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• Current intensification trends in the Rio de la Plata need urgent re-direction.•Integrated crop-livestock systems reconcile food production with ecosystem services.•Case studies validate recoupling as a sustainable way to ecological intensification.The Rio de la Plata region comprises central Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. Modern agriculture developed around 1900 with recent decades being characterized by the advance of cropping areas over native grasslands. Highly specialized agriculture has decoupled crop and livestock production but has succeeded in intensifying yields. However, significant losses of ecosystem services have been reported. Thus, questions have been raised on the sustainability of this pathway. A glance at world regions that have experienced similar trends suggests that an urgent course correction is needed. A major concern has been the lack of diversity in regions with highly specialized agriculture, promoting renewed interest in integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS), not only because ICLS are more diverse than specialized systems, but also because they are rare examples of reconciliation between agroecosystem intensification and environmental quality. Consequently, this paper discusses alternatives to redesign multifunctional landscapes based on ICLS. Recent data provide evidence that recoupling crop and animal production increases the resilience of nutrient cycling functions and economic indicators to external stressors, enabling these systems to face climate-market uncertainty and reconcile food production with the provision of diverse ecosystem services. Finally, these concepts are exemplified in case studies where this perspective has been successfully applied.  相似文献   
水库作为一类人工修建的重要水资源调蓄地,其水体营养盐含量等指标受水文气象过程的影响很大。为探索我国东南山区水库营养盐的时空变化规律,以钱塘江流域千岛湖(新安江水库)为例,利用2016年8月至2017年12月的水质调查数据,结合同期气温、降雨量和入库流量等气象水文数据,分析了水文气象过程对千岛湖水体氮、磷等营养盐浓度的影响特征。结果显示:(1)千岛湖营养盐浓度具有较大的时空差异性,TN浓度0.69~2.06 mg/L,平均值为(1.12±0.26) mg/L,高值出现在冬季和春季;TP浓度0.004~0.096 mg/L,平均值为(0.030±0.021)mg/L,高值出现在春季;空间上呈现为河流区到湖泊区浓度逐渐降低的趋势;(2)千岛湖降雨量、入库流量及气温等水文气象条件存在显著季节差异(P0.01),3-7月的降雨和入库流量超过总量的70%,高温出现在7-8月,月均温度高达30℃;(3)氮磷营养盐浓度与入库流量的相关性强于降雨,且入库流量及降雨对磷的影响更大;不同区域对入库流量的响应时间存在差异,河流区响应最快,其次是过渡区,湖泊区最慢,反映出氮、磷在水库扩散过程中的滞后性;(4)温度通过影响水体浮游植物生长带来的水体颗粒态氮、磷变化影响水体TN、TP浓度,但不同湖区的响应不同;3~7 d的累积温度与过渡区氮、磷的关系好于河流区,可能与过渡区浮游植物生长与营养盐浓度变化更为敏感有关。研究表明,水文气象过程对大型水库水体氮磷的影响作用强烈且复杂,物理扩散与沉降、化学变化及生物生长累积等作用使得水体氮磷浓度对水文气象过程响应具有较大的时空差异性,在水库水质管理和机制分析中应当充分考虑这种非同步性。  相似文献   
垂吊型矮牵牛叶片培养不定芽发生和微繁研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以垂吊型矮牵牛叶片为材料 ,建立了垂吊型矮牵牛叶片高效不定芽发生、植株再生和微繁的技术体系。研究了不同激素及其组合对叶片不定芽发生、壮苗和生根的效应。结果显示 ,MS +BA 2mg L +NAA 0 1mg L是叶片不定芽发生的适宜培养基 ;MS +BA 0 5mg L +IBA0 1mg L +GA 0 5mg L是不定芽形成壮苗的适宜培养基 ;MS +IAA 0 1mg L是壮苗生根的适宜培养基 ;草炭珍珠岩基质是生根苗移栽的适宜基质  相似文献   
