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A 25-year-old mule was showing signs of colic. Clinical examination revealed acute pain, bilateral abdominal distention, stretching out and standing in this position. Rectal palpation revealed a hardened mass in the ventral region of the pelvic inlet. Surgical intervention was accomplished and faecaliths removed by colotomy. The mule died unexpectedly and postmortem examination revealed sand masses within the right ventral and right dorsal colon which caused obstruction of the intestinal tract in sternal and diaphragmatic flexures, respectively. This appears to be the first report of sand colic in a mule in Iran.  相似文献   
Partial mandibulectomy was performed for the treatment of benign or malignant oral tumors in 142 dogs. Forty-two dogs with a benign tumor (ameloblastoma) had a 22.5 month (range, 6 to 74 months) median disease-free interval, with a 97% 1-year survival rate; there was local recurrence in one dog. Twenty-four dogs with squamous cell carcinoma had a disease-free interval of 26 months (range, 6 to 84 months), with a 91% 1-year survival rate; recurrence and metastasis developed in two dogs and metastatic disease in one dog. Based on survival curves, 37 dogs with a melanoma had a median survival time of 9.9 months (range, 1 to 36 months), with a 21% 1-year survival rate; 20 dogs died or were euthanatized for recurrent or metastatic disease. Twenty dogs with osteosarcoma had a median survival time of 13.6 months (range, 3 to 28 months), with a 35% 1-year survival rate; nine dogs died or were euthanatized for recurrent or metastatic disease. Nineteen dogs with fibrosarcoma had median survival time of 10.6 months (range, 3 to 32 months), with a 50% 1-year survival rate; 12 dogs died or were euthanatized for recurrent or metastatic disease. Results of this and previous studies demonstrated that partial mandibulectomy was effective in prolonging survival and decreasing recurrence for squamous cell carcinoma and ameloblastoma. Progressive disease and corresponding low survival times were common in dogs with melanoma, osteosarcoma, and fibrosarcoma. There were no differences in survival times or the progression of disease among five partial hemimandibulectomy procedures. The high rates of recurrence and metastasis in dogs with these tumors suggest a need for evaluation of ancillary chemotherapy and local radiation therapy to decrease the prevalence of progressive disease.  相似文献   
Three anthelmintics were compared for efficacy in reducing the egg production of Anoplocephala perfoliata in a herd of central Texas horses. Two trials were run, 1 in mares and the other in weanlings that were diagnosed as being infected with Anoplocephala by recovery of eggs in 5 g of feces with sugar centrifugation. Each animal was evaluated twice before treatment and again twice following treatment (at weeks 2 and 4 after treatment). The criteria for infection were the recovery of eggs on at least 1 occasion before treatment and the finding of eggs on 1 day following treatment. The mares were treated 1 time with either pyrantel pamoate at 13.2 mg/kg, nitazoxanide at 100 mg/kg, praziquantel at 1.23 mg/kg or remained as untreated controls. The weanlings were treated with pyrantel at 13.7 mg/kg nitazoxanide at 100 mg/kg or remained as untreated controls. The percentage reduction of patient infection in mares after treatment with pyrantel was 83%, with nitazoxanide was 78%, and with praziquantel was 83% and in controls was 17%. There was a 75% reduction of patient weanlings treated with pyrantel or nitazoxanide and a 17% reduction in untreated controls. The reduction of infection in all horses treated with any drug was significantly different from controls. All of the drugs were somewhat effective in the control of Anoplocephala, and there were no differences among the drugs in their effectiveness.


Anoplocephala perfoliata, the lappeted tapeworm, is an inhabitant of the intestine of equids. Adult tapeworms attach to the intestinal mucosa at the ileocaecal valve and, when present in large numbers, cause edema and hypertrophy of the ileum. The disease manifest by this infection may be inapparent or may give rise to colic (abdominal pain) in the horse apparently from mechanical obstruction or intussusception of the small intestine into the caecocolon.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 The prevalence of infection is geographically variable9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 but appears to be increasing,14 with a much higher rate of infection found with necropsy as opposed to fecal observations. Horses become infected by the ingestion of infected orbatid mites in pastures. Orbatid mites, the intermediate hosts, are predatory and are found in decaying organic material, such as leaf litter. Horses of all ages are infected, but there are lower numbers of clinical cases in horses older than 4 years of age.4 The intensity of infection is highest in the late summer and autumn.8 and 12 Anthelmintics with reported efficacy against A perfoliata include pyrantel pamoate at 13.2 mg/kg,10 pyrantel tartrate at 2.6 mg/kg for 30 days,15 pyrantel embonate at 38 mg/kg,16 and praziquantel at 1 to 2 mg/kg.17 and 18 Nitazoxanide has not been evaluated for Anoplocephala but was included in the trial because of its effects against nematodes and tapeworms in humans.19 Because Anoplocephala infections may cause disease and there is a perception that current anthelmintics may not be as effective as in the past, a study was done to compare anthelmintics to lower the intensity of fecal egg counts in a herd of horses in central Texas.

