport, appear to be similar in sheep and goats.  相似文献   
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