Plague, caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium, has several foci scattered throughout a large area from the Brazilian territory that ranges from the Northeastern State of Ceará to the Southeastern State of Minas Gerais and another separated area at the State of Rio de Janeiro. This review gathers data from plague control and surveillance programs on the occurrence and geographic distribution of rodent hosts and flea vectors in the Brazilian plague areas during the period of from 1952 to 2019. Furthermore, we discuss how the interaction between Y. pestis and some rodent host species may play a role in the disease dynamics. The absence of human cases nowadays in Brazil does not mean that it was eradicated. The dynamics of plague in Brazil and in other countries where it was introduced during the 3rd pandemic are quite alike, alternating epidemics with decades of quiescence. Hence, it remains an important epidemic disease of global concern. The existence of a large animal reservoir and competent vectors demonstrate a need for continuous surveillance to prevent new outbreaks of this disease in humans.  相似文献   
紫茎泽兰的危害特性及研究利用近况   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
紫茎泽兰是一种外来恶性杂草,大约解放前后侵入我国,目前已严重阻碍了农业牧业的发展,介绍了紫茎泽兰的生物学特性,基干和花的化学成分、危害机理,探讨了综合利用的可能性,公布了一项取得的阶段性成果。  相似文献   
巨紫荆的育苗及栽培技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
巨紫荆(Cercis giganteanCheng etKeng f.)为苏木科落叶乔木,高可达15 m,属速生植物,寿命长。巨紫荆花的特点是多着生于1 a生的基部和2 a生以上的老枝上,成簇开花,花冠紫红色,花梗细长,为下垂总状花序,形似蝶形;4月前后先叶开放,花期约15 d。花后荚果长6~12 cm,先期绿色,并逐渐  相似文献   
宁夏枸杞的生物学特性及开发利用前景   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
枸杞在我国栽培历史十分悠久,我国最早的诗歌总集《诗经》里就有上山采枸杞的记载。可见,早在2 000多年前的春秋时期,我国人民就知道栽培利用枸杞了。唐宋以来的医书及其他诗文,都有记述。在古代,枸杞主要分布在3个地区,一是甘肃的张掖(古称甘州)一带,产品称"甘枸杞";二是宁夏中宁、中卫等地,产品称"西枸杞";三是天津地区,据说是从宁夏引进的,产品称"津枸杞"。其中宁夏枸杞栽培历史悠久、品质优良、早已畅销全国,成为古代的贡品。如今,宁夏枸杞畅销国内外,成了宁夏的古老名牌产品,其开发利用前景十分广阔。  相似文献   
骆驼蓬是青藏高原地区生态恢复重要的地被植物。采用不同温度热水浸泡种子和在不同发芽温度下处理种子的方法来研究驼驼蓬种子的发芽特性。结果表明:骆驼蓬种子浸泡在30~40℃的水中2小时,可促进发芽,发芽较快,30℃时的发芽率最高;在温度20~25℃之间骆驼蓬种子发芽较快且发芽整齐,25℃的发芽势最强、发芽率最高。  相似文献   
[目的]研究藏药铺散亚菊挥发油的主要成分及其抑菌活性。[方法]采用超临界CO_2法萃取铺散亚菊挥发油成分,采用气相色谱质谱联用(GC-MS)结合相对保留指数进行组分分析鉴定,并通过滤纸片扩散法筛选铺散亚菊挥发油对常见13种致病菌的抑菌活性。[结果]从铺散亚菊超临界CO_2萃取物中共分离出127个可识别峰,含量高于0.02%的化学成分为46种,占总萃取物的67.30%。铺散亚菊挥发油对乙型副伤寒沙门菌、产气肠杆菌等11种供试菌表现出抑菌活性。[结论]GC-MS结合保留指数对铺散亚菊超临界CO_2萃取挥发油进行定性分析,使定性结果更为可靠。该研究结果可为铺散亚菊挥发油的抗菌活性研究提供试验依据。  相似文献   
盐碱土微生物功能群季节动态与土壤理化因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取河西走廊东端永登县6种盐碱土壤类型,对各样地微生物功能群的季节动态与土壤理化因子之间的关系进行分析.结果表明:①盐碱环境中土壤细菌>放线菌>真菌,细菌和放线菌数量在夏季出现峰值,真菌数量在秋季和冬季出现峰值;不同微生物功能群基本上只有一个峰值且峰值出现的季节不同,与碳循环相关的纤维素分解菌功能群的峰值出现在冬季,与...  相似文献   
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