Materials and methods

Quarter horse mares and weanlings from a single herd were evaluated with 5 g of feces with a sucrose double centrifugation test to determine whether eggs of Anoplocephala were present.20 Feces from each individual horse were evaluated twice, once approximately 2 weeks before treatment and again on the day of treatment. If Anoplocephala eggs were found on either date, the horse was considered to have positive results. Within each group (mares or weanlings), the treatment selection was randomly allocated as the horses were restrained for treatment. Fecal samples were again evaluated at 14 and 28 days after treatment for the presence or absence of eggs on either day.The dose for each individual horse was determined by chest girth weight tape at the time of treatment. The treatments were as follows: pyrantel pamoate (Strongid-T, Pfizer Animal Health, Exton, Pa) at 13.7 mg/kg via nasogastric intubation (12 mares, 8 weanlings), nitazoxanide oral paste (Nitazoxanide, Idexx Laboratories, Westbrook, Me) at 100 mg/kg (9 mares, 8 weanlings), praziquantel (Droncet injectable, Bayer Corp, Shawnee Mission, Kan) at 1.23 mg/kg via nasogastric intubation (6 mares), and untreated controls (6 mares, 6 weanlings). A 1-tailed Fisher exact test was used to compare rates of infection before and after treatment. If a mare or foal did not have positive results before treatment, it was not evaluated in this study.

Results and discussion

No abnormal clinical signs were seen after treatment with any of the products. Treatment was administered to several additional animals with each product, but they were not included in the analysis if they did not have positive results on 1 of the 2 evaluations before treatment, hence, the different numbers of horses in treatment groups.None of the horses in the trial exhibited clinical signs associated with the infection of A perfoliata. However, before the trial, a mare from the infected herd exhibited signs of colic and Anoplocephala eggs were detected in the feces. Examination of the remainder of the herd gave impetus to the study.Mean egg counts before and after treatment are given in the Table.The presence of strongylate and Parascaris eggs in weanlings served as a control of the methodology of evaluation. The difficulty of finding Anoplocephala eggs has been recognized by several authors,5, 8, 13, 14 and 21 but the authors also recognize that when there were greater numbers of parasites there was increased egg production. Therefore, finding of eggs with fecal flotation indicated that there were 20 worms or more. However, there appears to be no correlation between the number of worms and egg counts once the detection threshold is reached,22 so the criterion for evaluation was the presence of eggs in the feces before treatment compared with after treatment. Although mean egg counts were not compared, the number of eggs in each infected horse was less after treatment in all groups compared with untreated controls (Table). The method of evaluation used in this study cannot be equated to those of critical10 and 16 or control14 studies in which horses are killed so that all worms are detected. However, the use of clinical studies to compare compounds is useful in detecting which anthelmintics are likely to be of value against geographically distinct populations of worms. Admittedly, more sampling may have increased the number of horses with positive results, both before and after treatment.  相似文献   
A 4-year-old crossbred Thoroughbred mare was referred to the University of Tehran Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for evaluation of a mass in the pelvic cavity. The mare had been partially anorectic and pyrexic. On clinical examination, the mare was thin and depressed, with body temperature of 38°C, a pulse rate of 38 beats/minute, and a respiratory rate of 10 breaths/minute. Palpation per rectum revealed a large, smooth and tense mass in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity. Ultrasound examination confirmed the presence of a soft tissue mass with a thick wall. The inner surface of the mass had a villous-like appearance. The stroma of the mass was mottled, with accumulation of speckled and hypoechoic to slightly hyperechoic fluid. Hormone assays revealed low serum concentration of testosterone. Serum progesterone concentration indicated that active luteal tissue and serum estradiol concentration was 24 pg/ml. On histological examination, the sections from the tumor were composed of oval- or spindle-shaped cells loosely arranged in diffuse sheets or irregularly interlacing fascicles. On the basis of these histological findings, the large tumor mass of the left ovary was considered to be a thecoma. To our knowledge, the details of the clinical, ultrasonographic, endocrinologic, and histologic findings of this tumor in the mare have not been described in the veterinary literature.  相似文献   
Lameness is a highly prevalent condition in horses and is the principal cause of removal from athletic activity in this species. In evidence-based veterinary medicine studies to evaluate non-setoidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapies, force plates are commonly used to objectively assess improvement of lameness. The objective of this study was to determine whether breed differences would influence force plate measurements in sound and lame riding horses. Force plate measurements of lame (n = 20) and sound (n = 18) Warmblood and lame (n = 15) and sound (n = 8) Quarter Horses were compared. Lameness was visually scored using the grade 0–5 American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) lameness scale. Trotting sound Warmbloods loaded their frontlimbs with 118% body weight (BW) and their hindlimbs with 96% BW, whereas Quarter Horses only used 101% BW in the front and 92% BW in the hindlimbs (P < .05). Furthermore, it appeared and was estimated that, at trot, front-limb-lame Warmblood horses showed higher peak vertical force (PVF) values (grade 2: 89% BW; grade 3: 69% BW), than front-limb-lame Quarter Horses with similar lameness scores (grade 2: 78% BW; grade 3: 66% BW). In conclusion, peak vertical forces (PVF expressed in % BW) of either lame or sound horses seem to be influenced by breed differences between Warmblood and Quarter Horse riding horses. Possible conformation and gait differences enabled trotting Quarter Horses to demonstrate lower absolute PVF values than Warmbloods, whereas trotting lame Warmbloods showed a relatively larger decrease in frontlimb loading and thus in PVF than lame Quarter Horses at a trot. Thus, in studies in which objective lameness observations are recorded, breed differences should be taken into account when specific grades of lameness of a group of horses are to be objectively compared with another group.  相似文献   
A 5-year-old Holstein cow, pregnant with a valuable calf, was presented with signs of heart failure (tachycardia, peripheral edema, and distended jugular veins) related to pericardial lymphoma and associated cardiac tamponade. In addition, pleural effusion was present in both hemithoraces. Medical treatment, which consisted of repeated pericardiocenteses, placement of indwelling pleural catheters, administration of intravenous fluid therapy, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, was ineffective in controlling recurrence of clinical signs despite a temporary improvement. A standing thoracoscopic pericardiotomy was performed in an attempt to reduce clinical signs of heart failure and to prolong life. Clinical signs of heart failure abated and no recurrence was seen. Standing thoracoscopic pericardiotomy along with possible corticosteroids can be recommended as palliative treatment in an effort to extend life for reproductive performance in genetically valuable animals.  相似文献   
Objective—To determine the safety and efficacy of propofol, after detomidine-butorphanol premedication, for induction and anesthetic maintenance for carotid artery translocation and castration or ovariectomy in goats. Study Design—Case series. Animals—Nine 4-month-old Spanish goats (17.1 ± 2.6 kg) were used to evaluate propofol anesthesia for carotid artery translocation and castration or ovariectomy. Methods—Goats were premedicated with detomidine (10 μg/kg intramuscularly [IM]) and butorphanol (0.1 mg/kg IM) and induced with an initial bolus of propofol (3 to 4 mg/kg intravenously [IV]). If necessary for intubation, additional propofol was given in 5-mg (IV) increments. Propofol infusion (0.3 mg/kg/min IV) was used to maintain anesthesia, and oxygen was insufflated (5 L/min). The infusion rate was adjusted to maintain an acceptable anesthetic plane as determined by movement, muscle relaxation, ocular signs, response to surgery, and cardiopulmonary responses. Systolic (SAP), mean (MAP) and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressures, heart rate (HR), ECG, respiratory rate (RR), Spo2, and rectal temperature (T) were recorded every 5 minutes postinduction; arterial blood gas samples were collected every 15 minutes. Normally distributed data are represented as mean ± SD; other data are medians (range). Results—Propofol (4.3 ± 0.9 mg/kg IV) produced smooth, rapid (15.2 ± 6 sec) sternal recumbency. Propofol infusion (0.52 ± 0.11 mg/kg/min IV) maintained anesthesia. Mean anesthesia time was 83 ± 15 minutes. Muscle relaxation was good; eye signs indicated surgical anesthesia; two goats moved before surgery began; one goat moved twice during laparotomy. Means are reported over the course of the data collection period. Means during the anesthesia for pHa (arterial PH), Paco2, Pao2, HCO3, and BE (base excess) ranged from 7.233 ± 0.067 to 7.319 ± 0.026, 54.1 ± 4.6 to 65.3 ± 12.0 mm Hg, 133.1 ± 45.4 to 183.8 ± 75.1 mm Hg, 26.9 ± 2.6 to 28.2 ± 2.1 mEq/L, and -0.8 ± 2.9 to 1.4 ± 2.2 mEq/L. Means over time for MAP were 53 ± 12 to 85 ± 21 mm Hg. Mean HR varied over time from 81 ± 6 to 91 ± 11 beats/minute; mean RR, from 9 ± 8 to 15 ± 5 breaths/minute; Spo2, from 97 ± 3% to 98 ± 3%; mean T, from 36.0 ± 0.6±C to 39.1 ± 0.7±C. Over time, Spo2 and Sao2 did not change significantly; HR, RR, T, and Paco2 decreased significantly; SAP, DAP, MAP, pHa, Pao2, and BE increased significantly. HCO3 concentrations increased significantly, peaking at 45 minutes. Recoveries were smooth and rapid; the time from the end of propofol infusion to extubation was 7.3 ± 3 minutes, to sternal was 9.2 ± 5 minutes, and to standing was 17.7 ± 4 minutes. Median number of attempts to stand was two (range of one to four). Postoperative pain was mild to moderate. Conclusions—Detomidine-butorphanol-propofol provided good anesthesia for carotid artery translocation and neutering in goats. Clinical Relevance—Detomidine-butorphanol-propofol anesthesia with oxygen insufflation may be safely used for surgical intervention in healthy goats.  相似文献   
Objective—To determine the neuromuscular effects of doxacurium chloride and to construct a dose-response curve for the drug in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Design—Randomized, controlled trial. Animals—Six healthy, adult, mixed-breed dogs (five female, one male) weighing 24.8 ° 2.8 kg. Methods—Anesthesia was induced with isoflurane in oxygen and maintained with 1.9% to 2.3% end-tidal isoflurane concentration. Paco2 was maintained between 35 and 45 mm Hg with mechanical ventilation. Mechanomyography was used to quantitate the evoked twitch response of the paw after supramaximal train-of-four stimulation of the superficial peroneal nerve. After baseline values were recorded, the dogs received one of three doses of doxacurium (2.0, 3.5, 4.5 μg/kg of body weight) or a saline placebo intravenously in random order. All dogs received all treatments with at least 7 days between studies. After drug administration, the degree of maximal first twitch depression compared with baseline (T,%) was recorded. Dose-response relations of doxacurium were plotted in log dose-probit format and analyzed by linear regression to determine effective dose (ED50 and ED90) values for doxacurium. Results—The median log dose-probit response curve showed good data correlation (r= .999) with estimates of the ED50 (2.1 μg/kg) and ED90 (3.5 μg/kg) for doxacurium in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Mean ± SD values for T1% (first twitch tension compared with baseline) at maximal depression after drug administration, onset (time from drug administration to maximal depression of T1%), duration (time from maximal depression of T1% to 25% recovery of T1%), and recovery (time from 25% to 75% recovery of T1%) times were 92%± 4%, 40 ± 5 minutes, 108 ± 31 minutes, and 42 ± 11 minutes for dogs treated with 3.5 μg/kg of doxacurium and 94%± 7%, 41 ± 8 minutes, 111 ± 33 minutes, and 37 ± 10 minutes for dogs treated with 4.5 μg/kg of doxacurium. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance—We conclude that doxacurium is a long-acting neuromuscular blocking agent with a slow onset of action. Doxacurium can be used to provide muscle relaxation for long surgical procedures in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Interpatient variability, particularly of duration of drug action, may exist in the neuromuscular response to the administration of doxacurium in dogs.  相似文献   
Objective —To measure pullout strength of four pin types in avian humeri and tibiotarsi bones and to compare slow-speed power and hand insertion methods.
Study Design —Axial pin extraction was measured in vitro in avian bones.
Animal Population —Four cadaver red-tailed hawks and 12 live red-tailed hawks.
Methods —The pullout strength of four fixator pin designs was measured: smooth, negative profile threaded pins engaging one or two cortices and positive profile threaded pins. Part 1: Pins were placed in humeri and tibiotarsi after soft tissue removal. Part 2: Pins were placed in tibiotarsi in anesthetized hawks using slow-speed power or hand insertion.
Results —All threaded pins, regardless of pin design, had greater pullout strength than smooth pins in all parts of the study ( P < .0001). The cortices of tibiotarsi were thicker than the cortices of humeri ( P < .0001). There were few differences in pin pullout strengths between threaded pin types within or between bone groups. There were no differences between the pullout strength of pins placed by slow-speed power or by hand.
Conclusions —There is little advantage of one threaded pin type over another in avian humeri and tibiotarsi using currently available pin designs. There were few differences in pin pullout strengths between humeri and tibiotarsi bones. It is possible that the ease of hand insertion in thin cortices minimizes the potential for wobbling and therefore minimizes the difference between slow-speed drill and hand insertion methods.
Clinical Relevance —Threaded pins have superior bone holding strength in avian cortices and may be beneficial for use with external fixation devices in birds.  相似文献   
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